// // // The Nimrod Compiler // (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf // // See the file "copying.txt", included in this // distribution, for details about the copyright. // unit nos; // This module provides Nimrod's os module in Pascal // Note: Only implement what is really needed here! interface {$include 'config.inc'} uses sysutils, {$ifdef mswindows} windows, {$else} dos, unix, {$endif} strutils, nsystem; type EOSError = class(exception) end; const curdir = '.'; {$ifdef mswindows} dirsep = '\'; // seperator within paths altsep = '/'; exeExt = 'exe'; {$else} dirsep = '/'; altsep = #0; // work around fpc bug exeExt = ''; {$endif} pathSep = ';'; // seperator between paths sep = dirsep; // alternative name extsep = '.'; function executeShellCommand(const cmd: string): int; // like exec, but gets a command function FileNewer(const a, b: string): Boolean; // returns true if file a is newer than file b // i.e. a was modified before b // if a or b does not exist returns false function getEnv(const name: string): string; procedure putEnv(const name, val: string); function JoinPath(const head, tail: string): string; overload; function JoinPath(const parts: array of string): string; overload; procedure SplitPath(const path: string; out head, tail: string); function extractDir(const f: string): string; function extractFilename(const f: string): string; function getApplicationDir(): string; function getApplicationFilename(): string; function getCurrentDir: string; function GetConfigDir(): string; procedure SplitFilename(const filename: string; out name, extension: string); function ExistsFile(const filename: string): Boolean; function AppendFileExt(const filename, ext: string): string; function ChangeFileExt(const filename, ext: string): string; procedure createDir(const dir: string); function expandFilename(filename: string): string; function UnixToNativePath(const path: string): string; function sameFile(const path1, path2: string): boolean; implementation function GetConfigDir(): string; begin {$ifdef windows} result := getEnv('APPDATA') + '\'; {$else} result := getEnv('HOME') + '/.config/'; {$endif} end; function getCurrentDir: string; begin result := sysutils.GetCurrentDir(); end; function UnixToNativePath(const path: string): string; begin if dirSep <> '/' then result := replaceStr(path, '/', dirSep) else result := path; end; function expandFilename(filename: string): string; begin result := sysutils.expandFilename(filename) end; function sameFile(const path1, path2: string): boolean; begin result := cmpIgnoreCase(expandFilename(UnixToNativePath(path1)), expandFilename(UnixToNativePath(path2))) = 0; end; procedure createDir(const dir: string); var i: int; begin for i := 2 to length(dir) do begin if dir[i] in [sep, altsep] then sysutils.createDir(ncopy(dir, 1, i-1)); end; sysutils.createDir(dir); end; function searchExtPos(const s: string): int; var i: int; begin result := -1; for i := length(s) downto 1 do if s[i] = extsep then begin result := i; break end else if s[i] in [dirsep, altsep] then break end; function normExt(const ext: string): string; begin if (ext = '') or (ext[1] = extSep) then result := ext // no copy needed here else result := extSep + ext end; function AppendFileExt(const filename, ext: string): string; var extPos: int; begin extPos := searchExtPos(filename); if extPos < 0 then result := filename + normExt(ext) else result := filename end; function ChangeFileExt(const filename, ext: string): string; var extPos: int; begin extPos := searchExtPos(filename); if extPos < 0 then result := filename + normExt(ext) else result := ncopy(filename, strStart, extPos-1) + normExt(ext) end; procedure SplitFilename(const filename: string; out name, extension: string); var extPos: int; begin extPos := searchExtPos(filename); if extPos > 0 then begin name := ncopy(filename, 1, extPos-1); extension := ncopy(filename, extPos); end else begin name := filename; extension := '' end end; procedure SplitPath(const path: string; out head, tail: string); var sepPos, i: int; begin sepPos := 0; for i := length(path) downto 1 do if path[i] in [sep, altsep] then begin sepPos := i; break end; if sepPos > 0 then begin head := ncopy(path, 1, sepPos-1); tail := ncopy(path, sepPos+1) end else begin head := ''; tail := path end end; function getApplicationFilename(): string; {$ifdef darwin} var tail: string; p: int; paths: TStringSeq; begin // little heuristic that may works on Mac OS X: result := ParamStr(0); // POSIX guaranties that this contains the executable // as it has been executed by the calling process if (length(result) > 0) and (result[1] <> '/') then begin // not an absolute path? // iterate over any path in the $PATH environment variable paths := splitSeq(getEnv('PATH'), [':']); for p := 0 to high(paths) do begin tail := joinPath(paths[p], result); if ExistsFile(tail) then begin result := tail; exit end end end end; {$else} begin result := ParamStr(0); end; {$endif} function getApplicationDir(): string; begin result := extractDir(getApplicationFilename()); end; function extractDir(const f: string): string; var tail: string; begin SplitPath(f, result, tail) end; function extractFilename(const f: string): string; var head: string; begin SplitPath(f, head, result); end; function JoinPath(const head, tail: string): string; begin if head = '' then result := tail else if head[length(head)] in [sep, altsep] then if (tail <> '') and (tail[1] in [sep, altsep]) then result := head + ncopy(tail, 2) else result := head + tail else if (tail <> '') and (tail[1] in [sep, altsep]) then result := head + tail else result := head + sep + tail end; function JoinPath(const parts: array of string): string; var i: int; begin result := parts[0]; for i := 1 to high(parts) do result := JoinPath(result, parts[i]) end; {$ifdef mswindows} function getEnv(const name: string): string; var len: Cardinal; begin // get the length: len := windows.GetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(name), nil, 0); if len = 0 then result := '' else begin setLength(result, len-1); windows.GetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(name), @result[1], len); end end; procedure putEnv(const name, val: string); begin windows.SetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(name), PChar(val)); end; function GetDateStr: string; var st: SystemTime; begin Windows.GetLocalTime({$ifdef fpc} @ {$endif} st); result := IntToStr(st.wYear, 4) + '/' + IntToStr(st.wMonth, 2) + '/' + IntToStr(st.wDay, 2) end; procedure GetDate(var Day, Month, Year: int); var st: SystemTime; begin Windows.GetLocalTime({$ifdef fpc} @ {$endif} st); Day := st.wDay; Month := st.wMonth; Year := st.wYear end; procedure GetTime(var Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Millisec: int); var st: SystemTime; begin Windows.GetLocalTime({$ifdef fpc} @ {$endif} st); Hours := st.wHour; Minutes := st.wMinute; Seconds := st.wSecond; Millisec := st.wMilliseconds end; {$else} // not windows function setenv(var_name, new_value: PChar; change_flag: Boolean): Integer; cdecl; external 'libc'; type TPair = record key, val: string; end; TPairs = array of TPair; var myEnv: TPairs; // this is a horrible fix for Posix systems! function getMyEnvIdx(const key: string): int; var i: int; begin for i := 0 to high(myEnv) do if myEnv[i].key = key then begin result := i; exit end; result := -1 end; function getMyEnv(const key: string): string; var i: int; begin i := getMyEnvIdx(key); if i >= 0 then result := myEnv[i].val else result := '' end; procedure setMyEnv(const key, val: string); var i: int; begin i := getMyEnvIdx(key); if i < 0 then begin i := length(myEnv); setLength(myEnv, i+1); myEnv[i].key := key end; myEnv[i].val := val end; procedure putEnv(const name, val: string); begin setEnv(pchar(name), pchar(val), true); setMyEnv(name, val); // writeln('putEnv() is not supported under this OS'); // halt(3); end; function getEnv(const name: string): string; begin result := getMyEnv(name); if result = '' then result := dos.getEnv(name); end; function GetDateStr: string; var wMonth, wYear, wDay: Word; begin SysUtils.DecodeDate(Date, wYear, wMonth, wDay); result := IntToStr(wYear, 4) + '/' + IntToStr(wMonth, 2) + '/' + IntToStr(wDay, 2) end; procedure GetDate(var Day, Month, Year: int); var wMonth, wYear, wDay: Word; begin SysUtils.DecodeDate(Date, wYear, wMonth, wDay); Day := wDay; Month := wMonth; Year := wYear end; procedure GetTime(var Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Millisec: int); var wHour, wMin, wSec, wMSec: Word; begin SysUtils.DecodeTime(Time, wHour, wMin, wSec, wMSec); Hours := wHour; Minutes := wMin; Seconds := wSec; Millisec := wMSec; end; {$endif} function GetTimeStr: string; var Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: int; begin GetTime(Hour, min, sec, msec); result := IntToStr(Hour, 2) + ':' + IntToStr(min, 2) + ':' + IntToStr(Sec, 2) end; function DateAndTime: string; begin result := GetDateStr() + ' ' + getTimeStr() end; {$ifdef windows} function executeShellCommand(const cmd: string): int; var SI: TStartupInfo; ProcInfo: TProcessInformation; process: THandle; L: DWORD; begin FillChar(SI, Sizeof(SI), 0); SI.cb := SizeOf(SI); SI.hStdError := GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); SI.hStdInput := GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); SI.hStdOutput := GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if not Windows.CreateProcess(nil, PChar(cmd), nil, nil, false, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil {Windows.GetEnvironmentStrings()}, nil, SI, ProcInfo) then result := getLastError() else begin Process := ProcInfo.hProcess; CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread); if WaitForSingleObject(Process, INFINITE) <> $ffffffff then begin GetExitCodeProcess(Process, L); result := int(L) end else result := -1; CloseHandle(Process); end; end; {$else} {$ifdef windows} function executeShellCommand(const cmd: string): int; begin result := dos.Exec(cmd, '') end; //C:\Eigenes\compiler\MinGW\bin; {$else} // fpc has a portable function for this function executeShellCommand(const cmd: string): int; begin result := shell(cmd); end; {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef windows} type TFileAge = packed record Low, High: Longword; end; {$else} type TFileAge = dos.DateTime; {DateTime = packed record Year: Word; Month: Word; Day: Word; Hour: Word; Min: Word; Sec: Word; end;} {$endif} function GetLastWriteTime(Filename: PChar): TFileAge; {$ifdef windows} var Handle: THandle; FindRec: Win32_Find_Data; begin Handle := FindFirstFile(Filename, FindRec); FindClose(Handle); result := TFileAge(FindRec.ftLastWriteTime) end; {$else} var f: file; time: longint; begin AssignFile(f, AnsiString(Filename)); Reset(f); GetFTime(f, time); unpackTime(time, result); CloseFile(f); end; {$endif} function Newer(file1, file2: PChar): Boolean; var Time1, Time2: TFileAge; begin Time1 := GetLastWriteTime(file1); Time2 := GetLastWriteTime(file2); {$ifdef windows} if Time1.High <> Time2.High then result := Time1.High > Time2.High else result := Time1.Low > Time2.Low {$else} if time1.year <> time2.year then result := time1.year > time2.year else if time1.month <> time2.month then result := time1.month > time2.month else if time1.day <> time2.day then result := time1.day > time2.day else if time1.hour <> time2.hour then result := time1.hour > time2.hour else if time1.min <> time2.min then result := time1.min > time2.min else if time1.sec <> time2.sec then result := time1.sec > time2.sec {$endif} end; {$ifopt I+} {$define I_on} {$I-} {$endif} function ExistsFile(const filename: string): Boolean; var txt: TextFile; begin AssignFile(txt, filename); Reset(txt); if IOResult = 0 then begin result := true; CloseFile(txt) end else result := false end; {$ifdef I_on} {$I+} {$endif} function FileNewer(const a, b: string): Boolean; begin if not ExistsFile(PChar(a)) or not ExistsFile(PChar(b)) then result := false else result := newer(PChar(a), PChar(b)) end; end.