// // // The Nimrod Compiler // (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf // // See the file "copying.txt", included in this // distribution, for details about the copyright. // unit highlite; // Source highlighter for programming or markup languages. // Currently only few languages are supported, other languages may be added. // The interface supports one language nested in another. interface {$include 'config.inc'} uses charsets, nsystem, sysutils, nhashes, options, msgs, strutils, platform, idents, lexbase, wordrecg, scanner; type TTokenClass = ( gtEof, gtNone, gtWhitespace, gtDecNumber, gtBinNumber, gtHexNumber, gtOctNumber, gtFloatNumber, gtIdentifier, gtKeyword, gtStringLit, gtLongStringLit, gtCharLit, gtEscapeSequence, // escape sequence like \xff gtOperator, gtPunctation, gtComment, gtLongComment, gtRegularExpression, gtTagStart, gtTagEnd, gtKey, gtValue, gtRawData, gtAssembler, gtPreprocessor, gtDirective, gtCommand, gtRule, gtHyperlink, gtLabel, gtReference, gtOther ); TGeneralTokenizer = object(NObject) kind: TTokenClass; start, len: int; // private: buf: PChar; pos: int; state: TTokenClass; end; TSourceLanguage = ( langNone, langNimrod, langCpp, langCsharp, langC, langJava ); const sourceLanguageToStr: array [TSourceLanguage] of string = ( 'none', 'Nimrod', 'C++', 'C#', 'C'+'', 'Java' ); tokenClassToStr: array [TTokenClass] of string = ( 'Eof', 'None', 'Whitespace', 'DecNumber', 'BinNumber', 'HexNumber', 'OctNumber', 'FloatNumber', 'Identifier', 'Keyword', 'StringLit', 'LongStringLit', 'CharLit', 'EscapeSequence', 'Operator', 'Punctation', 'Comment', 'LongComment', 'RegularExpression', 'TagStart', 'TagEnd', 'Key', 'Value', 'RawData', 'Assembler', 'Preprocessor', 'Directive', 'Command', 'Rule', 'Hyperlink', 'Label', 'Reference', 'Other' ); function getSourceLanguage(const name: string): TSourceLanguage; procedure initGeneralTokenizer(var g: TGeneralTokenizer; const buf: string); procedure deinitGeneralTokenizer(var g: TGeneralTokenizer); procedure getNextToken(var g: TGeneralTokenizer; lang: TSourceLanguage); implementation function getSourceLanguage(const name: string): TSourceLanguage; var i: TSourceLanguage; begin for i := succ(low(TSourceLanguage)) to high(TSourceLanguage) do if cmpIgnoreStyle(name, sourceLanguageToStr[i]) = 0 then begin result := i; exit end; result := langNone end; procedure initGeneralTokenizer(var g: TGeneralTokenizer; const buf: string); begin {@ignore} fillChar(g, sizeof(g), 0); {@emit} g.buf := PChar(buf); g.kind := low(TTokenClass); g.start := 0; g.len := 0; g.pos := 0; g.state := low(TTokenClass); end; procedure deinitGeneralTokenizer(var g: TGeneralTokenizer); begin end; function nimGetKeyword(const id: string): TTokenClass; var i: PIdent; begin i := getIdent(id); if (i.id >= ord(tokKeywordLow)-ord(tkSymbol)) and (i.id <= ord(tokKeywordHigh)-ord(tkSymbol)) then result := gtKeyword else result := gtIdentifier end; function nimNumberPostfix(var g: TGeneralTokenizer; position: int): int; var pos: int; begin pos := position; if g.buf[pos] = '''' then begin inc(pos); case g.buf[pos] of 'f', 'F': begin g.kind := gtFloatNumber; inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['0'..'9'] then inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['0'..'9'] then inc(pos); end; 'i', 'I': begin inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['0'..'9'] then inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['0'..'9'] then inc(pos); end; else begin end end end; result := pos; end; function nimNumber(var g: TGeneralTokenizer; position: int): int; const decChars = ['0'..'9', '_']; var pos: int; begin pos := position; g.kind := gtDecNumber; while g.buf[pos] in decChars do inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] = '.' then begin g.kind := gtFloatNumber; inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in decChars do inc(pos); end; if g.buf[pos] in ['e', 'E'] then begin g.kind := gtFloatNumber; inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['+', '-'] then inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in decChars do inc(pos); end; result := nimNumberPostfix(g, pos); end; procedure nimNextToken(var g: TGeneralTokenizer); const hexChars = ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f', '_']; octChars = ['0'..'7', '_']; binChars = ['0'..'1', '_']; var pos: int; id: string; begin pos := g.pos; g.start := g.pos; if g.state = gtStringLit then begin g.kind := gtStringLit; while true do begin case g.buf[pos] of '\': begin g.kind := gtEscapeSequence; inc(pos); case g.buf[pos] of 'x', 'X': begin inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in hexChars then inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in hexChars then inc(pos); end; '0'..'9': while g.buf[pos] in ['0'..'9'] do inc(pos); #0: g.state := gtNone; else inc(pos); end; break end; #0, #13, #10: begin g.state := gtNone; break end; '"': begin inc(pos); g.state := gtNone; break end; else inc(pos) end end end else begin case g.buf[pos] of ' ', #9..#13: begin g.kind := gtWhitespace; while g.buf[pos] in [' ', #9..#13] do inc(pos); end; '#': begin g.kind := gtComment; while not (g.buf[pos] in [#0, #10, #13]) do inc(pos); end; 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', #128..#255: begin if (g.buf[pos+1] = '"') and (g.buf[pos] in ['r', 'R']) then begin g.kind := gtRawData; inc(pos, 2); while not (g.buf[pos] in [#0, '"', #10, #13]) do inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] = '"' then inc(pos); end else begin id := ''; while g.buf[pos] in scanner.SymChars+['_'] do begin addChar(id, g.buf[pos]); inc(pos) end; g.kind := nimGetKeyword(id); end end; '0': begin inc(pos); case g.buf[pos] of 'b', 'B': begin inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in binChars do inc(pos); pos := nimNumberPostfix(g, pos); end; 'x', 'X': begin inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in hexChars do inc(pos); pos := nimNumberPostfix(g, pos); end; 'o', 'O': begin inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in octChars do inc(pos); pos := nimNumberPostfix(g, pos); end; else pos := nimNumber(g, pos); end end; '1'..'9': begin pos := nimNumber(g, pos); end; '''': begin inc(pos); g.kind := gtCharLit; while true do begin case g.buf[pos] of #0, #13, #10: break; '''': begin inc(pos); break end; '\': begin inc(pos, 2); end; else inc(pos); end end end; '"': begin inc(pos); if (g.buf[pos] = '"') and (g.buf[pos+1] = '"') then begin inc(pos, 2); g.kind := gtLongStringLit; while true do begin case g.buf[pos] of #0: break; '"': begin inc(pos); if (g.buf[pos] = '"') and (g.buf[pos+1] = '"') then begin inc(pos, 2); break end end; else inc(pos); end end end else begin g.kind := gtStringLit; while true do begin case g.buf[pos] of #0, #13, #10: break; '"': begin inc(pos); break end; '\': begin g.state := g.kind; break end; else inc(pos); end end end end; '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '`', ':', ',', ';': begin inc(pos); g.kind := gtPunctation end; #0: g.kind := gtEof; else if g.buf[pos] in scanner.OpChars then begin g.kind := gtOperator; while g.buf[pos] in scanner.OpChars do inc(pos); end else begin inc(pos); g.kind := gtNone end; end end; g.len := pos - g.pos; if (g.kind <> gtEof) and (g.len <= 0) then InternalError('nimNextToken: ' + toString(g.buf)); g.pos := pos; end; // ------------------------------- helpers ------------------------------------ function generalNumber(var g: TGeneralTokenizer; position: int): int; const decChars = ['0'..'9']; var pos: int; begin pos := position; g.kind := gtDecNumber; while g.buf[pos] in decChars do inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] = '.' then begin g.kind := gtFloatNumber; inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in decChars do inc(pos); end; if g.buf[pos] in ['e', 'E'] then begin g.kind := gtFloatNumber; inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['+', '-'] then inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in decChars do inc(pos); end; result := pos; end; function generalStrLit(var g: TGeneralTokenizer; position: int): int; const decChars = ['0'..'9']; hexChars = ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f']; var pos: int; c: Char; begin pos := position; g.kind := gtStringLit; c := g.buf[pos]; inc(pos); // skip " or ' while true do begin case g.buf[pos] of #0: break; '\': begin inc(pos); case g.buf[pos] of #0: break; '0'..'9': while g.buf[pos] in decChars do inc(pos); 'x', 'X': begin inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in hexChars then inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in hexChars then inc(pos); end; else inc(pos, 2) end end; else if g.buf[pos] = c then begin inc(pos); break; end else inc(pos); end end; result := pos; end; function isKeyword(const x: array of string; const y: string): int; var a, b, mid, c: int; begin a := 0; b := length(x)-1; while a <= b do begin mid := (a + b) div 2; c := cmp(x[mid], y); if c < 0 then a := mid + 1 else if c > 0 then b := mid - 1 else begin result := mid; exit end end; result := -1 end; function isKeywordIgnoreCase(const x: array of string; const y: string): int; var a, b, mid, c: int; begin a := 0; b := length(x)-1; while a <= b do begin mid := (a + b) div 2; c := cmpIgnoreCase(x[mid], y); if c < 0 then a := mid + 1 else if c > 0 then b := mid - 1 else begin result := mid; exit end end; result := -1 end; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- type TTokenizerFlag = (hasPreprocessor, hasNestedComments); TTokenizerFlags = set of TTokenizerFlag; procedure clikeNextToken(var g: TGeneralTokenizer; const keywords: array of string; flags: TTokenizerFlags); const hexChars = ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f']; octChars = ['0'..'7']; binChars = ['0'..'1']; symChars = ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', #128..#255]; var pos, nested: int; id: string; begin pos := g.pos; g.start := g.pos; if g.state = gtStringLit then begin g.kind := gtStringLit; while true do begin case g.buf[pos] of '\': begin g.kind := gtEscapeSequence; inc(pos); case g.buf[pos] of 'x', 'X': begin inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in hexChars then inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in hexChars then inc(pos); end; '0'..'9': while g.buf[pos] in ['0'..'9'] do inc(pos); #0: g.state := gtNone; else inc(pos); end; break end; #0, #13, #10: begin g.state := gtNone; break end; '"': begin inc(pos); g.state := gtNone; break end; else inc(pos) end end end else begin case g.buf[pos] of ' ', #9..#13: begin g.kind := gtWhitespace; while g.buf[pos] in [' ', #9..#13] do inc(pos); end; '/': begin inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] = '/' then begin g.kind := gtComment; while not (g.buf[pos] in [#0, #10, #13]) do inc(pos); end else if g.buf[pos] = '*' then begin g.kind := gtLongComment; nested := 0; inc(pos); while true do begin case g.buf[pos] of '*': begin inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] = '/' then begin inc(pos); if nested = 0 then break end; end; '/': begin inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] = '*' then begin inc(pos); if hasNestedComments in flags then inc(nested); end end; #0: break; else inc(pos); end end end end; '#': begin inc(pos); if hasPreprocessor in flags then begin g.kind := gtPreprocessor; while g.buf[pos] in [' ', Tabulator] do inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in symChars do inc(pos); end else g.kind := gtOperator end; 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', #128..#255: begin id := ''; while g.buf[pos] in SymChars do begin addChar(id, g.buf[pos]); inc(pos) end; if isKeyword(keywords, id) >= 0 then g.kind := gtKeyword else g.kind := gtIdentifier; end; '0': begin inc(pos); case g.buf[pos] of 'b', 'B': begin inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in binChars do inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'] then inc(pos); end; 'x', 'X': begin inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in hexChars do inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'] then inc(pos); end; '0'..'7': begin inc(pos); while g.buf[pos] in octChars do inc(pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'] then inc(pos); end; else begin pos := generalNumber(g, pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'] then inc(pos); end end end; '1'..'9': begin pos := generalNumber(g, pos); if g.buf[pos] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'] then inc(pos); end; '''': begin pos := generalStrLit(g, pos); g.kind := gtCharLit; end; '"': begin inc(pos); g.kind := gtStringLit; while true do begin case g.buf[pos] of #0: break; '"': begin inc(pos); break end; '\': begin g.state := g.kind; break end; else inc(pos); end end end; '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', ':', ',', ';', '.': begin inc(pos); g.kind := gtPunctation end; #0: g.kind := gtEof; else if g.buf[pos] in scanner.OpChars then begin g.kind := gtOperator; while g.buf[pos] in scanner.OpChars do inc(pos); end else begin inc(pos); g.kind := gtNone end; end end; g.len := pos - g.pos; if (g.kind <> gtEof) and (g.len <= 0) then InternalError('clikeNextToken'); g.pos := pos; end; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure cNextToken(var g: TGeneralTokenizer); const keywords: array [0..36] of string = ( '_Bool', '_Complex', '_Imaginary', 'auto', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'int', 'long', 'register', 'restrict', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'struct', 'switch', 'typedef', 'union', 'unsigned', 'void', 'volatile', 'while' ); begin clikeNextToken(g, keywords, {@set}[hasPreprocessor]); end; procedure cppNextToken(var g: TGeneralTokenizer); const keywords: array [0..47] of string = ( 'asm', 'auto', 'break', 'case', 'catch', 'char', 'class', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'friend', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'int', 'long', 'new', 'operator', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'register', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'struct', 'switch', 'template', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'typedef', 'union', 'unsigned', 'virtual', 'void', 'volatile', 'while' ); begin clikeNextToken(g, keywords, {@set}[hasPreprocessor]); end; procedure csharpNextToken(var g: TGeneralTokenizer); const keywords: array [0..76] of string = ( 'abstract', 'as', 'base', 'bool', 'break', 'byte', 'case', 'catch', 'char', 'checked', 'class', 'const', 'continue', 'decimal', 'default', 'delegate', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'event', 'explicit', 'extern', 'false', 'finally', 'fixed', 'float', 'for', 'foreach', 'goto', 'if', 'implicit', 'in', 'int', 'interface', 'internal', 'is', 'lock', 'long', 'namespace', 'new', 'null', 'object', 'operator', 'out', 'override', 'params', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'readonly', 'ref', 'return', 'sbyte', 'sealed', 'short', 'sizeof', 'stackalloc', 'static', 'string', 'struct', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typeof', 'uint', 'ulong', 'unchecked', 'unsafe', 'ushort', 'using', 'virtual', 'void', 'volatile', 'while' ); begin clikeNextToken(g, keywords, {@set}[hasPreprocessor]); end; procedure javaNextToken(var g: TGeneralTokenizer); const keywords: array [0..52] of string = ( 'abstract', 'assert', 'boolean', 'break', 'byte', 'case', 'catch', 'char', 'class', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'extends', 'false', 'final', 'finally', 'float', 'for', 'goto', 'if', 'implements', 'import', 'instanceof', 'int', 'interface', 'long', 'native', 'new', 'null', 'package', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'return', 'short', 'static', 'strictfp', 'super', 'switch', 'synchronized', 'this', 'throw', 'throws', 'transient', 'true', 'try', 'void', 'volatile', 'while' ); begin clikeNextToken(g, keywords, {@set}[]); end; procedure getNextToken(var g: TGeneralTokenizer; lang: TSourceLanguage); begin case lang of langNimrod: nimNextToken(g); langCpp: cppNextToken(g); langCsharp: csharpNextToken(g); langC: cNextToken(g); langJava: javaNextToken(g); else InternalError('getNextToken'); end end; end.