# Test that already used suggestions are prioritized from system import string, echo import fixtures/mstrutils proc main(inp: string): string = # use replace here and see if it occurs in the result, it should gain # priority: result = inp.replace(" ", "a").replace("b", "c") echo "string literal here".#[!]# # priority still tested, but limit results to avoid failures from other output discard """ $nimsuggest --tester --maxresults:2 $file >sug $1 sug;;skProc;;tdot4.main;;proc (inp: string): string;;$file;;6;;5;;"";;100;;None sug;;skFunc;;mstrutils.replace;;proc (s: string, sub: string, by: string): string{.noSideEffect, gcsafe.};;*fixtures/mstrutils.nim;;9;;5;;"this is a test version of strutils.replace, it simply returns `by`";;100;;None """ # TODO - determine appropriate behaviour for further suggest output and test it