discard """ action: compile """ # this test should ensure that the AST doesn't change slightly without it getting noticed. import ../ast_pattern_matching template expectNimNode(arg: untyped): NimNode = arg ## This template here is just to be injected by `myquote`, so that ## a nice error message appears when the captured symbols are not of ## type `NimNode`. proc substitudeComments(symbols, values, n: NimNode): NimNode = ## substitutes all nodes of kind nnkCommentStmt to parameter ## symbols. Consumes the argument `n`. if n.kind == nnkCommentStmt: values.add newCall(bindSym"newCommentStmtNode", newLit(n.strVal)) # Gensym doesn't work for parameters. These identifiers won't # clash unless an argument is constructed to clash here. symbols.add ident("comment" & $values.len & "_XObBdOnh6meCuJK2smZV") return symbols[^1] for i in 0 ..< n.len: n[i] = substitudeComments(symbols, values, n[i]) return n macro myquote*(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped = expectMinLen(args, 1) # This is a workaround for #10430 where comments are removed in # template expansions. This workaround lifts all comments # statements to be arguments of the temporary template. let extraCommentSymbols = newNimNode(nnkBracket) let extraCommentGenExpr = newNimNode(nnkBracket) let body = substitudeComments( extraCommentSymbols, extraCommentGenExpr, args[^1] ) let formalParams = nnkFormalParams.newTree(ident"untyped") for i in 0 ..< args.len-1: formalParams.add nnkIdentDefs.newTree( args[i], ident"untyped", newEmptyNode() ) for sym in extraCommentSymbols: formalParams.add nnkIdentDefs.newTree( sym, ident"untyped", newEmptyNode() ) let templateSym = genSym(nskTemplate) let templateDef = nnkTemplateDef.newTree( templateSym, newEmptyNode(), newEmptyNode(), formalParams, nnkPragma.newTree(ident"dirty"), newEmptyNode(), args[^1] ) let templateCall = newCall(templateSym) for i in 0 ..< args.len-1: let symName = args[i] # identifiers and quoted identifiers are allowed. if symName.kind == nnkAccQuoted: symName.expectLen 1 symName[0].expectKind nnkIdent else: symName.expectKind nnkIdent templateCall.add newCall(bindSym"expectNimNode", symName) for expr in extraCommentGenExpr: templateCall.add expr let getAstCall = newCall(bindSym"getAst", templateCall) result = newStmtList(templateDef, getAstCall) macro testAddrAst(arg: typed): bool = arg.expectKind nnkStmtListExpr arg[0].expectKind(nnkVarSection) arg[1].expectKind({nnkAddr, nnkCall}) result = newLit(arg[1].kind == nnkCall) const newAddrAst: bool = testAddrAst((var x: int; addr(x))) static: echo "new addr ast: ", newAddrAst # TODO test on matching failures proc peelOff*(arg: NimNode, kinds: set[NimNodeKind]): NimNode {.compileTime.} = ## Peel off nodes of a specific kinds. if arg.len == 1 and arg.kind in kinds: arg[0].peelOff(kinds) else: arg proc peelOff*(arg: NimNode, kind: NimNodeKind): NimNode {.compileTime.} = ## Peel off nodes of a specific kind. if arg.len == 1 and arg.kind == kind: arg[0].peelOff(kind) else: arg static: template testPattern(pattern, astArg: untyped): untyped = let ast = quote do: `astArg` ast.matchAst: of `pattern`: echo "ok" template testPatternFail(pattern, astArg: untyped): untyped = let ast = quote do: `astArg` ast.matchAst: of `pattern`: error("this should not match", ast) else: echo "OK" testPattern nnkIntLit(intVal = 42), 42 testPattern nnkInt8Lit(intVal = 42), 42'i8 testPattern nnkInt16Lit(intVal = 42), 42'i16 testPattern nnkInt32Lit(intVal = 42), 42'i32 testPattern nnkInt64Lit(intVal = 42), 42'i64 testPattern nnkUInt8Lit(intVal = 42), 42'u8 testPattern nnkUInt16Lit(intVal = 42), 42'u16 testPattern nnkUInt32Lit(intVal = 42), 42'u32 testPattern nnkUInt64Lit(intVal = 42), 42'u64 #testPattern nnkFloat64Lit(floatVal = 42.0), 42.0 testPattern nnkFloat32Lit(floatVal = 42.0), 42.0'f32 #testPattern nnkFloat64Lit(floatVal = 42.0), 42.0'f64 testPattern nnkStrLit(strVal = "abc"), "abc" testPattern nnkRStrLit(strVal = "abc"), r"abc" testPattern nnkTripleStrLit(strVal = "abc"), """abc""" testPattern nnkCharLit(intVal = 32), ' ' testPattern nnkNilLit(), nil testPattern nnkIdent(strVal = "myIdentifier"), myIdentifier testPatternFail nnkInt8Lit(intVal = 42), 42'i16 testPatternFail nnkInt16Lit(intVal = 42), 42'i8 # this should be just `block` but it doesn't work that way anymore because of VM. macro scope(arg: untyped): untyped = let procSym = genSym(nskProc) result = quote do: proc `procSym`() {.compileTime.} = `arg` `procSym`() static: ## Command call scope: let ast = myquote: echo "abc", "xyz" ast.matchAst: of nnkCommand(ident"echo", "abc", "xyz"): echo "ok" ## Call with ``()`` scope: let ast = myquote: echo("abc", "xyz") ast.matchAst: of nnkCall(ident"echo", "abc", "xyz"): echo "ok" ## Infix operator call macro testInfixOperatorCall(ast: untyped): untyped = ast.matchAst(errorSym): of nnkInfix( ident"&", nnkStrLit(strVal = "abc"), nnkStrLit(strVal = "xyz") ): echo "ok1" of nnkInfix( ident"+", nnkIntLit(intVal = 5), nnkInfix( ident"*", nnkIntLit(intVal = 3), nnkIntLit(intVal = 4) ) ): echo "ok2" of nnkCall( nnkAccQuoted( ident"+" ), nnkIntLit(intVal = 3), nnkIntLit(intVal = 4) ): echo "ok3" testInfixOperatorCall("abc" & "xyz") testInfixOperatorCall(5 + 3 * 4) testInfixOperatorCall(`+`(3, 4)) ## Prefix operator call scope: let ast = myquote: ? "xyz" ast.matchAst(err): of nnkPrefix( ident"?", nnkStrLit(strVal = "xyz") ): echo "ok" ## Postfix operator call scope: let ast = myquote: proc identifier* ast[0].matchAst(err): of nnkPostfix( ident"*", ident"identifier" ): echo "ok" ## Call with named arguments macro testCallWithNamedArguments(ast: untyped): untyped = ast.peelOff(nnkStmtList).matchAst: of nnkCall( ident"writeLine", nnkExprEqExpr( ident"file", ident"stdout" ), nnkStrLit(strVal = "hallo") ): echo "ok" testCallWithNamedArguments: writeLine(file=stdout, "hallo") ## Call with raw string literal scope: let ast = myquote: echo"abc" ast.matchAst(err): of nnkCallStrLit( ident"echo", nnkRStrLit(strVal = "abc") ): echo "ok" ## Dereference operator ``[]`` scope: # The dereferece operator exists only on a typed ast. macro testDereferenceOperator(ast: typed): untyped = ast.matchAst(err): of nnkDerefExpr(_): echo "ok" var x: ptr int testDereferenceOperator(x[]) ## Addr operator scope: # The addr operator exists only on a typed ast. macro testAddrOperator(ast: untyped): untyped = echo ast.treeRepr ast.matchAst(err): of nnkAddr(ident"x"): echo "old nim" of nnkCall(ident"addr", ident"x"): echo "ok" var x: int testAddrOperator(addr(x)) ## Cast operator scope: let ast = myquote: cast[T](x) ast.matchAst: of nnkCast(ident"T", ident"x"): echo "ok" ## Object access operator ``.`` scope: let ast = myquote: x.y ast.matchAst: of nnkDotExpr(ident"x", ident"y"): echo "ok" ## Array access operator ``[]`` macro testArrayAccessOperator(ast: untyped): untyped = ast.matchAst: of nnkBracketExpr(ident"x", ident"y"): echo "ok" testArrayAccessOperator(x[y]) ## Parentheses scope: let ast = myquote: (a + b) * c ast.matchAst: of nnkInfix(ident"*", nnkPar(nnkInfix(ident"+", ident"a", ident"b")), ident"c"): echo "parentheses ok" ## Tuple Constructors scope: let ast = myquote: (1, 2, 3) (a: 1, b: 2, c: 3) (1,) (a: 1) () for it in ast: echo it.lispRepr it.matchAst: of nnkTupleConstr(nnkIntLit(intVal = 1), nnkIntLit(intVal = 2), nnkIntLit(intVal = 3)): echo "simple tuple ok" of nnkTupleConstr( nnkExprColonExpr(ident"a", nnkIntLit(intVal = 1)), nnkExprColonExpr(ident"b", nnkIntLit(intVal = 2)), nnkExprColonExpr(ident"c", nnkIntLit(intVal = 3)) ): echo "named tuple ok" of nnkTupleConstr(nnkIntLit(intVal = 1)): echo "one tuple ok" of nnkTupleConstr(nnkExprColonExpr(ident"a", nnkIntLit(intVal = 1))): echo "named one tuple ok" of nnkTupleConstr(): echo "empty tuple ok" ## Curly braces scope: let ast = myquote: {1, 2, 3} ast.matchAst: of nnkCurly(nnkIntLit(intVal = 1), nnkIntLit(intVal = 2), nnkIntLit(intVal = 3)): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: {a: 3, b: 5} ast.matchAst: of nnkTableConstr( nnkExprColonExpr(ident"a", nnkIntLit(intVal = 3)), nnkExprColonExpr(ident"b", nnkIntLit(intVal = 5)) ): echo "ok" ## Brackets scope: let ast = myquote: [1, 2, 3] ast.matchAst: of nnkBracket(nnkIntLit(intVal = 1), nnkIntLit(intVal = 2), nnkIntLit(intVal = 3)): echo "ok" ## Ranges scope: let ast = myquote: 1..3 ast.matchAst: of nnkInfix( ident"..", nnkIntLit(intVal = 1), nnkIntLit(intVal = 3) ): echo "ok" ## If expression scope: let ast = myquote: if cond1: expr1 elif cond2: expr2 else: expr3 ast.matchAst: of {nnkIfExpr, nnkIfStmt}( {nnkElifExpr, nnkElifBranch}(`cond1`, `expr1`), {nnkElifExpr, nnkElifBranch}(`cond2`, `expr2`), {nnkElseExpr, nnkElse}(`expr3`) ): echo "ok" ## Documentation Comments scope: let ast = myquote: ## This is a comment ## This is part of the first comment stmt1 ## Yet another ast.matchAst: of nnkStmtList( nnkCommentStmt(), `stmt1`, nnkCommentStmt() ): echo "ok" else: echo "warning!" echo ast.treeRepr echo "TEST causes no fail, because of a regression in Nim." scope: let ast = myquote: {.emit: "#include ".} ast.matchAst: of nnkPragma( nnkExprColonExpr( ident"emit", nnkStrLit(strVal = "#include ") # the "argument" ) ): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: {.pragma: cdeclRename, cdecl.} ast.matchAst: of nnkPragma( nnkExprColonExpr( ident"pragma", # this is always first when declaring a new pragma ident"cdeclRename" # the name of the pragma ), ident"cdecl" ): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: if cond1: stmt1 elif cond2: stmt2 elif cond3: stmt3 else: stmt4 ast.matchAst: of nnkIfStmt( nnkElifBranch(`cond1`, `stmt1`), nnkElifBranch(`cond2`, `stmt2`), nnkElifBranch(`cond3`, `stmt3`), nnkElse(`stmt4`) ): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: x = 42 ast.matchAst: of nnkAsgn(ident"x", nnkIntLit(intVal = 42)): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: stmt1 stmt2 stmt3 ast.matchAst: of nnkStmtList(`stmt1`, `stmt2`, `stmt3`): assert stmt1.strVal == "stmt1" assert stmt2.strVal == "stmt2" assert stmt3.strVal == "stmt3" echo "ok" ## Case statement scope: let ast = myquote: case expr1 of expr2, expr3..expr4: stmt1 of expr5: stmt2 elif cond1: stmt3 else: stmt4 ast.matchAst: of nnkCaseStmt( `expr1`, nnkOfBranch(`expr2`, {nnkRange, nnkInfix}(_, `expr3`, `expr4`), `stmt1`), nnkOfBranch(`expr5`, `stmt2`), nnkElifBranch(`cond1`, `stmt3`), nnkElse(`stmt4`) ): echo "ok" ## While statement scope: let ast = myquote: while expr1: stmt1 ast.matchAst: of nnkWhileStmt(`expr1`, `stmt1`): echo "ok" ## For statement scope: let ast = myquote: for ident1, ident2 in expr1: stmt1 ast.matchAst: of nnkForStmt(`ident1`, `ident2`, `expr1`, `stmt1`): echo "ok" ## Try statement scope: let ast = myquote: try: stmt1 except e1, e2: stmt2 except e3: stmt3 except: stmt4 finally: stmt5 ast.matchAst: of nnkTryStmt( `stmt1`, nnkExceptBranch(`e1`, `e2`, `stmt2`), nnkExceptBranch(`e3`, `stmt3`), nnkExceptBranch(`stmt4`), nnkFinally(`stmt5`) ): echo "ok" ## Return statement scope: let ast = myquote: return expr1 ast.matchAst: of nnkReturnStmt(`expr1`): echo "ok" ## Continue statement scope: let ast = myquote: continue ast.matchAst: of nnkContinueStmt: echo "ok" ## Break statement scope: let ast = myquote: break otherLocation ast.matchAst: of nnkBreakStmt(ident"otherLocation"): echo "ok" ## Block statement scope: template blockStatement {.dirty.} = block name: discard let ast = getAst(blockStatement()) ast.matchAst: of nnkBlockStmt(ident"name", nnkStmtList): echo "ok" ## Asm statement scope: let ast = myquote: asm """some asm""" ast.matchAst: of nnkAsmStmt( nnkEmpty(), # for pragmas nnkTripleStrLit(strVal = "some asm"), ): echo "ok" ## Import section scope: let ast = myquote: import math ast.matchAst: of nnkImportStmt(ident"math"): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: import math except pow ast.matchAst: of nnkImportExceptStmt(ident"math",ident"pow"): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: import strutils as su ast.matchAst: of nnkImportStmt( nnkInfix( ident"as", ident"strutils", ident"su" ) ): echo "ok" ## From statement scope: let ast = myquote: from math import pow ast.matchAst: of nnkFromStmt(ident"math", ident"pow"): echo "ok" ## Export statement scope: let ast = myquote: export unsigned ast.matchAst: of nnkExportStmt(ident"unsigned"): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: export math except pow # we're going to implement our own exponentiation ast.matchAst: of nnkExportExceptStmt(ident"math",ident"pow"): echo "ok" ## Include statement scope: let ast = myquote: include blocks ast.matchAst: of nnkIncludeStmt(ident"blocks"): echo "ok" ## Var section scope: let ast = myquote: var a = 3 ast.matchAst: of nnkVarSection( nnkIdentDefs( ident"a", nnkEmpty(), # or nnkIdent(...) if the variable declares the type nnkIntLit(intVal = 3), ) ): echo "ok" ## Let section scope: let ast = myquote: let a = 3 ast.matchAst: of nnkLetSection( nnkIdentDefs( ident"a", nnkEmpty(), # or nnkIdent(...) for the type nnkIntLit(intVal = 3), ) ): echo "ok" ## Const section scope: let ast = myquote: const a = 3 ast.matchAst: of nnkConstSection( nnkConstDef( # not nnkConstDefs! ident"a", nnkEmpty(), # or nnkIdent(...) if the variable declares the type nnkIntLit(intVal = 3), # required in a const declaration! ) ): echo "ok" ## Type section scope: let ast = myquote: type A = int ast.matchAst: of nnkTypeSection( nnkTypeDef( ident"A", nnkEmpty(), ident"int" ) ): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: type MyInt = distinct int ast.peelOff({nnkTypeSection}).matchAst: of# ... nnkTypeDef( ident"MyInt", nnkEmpty(), nnkDistinctTy( ident"int" ) ): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: type A[T] = expr1 ast.matchAst: of nnkTypeSection( nnkTypeDef( ident"A", nnkGenericParams( nnkIdentDefs( ident"T", nnkEmpty(), # if the type is declared with options, like # ``[T: SomeInteger]``, they are given here nnkEmpty() ) ), `expr1` ) ): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: type IO = object of RootObj ast.peelOff(nnkTypeSection).matchAst: of nnkTypeDef( ident"IO", nnkEmpty(), nnkObjectTy( nnkEmpty(), # no pragmas here nnkOfInherit( ident"RootObj" # inherits from RootObj ), nnkEmpty() ) ): echo "ok" scope: macro testRecCase(ast: untyped): untyped = ast.peelOff({nnkStmtList, nnkTypeSection}).matchAst: of nnkTypeDef( nnkPragmaExpr( ident"Obj", nnkPragma(ident"inheritable") ), nnkGenericParams( nnkIdentDefs( ident"T", nnkEmpty(), nnkEmpty()) ), nnkObjectTy( nnkEmpty(), nnkEmpty(), nnkRecList( # list of object parameters nnkIdentDefs( ident"name", ident"string", nnkEmpty() ), nnkRecCase( # case statement within object (not nnkCaseStmt) nnkIdentDefs( ident"isFat", ident"bool", nnkEmpty() ), nnkOfBranch( ident"true", nnkRecList( # again, a list of object parameters nnkIdentDefs( ident"m", nnkBracketExpr( ident"array", nnkIntLit(intVal = 100000), ident"T" ), nnkEmpty() ) ) ), nnkOfBranch( ident"false", nnkRecList( nnkIdentDefs( ident"m", nnkBracketExpr( ident"array", nnkIntLit(intVal = 10), ident"T" ), nnkEmpty() ) ) ) ) ) ) ): echo "ok" testRecCase: type Obj[T] {.inheritable.} = object name: string case isFat: bool of true: m: array[100_000, T] of false: m: array[10, T] scope: let ast = myquote: type X = enum First ast.peelOff({nnkStmtList, nnkTypeSection})[2].matchAst: of nnkEnumTy( nnkEmpty(), ident"First" # you need at least one nnkIdent or the compiler complains ): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: type Con = concept x,y,z (x & y & z) is string ast.peelOff({nnkStmtList, nnkTypeSection}).matchAst: of nnkTypeDef(_, _, nnkTypeClassTy(nnkArgList, _, _, nnkStmtList)): # note this isn't nnkConceptTy! echo "ok" scope: let astX = myquote: type A[T: static[int]] = object let ast = astX.peelOff({nnkStmtList, nnkTypeSection}) ast.matchAst(err): # this is a sub ast for this a findAst or something like that is useful of nnkTypeDef(_, nnkGenericParams( nnkIdentDefs( ident"T", nnkCall( ident"[]", ident"static", _ ), _ )), _): echo "ok" else: echo "foobar" echo ast.treeRepr scope: let ast = myquote: type MyProc[T] = proc(x: T) ast.peelOff({nnkStmtList, nnkTypeSection}).matchAst(err): of nnkTypeDef( ident"MyProc", nnkGenericParams, # here, not with the proc nnkProcTy( # behaves like a procedure declaration from here on nnkFormalParams, _ ) ): echo "ok" ## Mixin statement macro testMixinStatement(ast: untyped): untyped = ast.peelOff(nnkStmtList).matchAst: of nnkMixinStmt(ident"x"): echo "ok" testMixinStatement: mixin x ## Bind statement macro testBindStmt(ast: untyped): untyped = ast[0].matchAst: of `node` @ nnkBindStmt(ident"x"): echo "ok" testBindStmt: bind x ## Procedure declaration macro testProcedureDeclaration(ast: untyped): untyped = # NOTE this is wrong in astdef ast.peelOff(nnkStmtList).matchAst: of nnkProcDef( nnkPostfix(ident"*", ident"hello"), # the exported proc name nnkEmpty, # patterns for term rewriting in templates and macros (not procs) nnkGenericParams( # generic type parameters, like with type declaration nnkIdentDefs( ident"T", ident"SomeInteger", _ ) ), nnkFormalParams( ident"int", # the first FormalParam is the return type. nnkEmpty if there is none nnkIdentDefs( ident"x", ident"int", # type type (required for procs, not for templates) nnkIntLit(intVal = 3) # a default value ), nnkIdentDefs( ident"y", ident"float32", nnkEmpty ) ), nnkPragma(ident"inline"), nnkEmpty, # reserved slot for future use `meat` @ nnkStmtList # the meat of the proc ): echo "ok got meat: ", meat.lispRepr testProcedureDeclaration: proc hello*[T: SomeInteger](x: int = 3, y: float32): int {.inline.} = discard scope: var ast = myquote: proc foobar(a, b: int): void ast = ast[3] ast.matchAst: # sub expression of nnkFormalParams( _, # return would be here nnkIdentDefs( ident"a", # the first parameter ident"b", # directly to the second parameter ident"int", # their shared type identifier nnkEmpty, # default value would go here ) ): echo "ok" scope: let ast = myquote: proc hello(): var int ast[3].matchAst: # subAst of nnkFormalParams( nnkVarTy( ident"int" ) ): echo "ok" ## Iterator declaration scope: let ast = myquote: iterator nonsense[T](x: seq[T]): float {.closure.} = discard ast.matchAst: of nnkIteratorDef(ident"nonsense", nnkEmpty, _, _, _, _, _): echo "ok" ## Converter declaration scope: let ast = myquote: converter toBool(x: float): bool ast.matchAst: of nnkConverterDef(ident"toBool",_,_,_,_,_,_): echo "ok" ## Template declaration scope: let ast = myquote: template optOpt{expr1}(a: int): int ast.matchAst: of nnkTemplateDef(ident"optOpt", nnkStmtList(`expr1`), _, _, _, _, _): echo "ok"