// // // The Nimrod Compiler // (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf // // See the file "copying.txt", included in this // distribution, for details about the copyright. // // This module implements the signature matching for resolving // the call to overloaded procs, generic procs and operators. type TCandidateState = (csEmpty, csMatch, csNoMatch); TCandidate = record exactMatches: int; subtypeMatches: int; intConvMatches: int; // conversions to int are not as expensive convMatches: int; genericMatches: int; state: TCandidateState; callee: PType; // may not be nil! calleeSym: PSym; // may be nil call: PNode; // modified call bindings: TIdTable; // maps sym-ids to types baseTypeMatch: bool; // needed for conversions from T to openarray[T] // for example end; TTypeRelation = (isNone, isConvertible, isIntConv, isSubtype, isGeneric, isEqual); // order is important! procedure initCandidate(out c: TCandidate; callee: PType); begin c.exactMatches := 0; c.subtypeMatches := 0; c.convMatches := 0; c.intConvMatches := 0; c.genericMatches := 0; c.state := csEmpty; c.callee := callee; c.calleeSym := nil; c.call := nil; c.baseTypeMatch := false; initIdTable(c.bindings); assert(c.callee <> nil); end; function cmpCandidates(const a, b: TCandidate): int; begin result := a.exactMatches - b.exactMatches; if result <> 0 then exit; result := a.genericMatches - b.genericMatches; if result <> 0 then exit; result := a.subtypeMatches - b.subtypeMatches; if result <> 0 then exit; result := a.intConvMatches - b.intConvMatches; if result <> 0 then exit; result := a.convMatches - b.convMatches; end; procedure writeMatches(const c: TCandidate); begin Writeln(output, 'exact matches: ' + toString(c.exactMatches)); Writeln(output, 'subtype matches: ' + toString(c.subtypeMatches)); Writeln(output, 'conv matches: ' + toString(c.convMatches)); Writeln(output, 'intconv matches: ' + toString(c.intConvMatches)); Writeln(output, 'generic matches: ' + toString(c.genericMatches)); end; function getNotFoundError(c: PContext; n: PNode): string; // Gives a detailed error message; this is seperated from semDirectCall, // as semDirectCall is already pretty slow (and we need this information only // in case of an error). var sym: PSym; o: TOverloadIter; i: int; candidates: string; begin result := msgKindToString(errTypeMismatch); for i := 1 to sonsLen(n)-1 do begin //debug(n.sons[i].typ); add(result, typeToString(n.sons[i].typ)); if i <> sonsLen(n)-1 then add(result, ', '); end; addChar(result, ')'); candidates := ''; sym := initOverloadIter(o, c, n.sons[0]); while sym <> nil do begin if sym.kind in [skProc, skIterator, skConverter] then begin add(candidates, getProcHeader(sym)); add(candidates, nl) end; sym := nextOverloadIter(o, c, n.sons[0]); end; if candidates <> '' then add(result, nl +{&} msgKindToString(errButExpected) +{&} nl +{&} candidates); end; function typeRel(var mapping: TIdTable; f, a: PType): TTypeRelation; overload; forward; function concreteType(t: PType): PType; begin case t.kind of tyArrayConstr: begin // make it an array result := newType(tyArray, t.owner); addSon(result, t.sons[0]); // XXX: t.owner is wrong for ID! addSon(result, t.sons[1]); // XXX: semantic checking for the type? end; tyNil: result := nil; // what should it be? else result := t // Note: empty is valid here end end; function handleRange(f, a: PType; min, max: TTypeKind): TTypeRelation; var k: TTypeKind; begin if a.kind = f.kind then result := isEqual else begin k := skipTypes(a, {@set}[tyRange]).kind; if k = f.kind then result := isSubtype else if (f.kind = tyInt) and (k in [tyInt..tyInt32]) then result := isIntConv else if (k >= min) and (k <= max) then result := isConvertible else result := isNone end end; function handleFloatRange(f, a: PType): TTypeRelation; var k: TTypeKind; begin if a.kind = f.kind then result := isEqual else begin k := skipTypes(a, {@set}[tyRange]).kind; if k = f.kind then result := isSubtype else if (k >= tyFloat) and (k <= tyFloat128) then result := isConvertible else result := isNone end end; function isObjectSubtype(a, f: PType): bool; var t: PType; begin t := a; while (t <> nil) and (t.id <> f.id) do t := base(t); result := t <> nil end; function minRel(a, b: TTypeRelation): TTypeRelation; begin if a <= b then result := a else result := b end; function tupleRel(var mapping: TIdTable; f, a: PType): TTypeRelation; var i: int; x, y: PSym; m: TTypeRelation; begin result := isNone; if sonsLen(a) = sonsLen(f) then begin result := isEqual; for i := 0 to sonsLen(f)-1 do begin m := typeRel(mapping, f.sons[i], a.sons[i]); if m < isSubtype then begin result := isNone; exit end; result := minRel(result, m); end; if (f.n <> nil) and (a.n <> nil) then begin for i := 0 to sonsLen(f.n)-1 do begin // check field names: if f.n.sons[i].kind <> nkSym then InternalError(f.n.info, 'tupleRel'); if a.n.sons[i].kind <> nkSym then InternalError(a.n.info, 'tupleRel'); x := f.n.sons[i].sym; y := a.n.sons[i].sym; if x.name.id <> y.name.id then begin result := isNone; exit end end end end end; function typeRel(var mapping: TIdTable; f, a: PType): TTypeRelation; var x, concrete: PType; i: Int; m: TTypeRelation; begin // is a subtype of f? result := isNone; assert(f <> nil); assert(a <> nil); if (a.kind = tyGenericInst) and (skipTypes(f, {@set}[tyVar]).kind <> tyGeneric) then begin result := typeRel(mapping, f, lastSon(a)); exit end; if (a.kind = tyVar) and (f.kind <> tyVar) then begin result := typeRel(mapping, f, a.sons[0]); exit end; case f.kind of tyEnum: begin if (a.kind = f.kind) and (a.id = f.id) then result := isEqual else if (skipTypes(a, {@set}[tyRange]).id = f.id) then result := isSubtype end; tyBool, tyChar: begin if (a.kind = f.kind) then result := isEqual else if skipTypes(a, {@set}[tyRange]).kind = f.kind then result := isSubtype end; tyRange: begin if (a.kind = f.kind) then begin result := typeRel(mapping, base(a), base(f)); if result < isGeneric then result := isNone end else if skipTypes(f, {@set}[tyRange]).kind = a.kind then result := isConvertible // a convertible to f end; tyInt: result := handleRange(f, a, tyInt8, tyInt32); tyInt8: result := handleRange(f, a, tyInt8, tyInt8); tyInt16: result := handleRange(f, a, tyInt8, tyInt16); tyInt32: result := handleRange(f, a, tyInt, tyInt32); tyInt64: result := handleRange(f, a, tyInt, tyInt64); tyFloat: result := handleFloatRange(f, a); tyFloat32: result := handleFloatRange(f, a); tyFloat64: result := handleFloatRange(f, a); tyFloat128: result := handleFloatRange(f, a); tyVar: begin if (a.kind = f.kind) then result := typeRel(mapping, base(f), base(a)) else result := typeRel(mapping, base(f), a) end; tyArray, tyArrayConstr: begin // tyArrayConstr cannot happen really, but // we wanna be safe here case a.kind of tyArray: begin result := minRel(typeRel(mapping, f.sons[0], a.sons[0]), typeRel(mapping, f.sons[1], a.sons[1])); if result < isGeneric then result := isNone; end; tyArrayConstr: begin result := typeRel(mapping, f.sons[1], a.sons[1]); if result < isGeneric then result := isNone else begin if (result <> isGeneric) and (lengthOrd(f) <> lengthOrd(a)) then result := isNone else if f.sons[0].kind in GenericTypes then result := minRel(result, typeRel(mapping, f.sons[0], a.sons[0])); end end; else begin end end end; tyOpenArray: begin case a.Kind of tyOpenArray: begin result := typeRel(mapping, base(f), base(a)); if result < isGeneric then result := isNone end; tyArrayConstr: begin if (f.sons[0].kind <> tyGenericParam) and (a.sons[1].kind = tyEmpty) then result := isSubtype // [] is allowed here else if typeRel(mapping, base(f), a.sons[1]) >= isGeneric then result := isSubtype; end; tyArray: begin if (f.sons[0].kind <> tyGenericParam) and (a.sons[1].kind = tyEmpty) then result := isSubtype else if typeRel(mapping, base(f), a.sons[1]) >= isGeneric then result := isConvertible end; tySequence: begin if (f.sons[0].kind <> tyGenericParam) and (a.sons[0].kind = tyEmpty) then result := isConvertible else if typeRel(mapping, base(f), a.sons[0]) >= isGeneric then result := isConvertible; end else begin end end end; tySequence: begin case a.Kind of tyNil: result := isSubtype; tySequence: begin if (f.sons[0].kind <> tyGenericParam) and (a.sons[0].kind = tyEmpty) then result := isSubtype else begin result := typeRel(mapping, f.sons[0], a.sons[0]); if result < isGeneric then result := isNone end end; else begin end end end; tyOrdinal: begin if isOrdinalType(a) then begin if a.kind = tyOrdinal then x := a.sons[0] else x := a; result := typeRel(mapping, f.sons[0], x); if result < isGeneric then result := isNone end end; tyForward: InternalError('forward type in typeRel()'); tyNil: begin if a.kind = f.kind then result := isEqual end; tyTuple: begin if a.kind = tyTuple then result := tupleRel(mapping, f, a); end; tyObject: begin if a.kind = tyObject then begin if a.id = f.id then result := isEqual else if isObjectSubtype(a, f) then result := isSubtype end end; tyAbstract: begin if (a.kind = tyAbstract) and (a.id = f.id) then result := isEqual; end; tySet: begin if a.kind = tySet then begin if (f.sons[0].kind <> tyGenericParam) and (a.sons[0].kind = tyEmpty) then result := isSubtype else begin result := typeRel(mapping, f.sons[0], a.sons[0]); if result <= isConvertible then result := isNone // BUGFIX! end end end; tyPtr: begin case a.kind of tyPtr: begin result := typeRel(mapping, base(f), base(a)); if result <= isConvertible then result := isNone end; tyNil: result := isSubtype else begin end end end; tyRef: begin case a.kind of tyRef: begin result := typeRel(mapping, base(f), base(a)); if result <= isConvertible then result := isNone end; tyNil: result := isSubtype else begin end end end; tyProc: begin case a.kind of tyNil: result := isSubtype; tyProc: begin if (sonsLen(f) = sonsLen(a)) and (f.callconv = a.callconv) then begin // Note: We have to do unification for the parameters before the // return type! result := isEqual; // start with maximum; also correct for no // params at all for i := 1 to sonsLen(f)-1 do begin m := typeRel(mapping, f.sons[i], a.sons[i]); if (m = isNone) and (typeRel(mapping, a.sons[i], f.sons[i]) = isSubtype) then begin // allow ``f.son`` as subtype of ``a.son``! result := isConvertible; end else if m < isSubtype then begin result := isNone; exit end else result := minRel(m, result) end; if f.sons[0] <> nil then begin if a.sons[0] <> nil then begin m := typeRel(mapping, f.sons[0], a.sons[0]); // Subtype is sufficient for return types! if m < isSubtype then result := isNone else if m = isSubtype then result := isConvertible else result := minRel(m, result) end else result := isNone end else if a.sons[0] <> nil then result := isNone end end else begin end end end; tyPointer: begin case a.kind of tyPointer: result := isEqual; tyNil: result := isSubtype; tyRef, tyPtr, tyProc, tyCString: result := isConvertible; else begin end end end; tyString: begin case a.kind of tyString: result := isEqual; tyNil: result := isSubtype; else begin end end end; tyCString: begin // conversion from string to cstring is automatic: case a.Kind of tyCString: result := isEqual; tyNil: result := isSubtype; tyString: result := isConvertible; tyPtr: if a.sons[0].kind = tyChar then result := isConvertible; tyArray: begin if (firstOrd(a.sons[0]) = 0) and (skipTypes(a.sons[0], {@set}[tyRange]).kind in [tyInt..tyInt64]) and (a.sons[1].kind = tyChar) then result := isConvertible; end else begin end end end; tyEmpty: begin if a.kind = tyEmpty then result := isEqual; end; tyGenericInst: begin result := typeRel(mapping, lastSon(f), a); end; tyGeneric: begin x := PType(idTableGet(mapping, f)); if x = nil then begin assert(f.containerID <> 0); assert(lastSon(f) = nil); if (a.kind = tyGenericInst) and (f.containerID = a.containerID) and (sonsLen(a) = sonsLen(f)) then begin for i := 0 to sonsLen(f)-2 do begin if typeRel(mapping, f.sons[i], a.sons[i]) < isGeneric then exit; end; result := isGeneric; idTablePut(mapping, f, a); end end else begin result := typeRel(mapping, x, a) // check if it fits end end; tyGenericParam: begin x := PType(idTableGet(mapping, f)); if x = nil then begin if sonsLen(f) = 0 then begin // no constraints concrete := concreteType(a); if concrete <> nil then begin idTablePut(mapping, f, concrete); result := isGeneric end; end else begin // check constraints: for i := 0 to sonsLen(f)-1 do begin if typeRel(mapping, f.sons[i], a) >= isSubtype then begin concrete := concreteType(a); if concrete <> nil then begin idTablePut(mapping, f, concrete); result := isGeneric end; break end end end end else if a.kind = tyEmpty then result := isGeneric else begin result := typeRel(mapping, x, a); // check if it fits end end else internalError('typeRel(' +{&} typeKindToStr[f.kind] +{&} ')'); end end; function cmpTypes(f, a: PType): TTypeRelation; var mapping: TIdTable; begin InitIdTable(mapping); result := typeRel(mapping, f, a); end; function getInstantiatedType(c: PContext; arg: PNode; const m: TCandidate; f: PType): PType; begin result := PType(idTableGet(m.bindings, f)); if result = nil then begin result := generateTypeInstance(c, m.bindings, arg.info, f); end; if result = nil then InternalError(arg.info, 'getInstantiatedType'); end; function implicitConv(kind: TNodeKind; f: PType; arg: PNode; const m: TCandidate; c: PContext): PNode; begin result := newNodeI(kind, arg.info); if containsGenericType(f) then result.typ := getInstantiatedType(c, arg, m, f) else result.typ := f; if result.typ = nil then InternalError(arg.info, 'implicitConv'); addSon(result, nil); addSon(result, arg); end; function userConvMatch(c: PContext; var m: TCandidate; f, a: PType; arg: PNode): PNode; var i: int; src, dest: PType; s: PNode; begin result := nil; for i := 0 to length(c.converters)-1 do begin src := c.converters[i].typ.sons[1]; dest := c.converters[i].typ.sons[0]; if (typeRel(m.bindings, f, dest) = isEqual) and (typeRel(m.bindings, src, a) = isEqual) then begin s := newSymNode(c.converters[i]); s.typ := c.converters[i].typ; s.info := arg.info; result := newNodeIT(nkHiddenCallConv, arg.info, s.typ.sons[0]); addSon(result, s); addSon(result, copyTree(arg)); inc(m.convMatches); exit end end end; function ParamTypesMatch(c: PContext; var m: TCandidate; f, a: PType; arg: PNode): PNode; var r: TTypeRelation; begin r := typeRel(m.bindings, f, a); case r of isConvertible: begin inc(m.convMatches); result := implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, f, copyTree(arg), m, c); end; isIntConv: begin inc(m.intConvMatches); result := implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, f, copyTree(arg), m, c); end; isSubtype: begin inc(m.subtypeMatches); result := implicitConv(nkHiddenSubConv, f, copyTree(arg), m, c); end; isGeneric: begin inc(m.genericMatches); result := copyTree(arg); result.typ := getInstantiatedType(c, arg, m, f); // BUG: f may not be the right key! if (skipTypes(result.typ, abstractVar).kind in [tyTuple, tyOpenArray]) then // BUGFIX: must pass length implicitely result := implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, f, copyTree(arg), m, c); // BUGFIX: use ``result.typ`` and not `f` here end; isEqual: begin inc(m.exactMatches); result := copyTree(arg); if (skipTypes(f, abstractVar).kind in [tyTuple, tyOpenArray]) then // BUGFIX: must pass length implicitely result := implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, f, copyTree(arg), m, c); end; isNone: begin result := userConvMatch(c, m, f, a, arg); // check for a base type match, which supports openarray[T] without [] // constructor in a call: if (result = nil) and (f.kind = tyOpenArray) then begin r := typeRel(m.bindings, base(f), a); if r >= isGeneric then begin inc(m.convMatches); result := copyTree(arg); if r = isGeneric then result.typ := getInstantiatedType(c, arg, m, base(f)); m.baseTypeMatch := true; end else result := userConvMatch(c, m, base(f), a, arg); end end end end; function IndexTypesMatch(c: PContext; f, a: PType; arg: PNode): PNode; var m: TCandidate; begin initCandidate(m, f); result := paramTypesMatch(c, m, f, a, arg) end; procedure setSon(father: PNode; at: int; son: PNode); begin if sonsLen(father) <= at then setLength(father.sons, at+1); father.sons[at] := son; end; procedure matches(c: PContext; n: PNode; var m: TCandidate); var f: int; // iterates over formal parameters a: int; // iterates over the actual given arguments formalLen: int; marker: TIntSet; container, arg: PNode; // constructed container formal: PSym; begin f := 1; a := 1; m.state := csMatch; // until proven otherwise m.call := newNodeI(nkCall, n.info); m.call.typ := base(m.callee); // may be nil formalLen := sonsLen(m.callee.n); addSon(m.call, copyTree(n.sons[0])); IntSetInit(marker); container := nil; formal := nil; while a < sonsLen(n) do begin if n.sons[a].kind = nkExprEqExpr then begin // named param // check if m.callee has such a param: if n.sons[a].sons[0].kind <> nkIdent then begin liMessage(n.sons[a].info, errNamedParamHasToBeIdent); m.state := csNoMatch; exit end; formal := getSymFromList(m.callee.n, n.sons[a].sons[0].ident, 1); if formal = nil then begin // no error message! m.state := csNoMatch; exit; end; if IntSetContainsOrIncl(marker, formal.position) then begin // already in namedParams: liMessage(n.sons[a].info, errCannotBindXTwice, formal.name.s); m.state := csNoMatch; exit end; m.baseTypeMatch := false; arg := ParamTypesMatch(c, m, formal.typ, n.sons[a].typ, n.sons[a].sons[1]); if (arg = nil) then begin m.state := csNoMatch; exit end; if m.baseTypeMatch then begin assert(container = nil); container := newNodeI(nkBracket, n.sons[a].info); addSon(container, arg); setSon(m.call, formal.position+1, container); if f <> formalLen-1 then container := nil; end else begin setSon(m.call, formal.position+1, arg); end end else begin // unnamed param if f >= formalLen then begin // too many arguments? if tfVarArgs in m.callee.flags then begin // is ok... but don't increment any counters... if skipTypes(n.sons[a].typ, abstractVar).kind = tyString then // conversion to cstring addSon(m.call, implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, getSysType(tyCString), copyTree(n.sons[a]), m, c)) else addSon(m.call, copyTree(n.sons[a])); end else if formal <> nil then begin m.baseTypeMatch := false; arg := ParamTypesMatch(c, m, formal.typ, n.sons[a].typ, n.sons[a]); if (arg <> nil) and m.baseTypeMatch and (container <> nil) then begin addSon(container, arg); end else begin m.state := csNoMatch; exit end; end else begin m.state := csNoMatch; exit end end else begin if m.callee.n.sons[f].kind <> nkSym then InternalError(n.sons[a].info, 'matches'); formal := m.callee.n.sons[f].sym; if IntSetContainsOrIncl(marker, formal.position) then begin // already in namedParams: liMessage(n.sons[a].info, errCannotBindXTwice, formal.name.s); m.state := csNoMatch; exit end; m.baseTypeMatch := false; arg := ParamTypesMatch(c, m, formal.typ, n.sons[a].typ, n.sons[a]); if (arg = nil) then begin m.state := csNoMatch; exit end; if m.baseTypeMatch then begin assert(container = nil); container := newNodeI(nkBracket, n.sons[a].info); addSon(container, arg); setSon(m.call, formal.position+1, implicitConv(nkHiddenStdConv, formal.typ, container, m, c)); if f <> formalLen-1 then container := nil; end else begin setSon(m.call, formal.position+1, arg); end end end; inc(a); inc(f); end; // iterate over all formal params and check all are provided: f := 1; while f < sonsLen(m.callee.n) do begin formal := m.callee.n.sons[f].sym; if not IntSetContainsOrIncl(marker, formal.position) then begin if formal.ast = nil then begin // no default value m.state := csNoMatch; break end else begin // use default value: setSon(m.call, formal.position+1, copyTree(formal.ast)); end end; inc(f); end end; function semDirectCall(c: PContext; n: PNode): PNode; var sym: PSym; o: TOverloadIter; x, y, z: TCandidate; cmp: int; begin sym := initOverloadIter(o, c, n.sons[0]); result := nil; if sym = nil then exit; initCandidate(x, sym.typ); x.calleeSym := sym; initCandidate(y, sym.typ); y.calleeSym := sym; while sym <> nil do begin if sym.kind in [skProc, skIterator, skConverter] then begin initCandidate(z, sym.typ); z.calleeSym := sym; matches(c, n, z); if z.state = csMatch then begin case x.state of csEmpty, csNoMatch: x := z; csMatch: begin cmp := cmpCandidates(x, z); if cmp < 0 then x := z // z is better than x else if cmp = 0 then y := z // z is as good as x else begin end // z is worse than x end end end end; sym := nextOverloadIter(o, c, n.sons[0]) end; if x.state = csEmpty then begin // no overloaded proc found // do not generate an error yet; the semantic checking will check for // an overloaded () operator end else if (y.state = csMatch) and (cmpCandidates(x, y) = 0) then begin if x.state <> csMatch then InternalError(n.info, 'x.state is not csMatch'); //writeMatches(x); //writeMatches(y); liMessage(n.Info, errGenerated, format(msgKindToString(errAmbigiousCallXYZ), [getProcHeader(x.calleeSym), getProcHeader(y.calleeSym), x.calleeSym.Name.s])) end else begin // only one valid interpretation found: include(x.calleeSym.flags, sfUsed); if x.calleeSym.ast = nil then internalError(n.info, 'calleeSym.ast is nil'); // XXX: remove this check! if x.calleeSym.ast.sons[genericParamsPos] <> nil then begin // a generic proc! x.calleeSym := generateInstance(c, x.calleeSym, x.bindings, n.info); x.callee := x.calleeSym.typ; end; result := x.call; result.sons[0] := newSymNode(x.calleeSym); result.typ := x.callee.sons[0]; end end;