discard """ output: "Done" cmd: "nimrod $target --debuginfo --hints:on --define:useNimRtl $options $file" """ type TNodeKind = enum nkLit, nkSub, nkAdd, nkDiv, nkMul TNode = object case k: TNodeKind of nkLit: x: int else: a, b: ref TNode PNode = ref TNode when defined(windows): const dllname = "server.dll" elif defined(macosx): const dllname = "libserver.dylib" else: const dllname = "libserver.so" proc newLit(x: int): PNode {.importc: "newLit", dynlib: dllname.} proc newOp(k: TNodeKind, a, b: PNode): PNode {. importc: "newOp", dynlib: dllname.} proc buildTree(x: int): PNode {.importc: "buildTree", dynlib: dllname.} proc eval(n: PNode): int = case n.k of nkLit: result = n.x of nkSub: result = eval(n.a) - eval(n.b) of nkAdd: result = eval(n.a) + eval(n.b) of nkDiv: result = eval(n.a) div eval(n.b) of nkMul: result = eval(n.a) * eval(n.b) # Test the GC: for i in 0..100_000: discard eval(buildTree(2)) echo "Done"