
1'>61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
#           The Nim Compiler
#        (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

# Built-in types and compilerprocs are registered here.

  ast, astalgo, hashes, msgs, platform, nversion, times, idents, rodread

var systemModule*: PSym

  gSysTypes: array[TTypeKind, PType]
  compilerprocs: TStrTable
  exposed: TStrTable

proc nilOrSysInt*: PType = gSysTypes[tyInt]

proc registerSysType*(t: PType) =
  if gSysTypes[t.kind] == nil: gSysTypes[t.kind] = t

proc newSysType(kind: TTypeKind, size: int): PType =
  result = newType(kind, systemModule)
  result.size = size
  result.align = size.int16

proc getSysSym*(name: string): PSym =
  result = strTableGet(systemModule.tab, getIdent(name))
  if result == nil:
    rawMessage(errSystemNeeds, name)
    result = newSym(skError, getIdent(name), systemModule, systemModule.info)
    result.typ = newType(tyError, systemModule)
  if result.kind == skStub: loadStub(result)
  if result.kind == skAlias: result = result.owner

proc createMagic*(name: string, m: TMagic): PSym =
  result = newSym(skProc, getIdent(name), nil, unknownLineInfo())
  result.magic = m

  opNot* = createMagic("not", mNot)
  opContains* = createMagic("contains", mInSet)

proc getSysMagic*(name: string, m: TMagic): PSym =
  var ti: TIdentIter
  let id = getIdent(name)
  var r = initIdentIter(ti, systemModule.tab, id)
  while r != nil:
    if r.kind == skStub: loadStub(r)
    if r.magic == m:
      # prefer the tyInt variant:
      if r.typ.sons[0] != nil and r.typ.sons[0].kind == tyInt: return r
      result = r
    r = nextIdentIter(ti, systemModule.tab)
  if result != nil: return result
  rawMessage(errSystemNeeds, name)
  result = newSym(skError, id, systemModule, systemModule.info)
  result.typ = newType(tyError, systemModule)

proc sysTypeFromName*(name: string): PType =
  result = getSysSym(name).typ

proc getSysType*(kind: TTypeKind): PType =
  result = gSysTypes[kind]
  if result == nil:
    case kind
    of tyInt: result = sysTypeFromName("int")
    of tyInt8: result = sysTypeFromName("int8")
    of tyInt16: result = sysTypeFromName("int16")
    of tyInt32: result = sysTypeFromName("int32")
    of tyInt64: result = sysTypeFromName("int64")
    of tyUInt: result = sysTypeFromName("uint")
    of tyUInt8: result = sysTypeFromName("uint8")
    of tyUInt16: result = sysTypeFromName("uint16")
    of tyUInt32: result = sysTypeFromName("uint32")
    of tyUInt64: result = sysTypeFromName("uint64")
    of tyFloat: result = sysTypeFromName("float")
    of tyFloat32: result = sysTypeFromName("float32")
    of tyFloat64: return sysTypeFromName("float64")
    of tyFloat128: result = sysTypeFromName("float128")
    of tyBool: result = sysTypeFromName("bool")
    of tyChar: result = sysTypeFromName("char")
    of tyString: result = sysTypeFromName("string")
    of tyCString: result = sysTypeFromName("cstring")
    of tyPointer: result = sysTypeFromName("pointer")
    of tyNil: result = newSysType(tyNil, ptrSize)
    else: internalError("request for typekind: " & $kind)
    gSysTypes[kind] = result
  if result.kind != kind:
    internalError("wanted: " & $kind & " got: " & $result.kind)
  if result == nil: internalError("type not found: " & $kind)

  intTypeCache: array[-5..64, PType]

proc resetSysTypes* =
  systemModule = nil
  for i in low(gSysTypes)..high(gSysTypes):
    gSysTypes[i] = nil

  for i in low(intTypeCache)..high(intTypeCache):
    intTypeCache[i] = nil

proc getIntLitType*(literal: PNode): PType =
  # we cache some common integer literal types for performance:
  let value = literal.intVal
  if value >= low(intTypeCache) and value <= high(intTypeCache):
    result = intTypeCache[value.int]
    if result == nil:
      let ti = getSysType(tyInt)
      result = copyType(ti, ti.owner, false)
      result.n = literal
      intTypeCache[value.int] = result
    let ti = getSysType(tyInt)
    result = copyType(ti, ti.owner, false)
    result.n = literal

proc getFloatLitType*(literal: PNode): PType =
  # for now we do not cache these:
  result = newSysType(tyFloat, size=8)
  result.n = literal

proc skipIntLit*(t: PType): PType {.inline.} =
  if t.n != nil:
    if t.kind in {tyInt, tyFloat}:
      return getSysType(t.kind)
  result = t

proc addSonSkipIntLit*(father, son: PType) =
  if isNil(father.sons): father.sons = @[]
  let s = son.skipIntLit
  add(father.sons, s)
  propagateToOwner(father, s)

proc setIntLitType*(result: PNode) =
  let i = result.intVal
  case platform.intSize
  of 8: result.typ = getIntLitType(result)
  of 4:
    if i >= low(int32) and i <= high(int32):
      result.typ = getIntLitType(result)
      result.typ = getSysType(tyInt64)
  of 2:
    if i >= low(int16) and i <= high(int16):
      result.typ = getIntLitType(result)
    elif i >= low(int32) and i <= high(int32):
      result.typ = getSysType(tyInt32)
      result.typ = getSysType(tyInt64)
  of 1:
    # 8 bit CPUs are insane ...
    if i >= low(int8) and i <= high(int8):
      result.typ = getIntLitType(result)
    elif i >= low(int16) and i <= high(int16):
      result.typ = getSysType(tyInt16)
    elif i >= low(int32) and i <= high(int32):
      result.typ = getSysType(tyInt32)
      result.typ = getSysType(tyInt64)
  else: internalError(result.info, "invalid int size")

proc getCompilerProc*(name: string): PSym =
  let ident = getIdent(name)
  result = strTableGet(compilerprocs, ident)
  if result == nil:
    result = strTableGet(rodCompilerprocs, ident)
    if result != nil:
      strTableAdd(compilerprocs, result)
      if result.kind == skStub: loadStub(result)
      if result.kind == skAlias: result = result.owner

proc registerCompilerProc*(s: PSym) =
  strTableAdd(compilerprocs, s)

proc registerNimScriptSymbol*(s: PSym) =
  # Nimscript symbols must be al unique:
  let conflict = strTableGet(exposed, s.name)
  if conflict == nil:
    strTableAdd(exposed, s)
    localError(s.info, "symbol conflicts with other .exportNims symbol at: " &

proc getNimScriptSymbol*(name: string): PSym =
  strTableGet(exposed, getIdent(name))

proc resetNimScriptSymbols*() = initStrTable(exposed)
