discard """ output: ''' 34 b wohoo baz ''' """ block tobject2: # Tests the object implementation type TPoint2d {.inheritable.} = object x, y: int TPoint3d = object of TPoint2d z: int # added a field proc getPoint( p: var TPoint2d) = writeLine(stdout, p.x) var p: TPoint3d TPoint2d(p).x = 34 p.y = 98 p.z = 343 getPoint(p) block tofopr: type TMyType {.inheritable.} = object len: int data: string TOtherType = object of TMyType proc p(x: TMyType): bool = return x of TOtherType var m: TMyType n: TOtherType doAssert p(m) == false doAssert p(n) block toop: type TA = object of RootObj x, y: int TB = object of TA z: int TC = object of TB whatever: string proc p(a: var TA) = echo "a" proc p(b: var TB) = echo "b" var c: TC p(c) block tfefobjsyntax: type Foo = object a, b: int s: string FooBar = object of RootObj n, m: string Baz = object of FooBar proc invoke(a: ref Baz) = echo "baz" # check object construction: let x = (ref Foo)(a: 0, b: 45, s: "wohoo") echo x.s var y: ref FooBar = (ref Baz)(n: "n", m: "m") invoke((ref Baz)(y)) block t3012: type A {.inheritable.} = object C {.inheritable.} = ref object type AA = ref object of A CC = ref object of C block t7244: type Foo = ref object of RootRef Bar = ref object of Foo proc test(foo: var Foo) = discard proc test(bar: var Bar) = test(Foo(bar)) import std/macros #bug #20856 macro ensureImplWorksOnConstr(t: typed): untyped = expectKind(t, nnkObjConstr) doAssert t[0].getTypeInst.getImpl.repr == "A = object" doAssert t[0].getImpl.repr == "A = object" type A = object ensureImplWorksOnConstr(A())