#****************************************************************************** # # $Id: smpeg.pas,v 1.7 2004/08/14 22:54:30 savage Exp $ # # # # Borland Delphi SMPEG - SDL MPEG Player Library # Conversion of the SMPEG - SDL MPEG Player Library # # Portions created by Sam Lantinga are # Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Sam Lantinga # 5635-34 Springhouse Dr. # Pleasanton, CA 94588 (USA) # # All Rights Reserved. # # The original files are : smpeg.h # # The initial developer of this Pascal code was : # Matthias Thoma # # Portions created by Matthias Thoma are # Copyright (C) 2000 - 2001 Matthias Thoma. # # # Contributor(s) # -------------- # Tom Jones His Project inspired this conversion # Matthias Thoma # # Obtained through: # Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators ( Project JEDI ) # # You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project # JEDI home page, located at http://delphi-jedi.org # # The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to # the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may # obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # Description # ----------- # # # # # # # # Requires # -------- # The SDL Runtime libraris on Win32 : SDL.dll on Linux : libSDL-1.2.so.0 # They are available from... # http://www.libsdl.org . # # Programming Notes # ----------------- # # # # # Revision History # ---------------- # May 08 2001 - MT : Initial conversion # # October 12 2001 - DA : Various changes as suggested by David Acklam # # April 03 2003 - DL : Added jedi-sdl.inc include file to support more # Pascal compilers. Initial support is now included # for GnuPascal, VirtualPascal, TMT and obviously # continue support for Delphi Kylix and FreePascal. # # April 08 2003 - MK : Aka Mr Kroket - Added Better FPC support # Fixed all invalid calls to DLL. # Changed constant names to: # const # STATUS_SMPEG_ERROR = -1; # STATUS_SMPEG_STOPPED = 0; # STATUS_SMPEG_PLAYING = 1; # because SMPEG_ERROR is a function (_SMPEG_error # isn't correct), and cannot be two elements with the # same name # # April 24 2003 - DL : under instruction from Alexey Barkovoy, I have added # better TMT Pascal support and under instruction # from Prof. Abimbola Olowofoyeku (The African Chief), # I have added better Gnu Pascal support # # April 30 2003 - DL : under instruction from David Mears AKA # Jason Siletto, I have added FPC Linux support. # This was compiled with fpc 1.1, so remember to set # include file path. ie. -Fi/usr/share/fpcsrc/rtl/* # # # $Log: smpeg.pas,v $ # Revision 1.7 2004/08/14 22:54:30 savage # Updated so that Library name defines are correctly defined for MacOS X. # # Revision 1.6 2004/05/10 14:10:04 savage # Initial MacOS X support. Fixed defines for MACOS ( Classic ) and DARWIN ( MacOS X ). # # Revision 1.5 2004/04/13 09:32:08 savage # Changed Shared object names back to just the .so extension to avoid conflicts on various Linux/Unix distros. Therefore developers will need to create Symbolic links to the actual Share Objects if necessary. # # Revision 1.4 2004/04/02 10:40:55 savage # Changed Linux Shared Object name so they reflect the Symbolic Links that are created when installing the RPMs from the SDL site. # # Revision 1.3 2004/03/31 22:20:02 savage # Windows unit not used in this file, so it was removed to keep the code tidy. # # Revision 1.2 2004/03/30 20:23:28 savage # Tidied up use of UNIX compiler directive. # # Revision 1.1 2004/02/14 23:35:42 savage # version 1 of sdl_image, sdl_mixer and smpeg. # # # #****************************************************************************** import sdl when defined(windows): const SmpegLibName = "smpeg.dll" elif defined(macosx): const SmpegLibName = "libsmpeg.dylib" else: const SmpegLibName = "libsmpeg.so" const SMPEG_FILTER_INFO_MB_ERROR* = 1 SMPEG_FILTER_INFO_PIXEL_ERROR* = 2 # Filter info from SMPEG type SMPEG_FilterInfo*{.final.} = object yuv_mb_square_error*: PUint16 yuv_pixel_square_error*: PUint16 TSMPEG_FilterInfo* = SMPEG_FilterInfo PSMPEG_FilterInfo* = ptr SMPEG_FilterInfo # MPEG filter definition PSMPEG_Filter* = ptr TSMPEG_Filter # Callback functions for the filter TSMPEG_FilterCallback* = proc (dest, source: PSDL_Overlay, region: PSDL_Rect, filter_info: PSMPEG_FilterInfo, data: Pointer): Pointer{. cdecl.} TSMPEG_FilterDestroy* = proc (Filter: PSMPEG_Filter): Pointer{.cdecl.} # The filter # definition itself TSMPEG_Filter*{.final.} = object # The null filter (default). It simply copies the source rectangle to the video overlay. flags*: Uint32 data*: Pointer callback*: TSMPEG_FilterCallback destroy*: TSMPEG_FilterDestroy proc SMPEGfilter_null*(): PSMPEG_Filter{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # The bilinear filter. A basic low-pass filter that will produce a smoother image. proc SMPEGfilter_bilinear*(): PSMPEG_Filter{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # The deblocking filter. It filters block borders and non-intra coded blocks to reduce blockiness proc SMPEGfilter_deblocking*(): PSMPEG_Filter{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SMPEG.h #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const SMPEG_MAJOR_VERSION* = 0'i8 SMPEG_MINOR_VERSION* = 4'i8 SMPEG_PATCHLEVEL* = 2'i8 type SMPEG_version*{.final.} = object major*: UInt8 minor*: UInt8 patch*: UInt8 TSMPEG_version* = SMPEG_version PSMPEG_version* = ptr TSMPEG_version # This is the actual SMPEG object TSMPEG*{.final.} = object PSMPEG* = ptr TSMPEG # Used to get information about the SMPEG object TSMPEG_Info*{.final.} = object has_audio*: int has_video*: int width*: int height*: int current_frame*: int current_fps*: float64 audio_string*: array[0..79, char] audio_current_frame*: int current_offset*: UInt32 total_size*: UInt32 current_time*: float64 total_time*: float64 PSMPEG_Info* = ptr TSMPEG_Info # Possible MPEG status codes const STATUS_SMPEG_ERROR* = - 1 STATUS_SMPEG_STOPPED* = 0 STATUS_SMPEG_PLAYING* = 1 type TSMPEGstatus* = int PSMPEGstatus* = ptr int # Matches the declaration of SDL_UpdateRect() TSMPEG_DisplayCallback* = proc (dst: PSDL_Surface, x, y: int, w, h: int): Pointer{. cdecl.} # Create a new SMPEG object from an MPEG file. # On return, if 'info' is not NULL, it will be filled with information # about the MPEG object. # This function returns a new SMPEG object. Use SMPEG_error() to find out # whether or not there was a problem building the MPEG stream. # The sdl_audio parameter indicates if SMPEG should initialize the SDL audio # subsystem. If not, you will have to use the SMPEG_playaudio() function below # to extract the decoded data. proc SMPEG_new*(theFile: cstring, info: PSMPEG_Info, sdl_audio: int): PSMPEG{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # The same as above for a file descriptor proc SMPEG_new_descr*(theFile: int, info: PSMPEG_Info, sdl_audio: int): PSMPEG{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # The same as above but for a raw chunk of data. SMPEG makes a copy of the # data, so the application is free to delete after a successful call to this # function. proc SMPEG_new_data*(data: Pointer, size: int, info: PSMPEG_Info, sdl_audio: int): PSMPEG{. cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Get current information about an SMPEG object proc SMPEG_getinfo*(mpeg: PSMPEG, info: PSMPEG_Info){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} #procedure SMPEG_getinfo(mpeg: PSMPEG; info: Pointer); #cdecl; external SmpegLibName; # Enable or disable audio playback in MPEG stream proc SMPEG_enableaudio*(mpeg: PSMPEG, enable: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Enable or disable video playback in MPEG stream proc SMPEG_enablevideo*(mpeg: PSMPEG, enable: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Delete an SMPEG object proc SMPEG_delete*(mpeg: PSMPEG){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Get the current status of an SMPEG object proc SMPEG_status*(mpeg: PSMPEG): TSMPEGstatus{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # status # Set the audio volume of an MPEG stream, in the range 0-100 proc SMPEG_setvolume*(mpeg: PSMPEG, volume: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Set the destination surface for MPEG video playback # 'surfLock' is a mutex used to synchronize access to 'dst', and can be NULL. # 'callback' is a function called when an area of 'dst' needs to be updated. # If 'callback' is NULL, the default function (SDL_UpdateRect) will be used. proc SMPEG_setdisplay*(mpeg: PSMPEG, dst: PSDL_Surface, surfLock: PSDL_mutex, callback: TSMPEG_DisplayCallback){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Set or clear looping play on an SMPEG object proc SMPEG_loop*(mpeg: PSMPEG, repeat_: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Scale pixel display on an SMPEG object proc SMPEG_scaleXY*(mpeg: PSMPEG, width, height: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} proc SMPEG_scale*(mpeg: PSMPEG, scale: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} proc SMPEG_Double*(mpeg: PSMPEG, doubleit: bool) # Move the video display area within the destination surface proc SMPEG_move*(mpeg: PSMPEG, x, y: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Set the region of the video to be shown proc SMPEG_setdisplayregion*(mpeg: PSMPEG, x, y, w, h: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Play an SMPEG object proc SMPEG_play*(mpeg: PSMPEG){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Pause/Resume playback of an SMPEG object proc SMPEG_pause*(mpeg: PSMPEG){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Stop playback of an SMPEG object proc SMPEG_stop*(mpeg: PSMPEG){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Rewind the play position of an SMPEG object to the beginning of the MPEG proc SMPEG_rewind*(mpeg: PSMPEG){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Seek 'bytes' bytes in the MPEG stream proc SMPEG_seek*(mpeg: PSMPEG, bytes: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Skip 'seconds' seconds in the MPEG stream proc SMPEG_skip*(mpeg: PSMPEG, seconds: float32){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Render a particular frame in the MPEG video # API CHANGE: This function no longer takes a target surface and position. # Use SMPEG_setdisplay() and SMPEG_move() to set this information. proc SMPEG_renderFrame*(mpeg: PSMPEG, framenum: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Render the last frame of an MPEG video proc SMPEG_renderFinal*(mpeg: PSMPEG, dst: PSDL_Surface, x, y: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Set video filter proc SMPEG_filter*(mpeg: PSMPEG, filter: PSMPEG_Filter): PSMPEG_Filter{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Return NULL if there is no error in the MPEG stream, or an error message # if there was a fatal error in the MPEG stream for the SMPEG object. proc SMPEG_error*(mpeg: PSMPEG): cstring{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Exported callback function for audio playback. # The function takes a buffer and the amount of data to fill, and returns # the amount of data in bytes that was actually written. This will be the # amount requested unless the MPEG audio has finished. # proc SMPEG_playAudio*(mpeg: PSMPEG, stream: PUInt8, length: int): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Wrapper for SMPEG_playAudio() that can be passed to SDL and SDL_mixer proc SMPEG_playAudioSDL*(mpeg: Pointer, stream: PUInt8, length: int){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Get the best SDL audio spec for the audio stream proc SMPEG_wantedSpec*(mpeg: PSMPEG, wanted: PSDL_AudioSpec): int{.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # Inform SMPEG of the actual SDL audio spec used for sound playback proc SMPEG_actualSpec*(mpeg: PSMPEG, spec: PSDL_AudioSpec){.cdecl, importc, dynlib: SmpegLibName.} # This macro can be used to fill a version structure with the compile-time # version of the SDL library. proc SMPEG_GETVERSION*(X: var TSMPEG_version) # implementation proc SMPEG_double(mpeg: PSMPEG, doubleit: bool) = if doubleit: SMPEG_scale(mpeg, 2) else: SMPEG_scale(mpeg, 1) proc SMPEG_GETVERSION(X: var TSMPEG_version) = X.major = SMPEG_MAJOR_VERSION X.minor = SMPEG_MINOR_VERSION X.patch = SMPEG_PATCHLEVEL