# Copyright (c) 2007 Scott Lembcke # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # when defined(Linux): const Lib = "libchipmunk.so.6.1.1" else: {.error: "Platform unsupported".} when defined(MoreNimrod): {.hint: "MoreNimrod defined; some Chipmunk functions replaced in Nimrod".} {.deadCodeElim: on.} from math import sqrt, sin, cos, arctan2 when defined(CpUseFloat): {.hint: "CpUseFloat defined; using float32 as float".} type CpFloat* = cfloat else: type CpFloat* = cdouble const CP_BUFFER_BYTES* = (32 * 1024) CP_MAX_CONTACTS_PER_ARBITER* = 4 CpInfinity*: CpFloat = 1.0/0 {.pragma: pf, pure, final.} type Bool32* = cint #replace one day with cint-compatible bool CpDataPointer* = pointer TVector* {.final, pure.} = object x*, y*: CpFloat TTimestamp* = cuint TBodyVelocityFunc* = proc(body: PBody, gravity: TVector, damping: CpFloat; dt: CpFloat){.cdecl.} TBodyPositionFunc* = proc(body: PBody; dt: CpFloat){.cdecl.} TComponentNode*{.pf.} = object root*: PBody next*: PBody idleTime*: CpFloat THashValue = cuint # uintptr_t TCollisionType* = cuint #uintptr_t TGroup * = cuint #uintptr_t TLayers* = cuint PArray = ptr TArray TArray{.pure,final.} = object PHashSet = ptr THashSet THashSet{.pf.} = object PContact* = ptr TContact TContact*{.pure,final.} = object PArbiter* = ptr TArbiter TArbiter*{.pf.} = object e*: CpFloat u*: CpFloat surface_vr*: TVector a*: PShape b*: PShape body_a*: PBody body_b*: PBody thread_a*: TArbiterThread thread_b*: TArbiterThread numContacts*: cint contacts*: PContact stamp*: TTimestamp handler*: PCollisionHandler swappedColl*: bool32 state*: TArbiterState PCollisionHandler* = ptr TCollisionHandler TCollisionHandler*{.pf.} = object a*: TCollisionType b*: TCollisionType begin*: TCollisionBeginFunc preSolve*: TCollisionPreSolveFunc postSolve*: TCollisionPostSolveFunc separate*: TCollisionSeparateFunc data*: pointer TArbiterState*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum ArbiterStateFirstColl, # Arbiter is active and its not the first collision. ArbiterStateNormal, # Collision has been explicitly ignored. # Either by returning false from a begin collision handler or calling cpArbiterIgnore(). ArbiterStateIgnore, # Collison is no longer active. A space will cache an arbiter for up to cpSpace.collisionPersistence more steps. ArbiterStateCached TArbiterThread*{.pf.} = object next*: PArbiter # Links to next and previous arbiters in the contact graph. prev*: PArbiter TContactPoint*{.pf.} = object point*: TVector #/ The position of the contact point. normal*: TVector #/ The normal of the contact point. dist*: CpFloat #/ The depth of the contact point. #/ A struct that wraps up the important collision data for an arbiter. PContactPointSet* = ptr TContactPointSet TContactPointSet*{.pf.} = object count*: cint #/ The number of contact points in the set. points*: array[0..CP_MAX_CONTACTS_PER_ARBITER - 1, TContactPoint] #/ The array of contact points. #/ Collision begin event function callback type. #/ Returning false from a begin callback causes the collision to be ignored until #/ the the separate callback is called when the objects stop colliding. TCollisionBeginFunc* = proc (arb: PArbiter; space: PSpace; data: pointer): Bool{. cdecl.} #/ Collision pre-solve event function callback type. #/ Returning false from a pre-step callback causes the collision to be ignored until the next step. TCollisionPreSolveFunc* = proc (arb: PArbiter; space: PSpace; data: pointer): bool {.cdecl.} #/ Collision post-solve event function callback type. TCollisionPostSolveFunc* = proc (arb: PArbiter; space: PSpace; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Collision separate event function callback type. TCollisionSeparateFunc* = proc (arb: PArbiter; space: PSpace; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Chipmunk's axis-aligned 2D bounding box type. (left, bottom, right, top) PBB* = ptr TBB TBB* {.pf.} = object l*, b*, r*, t*: CpFloat #/ Spatial index bounding box callback function type. #/ The spatial index calls this function and passes you a pointer to an object you added #/ when it needs to get the bounding box associated with that object. TSpatialIndexBBFunc* = proc (obj: pointer): TBB{.cdecl.} #/ Spatial index/object iterator callback function type. TSpatialIndexIteratorFunc* = proc (obj: pointer; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Spatial query callback function type. TSpatialIndexQueryFunc* = proc (obj1: pointer; obj2: pointer; data: pointer){. cdecl.} #/ Spatial segment query callback function type. TSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc* = proc (obj1: pointer; obj2: pointer; data: pointer): CpFloat {.cdecl.} #/ private PSpatialIndex = ptr TSpatialIndex TSpatialIndex{.pf.} = object klass: PSpatialIndexClass bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc staticIndex: PSpatialIndex dynamicIndex: PSpatialIndex TSpatialIndexDestroyImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex){.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexCountImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex): cint{.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexEachImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; func: TSpatialIndexIteratorFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl.} TSpatialIndexContainsImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; obj: pointer; hashid: THashValue): Bool32 {.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexInsertImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; obj: pointer; hashid: THashValue){.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexRemoveImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; obj: pointer; hashid: THashValue){.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexReindexImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex){.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexReindexObjectImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; obj: pointer; hashid: THashValue){.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexReindexQueryImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; func: TSpatialIndexQueryFunc; data: pointer){.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexPointQueryImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; point: TVector; func: TSpatialIndexQueryFunc; data: pointer){.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexSegmentQueryImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; obj: pointer; a: TVector; b: TVector; t_exit: CpFloat; func: TSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc; data: pointer){.cdecl.} TSpatialIndexQueryImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; obj: pointer; bb: TBB; func: TSpatialIndexQueryFunc; data: pointer){.cdecl.} PSpatialIndexClass* = ptr TSpatialIndexClass TSpatialIndexClass*{.pf.} = object destroy*: TSpatialIndexDestroyImpl count*: TSpatialIndexCountImpl each*: TSpatialIndexEachImpl contains*: TSpatialIndexContainsImpl insert*: TSpatialIndexInsertImpl remove*: TSpatialIndexRemoveImpl reindex*: TSpatialIndexReindexImpl reindexObject*: TSpatialIndexReindexObjectImpl reindexQuery*: TSpatialIndexReindexQueryImpl pointQuery*: TSpatialIndexPointQueryImpl segmentQuery*: TSpatialIndexSegmentQueryImpl query*: TSpatialIndexQueryImpl PSpaceHash* = ptr TSpaceHash TSpaceHash* {.pf.} = object PBBTree* = ptr TBBTree TBBTree* {.pf.} = object PSweep1D* = ptr TSweep1D TSweep1D* {.pf.} = object #/ Bounding box tree velocity callback function. #/ This function should return an estimate for the object's velocity. TBBTreeVelocityFunc* = proc (obj: pointer): TVector {.cdecl.} PContactBufferHeader* = ptr TContentBufferHeader TContentBufferHeader* {.pf.} = object TSpaceArbiterApplyImpulseFunc* = proc (arb: PArbiter){.cdecl.} PSpace* = ptr TSpace TSpace* {.pf.} = object iterations*: cint gravity*: TVector damping*: CpFloat idleSpeedThreshold*: CpFloat sleepTimeThreshold*: CpFloat collisionSlop*: CpFloat collisionBias*: CpFloat collisionPersistence*: TTimestamp enableContactGraph*: cint ##BOOL data*: pointer staticBody*: PBody stamp: TTimestamp currDT: CpFloat bodies: PArray rousedBodies: PArray sleepingComponents: PArray staticShapes: PSpatialIndex activeShapes: PSpatialIndex arbiters: PArray contactBuffersHead: PContactBufferHeader cachedArbiters: PHashSet pooledArbiters: PArray constraints: PArray allocatedBuffers: PArray locked: cint collisionHandlers: PHashSet defaultHandler: TCollisionHandler postStepCallbacks: PHashSet arbiterApplyImpulse: TSpaceArbiterApplyImpulseFunc staticBody2: TBody #_staticBody PBody* = ptr TBody TBody*{.pf.} = object velocityFunc*: TBodyVelocityFunc positionFunc*: TBodyPositionFunc m*: CpFloat mInv*: CpFloat i*: CpFloat iInv*: CpFloat p*: TVector v*: TVector f*: TVector a*: CpFloat w*: CpFloat t*: CpFloat rot*: TVector data*: pointer vLimit*: CpFloat wLimit*: CpFloat vBias*: TVector wBias*: CpFloat space*: PSpace shapeList*: PShape arbiterList*: PArbiter constraintList*: PConstraint node*: TComponentNode #/ Body/shape iterator callback function type. TBodyShapeIteratorFunc* = proc (body: PBody; shape: PShape; data: pointer) {.cdecl.} #/ Body/constraint iterator callback function type. TBodyConstraintIteratorFunc* = proc (body: PBody; constraint: PConstraint; data: pointer) {.cdecl.} #/ Body/arbiter iterator callback function type. TBodyArbiterIteratorFunc* = proc (body: PBody; arbiter: PArbiter; data: pointer) {.cdecl.} PNearestPointQueryInfo* = ptr TNearestPointQueryInfo #/ Nearest point query info struct. TNearestPointQueryInfo*{.pf.} = object shape: PShape #/ The nearest shape, NULL if no shape was within range. p: TVector #/ The closest point on the shape's surface. (in world space coordinates) d: CpFloat #/ The distance to the point. The distance is negative if the point is inside the shape. PSegmentQueryInfo* = ptr TSegmentQueryInfo #/ Segment query info struct. TSegmentQueryInfo*{.pf.} = object shape*: PShape #/ The shape that was hit, NULL if no collision occured. t*: CpFloat #/ The normalized distance along the query segment in the range [0, 1]. n*: TVector #/ The normal of the surface hit. TShapeType*{.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum CP_CIRCLE_SHAPE, CP_SEGMENT_SHAPE, CP_POLY_SHAPE, CP_NUM_SHAPES TShapeCacheDataImpl* = proc (shape: PShape; p: TVector; rot: TVector): TBB{.cdecl.} TShapeDestroyImpl* = proc (shape: PShape){.cdecl.} TShapePointQueryImpl* = proc (shape: PShape; p: TVector): bool32 {.cdecl.} TShapeSegmentQueryImpl* = proc (shape: PShape; a: TVector; b: TVector; info: PSegmentQueryInfo){.cdecl.} PShapeClass* = ptr TShapeClass TShapeClass*{.pf.} = object kind*: TShapeType cacheData*: TShapeCacheDataImpl destroy*: TShapeDestroyImpl pointQuery*: TShapePointQueryImpl segmentQuery*: TShapeSegmentQueryImpl PShape* = ptr TShape TShape*{.pf.} = object klass: PShapeClass #/ PRIVATE body*: PBody #/ The rigid body this collision shape is attached to. bb*: TBB #/ The current bounding box of the shape. sensor*: Bool32 #/ Sensor flag. #/ Sensor shapes call collision callbacks but don't produce collisions. e*: CpFloat #/ Coefficient of restitution. (elasticity) u*: CpFloat #/ Coefficient of friction. surface_v*: TVector #/ Surface velocity used when solving for friction. data*: pointer #/ User definable data pointer. Generally this points to your the game object class so you can access it when given a cpShape reference in a callback. collision_type*: TCollisionType #/ Collision type of this shape used when picking collision handlers. group*: TGroup #/ Group of this shape. Shapes in the same group don't collide. layers*: TLayers #/ Layer bitmask for this shape. Shapes only collide if the bitwise and of their layers is non-zero. space: PSpace #PRIVATE next: PShape #PRIVATE prev: PShape #PRIVATE hashid: THashValue #PRIVATE PCircleShape* = ptr TCircleShape TCircleShape*{.pf.} = object shape: PShape c, tc: TVector r: CpFloat PPolyShape* = ptr TPolyShape TPolyShape*{.pf.} = object shape: PShape numVerts: cint verts, tVerts: TVector planes, tPlanes: PSplittingPlane PSegmentShape* = ptr TSegmentShape TSegmentShape*{.pf.} = object shape: PShape a, b, n: TVector ta, tb, tn: TVector r: CpFloat aTangent, bTangent: TVector PSplittingPlane* = ptr TSplittingPlane TSplittingPlane*{.pf.} = object n: TVector d: CpFloat #/ Post Step callback function type. TPostStepFunc* = proc (space: PSpace; obj: pointer; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Point query callback function type. TSpacePointQueryFunc* = proc (shape: PShape; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Segment query callback function type. TSpaceSegmentQueryFunc* = proc (shape: PShape; t: CpFloat; n: TVector; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Rectangle Query callback function type. TSpaceBBQueryFunc* = proc (shape: PShape; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Shape query callback function type. TSpaceShapeQueryFunc* = proc (shape: PShape; points: PContactPointSet; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Space/body iterator callback function type. TSpaceBodyIteratorFunc* = proc (body: PBody; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Space/body iterator callback function type. TSpaceShapeIteratorFunc* = proc (shape: PShape; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Space/constraint iterator callback function type. TSpaceConstraintIteratorFunc* = proc (constraint: PConstraint; data: pointer){.cdecl.} #/ Opaque cpConstraint struct. PConstraint* = ptr TConstraint TConstraint*{.pf.} = object klass: PConstraintClass #/PRIVATE a*: PBody #/ The first body connected to this constraint. b*: PBody #/ The second body connected to this constraint. space: PSpace #/PRIVATE next_a: PConstraint #/PRIVATE next_b: PConstraint #/PRIVATE maxForce*: CpFloat #/ The maximum force that this constraint is allowed to use. Defaults to infinity. errorBias*: CpFloat #/ The rate at which joint error is corrected. Defaults to pow(1.0 - 0.1, 60.0) meaning that it will correct 10% of the error every 1/60th of a second. maxBias*: CpFloat #/ The maximum rate at which joint error is corrected. Defaults to infinity. preSolve*: TConstraintPreSolveFunc #/ Function called before the solver runs. Animate your joint anchors, update your motor torque, etc. postSolve*: TConstraintPostSolveFunc #/ Function called after the solver runs. Use the applied impulse to perform effects like breakable joints. data*: CpDataPointer # User definable data pointer. Generally this points to your the game object class so you can access it when given a cpConstraint reference in a callback. TConstraintPreStepImpl = proc (constraint: PConstraint; dt: CpFloat){.cdecl.} TConstraintApplyCachedImpulseImpl = proc (constraint: PConstraint; dt_coef: CpFloat){.cdecl.} TConstraintApplyImpulseImpl = proc (constraint: PConstraint){.cdecl.} TConstraintGetImpulseImpl = proc (constraint: PConstraint): CpFloat{.cdecl.} PConstraintClass = ptr TConstraintClass TConstraintClass{.pf.} = object preStep*: TConstraintPreStepImpl applyCachedImpulse*: TConstraintApplyCachedImpulseImpl applyImpulse*: TConstraintApplyImpulseImpl getImpulse*: TConstraintGetImpulseImpl #/ Callback function type that gets called before solving a joint. TConstraintPreSolveFunc* = proc (constraint: PConstraint; space: PSpace){. cdecl.} #/ Callback function type that gets called after solving a joint. TConstraintPostSolveFunc* = proc (constraint: PConstraint; space: PSpace){. cdecl.} ##cp property emulators template defGetter(otype: typedesc, memberType: typedesc, memberName: expr, procName: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = proc `get procName`*(obj: otype): memberType {.cdecl.} = return obj.memberName template defSetter(otype: typedesc, memberType: typedesc, memberName: expr, procName: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = proc `set procName`*(obj: otype, value: memberType) {.cdecl.} = obj.memberName = value template defProp(otype: typedesc, memberType: typedesc, memberName: expr, procName: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = defGetter(otype, memberType, memberName, procName) defSetter(otype, memberType, memberName, procName) ##cpspace.h proc allocSpace*(): PSpace {. importc: "cpSpaceAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} proc Init*(space: PSpace): PSpace {. importc: "cpSpaceInit", dynlib: Lib.} proc newSpace*(): PSpace {. importc: "cpSpaceNew", dynlib: Lib.} proc destroy*(space: PSpace) {. importc: "cpSpaceDestroy", dynlib: Lib.} proc free*(space: PSpace) {. importc: "cpSpaceFree", dynlib: Lib.} defProp(PSpace, cint, iterations, Iterations) defProp(PSpace, TVector, gravity, Gravity) defProp(PSpace, CpFloat, damping, Damping) defProp(PSpace, CpFloat, idleSpeedThreshold, IdleSpeedThreshold) defProp(PSpace, CpFloat, sleepTimeThreshold, SleepTimeThreshold) defProp(PSpace, CpFloat, collisionSlop, CollisionSlop) defProp(PSpace, CpFloat, collisionBias, CollisionBias) defProp(PSpace, TTimestamp, collisionPersistence, CollisionPersistence) defProp(PSpace, Bool32, enableContactGraph, EnableContactGraph) defProp(PSpace, pointer, data, UserData) defGetter(PSpace, PBody, staticBody, StaticBody) defGetter(PSpace, CpFloat, currDt, CurrentTimeStep) #/ returns true from inside a callback and objects cannot be added/removed. proc isLocked*(space: PSpace): Bool{.inline.} = result = space.locked.bool #/ Set a default collision handler for this space. #/ The default collision handler is invoked for each colliding pair of shapes #/ that isn't explicitly handled by a specific collision handler. #/ You can pass NULL for any function you don't want to implement. proc setDefaultCollisionHandler*(space: PSpace; begin: TCollisionBeginFunc; preSolve: TCollisionPreSolveFunc; postSolve: TCollisionPostSolveFunc; separate: TCollisionSeparateFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceSetDefaultCollisionHandler", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Set a collision handler to be used whenever the two shapes with the given collision types collide. #/ You can pass NULL for any function you don't want to implement. proc addCollisionHandler*(space: PSpace; a, b: TCollisionType; begin: TCollisionBeginFunc; preSolve: TCollisionPreSolveFunc; postSolve: TCollisionPostSolveFunc; separate: TCollisionSeparateFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceAddCollisionHandler", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Unset a collision handler. proc removeCollisionHandler*(space: PSpace; a: TCollisionType; b: TCollisionType){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceRemoveCollisionHandler", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Add a collision shape to the simulation. #/ If the shape is attached to a static body, it will be added as a static shape. proc addShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape): PShape{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceAddShape", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Explicity add a shape as a static shape to the simulation. proc addStaticShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape): PShape{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceAddStaticShape", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Add a rigid body to the simulation. proc addBody*(space: PSpace; body: PBody): PBody{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceAddBody", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Add a constraint to the simulation. proc addConstraint*(space: PSpace; constraint: PConstraint): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceAddConstraint", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Remove a collision shape from the simulation. proc removeShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceRemoveShape", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Remove a collision shape added using cpSpaceAddStaticShape() from the simulation. proc removeStaticShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceRemoveStaticShape", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Remove a rigid body from the simulation. proc removeBody*(space: PSpace; body: PBody){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceRemoveBody", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Remove a constraint from the simulation. proc RemoveConstraint*(space: PSpace; constraint: PConstraint){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceRemoveConstraint", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Test if a collision shape has been added to the space. proc containsShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape): Bool{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceContainsShape", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Test if a rigid body has been added to the space. proc containsBody*(space: PSpace; body: PBody): Bool{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceContainsBody", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Test if a constraint has been added to the space. proc containsConstraint*(space: PSpace; constraint: PConstraint): Bool{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceContainsConstraint", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Schedule a post-step callback to be called when cpSpaceStep() finishes. #/ @c obj is used a key, you can only register one callback per unique value for @c obj proc addPostStepCallback*(space: PSpace; func: TPostStepFunc; obj: pointer; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceAddPostStepCallback", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Query the space at a point and call @c func for each shape found. proc pointQuery*(space: PSpace; point: TVector; layers: TLayers; group: TGroup; func: TSpacePointQueryFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpacePointQuery", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Query the space at a point and return the first shape found. Returns NULL if no shapes were found. proc pointQueryFirst*(space: PSpace; point: TVector; layers: TLayers; group: TGroup): PShape{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpacePointQueryFirst", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Perform a directed line segment query (like a raycast) against the space calling @c func for each shape intersected. proc segmentQuery*(space: PSpace; start: TVector; to: TVector; layers: TLayers; group: TGroup; func: TSpaceSegmentQueryFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceSegmentQuery", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Perform a directed line segment query (like a raycast) against the space and return the first shape hit. Returns NULL if no shapes were hit. proc segmentQueryFirst*(space: PSpace; start: TVector; to: TVector; layers: TLayers; group: TGroup; res: PSegmentQueryInfo): PShape{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceSegmentQueryFirst", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Perform a fast rectangle query on the space calling @c func for each shape found. #/ Only the shape's bounding boxes are checked for overlap, not their full shape. proc BBQuery*(space: PSpace; bb: TBB; layers: TLayers; group: TGroup; func: TSpaceBBQueryFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceBBQuery", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Query a space for any shapes overlapping the given shape and call @c func for each shape found. proc shapeQuery*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape; func: TSpaceShapeQueryFunc; data: pointer): Bool {. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceShapeQuery", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Call cpBodyActivate() for any shape that is overlaps the given shape. proc activateShapesTouchingShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceActivateShapesTouchingShape", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Call @c func for each body in the space. proc eachBody*(space: PSpace; func: TSpaceBodyIteratorFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceEachBody", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Call @c func for each shape in the space. proc eachShape*(space: PSpace; func: TSpaceShapeIteratorFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceEachShape", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Call @c func for each shape in the space. proc eachConstraint*(space: PSpace; func: TSpaceConstraintIteratorFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceEachConstraint", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Update the collision detection info for the static shapes in the space. proc reindexStatic*(space: PSpace){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceReindexStatic", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Update the collision detection data for a specific shape in the space. proc reindexShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceReindexShape", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Update the collision detection data for all shapes attached to a body. proc reindexShapesForBody*(space: PSpace; body: PBody){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceReindexShapesForBody", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Switch the space to use a spatial has as it's spatial index. proc SpaceUseSpatialHash*(space: PSpace; dim: CpFloat; count: cint){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceUseSpatialHash", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Step the space forward in time by @c dt. proc step*(space: PSpace; dt: CpFloat) {. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceStep", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Convenience constructor for cpVect structs. proc vector*(x, y: CpFloat): TVector {.inline.} = result.x = x result.y = y proc newVector*(x, y: CpFloat): TVector {.inline.} = return vector(x, y) #let VectorZero* = newVector(0.0, 0.0) var VectorZero* = newVector(0.0, 0.0) #/ Vector dot product. proc dot*(v1, v2: TVector): CpFloat {.inline.} = result = v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y #/ Returns the length of v. #proc len*(v: TVector): CpFloat {. # cdecl, importc: "cpvlength", dynlib: Lib.} proc len*(v: TVector): CpFloat {.inline.} = result = v.dot(v).sqrt #/ Spherical linearly interpolate between v1 and v2. proc slerp*(v1, v2: TVector; t: CpFloat): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpvslerp", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Spherical linearly interpolate between v1 towards v2 by no more than angle a radians proc slerpconst*(v1, v2: TVector; a: CpFloat): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpvslerpconst", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Returns the unit length vector for the given angle (in radians). #proc vectorForAngle*(a: CpFloat): TVector {. # cdecl, importc: "cpvforangle", dynlib: Lib.} proc vectorForAngle*(a: CpFloat): TVector {.inline.} = result = newVector(math.cos(a), math.sin(a)) #/ Returns the angular direction v is pointing in (in radians). proc toAngle*(v: TVector): CpFloat {.inline.} = result = math.arctan2(v.y, v.x) #/ Returns a string representation of v. Intended mostly for debugging purposes and not production use. #/ @attention The string points to a static local and is reset every time the function is called. #/ If you want to print more than one vector you will have to split up your printing onto separate lines. proc `$`*(v: TVector): cstring {.cdecl, importc: "cpvstr", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Check if two vectors are equal. (Be careful when comparing floating point numbers!) proc `==`*(v1, v2: TVector): bool {.inline.} = result = v1.x == v2.x and v1.y == v2.y #/ Add two vectors proc `+`*(v1, v2: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = newVector(v1.x + v2.x, v1.y + v2.y) proc `+=`*(v1: var TVector; v2: TVector) = v1.x = v1.x + v2.x v1.y = v1.y + v2.y #/ Subtract two vectors. proc `-`*(v1, v2: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = newVector(v1.x - v2.x, v1.y - v2.y) proc `-=`*(v1: var TVector; v2: TVector) = v1.x = v1.x - v2.x v1.y = v1.y - v2.y #/ Negate a vector. proc `-`*(v: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = newVector(- v.x, - v.y) #/ Scalar multiplication. proc `*`*(v: TVector, s: CpFloat): TVector {.inline.} = result.x = v.x * s result.y = v.y * s proc `*=`*(v: var TVector; s: CpFloat) = v.x = v.x * s v.y = v.y * s #/ 2D vector cross product analog. #/ The cross product of 2D vectors results in a 3D vector with only a z component. #/ This function returns the magnitude of the z value. proc cross*(v1, v2: TVector): CpFloat {.inline.} = result = v1.x * v2.y - v1.y * v2.x #/ Returns a perpendicular vector. (90 degree rotation) proc perp*(v: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = newVector(- v.y, v.x) #/ Returns a perpendicular vector. (-90 degree rotation) proc rperp*(v: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = newVector(v.y, - v.x) #/ Returns the vector projection of v1 onto v2. proc project*(v1,v2: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = v2 * (v1.dot(v2) / v2.dot(v2)) #/ Uses complex number multiplication to rotate v1 by v2. Scaling will occur if v1 is not a unit vector. proc rotate*(v1, v2: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = newVector(v1.x * v2.x - v1.y * v2.y, v1.x * v2.y + v1.y * v2.x) #/ Inverse of cpvrotate(). proc unrotate*(v1, v2: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = newVector(v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y, v1.y * v2.x - v1.x * v2.y) #/ Returns the squared length of v. Faster than cpvlength() when you only need to compare lengths. proc lenSq*(v: TVector): CpFloat {.inline.} = result = v.dot(v) #/ Linearly interpolate between v1 and v2. proc lerp*(v1, v2: TVector; t: CpFloat): TVector {.inline.} = result = (v1 * (1.0 - t)) + (v2 * t) #/ Returns a normalized copy of v. proc normalize*(v: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = v * (1.0 / v.len) #/ Returns a normalized copy of v or cpvzero if v was already cpvzero. Protects against divide by zero errors. proc normalizeSafe*(v: TVector): TVector {.inline.} = result = if v.x == 0.0 and v.y == 0.0: VectorZero else: v.normalize #/ Clamp v to length len. proc clamp*(v: TVector; len: CpFloat): TVector {.inline.} = result = if v.dot(v) > len * len: v.normalize * len else: v #/ Linearly interpolate between v1 towards v2 by distance d. proc lerpconst*(v1, v2: TVector; d: CpFloat): TVector {.inline.} = result = v1 + clamp(v2 - v1, d) #vadd(v1 + vclamp(vsub(v2, v1), d)) #/ Returns the distance between v1 and v2. proc dist*(v1, v2: TVector): CpFloat {.inline.} = result = (v1 - v2).len #vlength(vsub(v1, v2)) #/ Returns the squared distance between v1 and v2. Faster than cpvdist() when you only need to compare distances. proc distsq*(v1, v2: TVector): CpFloat {.inline.} = result = (v1 - v2).lenSq #vlengthsq(vsub(v1, v2)) #/ Returns true if the distance between v1 and v2 is less than dist. proc near*(v1, v2: TVector; dist: CpFloat): Bool{.inline.} = result = v1.distSq(v2) < dist * dist ##cpBody.h proc allocBody*(): PBody {.importc: "cpBodyAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} proc init*(body: PBody; m: CpFloat; i: CpFloat): PBody {. importc: "cpBodyInit", dynlib: Lib.} proc newBody*(m: CpFloat; i: CpFloat): PBody {. importc: "cpBodyNew", dynlib: Lib.} proc initStaticBody*(body: PBody): PBody{. importc: "cpBodyInitStatic", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a static cpBody. proc newStatic*(): PBody{.importc: "cpBodyNewStatic", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Destroy a cpBody. proc destroy*(body: PBody){.importc: "cpBodyDestroy", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Destroy and free a cpBody. proc free*(body: PBody){.importc: "cpBodyFree", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Wake up a sleeping or idle body. proc activate*(body: PBody){.importc: "cpBodyActivate", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Wake up any sleeping or idle bodies touching a static body. proc activateStatic*(body: PBody; filter: PShape){. importc: "cpBodyActivateStatic", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Force a body to fall asleep immediately. proc Sleep*(body: PBody){.importc: "cpBodySleep", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Force a body to fall asleep immediately along with other bodies in a group. proc SleepWithGroup*(body: PBody; group: PBody){. importc: "cpBodySleepWithGroup", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Returns true if the body is sleeping. proc isSleeping*(body: PBody): Bool {.inline.} = return body.node.root != nil #/ Returns true if the body is static. proc isStatic*(body: PBody): bool {.inline.} = return body.node.idleTime == CpInfinity #/ Returns true if the body has not been added to a space. proc isRogue*(body: PBody): Bool {.inline.} = return body.space == nil # #define CP_DefineBodyStructGetter(type, member, name) \ # static inline type cpBodyGet##name(const cpBody *body){return body->member;} # #define CP_DefineBodyStructSetter(type, member, name) \ # static inline void cpBodySet##name(cpBody *body, const type value){ \ # cpBodyActivate(body); \ # cpBodyAssertSane(body); \ # body->member = value; \ # } # #define CP_DefineBodyStructProperty(type, member, name) \ # CP_DefineBodyStructGetter(type, member, name) \ # CP_DefineBodyStructSetter(type, member, name) defGetter(PBody, CpFloat, m, Mass) #/ Set the mass of a body. when defined(MoreNimrod): defSetter(PBody, CpFloat, m, Mass) else: proc setMass*(body: PBody; m: CpFloat){. cdecl, importc: "cpBodySetMass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the moment of a body. defGetter(PBody, CpFloat, i, Moment) #/ Set the moment of a body. when defined(MoreNimrod): defSetter(PBody, CpFloat, i, Moment) else: proc SetMoment*(body: PBody; i: CpFloat) {. cdecl, importc: "cpBodySetMoment", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the position of a body. defGetter(PBody, TVector, p, Pos) #/ Set the position of a body. when defined(MoreNimrod): defSetter(PBody, TVector, p, Pos) else: proc setPos*(body: PBody; pos: TVector) {. cdecl, importc: "cpBodySetPos", dynlib: Lib.} defProp(PBody, TVector, v, Vel) defProp(PBody, TVector, f, Force) #/ Get the angle of a body. defGetter(PBody, CpFloat, a, Angle) #/ Set the angle of a body. proc setAngle*(body: PBody; a: CpFloat){. cdecl, importc: "cpBodySetAngle", dynlib: Lib.} defProp(PBody, CpFloat, w, AngVel) defProp(PBody, CpFloat, t, Torque) defGetter(PBody, TVector, rot, Rot) defProp(PBody, CpFloat, v_limit, VelLimit) defProp(PBody, CpFloat, w_limit, AngVelLimit) defProp(PBody, pointer, data, UserData) #/ Default Integration functions. proc UpdateVelocity*(body: PBody; gravity: TVector; damping: CpFloat; dt: CpFloat){. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyUpdateVelocity", dynlib: Lib.} proc UpdatePosition*(body: PBody; dt: CpFloat){. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyUpdatePosition", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Convert body relative/local coordinates to absolute/world coordinates. proc Local2World*(body: PBody; v: TVector): TVector{.inline.} = result = body.p + v.rotate(body.rot) ##return cpvadd(body.p, cpvrotate(v, body.rot)) #/ Convert body absolute/world coordinates to relative/local coordinates. proc world2Local*(body: PBody; v: TVector): TVector{.inline.} = result = (v - body.p).unrotate(body.rot) #/ Set the forces and torque or a body to zero. proc resetForces*(body: PBody){. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyResetForces", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Apply an force (in world coordinates) to the body at a point relative to the center of gravity (also in world coordinates). proc applyForce*(body: PBody; f, r: TVector){. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyApplyForce", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Apply an impulse (in world coordinates) to the body at a point relative to the center of gravity (also in world coordinates). proc applyImpulse*(body: PBody; j, r: TVector){. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyApplyImpulse", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the velocity on a body (in world units) at a point on the body in world coordinates. proc getVelAtWorldPoint*(body: PBody; point: TVector): TVector{. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyGetVelAtWorldPoint", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the velocity on a body (in world units) at a point on the body in local coordinates. proc getVelAtLocalPoint*(body: PBody; point: TVector): TVector{. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyGetVelAtLocalPoint", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the kinetic energy of a body. # static inline CpFloat cpBodyKineticEnergy(const cpBody *body) # { # // Need to do some fudging to avoid NaNs # cpFloat vsq = cpvdot(body->v, body->v); # cpFloat wsq = body->w*body->w; # return (vsq ? vsq*body->m : 0.0f) + (wsq ? wsq*body->i : 0.0f); # } proc kineticEnergy*(body: PBOdy): CpFloat = result = (body.v.dot(body.v) * body.m) + (body.w * body.w * body.i) #/ Call @c func once for each shape attached to @c body and added to the space. proc eachShape*(body: PBody; func: TBodyShapeIteratorFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyEachShape", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Call @c func once for each constraint attached to @c body and added to the space. proc eachConstraint*(body: PBody; func: TBodyConstraintIteratorFunc; data: pointer) {. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyEachConstraint", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Call @c func once for each arbiter that is currently active on the body. proc eachArbiter*(body: PBody; func: TBodyArbiterIteratorFunc; data: pointer){. cdecl, importc: "cpBodyEachArbiter", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a spatial hash. proc SpaceHashAlloc*(): PSpaceHash{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceHashAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a spatial hash. proc SpaceHashInit*(hash: PSpaceHash; celldim: CpFloat; numcells: cint; bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: PSpatialIndex): PSpatialIndex{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceHashInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a spatial hash. proc SpaceHashNew*(celldim: CpFloat; cells: cint; bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: PSpatialIndex): PSpatialIndex{. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceHashNew", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Change the cell dimensions and table size of the spatial hash to tune it. #/ The cell dimensions should roughly match the average size of your objects #/ and the table size should be ~10 larger than the number of objects inserted. #/ Some trial and error is required to find the optimum numbers for efficiency. proc SpaceHashResize*(hash: PSpaceHash; celldim: CpFloat; numcells: cint){. cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceHashResize", dynlib: Lib.} #MARK: AABB Tree #/ Allocate a bounding box tree. proc BBTreeAlloc*(): PBBTree{.cdecl, importc: "cpBBTreeAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a bounding box tree. proc BBTreeInit*(tree: PBBTree; bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: ptr TSpatialIndex): ptr TSpatialIndex{.cdecl, importc: "cpBBTreeInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a bounding box tree. proc BBTreeNew*(bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: PSpatialIndex): PSpatialIndex{. cdecl, importc: "cpBBTreeNew", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Perform a static top down optimization of the tree. proc BBTreeOptimize*(index: PSpatialIndex){. cdecl, importc: "cpBBTreeOptimize", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Set the velocity function for the bounding box tree to enable temporal coherence. proc BBTreeSetVelocityFunc*(index: PSpatialIndex; func: TBBTreeVelocityFunc){. cdecl, importc: "cpBBTreeSetVelocityFunc", dynlib: Lib.} #MARK: Single Axis Sweep #/ Allocate a 1D sort and sweep broadphase. proc Sweep1DAlloc*(): ptr TSweep1D{.cdecl, importc: "cpSweep1DAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a 1D sort and sweep broadphase. proc Sweep1DInit*(sweep: ptr TSweep1D; bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: ptr TSpatialIndex): ptr TSpatialIndex{.cdecl, importc: "cpSweep1DInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a 1D sort and sweep broadphase. proc Sweep1DNew*(bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: ptr TSpatialIndex): ptr TSpatialIndex{. cdecl, importc: "cpSweep1DNew", dynlib: Lib.} defProp(PArbiter, CpFloat, e, Elasticity) defProp(PArbiter, CpFloat, u, Friction) defProp(PArbiter, TVector, surface_vr, SurfaceVelocity) #/ Calculate the total impulse that was applied by this #/ This function should only be called from a post-solve, post-step or cpBodyEachArbiter callback. proc totalImpulse*(obj: PArbiter): TVector {.cdecl, importc: "cpArbiterTotalImpulse", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate the total impulse including the friction that was applied by this arbiter. #/ This function should only be called from a post-solve, post-step or cpBodyEachArbiter callback. proc totalImpulseWithFriction*(obj: PArbiter): TVector {.cdecl, importc: "cpArbiterTotalImpulseWithFriction", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate the amount of energy lost in a collision including static, but not dynamic friction. #/ This function should only be called from a post-solve, post-step or cpBodyEachArbiter callback. proc totalKE*(obj: PArbiter): CpFloat {.cdecl, importc: "cpArbiterTotalKE", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Causes a collision pair to be ignored as if you returned false from a begin callback. #/ If called from a pre-step callback, you will still need to return false #/ if you want it to be ignored in the current step. proc ignore*(arb: PArbiter) {.cdecl, importc: "cpArbiterIgnore", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Return the colliding shapes involved for this arbiter. #/ The order of their cpSpace.collision_type values will match #/ the order set when the collision handler was registered. proc getShapes*(arb: PArbiter, a, b: var PShape) {.inline.} = if arb.swappedColl.bool: a = arb.b b = arb.a else: a = arb.a b = arb.b #/ A macro shortcut for defining and retrieving the shapes from an arbiter. #define CP_ARBITER_GET_SHAPES(arb, a, b) cpShape *a, *b; cpArbiterGetShapes(arb, &a, &b); template getShapes*(arb: PArbiter, name1, name2: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = var name1, name2: PShape getShapes(arb, name1, name2) #/ Return the colliding bodies involved for this arbiter. #/ The order of the cpSpace.collision_type the bodies are associated with values will match #/ the order set when the collision handler was registered. #proc getBodies*(arb: PArbiter, a, b: var PBody) {.inline.} = # getShapes(arb, shape1, shape2) # a = shape1.body # b = shape2.body #/ A macro shortcut for defining and retrieving the bodies from an arbiter. #define CP_ARBITER_GET_BODIES(arb, a, b) cpBody *a, *b; cpArbiterGetBodies(arb, &a, &b); template getBodies*(arb: PArbiter, name1, name2: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = var name1, name2: PBOdy getBodies(arb, name1, name2) proc isFirstContact*(arb: PArbiter): bool {.inline.} = result = arb.state == ArbiterStateFirstColl proc getCount*(arb: PArbiter): cint {.inline.} = result = arb.numContacts #/ Return a contact set from an arbiter. proc getContactPointSet*(arb: PArbiter): TContactPointSet {. cdecl, importc: "cpArbiterGetContactPointSet", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the normal of the @c ith contact point. proc getNormal*(arb: PArbiter; i: cint): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpArbiterGetNormal", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the position of the @c ith contact point. proc getPoint*(arb: PArbiter; i: cint): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpArbiterGetPoint", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the depth of the @c ith contact point. proc getDepth*(arb: PArbiter; i: cint): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpArbiterGetDepth", dynlib: Lib.} ##Shapes template defShapeSetter(memberType: typedesc, memberName: expr, procName: expr, activates: bool): stmt {.immediate.} = proc `set procName`*(obj: PShape, value: memberType) {.cdecl.} = if activates and obj.body != nil: obj.body.activate() obj.memberName = value template defShapeProp(memberType: typedesc, memberName: expr, procName: expr, activates: bool): stmt {.immediate.} = defGetter(PShape, memberType, memberName, procName) defShapeSetter(memberType, memberName, procName, activates) #/ Destroy a shape. proc destroy*(shape: PShape) {. cdecl, importc: "cpShapeDestroy", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Destroy and Free a shape. proc free*(shape: PShape){. cdecl, importc: "cpShapeFree", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Update, cache and return the bounding box of a shape based on the body it's attached to. proc cacheBB*(shape: PShape): TBB{. cdecl, importc: "cpShapeCacheBB", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Update, cache and return the bounding box of a shape with an explicit transformation. proc update*(shape: PShape; pos: TVector; rot: TVector): TBB {. cdecl, importc: "cpShapeUpdate", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Test if a point lies within a shape. proc pointQuery*(shape: PShape; p: TVector): Bool32 {. cdecl, importc: "cpShapePointQuery", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Perform a nearest point query. It finds the closest point on the surface of shape to a specific point. #/ The value returned is the distance between the points. A negative distance means the point is inside the shape. proc nearestPointQuery*(shape: PShape; p: TVector; res: PNearestPointQueryInfo): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpShapeNearestPointQuery", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Perform a segment query against a shape. @c info must be a pointer to a valid cpSegmentQueryInfo structure. proc segmentQuery*(shape: PShape, a, b: TVector, info: PSegmentQueryInfo): bool {. cdecl, importc: "cpShapeSegmentQuery", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the hit point for a segment query. ## Possibly change; info to PSegmentQueryInfo proc queryHitPoint*(start, to: TVector, info: TSegmentQueryInfo): TVector {.inline.} = result = start.lerp(to, info.t) #/ Get the hit distance for a segment query. proc queryHitDist*(start, to: TVector, info: TSegmentQueryInfo): CpFloat {.inline.} = result = start.dist(to) * info.t defGetter(PShape, PSpace, space, Space) defGetter(PShape, PBody, body, Body) proc setBody*(shape: PShape, value: PBody) {. cdecl, importc: "cpShapeSetBody", dynlib: Lib.} defGetter(PShape, TBB, bb, BB) defShapeProp(Bool32, sensor, Sensor, true) defShapeProp(CpFloat, e, Elasticity, false) defShapeProp(CpFloat, u, Friction, true) defShapeProp(TVector, surface_v, SurfaceVelocity, true) defShapeProp(pointer, data, UserData, false) defShapeProp(TCollisionType, collision_type, CollisionType, true) defShapeProp(TGroup, group, Group, true) defShapeProp(TLayers, layers, Layers, true) #/ When initializing a shape, it's hash value comes from a counter. #/ Because the hash value may affect iteration order, you can reset the shape ID counter #/ when recreating a space. This will make the simulation be deterministic. proc resetShapeIdCounter*(): void {.cdecl, importc: "cpResetShapeIdCounter", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a circle shape. proc CircleShapeAlloc*(): PCircleShape {.cdecl, importc: "cpCircleShapeAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a circle shape. proc init*(circle: PCircleShape, body: PBody, radius: CpFloat, offset: TVector): PCircleShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpCircleShapeInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a circle shape. proc newCircleShape*(body: PBody, radius: CpFloat, offset: TVector): PShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpCircleShapeNew", dynlib: Lib.} proc getCircleOffset*(shape: PShape): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpCircleShapeGetOffset", dynlib: Lib.} proc getCircleRadius*(shape: PShape): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpCircleShapeGetRadius", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a polygon shape. proc allocPolyShape*(): PPolyShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpPolyShapeAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a polygon shape. #/ A convex hull will be created from the vertexes. proc init*(poly: PPolyShape; body: PBody, numVerts: cint; verts: ptr TVector; offset: TVector): PPolyShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpPolyShapeInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a polygon shape. #/ A convex hull will be created from the vertexes. proc newPolyShape*(body: PBody; numVerts: cint; verts: ptr TVector; offset: TVector): PShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpPolyShapeNew", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a box shaped polygon shape. proc init*(poly: PPolyShape; body: PBody; width, height: CpFloat): PPolyShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpBoxShapeInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize an offset box shaped polygon shape. proc init*(poly: PPolyShape; body: PBody; box: TBB): PPolyShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpBoxShapeInit2", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a box shaped polygon shape. proc newBoxShape*(body: PBody; width, height: CpFloat): PShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpBoxShapeNew", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize an offset box shaped polygon shape. proc newBoxShape*(body: PBody; box: TBB): PShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpBoxShapeNew2", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Check that a set of vertexes is convex and has a clockwise winding. #/ NOTE: Due to floating point precision issues, hulls created with cpQuickHull() are not guaranteed to validate! proc validatePoly*(verts: ptr TVector; numVerts: cint): bool {. cdecl, importc: "cpPolyValidate", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the number of verts in a polygon shape. proc getNumVerts*(shape: PShape): cint {. cdecl, importc: "cpPolyShapeGetNumVerts", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Get the @c ith vertex of a polygon shape. proc getVert*(shape: PShape; index: cint): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpPolyShapeGetVert", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a segment shape. proc allocSegmentShape*(): PSegmentShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpSegmentShapeAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a segment shape. proc init*(seg: PSegmentShape, body: PBody, a, b: TVector, radius: CpFloat): PSegmentShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpSegmentShapeInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a segment shape. proc newSegmentShape*(body: PBody, a, b: TVector, radius: CpFloat): PShape {. cdecl, importc: "cpSegmentShapeNew", dynlib: Lib.} proc setSegmentNeighbors*(shape: PShape, prev, next: TVector) {. cdecl, importc: "cpSegmentShapeSetNeighbors", dynlib: Lib.} proc getSegmentA*(shape: PShape): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpSegmentShapeGetA", dynlib: Lib.} proc getSegmentB*(shape: PShape): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpSegmentShapeGetB", dynlib: Lib.} proc getSegmentNormal*(shape: PShape): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpSegmentShapeGetNormal", dynlib: Lib.} proc getSegmentRadius*(shape: PShape): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpSegmentShapeGetRadius", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Version string. #var VersionString*{.importc: "cpVersionString", dynlib: Lib.}: cstring #/ Calculate the moment of inertia for a circle. #/ @c r1 and @c r2 are the inner and outer diameters. A solid circle has an inner diameter of 0. when defined(MoreNimrod): proc momentForCircle*(m, r1, r2: CpFloat; offset: TVector): CpFloat {.cdecl.} = result = m * (0.5 * (r1 * r1 + r2 * r2) + lenSq(offset)) else: proc momentForCircle*(m, r1, r2: CpFloat; offset: TVector): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpMomentForCircle", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate area of a hollow circle. #/ @c r1 and @c r2 are the inner and outer diameters. A solid circle has an inner diameter of 0. proc AreaForCircle*(r1: CpFloat; r2: CpFloat): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpAreaForCircle", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate the moment of inertia for a line segment. #/ Beveling radius is not supported. proc MomentForSegment*(m: CpFloat; a, b: TVector): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpMomentForSegment", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate the area of a fattened (capsule shaped) line segment. proc AreaForSegment*(a, b: TVector; r: CpFloat): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpAreaForSegment", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate the moment of inertia for a solid polygon shape assuming it's center of gravity is at it's centroid. The offset is added to each vertex. proc MomentForPoly*(m: CpFloat; numVerts: cint; verts: ptr TVector; offset: TVector): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpMomentForPoly", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate the signed area of a polygon. A Clockwise winding gives positive area. #/ This is probably backwards from what you expect, but matches Chipmunk's the winding for poly shapes. proc AreaForPoly*(numVerts: cint; verts: ptr TVector): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpAreaForPoly", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate the natural centroid of a polygon. proc CentroidForPoly*(numVerts: cint; verts: ptr TVector): TVector {. cdecl, importc: "cpCentroidForPoly", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Center the polygon on the origin. (Subtracts the centroid of the polygon from each vertex) proc RecenterPoly*(numVerts: cint; verts: ptr TVector) {. cdecl, importc: "cpRecenterPoly", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate the moment of inertia for a solid box. proc MomentForBox*(m, width, height: CpFloat): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpMomentForBox", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Calculate the moment of inertia for a solid box. proc MomentForBox2*(m: CpFloat; box: TBB): CpFloat {. cdecl, importc: "cpMomentForBox2", dynlib: Lib.} ##constraints type #TODO: all these are private #TODO: defConstraintProp() PPinJoint = ptr TPinJoint TPinJoint{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint anchr1: TVector anchr2: TVector dist: CpFloat r1: TVector r2: TVector n: TVector nMass: CpFloat jnAcc: CpFloat jnMax: CpFloat bias: CpFloat PSlideJoint = ptr TSlideJoint TSlideJoint{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint anchr1: TVector anchr2: TVector min: CpFloat max: CpFloat r1: TVector r2: TVector n: TVector nMass: CpFloat jnAcc: CpFloat jnMax: CpFloat bias: CpFloat PPivotJoint = ptr TPivotJoint TPivotJoint{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint anchr1: TVector anchr2: TVector r1: TVector r2: TVector k1: TVector k2: TVector jAcc: TVector jMaxLen: CpFloat bias: TVector PGrooveJoint = ptr TGrooveJoint TGrooveJoint{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint grv_n: TVector grv_a: TVector grv_b: TVector anchr2: TVector grv_tn: TVector clamp: CpFloat r1: TVector r2: TVector k1: TVector k2: TVector jAcc: TVector jMaxLen: CpFloat bias: TVector PDampedSpring = ptr TDampedSpring TDampedSpring{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint anchr1: TVector anchr2: TVector restLength: CpFloat stiffness: CpFloat damping: CpFloat springForceFunc: TDampedSpringForceFunc target_vrn: CpFloat v_coef: CpFloat r1: TVector r2: TVector nMass: CpFloat n: TVector PDampedRotarySpring = ptr TDampedRotarySpring TDampedRotarySpring{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint restAngle: CpFloat stiffness: CpFloat damping: CpFloat springTorqueFunc: TDampedRotarySpringTorqueFunc target_wrn: CpFloat w_coef: CpFloat iSum: CpFloat PRotaryLimitJoint = ptr TRotaryLimitJoint TRotaryLimitJoint{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint min: CpFloat max: CpFloat iSum: CpFloat bias: CpFloat jAcc: CpFloat jMax: CpFloat PRatchetJoint = ptr TRatchetJoint TRatchetJoint{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint angle: CpFloat phase: CpFloat ratchet: CpFloat iSum: CpFloat bias: CpFloat jAcc: CpFloat jMax: CpFloat PGearJoint = ptr TGearJoint TGearJoint{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint phase: CpFloat ratio: CpFloat ratio_inv: CpFloat iSum: CpFloat bias: CpFloat jAcc: CpFloat jMax: CpFloat PSimpleMotor = ptr TSimpleMotor TSimpleMotor{.pf.} = object constraint: PConstraint rate: CpFloat iSum: CpFloat jAcc: CpFloat jMax: CpFloat TDampedSpringForceFunc* = proc (spring: PConstraint; dist: CpFloat): CpFloat{. cdecl.} TDampedRotarySpringTorqueFunc* = proc (spring: PConstraint; relativeAngle: CpFloat): CpFloat {.cdecl.} #/ Destroy a constraint. proc destroy*(constraint: PConstraint){. cdecl, importc: "cpConstraintDestroy", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Destroy and free a constraint.111 proc free*(constraint: PConstraint){. cdecl, importc: "cpConstraintFree", dynlib: Lib.} #/ @private proc activateBodies(constraint: PConstraint) {.inline.} = if not constraint.a.isNil: constraint.a.activate() if not constraint.b.isNil: constraint.b.activate() # /// @private # #define CP_DefineConstraintStructGetter(type, member, name) \ # static inline type cpConstraint##Get##name(const cpConstraint *constraint){return constraint->member;} # /// @private # #define CP_DefineConstraintStructSetter(type, member, name) \ # static inline void cpConstraint##Set##name(cpConstraint *constraint, type value){ \ # cpConstraintActivateBodies(constraint); \ # constraint->member = value; \ # } template defConstraintSetter(memberType: typedesc, member: expr, name: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = proc `set name`*(constraint: PConstraint, value: memberType) {.cdecl.} = activateBodies(constraint) constraint.member = value template defConstraintProp(memberType: typedesc, member: expr, name: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = defGetter(PConstraint, memberType, member, name) defConstraintSetter(memberType, member, name) # CP_DefineConstraintStructGetter(cpSpace*, CP_PRIVATE(space), Space) defGetter(PConstraint, PSpace, space, Space) defGetter(PConstraint, PBody, a, A) defGetter(PConstraint, PBody, a, B) defGetter(PConstraint, CpFloat, maxForce, MaxForce) defGetter(PConstraint, CpFloat, errorBias, ErrorBias) defGetter(PConstraint, CpFloat, maxBias, MaxBias) defGetter(PConstraint, TConstraintPreSolveFunc, preSolve, PreSolveFunc) defGetter(PConstraint, TConstraintPostSolveFunc, postSolve, PostSolveFunc) defGetter(PConstraint, CpDataPointer, data, UserData) # Get the last impulse applied by this constraint. proc getImpulse*(constraint: PConstraint): CpFloat {.inline.} = return constraint.klass.getImpulse(constraint) # #define cpConstraintCheckCast(constraint, struct) \ # cpAssertHard(constraint->CP_PRIVATE(klass) == struct##GetClass(), "Constraint is not a "#struct) # #define CP_DefineConstraintGetter(struct, type, member, name) \ # static inline type struct##Get##name(const cpConstraint *constraint){ \ # cpConstraintCheckCast(constraint, struct); \ # return ((struct *)constraint)->member; \ # } # #define CP_DefineConstraintSetter(struct, type, member, name) \ # static inline void struct##Set##name(cpConstraint *constraint, type value){ \ # cpConstraintCheckCast(constraint, struct); \ # cpConstraintActivateBodies(constraint); \ # ((struct *)constraint)->member = value; \ # } template constraintCheckCast(constraint: PConstraint, ctype: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = assert(constraint.klass == `ctype getClass`(), "Constraint is the wrong class") template defCGetter(ctype: expr, memberType: typedesc, member: expr, name: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = proc `get ctype name`*(constraint: PConstraint): memberType {.cdecl.} = constraintCheckCast(constraint, ctype) result = cast[`P ctype`](constraint).member template defCSetter(ctype: expr, memberType: typedesc, member: expr, name: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = proc `set ctype name`*(constraint: PConstraint, value: memberType) {.cdecl.} = constraintCheckCast(constraint, ctype) activateBodies(constraint) cast[`P ctype`](constraint).member = value template defCProp(ctype: expr, memberType: typedesc, member: expr, name: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = defCGetter(ctype, memberType, member, name) defCSetter(ctype, memberType, member, name) proc PinJointGetClass*(): PConstraintClass{. cdecl, importc: "cpPinJointGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ @private #/ Allocate a pin joint. proc AllocPinJoint*(): PPinJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpPinJointAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a pin joint. proc PinJointInit*(joint: PPinJoint; a: PBody; b: PBody; anchr1: TVector; anchr2: TVector): PPinJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpPinJointInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a pin joint. proc newPinJoint*(a: PBody; b: PBody; anchr1: TVector; anchr2: TVector): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpPinJointNew", dynlib: Lib.} # CP_DefineConstraintProperty(cpPinJoint, cpVect, anchr1, Anchr1) defCProp(PinJoint, TVector, anchr1, Anchr1) defCProp(PinJoint, TVector, anchr2, Anchr2) defCProp(PinJoint, CpFloat, dist, Dist) proc SlideJointGetClass*(): PConstraintClass{. cdecl, importc: "cpSlideJointGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a slide joint. proc AllocSlideJoint*(): PSlideJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpSlideJointAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a slide joint. proc init*(joint: PSlideJoint; a, b: PBody; anchr1, anchr2: TVector; min, max: CpFloat): PSlideJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpSlideJointInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a slide joint. proc newSlideJoint*(a, b: PBody; anchr1, anchr2: TVector; min, max: CpFloat): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpSlideJointNew", dynlib: Lib.} defCProp(SlideJoint, TVector, anchr1, Anchr1) defCProp(SlideJoint, TVector, anchr2, Anchr2) defCProp(SlideJoint, CpFloat, min, Min) defCProp(SlideJoint, CpFloat, max, Max) proc pivotJointGetClass*(): PConstraintClass {. cdecl, importc: "cpPivotJointGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a pivot joint proc allocPivotJoint*(): PPivotJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpPivotJointAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a pivot joint. proc init*(joint: PPivotJoint; a, b: PBody; anchr1, anchr2: TVector): PPivotJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpPivotJointInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a pivot joint. proc newPivotJoint*(a, b: PBody; pivot: TVector): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpPivotJointNew", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a pivot joint with specific anchors. proc newPivotJoint*(a, b: PBody; anchr1, anchr2: TVector): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpPivotJointNew2", dynlib: Lib.} defCProp(PivotJoint, TVector, anchr1, Anchr1) defCProp(PivotJoint, TVector, anchr2, Anchr2) proc GrooveJointGetClass*(): PConstraintClass{. cdecl, importc: "cpGrooveJointGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a groove joint. proc GrooveJointAlloc*(): ptr TGrooveJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpGrooveJointAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a groove joint. proc Init*(joint: PGrooveJoint; a, b: PBody; groove_a, groove_b, anchr2: TVector): PGrooveJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpGrooveJointInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a groove joint. proc newGrooveJoint*(a, b: PBody; groove_a, groove_b, anchr2: TVector): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpGrooveJointNew", dynlib: Lib.} defCGetter(GrooveJoint, TVector, grv_a, GrooveA) defCGetter(GrooveJoint, TVector, grv_b, GrooveB) # /// Set endpoint a of a groove joint's groove proc SetGrooveA*(constraint: PConstraint, value: TVector) {. cdecl, importc: "cpGrooveJointSetGrooveA", dynlib: Lib.} # /// Set endpoint b of a groove joint's groove proc SetGrooveB*(constraint: PConstraint, value: TVector) {. cdecl, importc: "cpGrooveJointSetGrooveB", dynlib: Lib.} defCProp(GrooveJoint, TVector, anchr2, Anchr2) proc DampedSpringGetClass*(): PConstraintClass{. cdecl, importc: "cpDampedSpringGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a damped spring. proc AllocDampedSpring*(): PDampedSpring{. cdecl, importc: "cpDampedSpringAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a damped spring. proc init*(joint: PDampedSpring; a, b: PBody; anchr1, anchr2: TVector; restLength, stiffness, damping: CpFloat): PDampedSpring{. cdecl, importc: "cpDampedSpringInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a damped spring. proc newDampedSpring*(a, b: PBody; anchr1, anchr2: TVector; restLength, stiffness, damping: CpFloat): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpDampedSpringNew", dynlib: Lib.} # CP_DefineConstraintProperty(cpDampedSpring, cpVect, anchr1, Anchr1) defCProp(DampedSpring, TVector, anchr1, Anchr1) defCProp(DampedSpring, TVector, anchr2, Anchr2) defCProp(DampedSpring, CpFloat, restLength, RestLength) defCProp(DampedSpring, CpFloat, stiffness, Stiffness) defCProp(DampedSpring, CpFloat, damping, Damping) defCProp(DampedSpring, TDampedSpringForceFunc, springForceFunc, SpringForceFunc) proc DampedRotarySpringGetClass*(): PConstraintClass{. cdecl, importc: "cpDampedRotarySpringGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a damped rotary spring. proc DampedRotarySpringAlloc*(): PDampedRotarySpring{. cdecl, importc: "cpDampedRotarySpringAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a damped rotary spring. proc init*(joint: PDampedRotarySpring; a, b: PBody; restAngle, stiffness, damping: CpFloat): PDampedRotarySpring{. cdecl, importc: "cpDampedRotarySpringInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a damped rotary spring. proc DampedRotarySpringNew*(a, b: PBody; restAngle, stiffness, damping: CpFloat): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpDampedRotarySpringNew", dynlib: Lib.} defCProp(DampedRotarySpring, CpFloat, restAngle, RestAngle) defCProp(DampedRotarySpring, CpFloat, stiffness, Stiffness) defCProp(DampedRotarySpring, CpFloat, damping, Damping) defCProp(DampedRotarySpring, TDampedRotarySpringTorqueFunc, springTorqueFunc, SpringTorqueFunc) proc RotaryLimitJointGetClass*(): PConstraintClass{. cdecl, importc: "cpRotaryLimitJointGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a damped rotary limit joint. proc allocRotaryLimitJoint*(): PRotaryLimitJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpRotaryLimitJointAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a damped rotary limit joint. proc init*(joint: PRotaryLimitJoint; a, b: PBody; min, max: CpFloat): PRotaryLimitJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpRotaryLimitJointInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a damped rotary limit joint. proc newRotaryLimitJoint*(a, b: PBody; min, max: CpFloat): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpRotaryLimitJointNew", dynlib: Lib.} defCProp(RotaryLimitJoint, CpFloat, min, Min) defCProp(RotaryLimitJoint, CpFloat, max, Max) proc RatchetJointGetClass*(): PConstraintClass{. cdecl, importc: "cpRatchetJointGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a ratchet joint. proc AllocRatchetJoint*(): PRatchetJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpRatchetJointAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a ratched joint. proc init*(joint: PRatchetJoint; a, b: PBody; phase, ratchet: CpFloat): PRatchetJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpRatchetJointInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a ratchet joint. proc NewRatchetJoint*(a, b: PBody; phase, ratchet: CpFloat): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpRatchetJointNew", dynlib: Lib.} defCProp(RatchetJoint, CpFloat, angle, Angle) defCProp(RatchetJoint, CpFloat, phase, Phase) defCProp(RatchetJoint, CpFloat, ratchet, Ratchet) proc GearJointGetClass*(): PConstraintClass{.cdecl, importc: "cpGearJointGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a gear joint. proc AllocGearJoint*(): PGearJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpGearJointAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Initialize a gear joint. proc init*(joint: PGearJoint; a, b: PBody, phase, ratio: CpFloat): PGearJoint{. cdecl, importc: "cpGearJointInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a gear joint. proc NewGearJoint*(a, b: PBody; phase, ratio: CpFloat): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpGearJointNew", dynlib: Lib.} defCProp(GearJoint, CpFloat, phase, Phase) defCGetter(GearJoint, CpFloat, ratio, Ratio) #/ Set the ratio of a gear joint. proc GearJointSetRatio*(constraint: PConstraint; value: CpFloat){. cdecl, importc: "cpGearJointSetRatio", dynlib: Lib.} proc SimpleMotorGetClass*(): PConstraintClass{. cdecl, importc: "cpSimpleMotorGetClass", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate a simple motor. proc AllocSimpleMotor*(): PSimpleMotor{. cdecl, importc: "cpSimpleMotorAlloc", dynlib: Lib.} #/ initialize a simple motor. proc init*(joint: PSimpleMotor; a, b: PBody; rate: CpFloat): PSimpleMotor{. cdecl, importc: "cpSimpleMotorInit", dynlib: Lib.} #/ Allocate and initialize a simple motor. proc newSimpleMotor*(a, b: PBody; rate: CpFloat): PConstraint{. cdecl, importc: "cpSimpleMotorNew", dynlib: Lib.} defCProp(SimpleMotor, CpFloat, rate, Rate)