# # Light-weight binding for the Python interpreter # (c) 2010 Andreas Rumpf # Based on 'PythonEngine' module by Dr. Dietmar Budelsky # # #************************************************************************ # # Module: Unit 'PythonEngine' Copyright (c) 1997 # # Version: 3.0 Dr. Dietmar Budelsky # Sub-Version: 0.25 dbudelsky@web.de # Germany # # Morgan Martinet # 4721 rue Brebeuf # H2J 3L2 MONTREAL (QC) # CANADA # e-mail: mmm@free.fr # # look our page at: http://www.multimania.com/marat #************************************************************************ # Functionality: Delphi Components that provide an interface to the # Python language (see python.txt for more infos on # Python itself). # #************************************************************************ # Contributors: # Grzegorz Makarewicz (mak@mikroplan.com.pl) # Andrew Robinson (andy@hps1.demon.co.uk) # Mark Watts(mark_watts@hotmail.com) # Olivier Deckmyn (olivier.deckmyn@mail.dotcom.fr) # Sigve Tjora (public@tjora.no) # Mark Derricutt (mark@talios.com) # Igor E. Poteryaev (jah@mail.ru) # Yuri Filimonov (fil65@mail.ru) # Stefan Hoffmeister (Stefan.Hoffmeister@Econos.de) #************************************************************************ # This source code is distributed with no WARRANTY, for no reason or use. # Everyone is allowed to use and change this code free for his own tasks # and projects, as long as this header and its copyright text is intact. # For changed versions of this code, which are public distributed the # following additional conditions have to be fullfilled: # 1) The header has to contain a comment on the change and the author of # it. # 2) A copy of the changed source has to be sent to the above E-Mail # address or my then valid address, if this is possible to the # author. # The second condition has the target to maintain an up to date central # version of the component. If this condition is not acceptable for # confidential or legal reasons, everyone is free to derive a component # or to generate a diff file to my or other original sources. # Dr. Dietmar Budelsky, 1997-11-17 #************************************************************************ {.deadCodeElim: on.} import dynlib when defined(windows): const dllname = "python(26|25|24|23|22|21|20|16|15).dll" elif defined(macosx): const dllname = "libpython(2.6|2.5|2.4|2.3|2.2|2.1|2.0|1.6|1.5).dylib" else: const dllver = ".1" const dllname = "libpython(2.6|2.5|2.4|2.3|2.2|2.1|2.0|1.6|1.5).so" & dllver const PYT_METHOD_BUFFER_INCREASE* = 10 PYT_MEMBER_BUFFER_INCREASE* = 10 PYT_GETSET_BUFFER_INCREASE* = 10 METH_VARARGS* = 0x0001 METH_KEYWORDS* = 0x0002 # Masks for the co_flags field of PyCodeObject CO_OPTIMIZED* = 0x0001 CO_NEWLOCALS* = 0x0002 CO_VARARGS* = 0x0004 CO_VARKEYWORDS* = 0x0008 type # Rich comparison opcodes introduced in version 2.1 TRichComparisonOpcode* = enum pyLT, pyLE, pyEQ, pyNE, pyGT, pyGE const Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GETCHARBUFFER* = (1 shl 0) # PySequenceMethods contains sq_contains Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_SEQUENCE_IN* = (1 shl 1) # Objects which participate in garbage collection (see objimp.h) Py_TPFLAGS_GC* = (1 shl 2) # PySequenceMethods and PyNumberMethods contain in-place operators Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS* = (1 shl 3) # PyNumberMethods do their own coercion */ Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES* = (1 shl 4) Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_RICHCOMPARE* = (1 shl 5) # Objects which are weakly referencable if their tp_weaklistoffset is >0 # XXX Should this have the same value as Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_RICHCOMPARE? # These both indicate a feature that appeared in the same alpha release. Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_WEAKREFS* = (1 shl 6) # tp_iter is defined Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER* = (1 shl 7) # New members introduced by Python 2.2 exist Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS* = (1 shl 8) # Set if the type object is dynamically allocated Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE* = (1 shl 9) # Set if the type allows subclassing Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE* = (1 shl 10) # Set if the type is 'ready' -- fully initialized Py_TPFLAGS_READY* = (1 shl 12) # Set while the type is being 'readied', to prevent recursive ready calls Py_TPFLAGS_READYING* = (1 shl 13) # Objects support garbage collection (see objimp.h) Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC* = (1 shl 14) Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT* = Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GETCHARBUFFER or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_SEQUENCE_IN or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_RICHCOMPARE or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_WEAKREFS or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS type TPFlag* = enum tpfHaveGetCharBuffer, tpfHaveSequenceIn, tpfGC, tpfHaveInplaceOps, tpfCheckTypes, tpfHaveRichCompare, tpfHaveWeakRefs, tpfHaveIter, tpfHaveClass, tpfHeapType, tpfBaseType, tpfReady, tpfReadying, tpfHaveGC TPFlags* = set[TPFlag] const TPFLAGS_DEFAULT* = {tpfHaveGetCharBuffer, tpfHaveSequenceIn, tpfHaveInplaceOps, tpfHaveRichCompare, tpfHaveWeakRefs, tpfHaveIter, tpfHaveClass} const # Python opcodes single_input* = 256 file_input* = 257 eval_input* = 258 funcdef* = 259 parameters* = 260 varargslist* = 261 fpdef* = 262 fplist* = 263 stmt* = 264 simple_stmt* = 265 small_stmt* = 266 expr_stmt* = 267 augassign* = 268 print_stmt* = 269 del_stmt* = 270 pass_stmt* = 271 flow_stmt* = 272 break_stmt* = 273 continue_stmt* = 274 return_stmt* = 275 raise_stmt* = 276 import_stmt* = 277 import_as_name* = 278 dotted_as_name* = 279 dotted_name* = 280 global_stmt* = 281 exec_stmt* = 282 assert_stmt* = 283 compound_stmt* = 284 if_stmt* = 285 while_stmt* = 286 for_stmt* = 287 try_stmt* = 288 except_clause* = 289 suite* = 290 test* = 291 and_test* = 291 not_test* = 293 comparison* = 294 comp_op* = 295 expr* = 296 xor_expr* = 297 and_expr* = 298 shift_expr* = 299 arith_expr* = 300 term* = 301 factor* = 302 power* = 303 atom* = 304 listmaker* = 305 lambdef* = 306 trailer* = 307 subscriptlist* = 308 subscript* = 309 sliceop* = 310 exprlist* = 311 testlist* = 312 dictmaker* = 313 classdef* = 314 arglist* = 315 argument* = 316 list_iter* = 317 list_for* = 318 list_if* = 319 const T_SHORT* = 0 T_INT* = 1 T_LONG* = 2 T_FLOAT* = 3 T_DOUBLE* = 4 T_STRING* = 5 T_OBJECT* = 6 T_CHAR* = 7 # 1-character string T_BYTE* = 8 # 8-bit signed int T_UBYTE* = 9 T_USHORT* = 10 T_UINT* = 11 T_ULONG* = 12 T_STRING_INPLACE* = 13 T_OBJECT_EX* = 16 READONLY* = 1 RO* = READONLY # Shorthand READ_RESTRICTED* = 2 WRITE_RESTRICTED* = 4 RESTRICTED* = (READ_RESTRICTED or WRITE_RESTRICTED) type TPyMemberType* = enum mtShort, mtInt, mtLong, mtFloat, mtDouble, mtString, mtObject, mtChar, mtByte, mtUByte, mtUShort, mtUInt, mtULong, mtStringInplace, mtObjectEx TPyMemberFlag* = enum mfDefault, mfReadOnly, mfReadRestricted, mfWriteRestricted, mfRestricted type PInt* = ptr int # PLong* = ptr int32 # PFloat* = ptr float32 # PShort* = ptr int8 type PP_frozen* = ptr Pfrozen P_frozen* = ptr Tfrozen PPyObject* = ptr TPyObject PPPyObject* = ptr PPyObject PPPPyObject* = ptr PPPyObject PPyIntObject* = ptr TPyIntObject PPyTypeObject* = ptr TPyTypeObject PPySliceObject* = ptr TPySliceObject TPyCFunction* = proc (self, args: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tunaryfunc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tbinaryfunc* = proc (ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tternaryfunc* = proc (ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tinquiry* = proc (ob1: PPyObject): int{.cdecl.} Tcoercion* = proc (ob1, ob2: PPPyObject): int{.cdecl.} Tintargfunc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, i: int): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tintintargfunc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, i1, i2: int): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tintobjargproc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, i: int, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl.} Tintintobjargproc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, i1, i2: int, ob2: PPyObject): int{. cdecl.} Tobjobjargproc* = proc (ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): int{.cdecl.} Tpydestructor* = proc (ob: PPyObject){.cdecl.} Tprintfunc* = proc (ob: PPyObject, f: TFile, i: int): int{.cdecl.} Tgetattrfunc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, name: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tsetattrfunc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, name: cstring, ob2: PPyObject): int{. cdecl.} Tcmpfunc* = proc (ob1, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl.} Treprfunc* = proc (ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Thashfunc* = proc (ob: PPyObject): int32{.cdecl.} Tgetattrofunc* = proc (ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tsetattrofunc* = proc (ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): int{.cdecl.} Tgetreadbufferproc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, i: int, p: Pointer): int{.cdecl.} Tgetwritebufferproc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, i: int, p: Pointer): int{.cdecl.} Tgetsegcountproc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, i: int): int{.cdecl.} Tgetcharbufferproc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, i: int, pstr: cstring): int{.cdecl.} Tobjobjproc* = proc (ob1, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl.} Tvisitproc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, p: Pointer): int{.cdecl.} Ttraverseproc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject, prc: TVisitproc, p: Pointer): int{. cdecl.} Trichcmpfunc* = proc (ob1, ob2: PPyObject, i: int): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tgetiterfunc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Titernextfunc* = proc (ob1: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tdescrgetfunc* = proc (ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tdescrsetfunc* = proc (ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): int{.cdecl.} Tinitproc* = proc (self, args, kwds: PPyObject): int{.cdecl.} Tnewfunc* = proc (subtype: PPyTypeObject, args, kwds: PPyObject): PPyObject{. cdecl.} Tallocfunc* = proc (self: PPyTypeObject, nitems: int): PPyObject{.cdecl.} TPyNumberMethods*{.final.} = object nb_add*: Tbinaryfunc nb_substract*: Tbinaryfunc nb_multiply*: Tbinaryfunc nb_divide*: Tbinaryfunc nb_remainder*: Tbinaryfunc nb_divmod*: Tbinaryfunc nb_power*: Tternaryfunc nb_negative*: Tunaryfunc nb_positive*: Tunaryfunc nb_absolute*: Tunaryfunc nb_nonzero*: Tinquiry nb_invert*: Tunaryfunc nb_lshift*: Tbinaryfunc nb_rshift*: Tbinaryfunc nb_and*: Tbinaryfunc nb_xor*: Tbinaryfunc nb_or*: Tbinaryfunc nb_coerce*: Tcoercion nb_int*: Tunaryfunc nb_long*: Tunaryfunc nb_float*: Tunaryfunc nb_oct*: Tunaryfunc nb_hex*: Tunaryfunc #/ jah 29-sep-2000: updated for python 2.0 #/ added from .h nb_inplace_add*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_subtract*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_multiply*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_divide*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_remainder*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_power*: Tternaryfunc nb_inplace_lshift*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_rshift*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_and*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_xor*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_or*: Tbinaryfunc # Added in release 2.2 # The following require the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS flag nb_floor_divide*: Tbinaryfunc nb_true_divide*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_floor_divide*: Tbinaryfunc nb_inplace_true_divide*: Tbinaryfunc PPyNumberMethods* = ptr TPyNumberMethods TPySequenceMethods*{.final.} = object sq_length*: Tinquiry sq_concat*: Tbinaryfunc sq_repeat*: Tintargfunc sq_item*: Tintargfunc sq_slice*: Tintintargfunc sq_ass_item*: Tintobjargproc sq_ass_slice*: Tintintobjargproc sq_contains*: Tobjobjproc sq_inplace_concat*: Tbinaryfunc sq_inplace_repeat*: Tintargfunc PPySequenceMethods* = ptr TPySequenceMethods TPyMappingMethods*{.final.} = object mp_length*: Tinquiry mp_subscript*: Tbinaryfunc mp_ass_subscript*: Tobjobjargproc PPyMappingMethods* = ptr TPyMappingMethods TPyBufferProcs*{.final.} = object bf_getreadbuffer*: Tgetreadbufferproc bf_getwritebuffer*: Tgetwritebufferproc bf_getsegcount*: Tgetsegcountproc bf_getcharbuffer*: Tgetcharbufferproc PPyBufferProcs* = ptr TPyBufferProcs TPy_complex*{.final.} = object float*: float64 imag*: float64 TPyObject*{.pure.} = object ob_refcnt*: int ob_type*: PPyTypeObject TPyIntObject* = object of TPyObject ob_ival*: int32 PByte* = ptr int8 Tfrozen*{.final.} = object name*: cstring code*: PByte size*: int TPySliceObject* = object of TPyObject start*, stop*, step*: PPyObject PPyMethodDef* = ptr TPyMethodDef TPyMethodDef*{.final.} = object # structmember.h ml_name*: cstring ml_meth*: TPyCFunction ml_flags*: int ml_doc*: cstring PPyMemberDef* = ptr TPyMemberDef TPyMemberDef*{.final.} = object # descrobject.h # Descriptors name*: cstring theType*: int offset*: int flags*: int doc*: cstring Tgetter* = proc (obj: PPyObject, context: Pointer): PPyObject{.cdecl.} Tsetter* = proc (obj, value: PPyObject, context: Pointer): int{.cdecl.} PPyGetSetDef* = ptr TPyGetSetDef TPyGetSetDef*{.final.} = object name*: cstring get*: Tgetter setter*: Tsetter doc*: cstring closure*: Pointer Twrapperfunc* = proc (self, args: PPyObject, wrapped: Pointer): PPyObject{. cdecl.} pwrapperbase* = ptr Twrapperbase Twrapperbase*{.final.} = object # Various kinds of descriptor objects ##define PyDescr_COMMON \ # PyObject_HEAD \ # PyTypeObject *d_type; \ # PyObject *d_name # name*: cstring wrapper*: Twrapperfunc doc*: cstring PPyDescrObject* = ptr TPyDescrObject TPyDescrObject* = object of TPyObject d_type*: PPyTypeObject d_name*: PPyObject PPyMethodDescrObject* = ptr TPyMethodDescrObject TPyMethodDescrObject* = object of TPyDescrObject d_method*: PPyMethodDef PPyMemberDescrObject* = ptr TPyMemberDescrObject TPyMemberDescrObject* = object of TPyDescrObject d_member*: PPyMemberDef PPyGetSetDescrObject* = ptr TPyGetSetDescrObject TPyGetSetDescrObject* = object of TPyDescrObject d_getset*: PPyGetSetDef PPyWrapperDescrObject* = ptr TPyWrapperDescrObject TPyWrapperDescrObject* = object of TPyDescrObject # object.h d_base*: pwrapperbase d_wrapped*: Pointer # This can be any function pointer TPyTypeObject* = object of TPyObject ob_size*: int # Number of items in variable part tp_name*: cstring # For printing tp_basicsize*, tp_itemsize*: int # For allocation # Methods to implement standard operations tp_dealloc*: Tpydestructor tp_print*: Tprintfunc tp_getattr*: Tgetattrfunc tp_setattr*: Tsetattrfunc tp_compare*: Tcmpfunc tp_repr*: Treprfunc # Method suites for standard classes tp_as_number*: PPyNumberMethods tp_as_sequence*: PPySequenceMethods tp_as_mapping*: PPyMappingMethods # More standard operations (here for binary compatibility) tp_hash*: Thashfunc tp_call*: Tternaryfunc tp_str*: Treprfunc tp_getattro*: Tgetattrofunc tp_setattro*: Tsetattrofunc #/ jah 29-sep-2000: updated for python 2.0 # Functions to access object as input/output buffer tp_as_buffer*: PPyBufferProcs # Flags to define presence of optional/expanded features tp_flags*: int32 tp_doc*: cstring # Documentation string # call function for all accessible objects tp_traverse*: Ttraverseproc # delete references to contained objects tp_clear*: Tinquiry # rich comparisons tp_richcompare*: Trichcmpfunc # weak reference enabler tp_weaklistoffset*: int32 # Iterators tp_iter*: Tgetiterfunc tp_iternext*: Titernextfunc # Attribute descriptor and subclassing stuff tp_methods*: PPyMethodDef tp_members*: PPyMemberDef tp_getset*: PPyGetSetDef tp_base*: PPyTypeObject tp_dict*: PPyObject tp_descr_get*: Tdescrgetfunc tp_descr_set*: Tdescrsetfunc tp_dictoffset*: int32 tp_init*: Tinitproc tp_alloc*: Tallocfunc tp_new*: Tnewfunc tp_free*: Tpydestructor # Low-level free-memory routine tp_is_gc*: Tinquiry # For PyObject_IS_GC tp_bases*: PPyObject tp_mro*: PPyObject # method resolution order tp_cache*: PPyObject tp_subclasses*: PPyObject tp_weaklist*: PPyObject #More spares tp_xxx7*: pointer tp_xxx8*: pointer PPyMethodChain* = ptr TPyMethodChain TPyMethodChain*{.final.} = object methods*: PPyMethodDef link*: PPyMethodChain PPyClassObject* = ptr TPyClassObject TPyClassObject* = object of TPyObject cl_bases*: PPyObject # A tuple of class objects cl_dict*: PPyObject # A dictionary cl_name*: PPyObject # A string # The following three are functions or NULL cl_getattr*: PPyObject cl_setattr*: PPyObject cl_delattr*: PPyObject PPyInstanceObject* = ptr TPyInstanceObject TPyInstanceObject* = object of TPyObject in_class*: PPyClassObject # The class object in_dict*: PPyObject # A dictionary PPyMethodObject* = ptr TPyMethodObject TPyMethodObject* = object of TPyObject # Bytecode object, compile.h im_func*: PPyObject # The function implementing the method im_self*: PPyObject # The instance it is bound to, or NULL im_class*: PPyObject # The class that defined the method PPyCodeObject* = ptr TPyCodeObject TPyCodeObject* = object of TPyObject # from pystate.h co_argcount*: int # #arguments, except *args co_nlocals*: int # #local variables co_stacksize*: int # #entries needed for evaluation stack co_flags*: int # CO_..., see below co_code*: PPyObject # instruction opcodes (it hides a PyStringObject) co_consts*: PPyObject # list (constants used) co_names*: PPyObject # list of strings (names used) co_varnames*: PPyObject # tuple of strings (local variable names) co_freevars*: PPyObject # tuple of strings (free variable names) co_cellvars*: PPyObject # tuple of strings (cell variable names) # The rest doesn't count for hash/cmp co_filename*: PPyObject # string (where it was loaded from) co_name*: PPyObject # string (name, for reference) co_firstlineno*: int # first source line number co_lnotab*: PPyObject # string (encoding addr<->lineno mapping) PPyInterpreterState* = ptr TPyInterpreterState PPyThreadState* = ptr TPyThreadState PPyFrameObject* = ptr TPyFrameObject # Interpreter environments TPyInterpreterState*{.final.} = object # Thread specific information next*: PPyInterpreterState tstate_head*: PPyThreadState modules*: PPyObject sysdict*: PPyObject builtins*: PPyObject checkinterval*: int TPyThreadState*{.final.} = object # from frameobject.h next*: PPyThreadState interp*: PPyInterpreterState frame*: PPyFrameObject recursion_depth*: int ticker*: int tracing*: int sys_profilefunc*: PPyObject sys_tracefunc*: PPyObject curexc_type*: PPyObject curexc_value*: PPyObject curexc_traceback*: PPyObject exc_type*: PPyObject exc_value*: PPyObject exc_traceback*: PPyObject dict*: PPyObject PPyTryBlock* = ptr TPyTryBlock TPyTryBlock*{.final.} = object b_type*: int # what kind of block this is b_handler*: int # where to jump to find handler b_level*: int # value stack level to pop to CO_MAXBLOCKS* = range[0..19] TPyFrameObject* = object of TPyObject # start of the VAR_HEAD of an object # From traceback.c ob_size*: int # Number of items in variable part # End of the Head of an object f_back*: PPyFrameObject # previous frame, or NULL f_code*: PPyCodeObject # code segment f_builtins*: PPyObject # builtin symbol table (PyDictObject) f_globals*: PPyObject # global symbol table (PyDictObject) f_locals*: PPyObject # local symbol table (PyDictObject) f_valuestack*: PPPyObject # points after the last local # Next free slot in f_valuestack. Frame creation sets to f_valuestack. # Frame evaluation usually NULLs it, but a frame that yields sets it # to the current stack top. f_stacktop*: PPPyObject f_trace*: PPyObject # Trace function f_exc_type*, f_exc_value*, f_exc_traceback*: PPyObject f_tstate*: PPyThreadState f_lasti*: int # Last instruction if called f_lineno*: int # Current line number f_restricted*: int # Flag set if restricted operations # in this scope f_iblock*: int # index in f_blockstack f_blockstack*: array[CO_MAXBLOCKS, TPyTryBlock] # for try and loop blocks f_nlocals*: int # number of locals f_ncells*: int f_nfreevars*: int f_stacksize*: int # size of value stack f_localsplus*: array[0..0, PPyObject] # locals+stack, dynamically sized PPyTraceBackObject* = ptr TPyTraceBackObject TPyTraceBackObject* = object of TPyObject # Parse tree node interface tb_next*: PPyTraceBackObject tb_frame*: PPyFrameObject tb_lasti*: int tb_lineno*: int PNode* = ptr Tnode Tnode*{.final.} = object # From weakrefobject.h n_type*: int16 n_str*: cstring n_lineno*: int16 n_nchildren*: int16 n_child*: PNode PPyWeakReference* = ptr TPyWeakReference TPyWeakReference* = object of TPyObject wr_object*: PPyObject wr_callback*: PPyObject hash*: int32 wr_prev*: PPyWeakReference wr_next*: PPyWeakReference const PyDateTime_DATE_DATASIZE* = 4 # # of bytes for year, month, and day PyDateTime_TIME_DATASIZE* = 6 # # of bytes for hour, minute, second, and usecond PyDateTime_DATETIME_DATASIZE* = 10 # # of bytes for year, month, # day, hour, minute, second, and usecond. type TPyDateTime_Delta* = object of TPyObject hashcode*: int # -1 when unknown days*: int # -MAX_DELTA_DAYS <= days <= MAX_DELTA_DAYS seconds*: int # 0 <= seconds < 24*3600 is invariant microseconds*: int # 0 <= microseconds < 1000000 is invariant PPyDateTime_Delta* = ptr TPyDateTime_Delta TPyDateTime_TZInfo* = object of TPyObject # a pure abstract base clase PPyDateTime_TZInfo* = ptr TPyDateTime_TZInfo TPyDateTime_BaseTZInfo* = object of TPyObject hashcode*: int hastzinfo*: bool # boolean flag PPyDateTime_BaseTZInfo* = ptr TPyDateTime_BaseTZInfo TPyDateTime_BaseTime* = object of TPyDateTime_BaseTZInfo data*: array[0..Pred(PyDateTime_TIME_DATASIZE), int8] PPyDateTime_BaseTime* = ptr TPyDateTime_BaseTime TPyDateTime_Time* = object of TPyDateTime_BaseTime # hastzinfo true tzinfo*: PPyObject PPyDateTime_Time* = ptr TPyDateTime_Time TPyDateTime_Date* = object of TPyDateTime_BaseTZInfo data*: array[0..Pred(PyDateTime_DATE_DATASIZE), int8] PPyDateTime_Date* = ptr TPyDateTime_Date TPyDateTime_BaseDateTime* = object of TPyDateTime_BaseTZInfo data*: array[0..Pred(PyDateTime_DATETIME_DATASIZE), int8] PPyDateTime_BaseDateTime* = ptr TPyDateTime_BaseDateTime TPyDateTime_DateTime* = object of TPyDateTime_BaseTZInfo data*: array[0..Pred(PyDateTime_DATETIME_DATASIZE), int8] tzinfo*: PPyObject PPyDateTime_DateTime* = ptr TPyDateTime_DateTime #----------------------------------------------------# # # # New exception classes # # # #----------------------------------------------------# # # // Python's exceptions # EPythonError = object(Exception) # EName: String; # EValue: String; # end; # EPyExecError = object(EPythonError) # end; # # // Standard exception classes of Python # #/// jah 29-sep-2000: updated for python 2.0 #/// base classes updated according python documentation # #{ Hierarchy of Python exceptions, Python 2.3, copied from <INSTALL>\Python\exceptions.c # #Exception\n\ # |\n\ # +-- SystemExit\n\ # +-- StopIteration\n\ # +-- StandardError\n\ # | |\n\ # | +-- KeyboardInterrupt\n\ # | +-- ImportError\n\ # | +-- EnvironmentError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- IOError\n\ # | | +-- OSError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- WindowsError\n\ # | | +-- VMSError\n\ # | |\n\ # | +-- EOFError\n\ # | +-- RuntimeError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- NotImplementedError\n\ # | |\n\ # | +-- NameError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- UnboundLocalError\n\ # | |\n\ # | +-- AttributeError\n\ # | +-- SyntaxError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- IndentationError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- TabError\n\ # | |\n\ # | +-- TypeError\n\ # | +-- AssertionError\n\ # | +-- LookupError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- IndexError\n\ # | | +-- KeyError\n\ # | |\n\ # | +-- ArithmeticError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- OverflowError\n\ # | | +-- ZeroDivisionError\n\ # | | +-- FloatingPointError\n\ # | |\n\ # | +-- ValueError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- UnicodeError\n\ # | | |\n\ # | | +-- UnicodeEncodeError\n\ # | | +-- UnicodeDecodeError\n\ # | | +-- UnicodeTranslateError\n\ # | |\n\ # | +-- ReferenceError\n\ # | +-- SystemError\n\ # | +-- MemoryError\n\ # |\n\ # +---Warning\n\ # |\n\ # +-- UserWarning\n\ # +-- DeprecationWarning\n\ # +-- PendingDeprecationWarning\n\ # +-- SyntaxWarning\n\ # +-- OverflowWarning\n\ # +-- RuntimeWarning\n\ # +-- FutureWarning" #} # EPyException = class (EPythonError); # EPyStandardError = class (EPyException); # EPyArithmeticError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyLookupError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyAssertionError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyAttributeError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyEOFError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyFloatingPointError = class (EPyArithmeticError); # EPyEnvironmentError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyIOError = class (EPyEnvironmentError); # EPyOSError = class (EPyEnvironmentError); # EPyImportError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyIndexError = class (EPyLookupError); # EPyKeyError = class (EPyLookupError); # EPyKeyboardInterrupt = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyMemoryError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyNameError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyOverflowError = class (EPyArithmeticError); # EPyRuntimeError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyNotImplementedError = class (EPyRuntimeError); # EPySyntaxError = class (EPyStandardError) # public # EFileName: string; # ELineStr: string; # ELineNumber: Integer; # EOffset: Integer; # end; # EPyIndentationError = class (EPySyntaxError); # EPyTabError = class (EPyIndentationError); # EPySystemError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPySystemExit = class (EPyException); # EPyTypeError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyUnboundLocalError = class (EPyNameError); # EPyValueError = class (EPyStandardError); # EPyUnicodeError = class (EPyValueError); # UnicodeEncodeError = class (EPyUnicodeError); # UnicodeDecodeError = class (EPyUnicodeError); # UnicodeTranslateError = class (EPyUnicodeError); # EPyZeroDivisionError = class (EPyArithmeticError); # EPyStopIteration = class(EPyException); # EPyWarning = class (EPyException); # EPyUserWarning = class (EPyWarning); # EPyDeprecationWarning = class (EPyWarning); # PendingDeprecationWarning = class (EPyWarning); # FutureWarning = class (EPyWarning); # EPySyntaxWarning = class (EPyWarning); # EPyOverflowWarning = class (EPyWarning); # EPyRuntimeWarning = class (EPyWarning); # EPyReferenceError = class (EPyStandardError); # var PyArg_Parse*: proc (args: PPyObject, format: cstring): int{.cdecl, varargs.} PyArg_ParseTuple*: proc (args: PPyObject, format: cstring, x1: Pointer = nil, x2: Pointer = nil, x3: Pointer = nil): int{.cdecl, varargs.} Py_BuildValue*: proc (format: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, varargs.} PyCode_Addr2Line*: proc (co: PPyCodeObject, addrq: int): int{.cdecl.} DLL_Py_GetBuildInfo*: proc (): cstring{.cdecl.} var Py_DebugFlag*: PInt Py_VerboseFlag*: PInt Py_InteractiveFlag*: PInt Py_OptimizeFlag*: PInt Py_NoSiteFlag*: PInt Py_UseClassExceptionsFlag*: PInt Py_FrozenFlag*: PInt Py_TabcheckFlag*: PInt Py_UnicodeFlag*: PInt Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag*: PInt Py_DivisionWarningFlag*: PInt #_PySys_TraceFunc: PPPyObject; #_PySys_ProfileFunc: PPPPyObject; PyImport_FrozenModules*: PP_frozen Py_None*: PPyObject Py_Ellipsis*: PPyObject Py_False*: PPyIntObject Py_True*: PPyIntObject Py_NotImplemented*: PPyObject PyExc_AttributeError*: PPPyObject PyExc_EOFError*: PPPyObject PyExc_IOError*: PPPyObject PyExc_ImportError*: PPPyObject PyExc_IndexError*: PPPyObject PyExc_KeyError*: PPPyObject PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt*: PPPyObject PyExc_MemoryError*: PPPyObject PyExc_NameError*: PPPyObject PyExc_OverflowError*: PPPyObject PyExc_RuntimeError*: PPPyObject PyExc_SyntaxError*: PPPyObject PyExc_SystemError*: PPPyObject PyExc_SystemExit*: PPPyObject PyExc_TypeError*: PPPyObject PyExc_ValueError*: PPPyObject PyExc_ZeroDivisionError*: PPPyObject PyExc_ArithmeticError*: PPPyObject PyExc_Exception*: PPPyObject PyExc_FloatingPointError*: PPPyObject PyExc_LookupError*: PPPyObject PyExc_StandardError*: PPPyObject PyExc_AssertionError*: PPPyObject PyExc_EnvironmentError*: PPPyObject PyExc_IndentationError*: PPPyObject PyExc_MemoryErrorInst*: PPPyObject PyExc_NotImplementedError*: PPPyObject PyExc_OSError*: PPPyObject PyExc_TabError*: PPPyObject PyExc_UnboundLocalError*: PPPyObject PyExc_UnicodeError*: PPPyObject PyExc_Warning*: PPPyObject PyExc_DeprecationWarning*: PPPyObject PyExc_RuntimeWarning*: PPPyObject PyExc_SyntaxWarning*: PPPyObject PyExc_UserWarning*: PPPyObject PyExc_OverflowWarning*: PPPyObject PyExc_ReferenceError*: PPPyObject PyExc_StopIteration*: PPPyObject PyExc_FutureWarning*: PPPyObject PyExc_PendingDeprecationWarning*: PPPyObject PyExc_UnicodeDecodeError*: PPPyObject PyExc_UnicodeEncodeError*: PPPyObject PyExc_UnicodeTranslateError*: PPPyObject PyType_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyCFunction_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyCObject_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyClass_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyCode_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyComplex_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyDict_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyFile_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyFloat_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyFrame_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyFunction_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyInstance_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyInt_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyList_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyLong_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyMethod_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyModule_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyObject_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyRange_Type*: PPyTypeObject PySlice_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyString_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyTuple_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyBaseObject_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyBuffer_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyCallIter_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyCell_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyClassMethod_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyProperty_Type*: PPyTypeObject PySeqIter_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyStaticMethod_Type*: PPyTypeObject PySuper_Type*: PPyTypeObject PySymtableEntry_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyTraceBack_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyUnicode_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyWrapperDescr_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyBaseString_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyBool_Type*: PPyTypeObject PyEnum_Type*: PPyTypeObject #PyArg_GetObject: proc(args: PPyObject; nargs, i: integer; p_a: PPPyObject): integer; cdecl; #PyArg_GetLong: proc(args: PPyObject; nargs, i: integer; p_a: PLong): integer; cdecl; #PyArg_GetShort: proc(args: PPyObject; nargs, i: integer; p_a: PShort): integer; cdecl; #PyArg_GetFloat: proc(args: PPyObject; nargs, i: integer; p_a: PFloat): integer; cdecl; #PyArg_GetString: proc(args: PPyObject; nargs, i: integer; p_a: PString): integer; cdecl; #PyArgs_VaParse: proc (args: PPyObject; format: PChar; # va_list: array of const): integer; cdecl; # Does not work! # Py_VaBuildValue: proc (format: PChar; va_list: array of const): PPyObject; cdecl; #PyBuiltin_Init: proc; cdecl; proc PyComplex_FromCComplex*(c: TPy_complex): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyComplex_FromDoubles*(realv, imag: float64): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyComplex_RealAsDouble*(op: PPyObject): float64{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyComplex_ImagAsDouble*(op: PPyObject): float64{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyComplex_AsCComplex*(op: PPyObject): TPy_complex{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyCFunction_GetFunction*(ob: PPyObject): Pointer{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyCFunction_GetSelf*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyCallable_Check*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyCObject_FromVoidPtr*(cobj, destruct: Pointer): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyCObject_AsVoidPtr*(ob: PPyObject): Pointer{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyClass_New*(ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyClass_IsSubclass*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc Py_InitModule4*(name: cstring, methods: PPyMethodDef, doc: cstring, passthrough: PPyObject, Api_Version: int): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_BadArgument*(): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_BadInternalCall*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_CheckSignals*(): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_Clear*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_Fetch*(errtype, errvalue, errtraceback: PPPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_NoMemory*(): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_Occurred*(): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_Print*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_Restore*(errtype, errvalue, errtraceback: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_SetFromErrno*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_SetNone*(value: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_SetObject*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyErr_SetString*(ErrorObject: PPyObject, text: cstring){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyImport_GetModuleDict*(): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyInt_FromLong*(x: int32): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc Py_Initialize*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc Py_Exit*(RetVal: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyEval_GetBuiltins*(): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_GetItem*(mp, key: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_SetItem*(mp, key, item: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_DelItem*(mp, key: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_Clear*(mp: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_Next*(mp: PPyObject, pos: PInt, key, value: PPPyObject): int{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_Keys*(mp: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_Values*(mp: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_Items*(mp: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_Size*(mp: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_DelItemString*(dp: PPyObject, key: cstring): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_New*(): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_GetItemString*(dp: PPyObject, key: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDict_SetItemString*(dp: PPyObject, key: cstring, item: PPyObject): int{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyDictProxy_New*(obj: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyModule_GetDict*(module: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyObject_Str*(v: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyRun_String*(str: cstring, start: int, globals: PPyObject, locals: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyRun_SimpleString*(str: cstring): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyString_AsString*(ob: PPyObject): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyString_FromString*(str: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PySys_SetArgv*(argc: int, argv: cstringArray){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ means, Grzegorz or me has tested his non object version of this function #+ proc PyCFunction_New*(md: PPyMethodDef, ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyEval_CallObject*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords*(ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyEval_GetFrame*(): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyEval_GetGlobals*(): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyEval_GetLocals*(): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyEval_GetOwner*(): PPyObject {.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyEval_GetRestricted*(): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyEval_InitThreads*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyEval_RestoreThread*(tstate: PPyThreadState){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyEval_SaveThread*(): PPyThreadState{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFile_FromString*(pc1, pc2: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFile_GetLine*(ob: PPyObject, i: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFile_Name*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFile_SetBufSize*(ob: PPyObject, i: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFile_SoftSpace*(ob: PPyObject, i: int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFile_WriteObject*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject, i: int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFile_WriteString*(s: cstring, ob: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyFloat_AsDouble*(ob: PPyObject): float64{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyFloat_FromDouble*(db: float64): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFunction_GetCode*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFunction_GetGlobals*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyFunction_New*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyImport_AddModule*(name: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyImport_Cleanup*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyImport_GetMagicNumber*(): int32{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyImport_ImportFrozenModule*(key: cstring): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyImport_ImportModule*(name: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyImport_Import*(name: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyImport_Init*() {.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyImport_ReloadModule*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyInstance_New*(obClass, obArg, obKW: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyInt_AsLong*(ob: PPyObject): int32{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyList_Append*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyList_AsTuple*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyList_GetItem*(ob: PPyObject, i: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyList_GetSlice*(ob: PPyObject, i1, i2: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyList_Insert*(dp: PPyObject, idx: int, item: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyList_New*(size: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyList_Reverse*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyList_SetItem*(dp: PPyObject, idx: int, item: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyList_SetSlice*(ob: PPyObject, i1, i2: int, ob2: PPyObject): int{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyList_Size*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyList_Sort*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyLong_AsDouble*(ob: PPyObject): float64{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyLong_AsLong*(ob: PPyObject): int32{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyLong_FromDouble*(db: float64): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyLong_FromLong*(L: int32): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyLong_FromString*(pc: cstring, ppc: var cstring, i: int): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyLong_FromUnsignedLong*(val: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyLong_AsUnsignedLong*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyLong_FromUnicode*(ob: PPyObject, a, b: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyLong_FromLongLong*(val: Int64): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyLong_AsLongLong*(ob: PPyObject): Int64{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMapping_Check*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMapping_GetItemString*(ob: PPyObject, key: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMapping_HasKey*(ob, key: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMapping_HasKeyString*(ob: PPyObject, key: cstring): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMapping_Length*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMapping_SetItemString*(ob: PPyObject, key: cstring, value: PPyObject): int{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMethod_Class*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMethod_Function*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMethod_New*(ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyMethod_Self*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyModule_GetName*(ob: PPyObject): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyModule_New*(key: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Absolute*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Add*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_And*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Check*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Coerce*(ob1, ob2: var PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Divide*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_FloorDivide*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_TrueDivide*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Divmod*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Float*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Int*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Invert*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Long*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Lshift*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Multiply*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Negative*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Or*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Positive*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Power*(ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Remainder*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Rshift*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Subtract*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNumber_Xor*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyOS_InitInterrupts*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyOS_InterruptOccurred*(): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_CallObject*(ob, args: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_Compare*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_GetAttr*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyObject_GetAttrString*(ob: PPyObject, c: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_GetItem*(ob, key: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_DelItem*(ob, key: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_HasAttrString*(ob: PPyObject, key: cstring): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_Hash*(ob: PPyObject): int32{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_IsTrue*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_Length*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_Repr*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_SetAttr*(ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_SetAttrString*(ob: PPyObject, key: cstring, value: PPyObject): int{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_SetItem*(ob1, ob2, ob3: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_Init*(ob: PPyObject, t: PPyTypeObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_InitVar*(ob: PPyObject, t: PPyTypeObject, size: int): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_New*(t: PPyTypeObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_NewVar*(t: PPyTypeObject, size: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyObject_Free*(ob: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_IsInstance*(inst, cls: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_IsSubclass*(derived, cls: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyObject_GenericGetAttr*(obj, name: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyObject_GenericSetAttr*(obj, name, value: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_GC_Malloc*(size: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_GC_New*(t: PPyTypeObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_GC_NewVar*(t: PPyTypeObject, size: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_GC_Resize*(t: PPyObject, newsize: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_GC_Del*(ob: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_GC_Track*(ob: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyObject_GC_UnTrack*(ob: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyRange_New*(l1, l2, l3: int32, i: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_Check*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_Concat*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_Count*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_GetItem*(ob: PPyObject, i: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_GetSlice*(ob: PPyObject, i1, i2: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_In*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_Index*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_Length*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_Repeat*(ob: PPyObject, count: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_SetItem*(ob: PPyObject, i: int, value: PPyObject): int{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_SetSlice*(ob: PPyObject, i1, i2: int, value: PPyObject): int{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_DelSlice*(ob: PPyObject, i1, i2: int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_Tuple*(ob: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySequence_Contains*(ob, value: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySlice_GetIndices*(ob: PPySliceObject, len: int, start, stop, step: var int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySlice_GetIndicesEx*(ob: PPySliceObject, len: int, start, stop, step, slicelength: var int): int{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySlice_New*(start, stop, step: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyString_Concat*(ob1: var PPyObject, ob2: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyString_ConcatAndDel*(ob1: var PPyObject, ob2: PPyObject){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyString_Format*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyString_FromStringAndSize*(s: cstring, i: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyString_Size*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyString_DecodeEscape*(s: cstring, length: int, errors: cstring, unicode: int, recode_encoding: cstring): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyString_Repr*(ob: PPyObject, smartquotes: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PySys_GetObject*(s: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- #PySys_Init:procedure; cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname; #- proc PySys_SetObject*(s: cstring, ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PySys_SetPath*(path: cstring){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- #PyTraceBack_Fetch:function:PPyObject; cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname; #- proc PyTraceBack_Here*(p: pointer): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyTraceBack_Print*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- #PyTraceBack_Store:function (ob:PPyObject):integer; cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname; #+ proc PyTuple_GetItem*(ob: PPyObject, i: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyTuple_GetSlice*(ob: PPyObject, i1, i2: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyTuple_New*(size: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyTuple_SetItem*(ob: PPyObject, key: int, value: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyTuple_Size*(ob: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyType_IsSubtype*(a, b: PPyTypeObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyType_GenericAlloc*(atype: PPyTypeObject, nitems: int): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyType_GenericNew*(atype: PPyTypeObject, args, kwds: PPyObject): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyType_Ready*(atype: PPyTypeObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyUnicode_FromWideChar*(w: pointer, size: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc PyUnicode_AsWideChar*(unicode: PPyObject, w: pointer, size: int): int{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyUnicode_FromOrdinal*(ordinal: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyWeakref_GetObject*(theRef: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyWeakref_NewProxy*(ob, callback: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyWeakref_NewRef*(ob, callback: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyWrapper_New*(ob1, ob2: PPyObject): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyBool_FromLong*(ok: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc Py_AtExit*(prc: proc ()): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- #Py_Cleanup:procedure; cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname; #- proc Py_CompileString*(s1, s2: cstring, i: int): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc Py_FatalError*(s: cstring){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc Py_FindMethod*(md: PPyMethodDef, ob: PPyObject, key: cstring): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc Py_FindMethodInChain*(mc: PPyMethodChain, ob: PPyObject, key: cstring): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc Py_FlushLine*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc Py_Finalize*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyErr_ExceptionMatches*(exc: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches*(raised_exc, exc: PPyObject): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyEval_EvalCode*(co: PPyCodeObject, globals, locals: PPyObject): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc Py_GetVersion*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc Py_GetCopyright*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc Py_GetExecPrefix*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc Py_GetPath*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc Py_GetPrefix*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #+ proc Py_GetProgramName*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyParser_SimpleParseString*(str: cstring, start: int): PNode{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyNode_Free*(n: PNode){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc PyErr_NewException*(name: cstring, base, dict: PPyObject): PPyObject{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #- proc Py_Malloc*(size: int): Pointer {.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyMem_Malloc*(size: int): Pointer {.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyObject_CallMethod*(obj: PPyObject, theMethod, format: cstring): PPyObject{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc Py_SetProgramName*(name: cstring){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc Py_IsInitialized*(): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc Py_GetProgramFullPath*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc Py_NewInterpreter*(): PPyThreadState{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc Py_EndInterpreter*(tstate: PPyThreadState){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyEval_AcquireLock*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyEval_ReleaseLock*(){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyEval_AcquireThread*(tstate: PPyThreadState){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyEval_ReleaseThread*(tstate: PPyThreadState){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyInterpreterState_New*(): PPyInterpreterState{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyInterpreterState_Clear*(interp: PPyInterpreterState){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyInterpreterState_Delete*(interp: PPyInterpreterState){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyThreadState_New*(interp: PPyInterpreterState): PPyThreadState{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyThreadState_Clear*(tstate: PPyThreadState){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyThreadState_Delete*(tstate: PPyThreadState){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyThreadState_Get*(): PPyThreadState{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} proc PyThreadState_Swap*(tstate: PPyThreadState): PPyThreadState{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: dllname.} #Further exported Objects, may be implemented later # # PyCode_New: Pointer; # PyErr_SetInterrupt: Pointer; # PyFile_AsFile: Pointer; # PyFile_FromFile: Pointer; # PyFloat_AsString: Pointer; # PyFrame_BlockPop: Pointer; # PyFrame_BlockSetup: Pointer; # PyFrame_ExtendStack: Pointer; # PyFrame_FastToLocals: Pointer; # PyFrame_LocalsToFast: Pointer; # PyFrame_New: Pointer; # PyGrammar_AddAccelerators: Pointer; # PyGrammar_FindDFA: Pointer; # PyGrammar_LabelRepr: Pointer; # PyInstance_DoBinOp: Pointer; # PyInt_GetMax: Pointer; # PyMarshal_Init: Pointer; # PyMarshal_ReadLongFromFile: Pointer; # PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromFile: Pointer; # PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromString: Pointer; # PyMarshal_WriteLongToFile: Pointer; # PyMarshal_WriteObjectToFile: Pointer; # PyMember_Get: Pointer; # PyMember_Set: Pointer; # PyNode_AddChild: Pointer; # PyNode_Compile: Pointer; # PyNode_New: Pointer; # PyOS_GetLastModificationTime: Pointer; # PyOS_Readline: Pointer; # PyOS_strtol: Pointer; # PyOS_strtoul: Pointer; # PyObject_CallFunction: Pointer; # PyObject_CallMethod: Pointer; # PyObject_Print: Pointer; # PyParser_AddToken: Pointer; # PyParser_Delete: Pointer; # PyParser_New: Pointer; # PyParser_ParseFile: Pointer; # PyParser_ParseString: Pointer; # PyParser_SimpleParseFile: Pointer; # PyRun_AnyFile: Pointer; # PyRun_File: Pointer; # PyRun_InteractiveLoop: Pointer; # PyRun_InteractiveOne: Pointer; # PyRun_SimpleFile: Pointer; # PySys_GetFile: Pointer; # PyToken_OneChar: Pointer; # PyToken_TwoChars: Pointer; # PyTokenizer_Free: Pointer; # PyTokenizer_FromFile: Pointer; # PyTokenizer_FromString: Pointer; # PyTokenizer_Get: Pointer; # Py_Main: Pointer; # _PyObject_NewVar: Pointer; # _PyParser_Grammar: Pointer; # _PyParser_TokenNames: Pointer; # _PyThread_Started: Pointer; # _Py_c_diff: Pointer; # _Py_c_neg: Pointer; # _Py_c_pow: Pointer; # _Py_c_prod: Pointer; # _Py_c_quot: Pointer; # _Py_c_sum: Pointer; # # This function handles all cardinals, pointer types (with no adjustment of pointers!) # (Extended) floats, which are handled as Python doubles and currencies, handled # as (normalized) Python doubles. proc PyImport_ExecCodeModule*(name: String, codeobject: PPyObject): PPyObject proc PyString_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyString_CheckExact*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyFloat_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyFloat_CheckExact*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyInt_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyInt_CheckExact*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyLong_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyLong_CheckExact*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyTuple_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyTuple_CheckExact*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyInstance_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyClass_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyMethod_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyList_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyList_CheckExact*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyDict_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyDict_CheckExact*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyModule_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyModule_CheckExact*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PySlice_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyFunction_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyUnicode_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyUnicode_CheckExact*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyType_IS_GC*(t: PPyTypeObject): bool proc PyObject_IS_GC*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyBool_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyBaseString_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyEnum_Check*(obj: PPyObject): bool proc PyObject_TypeCheck*(obj: PPyObject, t: PPyTypeObject): bool proc Py_InitModule*(name: cstring, md: PPyMethodDef): PPyObject proc PyType_HasFeature*(AType: PPyTypeObject, AFlag: int): bool # implementation proc Py_INCREF*(op: PPyObject) {.inline.} = Inc(op.ob_refcnt) proc Py_DECREF*(op: PPyObject) {.inline.} = Dec(op.ob_refcnt) if op.ob_refcnt == 0: op.ob_type.tp_dealloc(op) proc Py_XINCREF*(op: PPyObject) {.inline.} = if op != nil: Py_INCREF(op) proc Py_XDECREF*(op: PPyObject) {.inline.} = if op != nil: Py_DECREF(op) proc PyImport_ExecCodeModule(name: string, codeobject: PPyObject): PPyObject = var m, d, v, modules: PPyObject m = PyImport_AddModule(cstring(name)) if m == nil: return nil d = PyModule_GetDict(m) if PyDict_GetItemString(d, "__builtins__") == nil: if PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__builtins__", PyEval_GetBuiltins()) != 0: return nil if PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__file__", PPyCodeObject(codeobject).co_filename) != 0: PyErr_Clear() # Not important enough to report v = PyEval_EvalCode(PPyCodeObject(codeobject), d, d) # XXX owner ? if v == nil: return nil Py_XDECREF(v) modules = PyImport_GetModuleDict() if PyDict_GetItemString(modules, cstring(name)) == nil: PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError[] , cstring( "Loaded module " & name & "not found in sys.modules")) return nil Py_XINCREF(m) Result = m proc PyString_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyString_Type) proc PyString_CheckExact(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj.ob_type == PyString_Type) proc PyFloat_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyFloat_Type) proc PyFloat_CheckExact(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj.ob_type == PyFloat_Type) proc PyInt_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyInt_Type) proc PyInt_CheckExact(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj.ob_type == PyInt_Type) proc PyLong_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyLong_Type) proc PyLong_CheckExact(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj.ob_type == PyLong_Type) proc PyTuple_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyTuple_Type) proc PyTuple_CheckExact(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj[].ob_type == PyTuple_Type) proc PyInstance_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj[].ob_type == PyInstance_Type) proc PyClass_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj[].ob_type == PyClass_Type) proc PyMethod_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj[].ob_type == PyMethod_Type) proc PyList_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyList_Type) proc PyList_CheckExact(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj[].ob_type == PyList_Type) proc PyDict_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyDict_Type) proc PyDict_CheckExact(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj[].ob_type == PyDict_Type) proc PyModule_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyModule_Type) proc PyModule_CheckExact(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj[].ob_type == PyModule_Type) proc PySlice_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj[].ob_type == PySlice_Type) proc PyFunction_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and ((obj.ob_type == PyCFunction_Type) or (obj.ob_type == PyFunction_Type)) proc PyUnicode_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyUnicode_Type) proc PyUnicode_CheckExact(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj.ob_type == PyUnicode_Type) proc PyType_IS_GC(t: PPyTypeObject): bool = Result = PyType_HasFeature(t, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC) proc PyObject_IS_GC(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyType_IS_GC(obj.ob_type) and ((obj.ob_type.tp_is_gc == nil) or (obj.ob_type.tp_is_gc(obj) == 1)) proc PyBool_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj.ob_type == PyBool_Type) proc PyBaseString_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, PyBaseString_Type) proc PyEnum_Check(obj: PPyObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj.ob_type == PyEnum_Type) proc PyObject_TypeCheck(obj: PPyObject, t: PPyTypeObject): bool = Result = (obj != nil) and (obj.ob_type == t) if not Result and (obj != nil) and (t != nil): Result = PyType_IsSubtype(obj.ob_type, t) == 1 proc Py_InitModule(name: cstring, md: PPyMethodDef): PPyObject = result = Py_InitModule4(name, md, nil, nil, 1012) proc PyType_HasFeature(AType: PPyTypeObject, AFlag: int): bool = #(((t)->tp_flags & (f)) != 0) Result = (AType.tp_flags and AFlag) != 0 proc init(lib: TLibHandle) = Py_DebugFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_DebugFlag")) Py_VerboseFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_VerboseFlag")) Py_InteractiveFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_InteractiveFlag")) Py_OptimizeFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_OptimizeFlag")) Py_NoSiteFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_NoSiteFlag")) Py_UseClassExceptionsFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_UseClassExceptionsFlag")) Py_FrozenFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_FrozenFlag")) Py_TabcheckFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_TabcheckFlag")) Py_UnicodeFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_UnicodeFlag")) Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag")) Py_DivisionWarningFlag = cast[PInt](symAddr(lib, "Py_DivisionWarningFlag")) Py_None = cast[PPyObject](symAddr(lib, "_Py_NoneStruct")) Py_Ellipsis = cast[PPyObject](symAddr(lib, "_Py_EllipsisObject")) Py_False = cast[PPyIntObject](symAddr(lib, "_Py_ZeroStruct")) Py_True = cast[PPyIntObject](symAddr(lib, "_Py_TrueStruct")) Py_NotImplemented = cast[PPyObject](symAddr(lib, "_Py_NotImplementedStruct")) PyImport_FrozenModules = cast[PP_frozen](symAddr(lib, "PyImport_FrozenModules")) PyExc_AttributeError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_AttributeError")) PyExc_EOFError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_EOFError")) PyExc_IOError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_IOError")) PyExc_ImportError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_ImportError")) PyExc_IndexError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_IndexError")) PyExc_KeyError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_KeyError")) PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt")) PyExc_MemoryError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_MemoryError")) PyExc_NameError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_NameError")) PyExc_OverflowError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_OverflowError")) PyExc_RuntimeError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_RuntimeError")) PyExc_SyntaxError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_SyntaxError")) PyExc_SystemError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_SystemError")) PyExc_SystemExit = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_SystemExit")) PyExc_TypeError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_TypeError")) PyExc_ValueError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_ValueError")) PyExc_ZeroDivisionError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_ZeroDivisionError")) PyExc_ArithmeticError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_ArithmeticError")) PyExc_Exception = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_Exception")) PyExc_FloatingPointError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_FloatingPointError")) PyExc_LookupError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_LookupError")) PyExc_StandardError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_StandardError")) PyExc_AssertionError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_AssertionError")) PyExc_EnvironmentError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_EnvironmentError")) PyExc_IndentationError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_IndentationError")) PyExc_MemoryErrorInst = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_MemoryErrorInst")) PyExc_NotImplementedError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_NotImplementedError")) PyExc_OSError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_OSError")) PyExc_TabError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_TabError")) PyExc_UnboundLocalError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_UnboundLocalError")) PyExc_UnicodeError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_UnicodeError")) PyExc_Warning = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_Warning")) PyExc_DeprecationWarning = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_DeprecationWarning")) PyExc_RuntimeWarning = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_RuntimeWarning")) PyExc_SyntaxWarning = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_SyntaxWarning")) PyExc_UserWarning = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_UserWarning")) PyExc_OverflowWarning = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_OverflowWarning")) PyExc_ReferenceError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_ReferenceError")) PyExc_StopIteration = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_StopIteration")) PyExc_FutureWarning = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_FutureWarning")) PyExc_PendingDeprecationWarning = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_PendingDeprecationWarning")) PyExc_UnicodeDecodeError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_UnicodeDecodeError")) PyExc_UnicodeEncodeError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_UnicodeEncodeError")) PyExc_UnicodeTranslateError = cast[PPPyObject](symAddr(lib, "PyExc_UnicodeTranslateError")) PyType_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyType_Type")) PyCFunction_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyCFunction_Type")) PyCObject_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyCObject_Type")) PyClass_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyClass_Type")) PyCode_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyCode_Type")) PyComplex_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyComplex_Type")) PyDict_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyDict_Type")) PyFile_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyFile_Type")) PyFloat_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyFloat_Type")) PyFrame_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyFrame_Type")) PyFunction_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyFunction_Type")) PyInstance_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyInstance_Type")) PyInt_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyInt_Type")) PyList_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyList_Type")) PyLong_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyLong_Type")) PyMethod_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyMethod_Type")) PyModule_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyModule_Type")) PyObject_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyObject_Type")) PyRange_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyRange_Type")) PySlice_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PySlice_Type")) PyString_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyString_Type")) PyTuple_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyTuple_Type")) PyUnicode_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyUnicode_Type")) PyBaseObject_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyBaseObject_Type")) PyBuffer_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyBuffer_Type")) PyCallIter_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyCallIter_Type")) PyCell_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyCell_Type")) PyClassMethod_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyClassMethod_Type")) PyProperty_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyProperty_Type")) PySeqIter_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PySeqIter_Type")) PyStaticMethod_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyStaticMethod_Type")) PySuper_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PySuper_Type")) PySymtableEntry_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PySymtableEntry_Type")) PyTraceBack_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyTraceBack_Type")) PyWrapperDescr_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyWrapperDescr_Type")) PyBaseString_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyBaseString_Type")) PyBool_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyBool_Type")) PyEnum_Type = cast[PPyTypeObject](symAddr(lib, "PyEnum_Type")) # Unfortunately we have to duplicate the loading mechanism here, because Nimrod # does not support variables from dynamic libraries. Well designed API's don't # require this anyway. Python is an exception. var lib: TLibHandle when defined(windows): const LibNames = ["python26.dll", "python25.dll", "python24.dll", "python23.dll", "python22.dll", "python21.dll", "python20.dll", "python16.dll", "python15.dll"] elif defined(macosx): const LibNames = ["libpython2.6.dylib", "libpython2.5.dylib", "libpython2.4.dylib", "libpython2.3.dylib", "libpython2.2.dylib", "libpython2.1.dylib", "libpython2.0.dylib", "libpython1.6.dylib", "libpython1.5.dylib"] else: const LibNames = ["libpython2.6.so" & dllver, "libpython2.5.so" & dllver, "libpython2.4.so" & dllver, "libpython2.3.so" & dllver, "libpython2.2.so" & dllver, "libpython2.1.so" & dllver, "libpython2.0.so" & dllver, "libpython1.6.so" & dllver, "libpython1.5.so" & dllver] for libName in items(libNames): lib = loadLib(libName) if lib != nil: break if lib == nil: quit("could not load python library") init(lib)