# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## Nimrod's standard IO library. It contains high-performance ## routines for reading and writing data to (buffered) files or ## TTYs. {.push debugger:off .} # the user does not want to trace a part # of the standard library! proc fputs(c: cstring, f: TFile) {.importc: "fputs", noDecl.} proc fgets(c: cstring, n: int, f: TFile): cstring {.importc: "fgets", noDecl.} proc fgetc(stream: TFile): cint {.importc: "fgetc", nodecl.} proc ungetc(c: cint, f: TFile) {.importc: "ungetc", nodecl.} proc putc(c: Char, stream: TFile) {.importc: "putc", nodecl.} proc fprintf(f: TFile, frmt: CString) {.importc: "fprintf", nodecl, varargs.} proc strlen(c: cstring): int {.importc: "strlen", nodecl.} proc setvbuf(stream: TFile, buf: pointer, typ, size: cint): cint {. importc, nodecl.} proc write(f: TFile, c: cstring) = fputs(c, f) var IOFBF {.importc: "_IOFBF", nodecl.}: cint IONBF {.importc: "_IONBF", nodecl.}: cint proc rawReadLine(f: TFile, result: var string) = # of course this could be optimized a bit; but IO is slow anyway... # and it was difficult to get this CORRECT with Ansi C's methods setLen(result, 0) # reuse the buffer! while True: var c = fgetc(f) if c < 0'i32: break # EOF if c == 10'i32: break # LF if c == 13'i32: # CR c = fgetc(f) # is the next char LF? if c != 10'i32: ungetc(c, f) # no, put the character back break add result, chr(int(c)) proc readLine(f: TFile): string = result = "" rawReadLine(f, result) proc write(f: TFile, s: string) = fputs(s, f) proc write(f: TFile, i: int) = when sizeof(int) == 8: fprintf(f, "%lld", i) else: fprintf(f, "%ld", i) proc write(f: TFile, b: bool) = if b: write(f, "true") else: write(f, "false") proc write(f: TFile, r: float) = fprintf(f, "%g", r) proc write(f: TFile, c: Char) = putc(c, f) proc write(f: TFile, a: openArray[string]) = for x in items(a): write(f, x) #{.error: "for debugging.".} proc readFile(filename: string): string = var f: TFile try: if open(f, filename): var len = getFileSize(f) if len < high(int): result = newString(int(len)) if readBuffer(f, addr(result[0]), int(len)) != len: result = nil close(f) else: result = nil except EIO: result = nil proc EndOfFile(f: TFile): bool = # do not blame me; blame the ANSI C standard this is so brain-damaged var c = fgetc(f) ungetc(c, f) return c == -1'i32 proc writeln[Ty](f: TFile, x: Ty) = write(f, x) write(f, "\n") proc writeln[Ty](f: TFile, x: openArray[Ty]) = for i in items(x): write(f, i) write(f, "\n") proc rawEcho(x: string) {.inline, compilerproc.} = write(stdout, x) proc rawEchoNL() {.inline, compilerproc.} = write(stdout, "\n") # interface to the C procs: proc fopen(filename, mode: CString): pointer {.importc: "fopen", noDecl.} const FormatOpen: array [TFileMode, string] = ["rb", "wb", "w+b", "r+b", "ab"] #"rt", "wt", "w+t", "r+t", "at" # we always use binary here as for Nimrod the OS line ending # should not be translated. proc Open(f: var TFile, filename: string, mode: TFileMode = fmRead, bufSize: int = -1): Bool = var p: pointer p = fopen(filename, FormatOpen[mode]) result = (p != nil) f = cast[TFile](p) if bufSize > 0: if setvbuf(f, nil, IOFBF, bufSize) != 0'i32: raise newException(EOutOfMemory, "out of memory") elif bufSize == 0: discard setvbuf(f, nil, IONBF, 0) proc fdopen(filehandle: TFileHandle, mode: cstring): TFile {. importc: pccHack & "fdopen", header: "".} proc open(f: var TFile, filehandle: TFileHandle, mode: TFileMode): bool = f = fdopen(filehandle, FormatOpen[mode]) result = f != nil proc OpenFile(f: var TFile, filename: string, mode: TFileMode = fmRead, bufSize: int = -1): Bool = result = open(f, filename, mode, bufSize) proc openFile(f: var TFile, filehandle: TFileHandle, mode: TFileMode): bool = result = open(f, filehandle, mode) # C routine that is used here: proc fread(buf: Pointer, size, n: int, f: TFile): int {. importc: "fread", noDecl.} proc fseek(f: TFile, offset: clong, whence: int): int {. importc: "fseek", noDecl.} proc ftell(f: TFile): int {.importc: "ftell", noDecl.} proc fwrite(buf: Pointer, size, n: int, f: TFile): int {. importc: "fwrite", noDecl.} proc readBuffer(f: TFile, buffer: pointer, len: int): int = result = fread(buffer, 1, len, f) proc ReadBytes(f: TFile, a: var openarray[byte], start, len: int): int = result = readBuffer(f, addr(a[start]), len) proc ReadChars(f: TFile, a: var openarray[char], start, len: int): int = result = readBuffer(f, addr(a[start]), len) proc writeBytes(f: TFile, a: openarray[byte], start, len: int): int = var x = cast[ptr array[0..1000_000_000, byte]](a) result = writeBuffer(f, addr(x[start]), len) proc writeChars(f: TFile, a: openarray[char], start, len: int): int = var x = cast[ptr array[0..1000_000_000, byte]](a) result = writeBuffer(f, addr(x[start]), len) proc writeBuffer(f: TFile, buffer: pointer, len: int): int = result = fwrite(buffer, 1, len, f) proc setFilePos(f: TFile, pos: int64) = if fseek(f, clong(pos), 0) != 0: raise newException(EIO, "cannot set file position") proc getFilePos(f: TFile): int64 = result = ftell(f) if result < 0: raise newException(EIO, "cannot retrieve file position") proc getFileSize(f: TFile): int64 = var oldPos = getFilePos(f) discard fseek(f, 0, 2) # seek the end of the file result = getFilePos(f) setFilePos(f, oldPos) {.pop.}