import nake import httpclient, zipfiles, times, math nakeImports randomize() const GameAssets = "" BinLibs = "" ExeName = "keineschweine" ServerDefines = "-d:NoSFML -d:NoChipmunk" TestBuildDefines = "-d:escapeMenuTest -d:debugWeps -d:showFPS -d:moreNimrod -d:debugKeys -d:foo -d:recordMode --forceBuild" ReleaseDefines = "-d:release --deadCodeElim:on" ReleaseTestDefines = "-d:debugWeps -d:debugKeys --forceBuild" task "testprofile", "..": if shell("nimrod", TestBuildDefines, "--profiler:on", "--stacktrace:on", "compile", ExeName) == 0: shell "."/ExeName, "offline" task "test", "Build with test defines": if shell("nimrod", TestBuildDefines, "compile", ExeName) != 0: quit "The build failed." task "testrun", "Build with test defines and run": runTask "test" shell "."/ExeName task "test2", "Build release test build test release build": if shell("nimrod", ReleaseDefines, ReleaseTestDefines, "compile", ExeName) == 0: shell "."/ExeName discard """task "dirserver", "build the directory server": withDir "server": if shell("nimrod", ServerDefines, "compile", "dirserver") != 0: echo "Failed to build the dirserver" quit 1""" task "zoneserver", "build the zone server": withDir "enet_server": if shell("nimrod", ServerDefines, "compile", "enet_server") != 0: quit "Failed to build the zoneserver" task "zoneserver-gui", "build the zone server, with gui!": withDir "enet_server": if shell("nimrod", ServerDefines, "--app:gui", "compile", "enet_server") != 0: quit "Failed to build the zoneserver" task "servers", "build the server and directory server": #runTask "dirserver" runTask "zoneserver" echo "Successfully built both servers :')" task "all", "run SERVERS and TEST tasks": runTask "servers" runTask "test" task "release", "release build": let res = shell("nimrod", ReleaseDefines, "compile", ExeName) if res != 0: echo "The build failed." quit 1 else: runTask "clean" ## zip up all the files and such or something useful here task "testskel", "create skeleton test dir for testing": let dirname = "test-"& $random(5000) removeDir dirName createDir dirName/"data/fnt" copyFile "data/fnt/LiberationMono-Regular", dirName/"data/fnt/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf" copyFile "client_settings.json", dirName/"client_settings.json" runTask "test" copyFile ExeName, dirName/ExeName withDir dirName: shell "."/ExeName task "clean", "cleanup generated files": var dirs = @["nimcache", "server"/"nimcache"] dirs.each(proc(x: var string) = if existsDir(x): removeDir(x)) task "download", "download game assets": var skipAssets = false path = expandFilename("data") path.add DirSep path.add(extractFilename(gameAssets)) if existsFile(path): echo "The file already exists\n", "[R]emove [M]ove [Q]uit [S]kip Source: ", GameAssets case stdin.readLine.toLower of "r": removeFile path of "m": moveFile path, path/../(extractFilename(gameAssets)&"-old") of "s": skipAssets = true else: quit 0 else: echo "Downloading from ", GameAssets if not skipAssets: echo "Downloading to ", path downloadFile gameAssets, path echo "Download finished" let targetDir = parentDir(parentDir(path)) when defined(linux): let z7 = findExe("7z") if z7 == "": echo "Could not find 7z" elif shell(z7, "t", path) != 0: ##note to self: make sure this is right echo "Bad download" else: echo "Unpacking..." shell(z7, "x", "-w[$1]" % targetDir, path) else: echo "I do not know how to unpack the data on this system. Perhaps you could ", "fill this part in?" echo "Download binary libs? Only libs for linux are available currently, enjoy the irony.\n", "[Y]es [N]o Source: ", BinLibs case stdin.readline.toLower of "y", "yes": discard ## o_O else: return path = extractFilename(BinLibs) downloadFile BinLibs, path echo "Downloaded dem libs ", path when true: echo "Unpack it yourself, sorry." else: ## this crashes, dunno why var z: TZipArchive destDir = getCurrentDir()/("unzip"& $random(5000)) if not, fmRead): echo "Could not open zip, bad download?" return echo "Extracting to ", destDir createDir destDir #z.extractAll destDir for f in z.walkFiles(): z.extractFile(f, destDir/f) z.close() echo "Extracted the libs dir. Copy the ones you need to this dir." task "zip-lib", "zip up the libs dir": var z: TZipArchive if not"libs-"& getDateStr() &".zip", fmReadWrite): quit "Could not open zip" for file in walkDirRec("libs", {pcFile, pcDir}): echo "adding file ", file z.addFile(file) z.close() echo "Great success!"