discard """ output: ''' Not found! Found! 1 compiles for 1 i am always two default for 3 set is 4 not 5 array is 6 not 7 default for 8 an identifier OK OK OK ayyydd ''' """ block arrayconstr: const md_extension = [".md", ".markdown"] proc test(ext: string) = case ext of ".txt", md_extension: echo "Found!" else: echo "Not found!" test(".something") # ensure it's not evaluated at compile-time: var foo = ".markdown" test(foo) converter toInt(x: char): int = x.int block t8333: case 0 of 'a': echo 0 else: echo 1 block emptyset_when: proc whenCase(a: int) = case a of (when compiles(whenCase(1)): 1 else: {}): echo "compiles for 1" of {}: echo "me not fail" of 2: echo "i am always two" of []: echo "me neither" of {4,5}: echo "set is 4 not 5" of [6,7]: echo "array is 6 not 7" of (when compiles(neverCompilesIBet()): 3 else: {}): echo "compiles for 3" #of {},[]: echo "me neither" else: echo "default for ", a whenCase(1) whenCase(2) whenCase(3) whenCase(4) whenCase(6) whenCase(8) block setconstr: const SymChars: set[char] = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF'} proc classify(s: string) = case s[0] of SymChars, '_': echo "an identifier" of {'0'..'9'}: echo "a number" else: echo "other" classify("Hurra") block tduplicates: type Kind = enum A, B var k = A template reject(b) = static: doAssert(not compiles(b)) reject: var i = 2 case i of [1, 1]: discard else: discard reject: var i = 2 case i of 1, { 1..2 }: discard else: discard reject: var i = 2 case i of { 1, 1 }: discard of { 1, 1 }: discard else: discard reject: case k of [A, A]: discard var i = 2 case i of { 1, 1 }: discard of { 2, 2 }: echo "OK" else: discard case i of { 10..30, 15..25, 5..15, 25..35 }: discard else: echo "OK" case k of {A, A..A}: echo "OK" of B: discard block tcasestm: type Tenum = enum eA, eB, eC var x: string = "yyy" y: Tenum = eA i: int case y of eA: write(stdout, "a") of eB, eC: write(stdout, "b or c") case x of "Andreas", "Rumpf": write(stdout, "Hallo Meister!") of "aa", "bb": write(stdout, "Du bist nicht mein Meister") of "cc", "hash", "when": discard of "will", "it", "finally", "be", "generated": discard var z = case i of 1..5, 8, 9: "aa" of 6, 7: "bb" elif x == "Ha": "cc" elif x == "yyy": write(stdout, x) "dd" else: "zz" echo z #OUT ayyy let str1 = "Y" let str2 = "NN" let a = case str1: of "Y": true of "N": false else: echo "no good" quit("quiting") proc toBool(s: string): bool = case s: of "": raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid boolean") elif s[0] == 'Y': true elif s[0] == 'N': false else: "error".quit(2) let b = "NN".toBool() doAssert(a == true) doAssert(b == false) static: #bug #7407 let bstatic = "N".toBool() doAssert(bstatic == false) var bb: bool doassert(not compiles( bb = case str2: of "": raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid boolean") elif str.startsWith("Y"): true elif str.startsWith("N"): false )) doassert(not compiles( bb = case str2: of "Y": true of "N": false )) doassert(not compiles( bb = case str2: of "Y": true of "N": raise newException(ValueError, "N not allowed") )) doassert(not compiles( bb = case str2: of "Y": raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid Y") else: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid N") )) doassert(not compiles( bb = case str2: of "Y": raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid Y") true else: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid") )) doassert(not compiles( bb = case str2: of "Y": "invalid Y".quit(3) true else: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid") )) #issue #11552 proc positiveOrNegative(num: int): string = result = case num of (low(int)+2) .. -1: "negative" of 0: "zero" else: "impossible"