discard """ file: "tstringinterp.nim" output: "Hello Alice, 64 | Hello Bob, 10$" """ import macros, parseutils, strutils proc concat(strings: varargs[string]): string = result = newString(0) for s in items(strings): result.add(s) template processInterpolations(e) = var s = e[1].strVal for f in interpolatedFragments(s): case f.kind of ikStr: addString(f.value) of ikDollar: addDollar() of ikVar, ikExpr: addExpr(newCall("$", parseExpr(f.value))) macro formatStyleInterpolation(e: untyped): untyped = let e = callsite() var formatString = "" arrayNode = newNimNode(nnkBracket) idx = 1 proc addString(s: string) = formatString.add(s) proc addExpr(e: NimNode) = arrayNode.add(e) formatString.add("$" & $(idx)) inc idx proc addDollar() = formatString.add("$$") processInterpolations(e) result = parseExpr("\"x\" % [y]") result[1].strVal = formatString result[2] = arrayNode macro concatStyleInterpolation(e: untyped): untyped = let e = callsite() var args: seq[NimNode] newSeq(args, 0) proc addString(s: string) = args.add(newStrLitNode(s)) proc addExpr(e: NimNode) = args.add(e) proc addDollar() = args.add(newStrLitNode"$") processInterpolations(e) result = newCall("concat", args) ### proc sum(a, b, c: int): int = return (a + b + c) var alice = "Alice" bob = "Bob" a = 10 b = 20 c = 34 var s1 = concatStyleInterpolation"Hello ${alice}, ${sum(a, b, c)}" s2 = formatStyleInterpolation"Hello ${bob}, ${sum(alice.len, bob.len, 2)}$$" write(stdout, s1 & " | " & s2)