// // // The Nimrod Compiler // (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf // // See the file "copying.txt", included in this // distribution, for details about the copyright. // unit condsyms; // This module handles the conditional symbols. {$include 'config.inc'} interface uses ast, astalgo, msgs, hashes, platform, strutils, idents; var gSymbols: TStrTable; procedure InitDefines; procedure DeinitDefines; procedure DefineSymbol(const symbol: string); procedure UndefSymbol(const symbol: string); function isDefined(symbol: PIdent): Boolean; procedure ListSymbols; implementation procedure DefineSymbol(const symbol: string); var sym: PSym; i: PIdent; begin i := getIdent(symbol); sym := StrTableGet(gSymbols, i); if sym = nil then begin sym := NewSym(skConditional, i, nil); StrTableAdd(gSymbols, sym); end; sym.position := 1; end; procedure UndefSymbol(const symbol: string); var sym: PSym; begin sym := StrTableGet(gSymbols, getIdent(symbol)); if sym <> nil then sym.position := 0; end; function isDefined(symbol: PIdent): Boolean; var sym: PSym; begin sym := StrTableGet(gSymbols, symbol); result := (sym <> nil) and (sym.position = 1) end; procedure ListSymbols; var it: TTabIter; s: PSym; begin s := InitTabIter(it, gSymbols); MessageOut('-- List of currently defined symbols --'); while s <> nil do begin if s.position = 1 then MessageOut(s.name.s); s := nextIter(it, gSymbols); end; MessageOut('-- End of list --'); end; procedure InitDefines; begin initStrTable(gSymbols); DefineSymbol('nimrod'); // 'nimrod' is always defined // add platform specific symbols: case targetCPU of cpuI386: DefineSymbol('x86'); cpuIa64: DefineSymbol('itanium'); else begin end end; case targetOS of osDOS: DefineSymbol('msdos'); osWindows: begin DefineSymbol('mswindows'); DefineSymbol('win32'); end; osLinux, osMorphOS, osSkyOS, osIrix, osPalmOS, osQNX, osAtari: begin // these are all 'unix-like' DefineSymbol('unix'); DefineSymbol('posix'); end; osSolaris: begin DefineSymbol('sunos'); DefineSymbol('unix'); DefineSymbol('posix'); end; osNetBSD, osFreeBSD, osOpenBSD: begin DefineSymbol('unix'); DefineSymbol('bsd'); DefineSymbol('posix'); end; osMacOS: begin DefineSymbol('macintosh'); end; osMacOSX: begin DefineSymbol('macintosh'); DefineSymbol('unix'); DefineSymbol('posix'); end; else begin end end; DefineSymbol('cpu' + ToString( cpu[targetCPU].bit )); DefineSymbol(normalize(endianToStr[cpu[targetCPU].endian])); DefineSymbol(cpu[targetCPU].name); DefineSymbol(platform.os[targetOS].name); end; procedure DeinitDefines; begin end; end.