// // // The Nimrod Compiler // (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf // // See the file "copying.txt", included in this // distribution, for details about the copyright. // unit hashes; {$include 'config.inc'} interface uses charsets, nsystem, strutils; const SmallestSize = (1 shl 3) - 1; DefaultSize = (1 shl 11) - 1; BiggestSize = (1 shl 28) - 1; type THash = type int; PHash = ^THash; THashFunc = function (str: PChar): THash; function GetHash(str: PChar): THash; function GetHashCI(str: PChar): THash; function GetDataHash(Data: Pointer; Size: int): THash; function hashPtr(p: Pointer): THash; function GetHashStr(const s: string): THash; function GetHashStrCI(const s: string): THash; function getNormalizedHash(const s: string): THash; //function nextPowerOfTwo(x: int): int; function concHash(h: THash; val: int): THash; function finishHash(h: THash): THash; implementation {@ignore} {$ifopt Q+} { we need Q- here! } {$define Q_on} {$Q-} {$endif} {$ifopt R+} {$define R_on} {$R-} {$endif} {@emit} function nextPowerOfTwo(x: int): int; begin result := x -{%} 1; // complicated, to make it a nop if sizeof(int) == 4, // because shifting more than 31 bits is undefined in C result := result or (result shr ((sizeof(int)-4)* 8)); result := result or (result shr 16); result := result or (result shr 8); result := result or (result shr 4); result := result or (result shr 2); result := result or (result shr 1); Inc(result) end; function concHash(h: THash; val: int): THash; begin result := h +{%} val; result := result +{%} result shl 10; result := result xor (result shr 6); end; function finishHash(h: THash): THash; begin result := h +{%} h shl 3; result := result xor (result shr 11); result := result +{%} result shl 15; end; function GetDataHash(Data: Pointer; Size: int): THash; var h: THash; p: PChar; i, s: int; begin h := 0; p := {@cast}pchar(Data); i := 0; s := size; while s > 0 do begin h := h +{%} ord(p[i]); h := h +{%} h shl 10; h := h xor (h shr 6); Inc(i); Dec(s) end; h := h +{%} h shl 3; h := h xor (h shr 11); h := h +{%} h shl 15; result := THash(h) end; function hashPtr(p: Pointer): THash; begin result := ({@cast}THash(p)) shr 3; // skip the alignment end; function GetHash(str: PChar): THash; var h: THash; i: int; begin h := 0; i := 0; while str[i] <> #0 do begin h := h +{%} ord(str[i]); h := h +{%} h shl 10; h := h xor (h shr 6); Inc(i) end; h := h +{%} h shl 3; h := h xor (h shr 11); h := h +{%} h shl 15; result := THash(h) end; function GetHashStr(const s: string): THash; var h: THash; i: int; begin h := 0; for i := 1 to Length(s) do begin h := h +{%} ord(s[i]); h := h +{%} h shl 10; h := h xor (h shr 6); end; h := h +{%} h shl 3; h := h xor (h shr 11); h := h +{%} h shl 15; result := THash(h) end; function getNormalizedHash(const s: string): THash; var h: THash; c: Char; i: int; begin h := 0; for i := strStart to length(s)+strStart-1 do begin c := s[i]; if c = '_' then continue; // skip _ if c in ['A'..'Z'] then c := chr(ord(c) + (ord('a')-ord('A'))); // toLower() h := h +{%} ord(c); h := h +{%} h shl 10; h := h xor (h shr 6); end; h := h +{%} h shl 3; h := h xor (h shr 11); h := h +{%} h shl 15; result := THash(h) end; function GetHashStrCI(const s: string): THash; var h: THash; c: Char; i: int; begin h := 0; for i := strStart to length(s)+strStart-1 do begin c := s[i]; if c in ['A'..'Z'] then c := chr(ord(c) + (ord('a')-ord('A'))); // toLower() h := h +{%} ord(c); h := h +{%} h shl 10; h := h xor (h shr 6); end; h := h +{%} h shl 3; h := h xor (h shr 11); h := h +{%} h shl 15; result := THash(h) end; function GetHashCI(str: PChar): THash; var h: THash; c: Char; i: int; begin h := 0; i := 0; while str[i] <> #0 do begin c := str[i]; if c in ['A'..'Z'] then c := chr(ord(c) + (ord('a')-ord('A'))); // toLower() h := h +{%} ord(c); h := h +{%} h shl 10; h := h xor (h shr 6); Inc(i) end; h := h +{%} h shl 3; h := h xor (h shr 11); h := h +{%} h shl 15; result := THash(h) end; {@ignore} {$ifdef Q_on} {$undef Q_on} {$Q+} {$endif} {$ifdef R_on} {$undef R_on} {$R+} {$endif} {@emit} end.