// // // The Nimrod Compiler // (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf // // See the file "copying.txt", included in this // distribution, for details about the copyright. // unit nsystem; // This module provides things that are in Nimrod's system // module and not available in Pascal. interface {$include 'config.inc'} uses sysutils {$ifdef fpc} , math {$endif} ; type // Generic int like in Nimrod: // well, no, because of FPC's bugs... {$ifdef cpu64} int = int64; uint = qword; {$else} int = longint; uint = cardinal; {$endif} TResult = Boolean; EInvalidValue = class(Exception) end; {$ifndef fpc} EOverflow = class(Exception) end; {$endif} EOutOfRange = class(Exception) end; float32 = single; float64 = double; PFloat32 = ^float32; PFloat64 = ^float64; const Failure = False; Success = True; snil = ''; type Natural = 0..high(int); Positive = 1..high(int); NObject = object // base type for all objects, cannot use // TObject here, as it would overwrite System.TObject which is // a class in Object pascal. Anyway, pas2mor has no problems // to replace NObject by TObject end; PObject = ^NObject; int16 = smallint; int8 = shortint; int32 = longint; uint16 = word; uint32 = longword; uint8 = byte; TByteArray = array [0..1024 * 1024] of Byte; PByteArray = ^TByteArray; PByte = ^Byte; cstring = pchar; bool = boolean; PInt32 = ^int32; {$ifdef bit64clean} // BUGIX: was $ifdef fpc BiggestUInt = QWord; BiggestInt = Int64; // biggest integer type available {$else} BiggestUInt = Cardinal; // Delphi's Int64 is broken seriously BiggestInt = Integer; // ditto {$endif} BiggestFloat = Double; // biggest floating point type {$ifdef cpu64} TAddress = Int64; {$else} TAddress = longint; {$endif} var NaN: float; inf: float; NegInf: float; {$ifdef fpc} {$else} {$ifopt Q+} {$define Q_on} {$Q-} {$endif} {$ifopt R+} {$define R_on} {$R-} {$endif} const Inf = 1.0/0.0; NegInf = (-1.0) / 0.0; {$ifdef Q_on} {$Q+} {$undef Q_on} {$endif} {$ifdef R_on} {$R+} {$undef R_on} {$endif} {$endif} function toFloat(i: biggestInt): biggestFloat; function toInt(r: biggestFloat): biggestInt; function min(a, b: int): int; overload; function max(a, b: int): int; overload; {$ifndef fpc} // fpc cannot handle these overloads (bug in 64bit version?) // the Nimrod compiler does not use them anyway, so it does not matter function max(a, b: real): real; overload; function min(a, b: real): real; overload; {$endif} procedure zeroMem(p: Pointer; size: int); procedure copyMem(dest, source: Pointer; size: int); procedure moveMem(dest, source: Pointer; size: int); function equalMem(a, b: Pointer; size: int): Boolean; function ncopy(s: string; a: int = 1): string; overload; function ncopy(s: string; a, b: int): string; overload; // will be replaced by "copy" function newString(len: int): string; procedure addChar(var s: string; c: Char); {@ignore} function addU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; function subU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; function mulU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; function divU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; function modU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; function shlU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; function shrU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; function ltU(a, b: biggestInt): bool; function leU(a, b: biggestInt): bool; function toU8(a: biggestInt): byte; function toU16(a: biggestInt): int16; function toU32(a: biggestInt): int32; function ze64(a: byte): biggestInt; function ze(a: byte): int; {@emit} function alloc(size: int): Pointer; function realloc(p: Pointer; newsize: int): Pointer; procedure dealloc(p: Pointer); type TTextFile = record buf: PChar; sysFile: system.textFile; end; TBinaryFile = file; TFileMode = (fmRead, fmWrite, fmReadWrite, fmReadWriteExisting, fmAppend); function OpenFile(out f: tTextFile; const filename: string; mode: TFileMode = fmRead): Boolean; overload; function endofFile(var f: tBinaryFile): boolean; overload; function endofFile(var f: textFile): boolean; overload; function readChar(var f: tTextFile): char; function readLine(var f: tTextFile): string; overload; function readLine(var f: tBinaryFile): string; overload; function readLine(var f: textFile): string; overload; procedure nimWrite(var f: tTextFile; const str: string); overload; procedure nimCloseFile(var f: tTextFile); overload; // binary file handling: function OpenFile(var f: tBinaryFile; const filename: string; mode: TFileMode = fmRead): Boolean; overload; procedure nimCloseFile(var f: tBinaryFile); overload; function ReadBytes(var f: tBinaryFile; out a: array of byte; start, len: int): int; function ReadChars(var f: tBinaryFile; out a: array of char; start, len: int): int; function writeBuffer(var f: TBinaryFile; buffer: pointer; len: int): int; function readBuffer(var f: tBinaryFile; buffer: pointer; len: int): int; overload; function readBuffer(var f: tBinaryFile): string; overload; function getFilePos(var f: tBinaryFile): int; procedure setFilePos(var f: tBinaryFile; pos: int64); function readFile(const filename: string): string; procedure nimWrite(var f: tBinaryFile; const str: string); overload; procedure add(var x: string; const y: string); // Pascal version of string appending. Terminating zero is ignored. implementation {@ignore} procedure add(var x: string; const y: string); // Pascal version of string appending. Terminating zero is ignored. var L: int; begin L := length(y); if L > 0 then begin if y[L] = #0 then x := x + copy(y, 1, L-1) else x := x + y; end end; {@emit} function alloc(size: int): Pointer; begin getMem(result, size); // use standard allocator FillChar(result^, size, 0); end; function realloc(p: Pointer; newsize: int): Pointer; begin reallocMem(p, newsize); // use standard allocator result := p; end; procedure dealloc(p: pointer); begin freeMem(p); end; {@ignore} function addU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; begin result := biggestInt(biggestUInt(a) + biggestUInt(b)); end; function subU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; begin result := biggestInt(biggestUInt(a) - biggestUInt(b)); end; function mulU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; begin result := biggestInt(biggestUInt(a) * biggestUInt(b)); end; function divU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; begin result := biggestInt(biggestUInt(a) div biggestUInt(b)); end; function modU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; begin result := biggestInt(biggestUInt(a) mod biggestUInt(b)); end; function shlU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; begin result := biggestInt(biggestUInt(a) shl biggestUInt(b)); end; function shrU(a, b: biggestInt): biggestInt; begin result := biggestInt(biggestUInt(a) shr biggestUInt(b)); end; function ltU(a, b: biggestInt): bool; begin result := biggestUInt(a) < biggestUInt(b); end; function leU(a, b: biggestInt): bool; begin result := biggestUInt(a) < biggestUInt(b); end; function toU8(a: biggestInt): byte; begin assert(a >= 0); assert(a <= 255); result := a; end; function toU32(a: biggestInt): int32; begin result := int32(a and $ffffffff); end; function toU16(a: biggestInt): int16; begin result := int16(a and $ffff); end; function ze64(a: byte): biggestInt; begin result := a end; function ze(a: byte): int; begin result := a end; {@emit} procedure addChar(var s: string; c: Char); {@ignore} // delphi produces suboptimal code for "s := s + c" {$ifndef fpc} var len: int; {$endif} {@emit} begin {@ignore} {$ifdef fpc} s := s + c {$else} {$ifopt H+} len := length(s); setLength(s, len + 1); PChar(Pointer(s))[len] := c {$else} s := s + c {$endif} {$endif} {@emit s &= c } end; function newString(len: int): string; begin setLength(result, len); if len > 0 then begin {@ignore} fillChar(result[1], length(result), 0); {@emit} end end; function toFloat(i: BiggestInt): BiggestFloat; begin result := i // conversion automatically in Pascal end; function toInt(r: BiggestFloat): BiggestInt; begin result := round(r); end; procedure zeroMem(p: Pointer; size: int); begin fillChar(p^, size, 0); end; procedure copyMem(dest, source: Pointer; size: int); begin if size > 0 then move(source^, dest^, size); end; procedure moveMem(dest, source: Pointer; size: int); begin if size > 0 then move(source^, dest^, size); // move handles overlapping regions end; function equalMem(a, b: Pointer; size: int): Boolean; begin result := compareMem(a, b, size); end; {$ifndef fpc} function min(a, b: real): real; overload; begin if a < b then result := a else result := b end; function max(a, b: real): real; overload; begin if a > b then result := a else result := b end; {$endif} function min(a, b: int): int; overload; begin if a < b then result := a else result := b end; function max(a, b: int): int; overload; begin if a > b then result := a else result := b end; function ncopy(s: string; a, b: int): string; begin result := copy(s, a, b-a+1); end; function ncopy(s: string; a: int = 1): string; begin result := copy(s, a, length(s)) end; {$ifopt I+} {$define I_on} {$I-} {$endif} function OpenFile(out f: tTextFile; const filename: string; mode: TFileMode = fmRead): Boolean; overload; begin AssignFile(f.sysFile, filename); f.buf := alloc(4096); SetTextBuf(f.sysFile, f.buf^, 4096); case mode of fmRead: Reset(f.sysFile); fmWrite: Rewrite(f.sysFile); fmReadWrite: Reset(f.sysFile); fmAppend: Append(f.sysFile); end; result := (IOResult = 0); end; function readChar(var f: tTextFile): char; begin Read(f.sysFile, result); end; procedure nimWrite(var f: tTextFile; const str: string); begin system.write(f.sysFile, str) end; function readLine(var f: tTextFile): string; begin Readln(f.sysFile, result); end; function endofFile(var f: tBinaryFile): boolean; begin result := eof(f) end; function endofFile(var f: textFile): boolean; begin result := eof(f) end; procedure nimCloseFile(var f: tTextFile); begin closeFile(f.sysFile); dealloc(f.buf) end; procedure nimCloseFile(var f: tBinaryFile); begin closeFile(f); end; function OpenFile(var f: TBinaryFile; const filename: string; mode: TFileMode = fmRead): Boolean; begin AssignFile(f, filename); case mode of fmRead: Reset(f, 1); fmWrite: Rewrite(f, 1); fmReadWrite: Reset(f, 1); fmAppend: assert(false); end; result := (IOResult = 0); end; function ReadBytes(var f: tBinaryFile; out a: array of byte; start, len: int): int; begin result := 0; BlockRead(f, a[0], len, result) end; function ReadChars(var f: tBinaryFile; out a: array of char; start, len: int): int; begin result := 0; BlockRead(f, a[0], len, result) end; function readBuffer(var f: tBinaryFile; buffer: pointer; len: int): int; begin result := 0; BlockRead(f, buffer^, len, result) end; procedure nimWrite(var f: tBinaryFile; const str: string); overload; begin writeBuffer(f, addr(str[1]), length(str)); end; function readLine(var f: tBinaryFile): string; overload; var c: char; begin result := ''; while readBuffer(f, addr(c), 1) = 1 do begin case c of #13: begin readBuffer(f, addr(c), 1); // skip #10 break; end; #10: break; else begin end end; addChar(result, c); end end; function readLine(var f: textFile): string; overload; begin result := ''; readln(f, result); end; function readBuffer(var f: tBinaryFile): string; overload; const bufSize = 4096; var bytesRead, len, cap: int; begin // read the file in 4K chunks result := newString(bufSize); cap := bufSize; len := 0; while true do begin bytesRead := readBuffer(f, addr(result[len+1]), bufSize); inc(len, bytesRead); if bytesRead <> bufSize then break; inc(cap, bufSize); setLength(result, cap); end; setLength(result, len); end; function readFile(const filename: string): string; var f: tBinaryFile; begin if openFile(f, filename) then begin result := readBuffer(f); nimCloseFile(f) end else result := ''; end; function writeBuffer(var f: TBinaryFile; buffer: pointer; len: int): int; begin result := 0; BlockWrite(f, buffer^, len, result); end; function getFilePos(var f: tBinaryFile): int; begin result := filePos(f); end; procedure setFilePos(var f: tBinaryFile; pos: int64); begin Seek(f, pos); end; {$ifdef I_on} {$undef I_on} {$I+} {$endif} {$ifopt R+} {$R-,Q-} {$define R_on} {$endif} var zero: float; Saved8087CW: Word; savedExcMask: TFPUExceptionMask; initialization {$ifdef cpu64} savedExcMask := SetExceptionMask([exInvalidOp, exDenormalized, exPrecision, exZeroDivide, exOverflow, exUnderflow ]); {$else} Saved8087CW := Default8087CW; Set8087CW($133f); // Disable all fpu exceptions {$endif} zero := 0.0; NaN := 0.0 / zero; inf := 1.0 / zero; NegInf := -inf; finalization {$ifdef cpu64} SetExceptionMask(savedExcMask); // set back exception mask {$else} Set8087CW(Saved8087CW); {$endif} {$ifdef R_on} {$R+,Q+} {$endif} end.