discard """
output: '''
disabled: true

# this test modifies an already semchecked ast (bad things happen)
# this test relies on the bug #4547
# issue #7792

import macros

proc callProc(str: string) =
  echo "calling!" & str

macro testMacro(code: typed): untyped =
  let stmtList = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)

  let stmts = code[6]

  for n in stmts.children:
    # the error happens here
    stmtList.add(newCall(bindSym("callProc"), newLit("stuff")))

  code[6] = stmtList

  result = newEmptyNode()

proc main() {.testMacro.} =
  echo "test"
  echo "test2"

when isMainModule: