// // // The Nimrod Compiler // (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf // // See the file "copying.txt", included in this // distribution, for details about the copyright. // unit transf; // This module implements the transformator. It transforms the syntax tree // to ease the work of the code generators. Does some transformations: // // * inlines iterators // * inlines constants // * performes contant folding // * introduces nkHiddenDeref, nkHiddenSubConv, etc. interface {$include 'config.inc'} uses sysutils, nsystem, charsets, strutils, lists, options, ast, astalgo, trees, treetab, msgs, nos, idents, rnimsyn, types, passes, semfold, magicsys; const genPrefix = ':tmp'; // prefix for generated names function transfPass(): TPass; implementation type PTransCon = ^TTransCon; TTransCon = record // part of TContext; stackable mapping: TIdNodeTable; // mapping from symbols to nodes owner: PSym; // current owner forStmt: PNode; // current for stmt next: PTransCon; // for stacking end; TTransfContext = object(passes.TPassContext) module: PSym; transCon: PTransCon; // top of a TransCon stack end; PTransf = ^TTransfContext; function newTransCon(): PTransCon; begin new(result); {@ignore} fillChar(result^, sizeof(result^), 0); {@emit} initIdNodeTable(result.mapping); end; procedure pushTransCon(c: PTransf; t: PTransCon); begin t.next := c.transCon; c.transCon := t; end; procedure popTransCon(c: PTransf); begin if (c.transCon = nil) then InternalError('popTransCon'); c.transCon := c.transCon.next; end; // ------------ helpers ----------------------------------------------------- function getCurrOwner(c: PTransf): PSym; begin if c.transCon <> nil then result := c.transCon.owner else result := c.module; end; function newTemp(c: PTransf; typ: PType; const info: TLineInfo): PSym; begin result := newSym(skTemp, getIdent(genPrefix), getCurrOwner(c)); result.info := info; result.typ := skipGeneric(typ); include(result.flags, sfFromGeneric); end; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function transform(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; forward; (* Transforming iterators into non-inlined versions is pretty hard, but unavoidable for not bloating the code too much. If we had direct access to the program counter, things'd be much easier. :: iterator items(a: string): char = var i = 0 while i < length(a): yield a[i] inc(i) for ch in items("hello world"): # `ch` is an iteration variable echo(ch) Should be transformed into:: type TItemsClosure = record i: int state: int proc items(a: string, c: var TItemsClosure): char = case c.state of 0: goto L0 # very difficult without goto! of 1: goto L1 # can be implemented by GCC's computed gotos block L0: c.i = 0 while c.i < length(a): c.state = 1 return a[i] block L1: inc(c.i) More efficient, but not implementable: type TItemsClosure = record i: int pc: pointer proc items(a: string, c: var TItemsClosure): char = goto c.pc c.i = 0 while c.i < length(a): c.pc = label1 return a[i] label1: inc(c.i) *) function newAsgnStmt(c: PTransf; le, ri: PNode): PNode; begin result := newNodeI(nkFastAsgn, ri.info); addSon(result, le); addSon(result, ri); end; function transformSym(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; var tc: PTransCon; begin if (n.kind <> nkSym) then internalError(n.info, 'transformSym'); tc := c.transCon; //writeln('transformSym', n.sym.id : 5); while tc <> nil do begin result := IdNodeTableGet(tc.mapping, n.sym); if result <> nil then exit; //write('not found in: '); //writeIdNodeTable(tc.mapping); tc := tc.next end; result := n; case n.sym.kind of skConst, skEnumField: begin // BUGFIX: skEnumField was missing if not (skipGeneric(n.sym.typ).kind in ConstantDataTypes) then begin result := getConstExpr(c.module, n); if result = nil then InternalError(n.info, 'transformSym: const'); end end else begin end end end; procedure transformContinueAux(c: PTransf; n: PNode; labl: PSym; var counter: int); var i: int; begin if n = nil then exit; case n.kind of nkEmpty..nkNilLit, nkForStmt, nkWhileStmt: begin end; nkContinueStmt: begin n.kind := nkBreakStmt; addSon(n, newSymNode(labl)); inc(counter); end; else begin for i := 0 to sonsLen(n)-1 do transformContinueAux(c, n.sons[i], labl, counter); end end end; function transformContinue(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; // we transform the continue statement into a block statement var i, counter: int; x: PNode; labl: PSym; begin result := n; for i := 0 to sonsLen(n)-1 do result.sons[i] := transform(c, n.sons[i]); counter := 0; labl := newSym(skLabel, nil, getCurrOwner(c)); labl.name := getIdent(genPrefix +{&} ToString(labl.id)); labl.info := result.info; transformContinueAux(c, result, labl, counter); if counter > 0 then begin x := newNodeI(nkBlockStmt, result.info); addSon(x, newSymNode(labl)); addSon(x, result); result := x end end; function skipConv(n: PNode): PNode; begin case n.kind of nkObjUpConv, nkObjDownConv, nkPassAsOpenArray, nkChckRange, nkChckRangeF, nkChckRange64: result := n.sons[0]; nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv: result := n.sons[1]; else result := n end end; function newTupleAccess(tup: PNode; i: int): PNode; var lit: PNode; begin result := newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, tup.info, tup.typ.sons[i]); addSon(result, copyTree(tup)); lit := newNodeIT(nkIntLit, tup.info, getSysType(tyInt)); lit.intVal := i; addSon(result, lit); end; procedure unpackTuple(c: PTransf; n, father: PNode); var i: int; begin // XXX: BUG: what if `n` is an expression with side-effects? for i := 0 to sonsLen(n)-1 do begin addSon(father, newAsgnStmt(c, c.transCon.forStmt.sons[i], transform(c, newTupleAccess(n, i)))); end end; function transformYield(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; var e: PNode; i: int; begin result := newNodeI(nkStmtList, n.info); e := n.sons[0]; if skipGeneric(e.typ).kind = tyTuple then begin e := skipConv(e); if e.kind = nkPar then begin for i := 0 to sonsLen(e)-1 do begin addSon(result, newAsgnStmt(c, c.transCon.forStmt.sons[i], transform(c, copyTree(e.sons[i])))); end end else unpackTuple(c, e, result); end else begin e := transform(c, copyTree(e)); addSon(result, newAsgnStmt(c, c.transCon.forStmt.sons[0], e)); end; // add body of the for loop: addSon(result, transform(c, lastSon(c.transCon.forStmt))); end; function inlineIter(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; var i: int; it: PNode; newVar: PSym; begin result := n; if n = nil then exit; case n.kind of nkEmpty..nkNilLit: begin result := transform(c, copyTree(n)); end; nkYieldStmt: result := transformYield(c, n); nkVarSection: begin result := copyTree(n); for i := 0 to sonsLen(result)-1 do begin it := result.sons[i]; if it.kind = nkCommentStmt then continue; if (it.kind <> nkIdentDefs) or (it.sons[0].kind <> nkSym) then InternalError(it.info, 'inlineIter'); newVar := copySym(it.sons[0].sym); include(newVar.flags, sfFromGeneric); // fixes a strange bug for rodgen: //include(it.sons[0].sym.flags, sfFromGeneric); newVar.owner := getCurrOwner(c); IdNodeTablePut(c.transCon.mapping, it.sons[0].sym, newSymNode(newVar)); it.sons[0] := newSymNode(newVar); it.sons[2] := transform(c, it.sons[2]); end end else begin result := copyNode(n); for i := 0 to sonsLen(n)-1 do addSon(result, inlineIter(c, n.sons[i])); result := transform(c, result); end end end; procedure addVar(father, v: PNode); var vpart: PNode; begin vpart := newNodeI(nkIdentDefs, v.info); addSon(vpart, v); addSon(vpart, nil); addSon(vpart, nil); addSon(father, vpart); end; function transformAddrDeref(c: PTransf; n: PNode; a, b: TNodeKind): PNode; var m: PNode; begin case n.sons[0].kind of nkObjUpConv, nkObjDownConv, nkPassAsOpenArray, nkChckRange, nkChckRangeF, nkChckRange64: begin m := n.sons[0].sons[0]; if (m.kind = a) or (m.kind = b) then begin // addr ( nkPassAsOpenArray ( deref ( x ) ) ) --> nkPassAsOpenArray(x) n.sons[0].sons[0] := m.sons[0]; result := transform(c, n.sons[0]); exit end end; nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv: begin m := n.sons[0].sons[1]; if (m.kind = a) or (m.kind = b) then begin // addr ( nkConv ( deref ( x ) ) ) --> nkConv(x) n.sons[0].sons[1] := m.sons[0]; result := transform(c, n.sons[0]); exit end end; else begin if (n.sons[0].kind = a) or (n.sons[0].kind = b) then begin // addr ( deref ( x )) --> x result := transform(c, n.sons[0].sons[0]); exit end end end; n.sons[0] := transform(c, n.sons[0]); result := n; end; function transformConv(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; var source, dest: PType; diff: int; begin n.sons[1] := transform(c, n.sons[1]); result := n; // numeric types need range checks: dest := skipVarGenericRange(n.typ); source := skipVarGenericRange(n.sons[1].typ); case dest.kind of tyInt..tyInt64, tyEnum, tyChar, tyBool: begin if (firstOrd(dest) <= firstOrd(source)) and (lastOrd(source) <= lastOrd(dest)) then begin // BUGFIX: simply leave n as it is; we need a nkConv node, // but no range check: result := n; end else begin // generate a range check: if (dest.kind = tyInt64) or (source.kind = tyInt64) then result := newNodeIT(nkChckRange64, n.info, n.typ) else result := newNodeIT(nkChckRange, n.info, n.typ); dest := skipVarGeneric(n.typ); addSon(result, n.sons[1]); addSon(result, newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, firstOrd(dest), source)); addSon(result, newIntTypeNode(nkIntLit, lastOrd(dest), source)); end end; tyFloat..tyFloat128: begin if skipVarGeneric(n.typ).kind = tyRange then begin result := newNodeIT(nkChckRangeF, n.info, n.typ); dest := skipVarGeneric(n.typ); addSon(result, n.sons[1]); addSon(result, copyTree(dest.n.sons[0])); addSon(result, copyTree(dest.n.sons[1])); end end; tyOpenArray: begin result := newNodeIT(nkPassAsOpenArray, n.info, n.typ); addSon(result, n.sons[1]); end; tyCString: begin if source.kind = tyString then begin result := newNodeIT(nkStringToCString, n.info, n.typ); addSon(result, n.sons[1]); end; end; tyString: begin if source.kind = tyCString then begin result := newNodeIT(nkCStringToString, n.info, n.typ); addSon(result, n.sons[1]); end; end; tyRef, tyPtr: begin dest := skipPtrsGeneric(dest); source := skipPtrsGeneric(source); if source.kind = tyObject then begin diff := inheritanceDiff(dest, source); if diff < 0 then begin result := newNodeIT(nkObjUpConv, n.info, n.typ); addSon(result, n.sons[1]); end else if diff > 0 then begin result := newNodeIT(nkObjDownConv, n.info, n.typ); addSon(result, n.sons[1]); end else result := n.sons[1]; end end; // conversions between different object types: tyObject: begin diff := inheritanceDiff(dest, source); if diff < 0 then begin result := newNodeIT(nkObjUpConv, n.info, n.typ); addSon(result, n.sons[1]); end else if diff > 0 then begin result := newNodeIT(nkObjDownConv, n.info, n.typ); addSon(result, n.sons[1]); end else result := n.sons[1]; end; tyGenericParam, tyAnyEnum: result := n.sons[1]; // happens sometimes for generated assignments, etc. else begin end end; end; function skipPassAsOpenArray(n: PNode): PNode; begin result := n; while result.kind = nkPassAsOpenArray do result := result.sons[0] end; type TPutArgInto = (paDirectMapping, paFastAsgn, paVarAsgn); function putArgInto(arg: PNode; formal: PType): TPutArgInto; // This analyses how to treat the mapping "formal <-> arg" in an // inline context. var i: int; begin if skipGeneric(formal).kind = tyOpenArray then begin result := paDirectMapping; // XXX really correct? // what if ``arg`` has side-effects? exit end; case arg.kind of nkEmpty..nkNilLit: result := paDirectMapping; nkPar, nkCurly, nkBracket: begin result := paFastAsgn; for i := 0 to sonsLen(arg)-1 do if putArgInto(arg.sons[i], formal) <> paDirectMapping then exit; result := paDirectMapping; end; else begin if skipGeneric(formal).kind = tyVar then result := paVarAsgn else result := paFastAsgn end end end; function transformFor(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; // generate access statements for the parameters (unless they are constant) // put mapping from formal parameters to actual parameters var i, len: int; call, v, body, arg: PNode; newC: PTransCon; temp, formal: PSym; begin if (n.kind <> nkForStmt) then InternalError(n.info, 'transformFor'); result := newNodeI(nkStmtList, n.info); len := sonsLen(n); n.sons[len-1] := transformContinue(c, n.sons[len-1]); v := newNodeI(nkVarSection, n.info); for i := 0 to len-3 do addVar(v, copyTree(n.sons[i])); // declare new vars addSon(result, v); newC := newTransCon(); call := n.sons[len-2]; if (call.kind <> nkCall) or (call.sons[0].kind <> nkSym) then InternalError(call.info, 'transformFor'); newC.owner := call.sons[0].sym; newC.forStmt := n; if (newC.owner.kind <> skIterator) then InternalError(call.info, 'transformFor'); // generate access statements for the parameters (unless they are constant) pushTransCon(c, newC); for i := 1 to sonsLen(call)-1 do begin arg := skipPassAsOpenArray(transform(c, call.sons[i])); formal := skipGeneric(newC.owner.typ).n.sons[i].sym; //if IdentEq(newc.Owner.name, 'items') then // liMessage(arg.info, warnUser, 'items: ' + nodeKindToStr[arg.kind]); case putArgInto(arg, formal.typ) of paDirectMapping: IdNodeTablePut(newC.mapping, formal, arg); paFastAsgn: begin // generate a temporary and produce an assignment statement: temp := newTemp(c, formal.typ, formal.info); addVar(v, newSymNode(temp)); addSon(result, newAsgnStmt(c, newSymNode(temp), arg)); IdNodeTablePut(newC.mapping, formal, newSymNode(temp)); end; paVarAsgn: begin assert(skipGeneric(formal.typ).kind = tyVar); InternalError(arg.info, 'not implemented: pass to var parameter'); end; end; end; body := newC.owner.ast.sons[codePos]; pushInfoContext(n.info); addSon(result, inlineIter(c, body)); popInfoContext(); popTransCon(c); end; function getMagicOp(call: PNode): TMagic; begin if (call.sons[0].kind = nkSym) and (call.sons[0].sym.kind in [skProc, skConverter]) then result := call.sons[0].sym.magic else result := mNone end; procedure gatherVars(c: PTransf; n: PNode; var marked: TIntSet; owner: PSym; container: PNode); // gather used vars for closure generation var i: int; s: PSym; found: bool; begin if n = nil then exit; case n.kind of nkSym: begin s := n.sym; found := false; case s.kind of skVar: found := not (sfGlobal in s.flags); skTemp, skForVar, skParam: found := true; else begin end; end; if found and (owner.id <> s.owner.id) and not IntSetContainsOrIncl(marked, s.id) then begin include(s.flags, sfInClosure); addSon(container, copyNode(n)); // DON'T make a copy of the symbol! end end; nkEmpty..pred(nkSym), succ(nkSym)..nkNilLit: begin end; else begin for i := 0 to sonsLen(n)-1 do gatherVars(c, n.sons[i], marked, owner, container); end end end; (* # example: proc map(f: proc (x: int): int {.closure}, a: seq[int]): seq[int] = result = @[] for elem in a: add result, f(a) proc addList(a: seq[int], y: int): seq[int] = result = map(lambda (x: int): int = return x + y, a) should generate --> proc map(f: proc(x: int): int, closure: pointer, a: seq[int]): seq[int] = result = @[] for elem in a: add result, f(a, closure) type PMyClosure = ref object y: var int proc myLambda(x: int, closure: pointer) = var cl = cast[PMyClosure](closure) return x + cl.y proc addList(a: seq[int], y: int): seq[int] = var cl: PMyClosure new(cl) cl.y = y result = map(myLambda, cast[pointer](cl), a) or (but this is not easier and not binary compatible with C!) --> type PClosure = ref object of TObject f: proc (x: int, c: PClosure): int proc map(f: PClosure, a: seq[int]): seq[int] = result = [] for elem in a: add result, f.f(a, f) type PMyClosure = ref object of PClosure y: var int proc myLambda(x: int, cl: PMyClosure) = return x + cl.y proc addList(a: seq[int], y: int): seq[int] = var cl: PMyClosure new(cl) cl.y = y cl.f = myLambda result = map(cl, a) *) procedure addFormalParam(routine: PSym; param: PSym); begin addSon(routine.typ, param.typ); addSon(routine.ast.sons[paramsPos], newSymNode(param)); end; function indirectAccess(a, b: PSym): PNode; // returns a^ .b as a node var x, y, deref: PNode; begin x := newSymNode(a); y := newSymNode(b); deref := newNodeI(nkDerefExpr, x.info); deref.typ := x.typ.sons[0]; addSon(deref, x); result := newNodeI(nkDotExpr, x.info); addSon(result, deref); addSon(result, y); result.typ := y.typ; end; function transformLambda(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; var marked: TIntSet; closure: PNode; s, param: PSym; cl, p: PType; i: int; newC: PTransCon; begin result := n; IntSetInit(marked); if (n.sons[namePos].kind <> nkSym) then InternalError(n.info, 'transformLambda'); s := n.sons[namePos].sym; closure := newNodeI(nkRecList, n.sons[codePos].info); gatherVars(c, n.sons[codePos], marked, s, closure); // add closure type to the param list (even if closure is empty!): cl := newType(tyObject, s); cl.n := closure; addSon(cl, nil); // no super class p := newType(tyRef, s); addSon(p, cl); param := newSym(skParam, getIdent(genPrefix + 'Cl'), s); param.typ := p; addFormalParam(s, param); // all variables that are accessed should be accessed by the new closure // parameter: if sonsLen(closure) > 0 then begin newC := newTransCon(); for i := 0 to sonsLen(closure)-1 do begin IdNodeTablePut(newC.mapping, closure.sons[i].sym, indirectAccess(param, closure.sons[i].sym)) end; pushTransCon(c, newC); n.sons[codePos] := transform(c, n.sons[codePos]); popTransCon(c); end; // Generate code to allocate and fill the closure. This has to be done in // the outer routine! end; function transformCase(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; // removes `elif` branches of a case stmt var len, i, j: int; ifs, elsen: PNode; begin len := sonsLen(n); i := len-1; if n.sons[i].kind = nkElse then dec(i); if n.sons[i].kind = nkElifBranch then begin while n.sons[i].kind = nkElifBranch do dec(i); if (n.sons[i].kind <> nkOfBranch) then InternalError(n.sons[i].info, 'transformCase'); ifs := newNodeI(nkIfStmt, n.sons[i+1].info); elsen := newNodeI(nkElse, ifs.info); for j := i+1 to len-1 do addSon(ifs, n.sons[j]); setLength(n.sons, i+2); addSon(elsen, ifs); n.sons[i+1] := elsen; end; result := n; for j := 0 to sonsLen(n)-1 do result.sons[j] := transform(c, n.sons[j]); end; function transformArrayAccess(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; var i: int; begin result := copyTree(n); result.sons[0] := skipConv(result.sons[0]); result.sons[1] := skipConv(result.sons[1]); for i := 0 to sonsLen(result)-1 do result.sons[i] := transform(c, result.sons[i]); end; function getMergeOp(n: PNode): PSym; begin result := nil; case n.kind of nkCall, nkHiddenCallConv, nkCommand, nkInfix, nkPrefix, nkPostfix: begin if (n.sons[0].Kind = nkSym) and (n.sons[0].sym.kind = skProc) and (sfMerge in n.sons[0].sym.flags) then result := n.sons[0].sym; end else begin end end end; procedure flattenTreeAux(d, a: PNode; op: PSym); var i: int; op2: PSym; begin op2 := getMergeOp(a); if (op2 <> nil) and ((op2.id = op.id) or (op.magic <> mNone) and (op2.magic = op.magic)) then for i := 1 to sonsLen(a)-1 do flattenTreeAux(d, a.sons[i], op) else // a is a "leaf", so add it: addSon(d, copyTree(a)) end; function flattenTree(root: PNode): PNode; var op: PSym; begin op := getMergeOp(root); if op <> nil then begin result := copyNode(root); addSon(result, copyTree(root.sons[0])); flattenTreeAux(result, root, op) end else result := root end; function transformCall(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; var i, j: int; m, a: PNode; op: PSym; begin result := flattenTree(n); for i := 0 to sonsLen(result)-1 do result.sons[i] := transform(c, result.sons[i]); op := getMergeOp(result); if (op <> nil) and (op.magic <> mNone) and (sonsLen(result) >= 3) then begin m := result; result := newNodeIT(nkCall, m.info, m.typ); addSon(result, copyTree(m.sons[0])); j := 1; while j < sonsLen(m) do begin a := m.sons[j]; inc(j); if isConstExpr(a) then while (j < sonsLen(m)) and isConstExpr(m.sons[j]) do begin a := evalOp(op.magic, m, a, m.sons[j], nil); inc(j) end; addSon(result, a); end; if sonsLen(result) = 2 then result := result.sons[1]; end; end; function transform(c: PTransf; n: PNode): PNode; var i: int; cnst: PNode; begin result := n; if n = nil then exit; case n.kind of nkSym: begin result := transformSym(c, n); exit end; nkEmpty..pred(nkSym), succ(nkSym)..nkNilLit: begin // nothing to be done for leafs end; nkBracketExpr: result := transformArrayAccess(c, n); nkLambda: result := transformLambda(c, n); nkForStmt: result := transformFor(c, n); nkCaseStmt: result := transformCase(c, n); nkProcDef, nkIteratorDef, nkMacroDef: begin if n.sons[genericParamsPos] = nil then n.sons[codePos] := transform(c, n.sons[codePos]); end; nkWhileStmt: begin if (sonsLen(n) <> 2) then InternalError(n.info, 'transform'); n.sons[0] := transform(c, n.sons[0]); n.sons[1] := transformContinue(c, n.sons[1]); end; nkCall, nkHiddenCallConv, nkCommand, nkInfix, nkPrefix, nkPostfix: result := transformCall(c, result); nkAddr, nkHiddenAddr: result := transformAddrDeref(c, n, nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref); nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref: result := transformAddrDeref(c, n, nkAddr, nkHiddenAddr); nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv: result := transformConv(c, n); nkCommentStmt, nkTemplateDef: exit; nkConstSection: exit; // do not replace ``const c = 3`` with ``const 3 = 3`` else begin for i := 0 to sonsLen(n)-1 do result.sons[i] := transform(c, n.sons[i]); end end; cnst := getConstExpr(c.module, result); if cnst <> nil then result := cnst; // do not miss an optimization end; function processTransf(context: PPassContext; n: PNode): PNode; var c: PTransf; begin c := PTransf(context); result := transform(c, n); end; function openTransf(module: PSym; const filename: string): PPassContext; var n: PTransf; begin new(n); {@ignore} fillChar(n^, sizeof(n^), 0); {@emit} n.module := module; result := n; end; function transfPass(): TPass; begin initPass(result); result.open := openTransf; result.process := processTransf; result.close := processTransf; // we need to process generics too! end; end.