discard """ output: ''' 10 20 int 20 3 x as ParameterizedType[T] x as ParameterizedType[T] x as ParameterizedType[T] x as ParameterizedType x as ParameterizedType x as CustomTypeClass 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b t e s t z e 1 2 3 20 10 5 9 ''' """ import typetraits, strutils block tcomparable: type Comparable = concept a (a < a) is bool proc myMax(a, b: Comparable): Comparable = if a < b: return b else: return a doAssert myMax(5, 10) == 10 doAssert myMax(31.3, 1.23124) == 31.3 block tconceptinclosure: type FonConcept = concept x x.x is int GenericConcept[T] = concept x x.x is T const L = T.name.len Implementation = object x: int Closure = object f: proc() proc f1(x: FonConcept): Closure = result.f = proc () = echo x.x proc f2(x: GenericConcept): Closure = result.f = proc () = echo x.x echo GenericConcept.T.name proc f3[T](x: GenericConcept[T]): Closure = result.f = proc () = echo x.x echo x.L let x = Implementation(x: 10) let y = Implementation(x: 20) let a = x.f1 let b = x.f2 let c = x.f1 let d = y.f2 let e = y.f3 a.f() d.f() e.f() block overload_precedence: type ParameterizedType[T] = object type CustomTypeClass = concept c true # 3 competing procs proc a[T](x: ParameterizedType[T]) = echo "x as ParameterizedType[T]" proc a(x: ParameterizedType) = echo "x as ParameterizedType" proc a(x: CustomTypeClass) = echo "x as CustomTypeClass" # the same procs in different order proc b(x: ParameterizedType) = echo "x as ParameterizedType" proc b(x: CustomTypeClass) = echo "x as CustomTypeClass" proc b[T](x: ParameterizedType[T]) = echo "x as ParameterizedType[T]" # and yet another order proc c(x: CustomTypeClass) = echo "x as CustomTypeClass" proc c(x: ParameterizedType) = echo "x as ParameterizedType" proc c[T](x: ParameterizedType[T]) = echo "x as ParameterizedType[T]" # remove the most specific one proc d(x: ParameterizedType) = echo "x as ParameterizedType" proc d(x: CustomTypeClass) = echo "x as CustomTypeClass" # then shuffle the order again proc e(x: CustomTypeClass) = echo "x as CustomTypeClass" proc e(x: ParameterizedType) = echo "x as ParameterizedType" # the least specific one is a match proc f(x: CustomTypeClass) = echo "x as CustomTypeClass" a(ParameterizedType[int]()) b(ParameterizedType[int]()) c(ParameterizedType[int]()) d(ParameterizedType[int]()) e(ParameterizedType[int]()) f(ParameterizedType[int]()) block templates: template typeLen(x): int = x.type.name.len template bunchOfChecks(x) = x.typeLen > 3 x != 10 is bool template stmtListExprTmpl(x: untyped): untyped = x is int x type Obj = object x: int Gen[T] = object x: T Eq = concept x, y (x == y) is bool NotEq = concept x, y (x != y) is bool ConceptUsingTemplate1 = concept x echo x sizeof(x) is int bunchOfChecks x ConceptUsingTemplate2 = concept x stmtListExprTmpl x template ok(x) = static: assert(x) template no(x) = static: assert(not(x)) ok int is Eq ok int is NotEq ok string is Eq ok string is NotEq ok Obj is Eq ok Obj is NotEq ok Gen[string] is Eq ok Gen[int] is NotEq no int is ConceptUsingTemplate1 ok float is ConceptUsingTemplate1 no string is ConceptUsingTemplate1 ok int is ConceptUsingTemplate2 no float is ConceptUsingTemplate2 no string is ConceptUsingTemplate2 block titerable: type Iterable[T] = concept x for value in x: type(value) is T proc sum[T](iter: Iterable[T]): T = static: echo T.name for element in iter: static: echo element.type.name result += element doAssert sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == 15 block tmanual: template accept(e) = static: assert compiles(e) template reject(e) = static: assert(not compiles(e)) type Container[T] = concept c c.len is Ordinal items(c) is T for value in c: type(value) is T proc takesIntContainer(c: Container[int]) = for e in c: echo e takesIntContainer(@[1, 2, 3]) reject takesIntContainer(@["x", "y"]) proc takesContainer(c: Container) = for e in c: echo e takesContainer(@[4, 5, 6]) takesContainer(@["a", "b"]) takesContainer "test" reject takesContainer(10) block modifiers_in_place: type VarContainer[T] = concept c put(var c, T) AltVarContainer[T] = concept var c put(c, T) NonVarContainer[T] = concept c put(c, T) GoodContainer = object x: int BadContainer = object x: int proc put(x: BadContainer, y: int) = discard proc put(x: var GoodContainer, y: int) = discard template ok(x) = assert(x) template no(x) = assert(not(x)) static: ok GoodContainer is VarContainer[int] ok GoodContainer is AltVarContainer[int] no BadContainer is VarContainer[int] no BadContainer is AltVarContainer[int] ok GoodContainer is NonVarContainer[int] ok BadContainer is NonVarContainer[int] block treversable: type Reversable[T] = concept a a[int] is T a.high is int a.len is int a.low is int proc get[T](s: Reversable[T], n: int): T = s[n] proc hi[T](s: Reversable[T]): int = s.high proc lo[T](s: Reversable[T]): int = s.low iterator reverse[T](s: Reversable[T]): T = assert hi(s) - lo(s) == len(s) - 1 for z in hi(s).countdown(lo(s)): yield s.get(z) for s in @["e", "z"].reverse: echo s block tmonoid: type Monoid = concept x, y x + y is type(x) type(z(type(x))) is type(x) proc z(x: typedesc[int]): int = 0 doAssert(int is Monoid) # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/8126 type AdditiveMonoid = concept x, y, type T x + y is T # some redundant checks to test an alternative approaches: type TT = type(x) x + y is type(x) x + y is TT doAssert(1 is AdditiveMonoid) block tesqofconcept: type MyConcept = concept x someProc(x) SomeSeq = seq[MyConcept] proc someProc(x:int) = echo x proc work (s: SomeSeq) = for item in s: someProc item var s = @[1, 2, 3] work s block tvectorspace: type VectorSpace[K] = concept x, y x + y is type(x) zero(type(x)) is type(x) -x is type(x) x - y is type(x) var k: K k * x is type(x) proc zero(T: typedesc): T = 0 static: assert float is VectorSpace[float] # assert float is VectorSpace[int] # assert int is VectorSpace block tstack: template reject(e) = static: assert(not compiles(e)) type ArrayStack = object data: seq[int] proc push(s: var ArrayStack, item: int) = s.data.add item proc pop(s: var ArrayStack): int = return s.data.pop() type Stack[T] = concept var s s.push(T) s.pop() is T type ValueType = T const ValueTypeName = T.name.toUpperAscii proc genericAlgorithm[T](s: var Stack[T], y: T) = static: echo "INFERRED ", T.name echo "VALUE TYPE ", s.ValueType.name echo "VALUE TYPE NAME ", s.ValueTypeName s.push(y) echo s.pop proc implicitGeneric(s: var Stack): auto = static: echo "IMPLICIT INFERRED ", s.T.name, " ", Stack.T.name echo "IMPLICIT VALUE TYPE ", s.ValueType.name, " ", Stack.ValueType.name echo "IMPLICIT VALUE TYPE NAME ", s.ValueTypeName, " ", Stack.ValueTypeName return s.pop() var s = ArrayStack(data: @[]) s.push 10 s.genericAlgorithm 20 echo s.implicitGeneric reject s.genericAlgorithm "x" reject s.genericAlgorithm 1.0 reject "str".implicitGeneric reject implicitGeneric(10) import libs/[trie_database, trie] block ttrie: proc takeDb(d: TrieDatabase) = discard var mdb: MemDB takeDb(mdb) import mvarconcept block tvar: # bug #2346, bug #2404 echo randomInt(5) block tcomment: type Foo = concept ## Some comment proc bar(x: Self) proc bar(x: int) = echo x proc foo(x: Foo) = x.bar foo(9)