discard """ output: '''24 (bar: "bar") 1244 6 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 145 23 3 2''' """ import strutils const fac4 = (var x = 1; for i in 1..4: x *= i; x) echo fac4 when true: proc test(foo: proc (x, y: int): bool) = echo foo(5, 5) type Foo = object bar: string proc newfoo(): Foo = result.bar = "bar" echo($newfoo()) proc retInt(x, y: int): int = if (var yy = 0; yy != 0): echo yy else: echo(try: parseInt("1244") except ValueError: -1) result = case x of 23: 3 of 64: case y of 1: 2 of 2: 3 of 3: 6 else: 8 else: 1 echo retInt(64, 3) proc buildString(): string = result = "" for x in 'a'..'z': result.add(x) echo buildString() #test( # proc (x, y: int): bool = # if x == 5: return true # if x == 2: return false # if y == 78: return true #) proc q(): int {.discardable.} = 145 proc p(): int = q() proc p2(a: int): int = # result enforces a void context: if a == 2: result = 23 q() echo p(), " ", p2(2) proc semiProblem() = if false: echo "aye"; echo "indeed" semiProblem() # bug #844 import json proc parseResponse(): JsonNode = result = % { "key1": % { "key2": % "value" } } for key, val in result["key1"]: var excMsg = key & "(" if (var n=result["key2"]; n != nil): excMsg &= n.str raise newException(SystemError, excMsg) #bug #992 var se = @[1,2] let b = (se[1] = 1; 1) # bug #1161 type PFooBase = ref object of RootRef field: int PFoo[T] = ref object of PFooBase field2: T var testIf = if true: 2 else: 3 var testCase = case 8 of 8: 9 else: 10 var testTry = try: PFoo[string](field: 3, field2: "asfasf") except: PFooBase(field: 5) echo(testTry.field) # bug #6166 proc quo(op: proc (x: int): bool): int = result = if op(3): 2 else: 0 echo( if true: quo do (a: int) -> bool: a mod 2 != 0 else: quo do (a: int) -> bool: a mod 3 != 0 ) # bug #6980 proc fooBool: bool {.discardable.} = true if true: fooBool() else: raise newException(ValueError, "argh") # bug #5374 proc test1(): int64 {.discardable.} = discard proc test2(): int {.discardable.} = discard if true: test1() else: test2()