discard """ nimoutFull: true cmd: '''nim c -r --warnings:off --hints:off --mm:arc --expandArc:newTarget --expandArc:delete --expandArc:p1 --expandArc:tt --hint:Performance:off --assertions:off --expandArc:extractConfig --expandArc:mergeShadowScope --expandArc:check $file''' nimout: ''' --expandArc: newTarget var splat :tmp :tmp_1 splat = splitDrive do: let blitTmp = path blitTmp :tmp = splat.drive `=wasMoved`(splat.drive) :tmp_1 = splat.path_1 `=wasMoved`(splat.path_1) result = ( let blitTmp_1 = :tmp blitTmp_1, let blitTmp_2 = :tmp_1 blitTmp_2) `=destroy`(splat) -- end of expandArc ------------------------ --expandArc: delete var sibling saved `=copy`(sibling, target.parent.left) `=copy`(saved, sibling.right) `=copy`(sibling.right, saved.left) `=sink`(sibling.parent, saved) `=destroy`(sibling) -- end of expandArc ------------------------ --expandArc: p1 var lresult lvalue lnext _ lresult = @[123] _ = ( let blitTmp = lresult blitTmp, ";") lvalue = _[0] lnext = _[1] `=sink`(result.value, move lvalue) `=destroy`(lnext) `=destroy_1`(lvalue) -- end of expandArc ------------------------ --expandArc: tt var it_cursor a :tmpD :tmpD_1 :tmpD_2 try: it_cursor = x a = ( :tmpD = `=dup`(it_cursor.key) :tmpD, :tmpD_1 = `=dup`(it_cursor.val) :tmpD_1) echo [ :tmpD_2 = `$$`(a) :tmpD_2] finally: `=destroy`(:tmpD_2) `=destroy_1`(a) -- end of expandArc ------------------------ --expandArc: extractConfig var lan_ip try: lan_ip = "" block :tmp: var line var i = 0 let L = len(txt) block :tmp_1: while i < L: var splitted try: line = txt[i] splitted = split(line, " ", -1) if splitted[0] == "opt": `=copy`(lan_ip, splitted[1]) echo [lan_ip] echo [splitted[1]] inc(i, 1) finally: `=destroy`(splitted) finally: `=destroy`(lan_ip) -- end of expandArc ------------------------ --expandArc: mergeShadowScope var shadowScope `=copy`(shadowScope, c.currentScope) rawCloseScope(c) block :tmp: var sym var i = 0 let L = len(shadowScope.symbols) block :tmp_1: while i < L: var :tmpD sym = shadowScope.symbols[i] addInterfaceDecl(c): :tmpD = `=dup`(sym) :tmpD inc(i, 1) `=destroy`(shadowScope) -- end of expandArc ------------------------ --expandArc: check var par this.isValid = fileExists(this.value) if dirExists(this.value): var :tmpD par = (dir: :tmpD = `=dup`(this.value) :tmpD, front: "") else: var :tmpD_1 :tmpD_2 :tmpD_3 par = (dir_1: parentDir(this.value), front_1: :tmpD_1 = `=dup`( :tmpD_3 = splitDrive do: :tmpD_2 = `=dup`(this.value) :tmpD_2 :tmpD_3.path) :tmpD_1) `=destroy`(:tmpD_3) if dirExists(par.dir): `=sink`(this.matchDirs, getSubDirs(par.dir, par.front)) else: `=sink`(this.matchDirs, []) `=destroy`(par) -- end of expandArc ------------------------ --expandArc: check check(this) -- end of expandArc ------------------------ (package: "", ext: "meo") doing shady stuff... 3 6 (@[1], @[2]) ''' """ import os, std/private/ntpath type Target = tuple[package, ext: string] proc newTarget*(path: string): Target = let splat = path.splitDrive result = (package: splat.drive, ext: splat.path) echo newTarget("meo") type Node = ref object left, right, parent: Node value: int proc delete(target: var Node) = var sibling = target.parent.left # b3 var saved = sibling.right # b3.right -> r4 sibling.right = saved.left # b3.right -> r4.left = nil sibling.parent = saved # b3.parent -> r5 = r4 #[after this proc: b 5 / \ b 3 b 6 ]# #[before: r 5 / \ b 3 b 6 - to delete / \ empty r 4 ]# proc main = var five = Node(value: 5) var six = Node(value: 6) six.parent = five five.right = six var three = Node(value: 3) three.parent = five five.left = three var four = Node(value: 4) four.parent = three three.right = four echo "doing shady stuff..." delete(six) # need both of these echos echo five.left.value echo five.right.value main() type Maybe = object value: seq[int] proc p1(): Maybe = let lresult = @[123] var lvalue: seq[int] var lnext: string (lvalue, lnext) = (lresult, ";") result.value = move lvalue proc tissue15130 = doAssert p1().value == @[123] tissue15130() type KeyValue = tuple[key, val: seq[int]] proc tt(x: KeyValue) = var it = x let a = (it.key, it.val) echo a proc encodedQuery = var query: seq[KeyValue] query.add (key: @[1], val: @[2]) for elem in query: elem.tt() encodedQuery() # bug #15147 proc s(input: string): (string, string) = result = (";", "") proc charmatch(input: string): (string, string) = result = ("123", input[0 .. input.high]) proc plus(input: string) = var lvalue, rvalue: string # cursors lnext: string # must be cursor!!! rnext: string # cursor let lresult = charmatch(input) (lvalue, lnext) = lresult let rresult = s(lnext) (rvalue, rnext) = rresult plus("123;") func substrEq(s: string, pos: int, substr: string): bool = var i = 0 var length = substr.len while i < length and pos+i < s.len and s[pos+i] == substr[i]: inc i return i == length template stringHasSep(s: string, index: int, sep: string): bool = s.substrEq(index, sep) template splitCommon(s, sep, maxsplit, sepLen) = var last = 0 var splits = maxsplit while last <= len(s): var first = last while last < len(s) and not stringHasSep(s, last, sep): inc(last) if splits == 0: last = len(s) yield substr(s, first, last-1) if splits == 0: break dec(splits) inc(last, sepLen) iterator split(s: string, sep: string, maxsplit = -1): string = splitCommon(s, sep, maxsplit, sep.len) template accResult(iter: untyped) = result = @[] for x in iter: add(result, x) func split*(s: string, sep: string, maxsplit = -1): seq[string] = accResult(split(s, sep, maxsplit)) let txt = @["opt", "static_lease"] # bug #17033 proc extractConfig() = var lan_ip = "" for line in txt: let splitted = line.split(" ") if splitted[0] == "opt": lan_ip = splitted[1] # "borrow" is conditional and inside a loop. # Not good enough... # we need a flag that live-ranges are disjoint echo lan_ip echo splitted[1] # Without this line everything works extractConfig() type Symbol = ref object name: string Scope = ref object parent: Scope symbols: seq[Symbol] PContext = ref object currentScope: Scope proc rawCloseScope(c: PContext) = c.currentScope = c.currentScope.parent proc addInterfaceDecl(c: PContext; s: Symbol) = c.currentScope.symbols.add s proc mergeShadowScope*(c: PContext) = let shadowScope = c.currentScope c.rawCloseScope for sym in shadowScope.symbols: c.addInterfaceDecl(sym) mergeShadowScope(PContext(currentScope: Scope(parent: Scope()))) type Foo = ref object isValid*: bool value*: string matchDirs*: seq[string] proc getSubDirs(parent, front: string): seq[string] = @[] method check(this: Foo) {.base.} = this.isValid = fileExists(this.value) let par = if dirExists(this.value): (dir: this.value, front: "") else: (dir: parentDir(this.value), front: splitDrive(this.value).path) if dirExists(par.dir): this.matchDirs = getSubDirs(par.dir, par.front) else: this.matchDirs = @[] check(Foo())