# # # The Nimrod Compiler # (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # # This module contains a word recognizer, i.e. a simple # procedure which maps special words to an enumeration. # It is primarily needed because Pascal's case statement # does not support strings. Without this the code would # be slow and unreadable. import nhashes, strutils, idents # Keywords must be kept sorted and within a range type TSpecialWord* = enum wInvalid, wAddr, wAnd, wAs, wAsm, wAtomic, wBind, wBlock, wBreak, wCase, wCast, wConst, wContinue, wConverter, wDiscard, wDistinct, wDiv, wElif, wElse, wEnd, wEnum, wExcept, wFinally, wFor, wFrom, wGeneric, wIf, wImplies, wImport, wIn, wInclude, wIs, wIsnot, wIterator, wLambda, wLet, wMacro, wMethod, wMod, wNil, wNot, wNotin, wObject, wOf, wOr, wOut, wProc, wPtr, wRaise, wRef, wReturn, wShl, wShr, wTemplate, wTry, wTuple, wType, wVar, wWhen, wWhile, wWith, wWithout, wXor, wYield, wColon, wEquals, wDot, wDotDot, wHat, wStar, wMinus, wMagic, wTypeCheck, wFinal, wProfiler, wObjChecks, wImportc, wExportc, wExtern, wAlign, wNodecl, wPure, wVolatile, wRegister, wSideeffect, wHeader, wNosideeffect, wNoreturn, wMerge, wLib, wDynlib, wCompilerproc, wProcVar, wFatal, wError, wWarning, wHint, wLine, wPush, wPop, wDefine, wUndef, wLinedir, wStacktrace, wLinetrace, wParallelBuild, wLink, wCompile, wLinksys, wDeprecated, wVarargs, wByref, wCallconv, wBreakpoint, wDebugger, wNimcall, wStdcall, wCdecl, wSafecall, wSyscall, wInline, wNoInline, wFastcall, wClosure, wNoconv, wOn, wOff, wChecks, wRangechecks, wBoundchecks, wOverflowchecks, wNilchecks, wFloatchecks, wNanChecks, wInfChecks, wAssertions, wWarnings, wW, wHints, wOptimization, wSpeed, wSize, wNone, wPath, wP, wD, wU, wDebuginfo, wCompileonly, wNolinking, wForcebuild, wF, wDeadCodeElim, wSafecode, wPragma, wCompileTime, wGc, wRefc, wBoehm, wA, wOpt, wO, wApp, wConsole, wGui, wPassc, wT, wPassl, wL, wListcmd, wGendoc, wGenmapping, wOs, wCpu, wGenerate, wG, wC, wCpp, wBorrow, wRun, wR, wVerbosity, wV, wHelp, wH, wSymbolFiles, wFieldChecks, wX, wVersion, wAdvanced, wSkipcfg, wSkipProjCfg, wCc, wGenscript, wCheckPoint, wCheckPoints, wNoMain, wSubsChar, wAcyclic, wIndex, wCompileToC, wCompileToCpp, wCompileToEcmaScript, wCompileToLLVM, wPretty, wDoc, wGenDepend, wListDef, wCheck, wParse, wScan, wLazy, wRst2html, wRst2tex, wI, wWrite, wPutEnv, wPrependEnv, wAppendEnv, wThreadVar TSpecialWords* = set[TSpecialWord] const oprLow* = ord(wColon) oprHigh* = ord(wHat) specialWords*: array[low(TSpecialWord)..high(TSpecialWord), string] = ["", "addr", "and", "as", "asm", "atomic", "bind", "block", "break", "case", "cast", "const", "continue", "converter", "discard", "distinct", "div", "elif", "else", "end", "enum", "except", "finally", "for", "from", "generic", "if", "implies", "import", "in", "include", "is", "isnot", "iterator", "lambda", "let", "macro", "method", "mod", "nil", "not", "notin", "object", "of", "or", "out", "proc", "ptr", "raise", "ref", "return", "shl", "shr", "template", "try", "tuple", "type", "var", "when", "while", "with", "without", "xor", "yield", ":", "=", ".", "..", "^", "*", "-", "magic", "typecheck", "final", "profiler", "objchecks", "importc", "exportc", "extern", "align", "nodecl", "pure", "volatile", "register", "sideeffect", "header", "nosideeffect", "noreturn", "merge", "lib", "dynlib", "compilerproc", "procvar", "fatal", "error", "warning", "hint", "line", "push", "pop", "define", "undef", "linedir", "stacktrace", "linetrace", "parallelbuild", "link", "compile", "linksys", "deprecated", "varargs", "byref", "callconv", "breakpoint", "debugger", "nimcall", "stdcall", "cdecl", "safecall", "syscall", "inline", "noinline", "fastcall", "closure", "noconv", "on", "off", "checks", "rangechecks", "boundchecks", "overflowchecks", "nilchecks", "floatchecks", "nanchecks", "infchecks", "assertions", "warnings", "w", "hints", "optimization", "speed", "size", "none", "path", "p", "d", "u", "debuginfo", "compileonly", "nolinking", "forcebuild", "f", "deadcodeelim", "safecode", "pragma", "compiletime", "gc", "refc", "boehm", "a", "opt", "o", "app", "console", "gui", "passc", "t", "passl", "l", "listcmd", "gendoc", "genmapping", "os", "cpu", "generate", "g", "c", "cpp", "borrow", "run", "r", "verbosity", "v", "help", "h", "symbolfiles", "fieldchecks", "x", "version", "advanced", "skipcfg", "skipprojcfg", "cc", "genscript", "checkpoint", "checkpoints", "nomain", "subschar", "acyclic", "index", "compiletoc", "compiletocpp", "compiletoecmascript", "compiletollvm", "pretty", "doc", "gendepend", "listdef", "check", "parse", "scan", "lazy", "rst2html", "rst2tex", "i", "write", "putenv", "prependenv", "appendenv", "threadvar"] proc whichKeyword*(id: PIdent): TSpecialWord proc whichKeyword*(id: String): TSpecialWord proc findStr*(a: openarray[string], s: string): int # implementation proc findStr(a: openarray[string], s: string): int = for i in countup(low(a), high(a)): if cmpIgnoreStyle(a[i], s) == 0: return i result = - 1 proc whichKeyword(id: String): TSpecialWord = result = whichKeyword(getIdent(id)) proc whichKeyword(id: PIdent): TSpecialWord = if id.id < 0: result = wInvalid else: result = TSpecialWord(id.id) proc initSpecials() = # initialize the keywords: for s in countup(succ(low(specialWords)), high(specialWords)): getIdent(specialWords[s], getNormalizedHash(specialWords[s])).id = ord(s) initSpecials()