discard """ targets: "c cpp" joinable: false """ #[ Runs tests that require special treatment, e.g. because they rely on 3rd party code or require external networking. xxx test all tests/untestable/* here, possibly with adjustments to make running times reasonable ]# import std/[strformat,os,unittest,compilesettings] import stdtest/specialpaths const nim = getCurrentCompilerExe() mode = querySetting(backend) proc runCmd(cmd: string) = let ret = execShellCmd(cmd) check ret == 0 # allows more than 1 failure proc main = let options = fmt"-b:{mode} --hints:off" block: # SSL nimDisableCertificateValidation integration tests runCmd fmt"{nim} r {options} -d:nimDisableCertificateValidation -d:ssl {testsDir}/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_disabled.nim" block: # SSL certificate check integration tests runCmd fmt"{nim} r {options} -d:ssl --threads:on {testsDir}/untestable/thttpclient_ssl_remotenetwork.nim" main()