import macros block: template myAttr() {.pragma.} proc myProc():int {.myAttr.} = 2 const hasMyAttr = myProc.hasCustomPragma(myAttr) static: assert(hasMyAttr) block: template myAttr(a: string) {.pragma.} type MyObj = object myField1, myField2 {.myAttr: "hi".}: int var o: MyObj static: assert o.myField2.hasCustomPragma(myAttr) assert(not o.myField1.hasCustomPragma(myAttr)) import custom_pragma block: # A bit more advanced case type Subfield {.defaultValue: "catman".} = object c* {.serializationKey: "cc".}: float MySerializable = object a {.serializationKey"asdf", defaultValue: 5.} : int b {.custom_pragma.defaultValue"hello".} : int field: Subfield d {.alternativeKey("df", 5).}: float e {.alternativeKey(V = 5).}: seq[bool] proc myproc(x: int, s: string) {.alternativeKey(V = 5), serializationKey"myprocSS".} = echo x, s var s: MySerializable const aDefVal = s.a.getCustomPragmaVal(defaultValue) static: assert(aDefVal == 5) const aSerKey = s.a.getCustomPragmaVal(serializationKey) static: assert(aSerKey == "asdf") const cSerKey = getCustomPragmaVal(s.field.c, serializationKey) static: assert(cSerKey == "cc") const procSerKey = getCustomPragmaVal(myproc, serializationKey) static: assert(procSerKey == "myprocSS") static: assert(hasCustomPragma(myproc, alternativeKey)) const hasFieldCustomPragma = s.field.hasCustomPragma(defaultValue) static: assert(hasFieldCustomPragma == false) # pragma on an object static: assert Subfield.hasCustomPragma(defaultValue) assert(Subfield.getCustomPragmaVal(defaultValue) == "catman") assert hasCustomPragma(type(s.field), defaultValue) block: # ref types type Node = object of RootObj left {.serializationKey:"l".}, right {.serializationKey:"r".}: NodeRef NodeRef = ref Node NodePtr = ptr Node SpecialNodeRef = ref object of NodeRef data {.defaultValue"none".}: string MyFile {.defaultValue: "closed".} = ref object path {.defaultValue: "invalid".}: string TypeWithoutPragma = object var s = NodeRef() const leftSerKey = getCustomPragmaVal(s.left, serializationKey) rightSerKey = getCustomPragmaVal(s.right, serializationKey) static: assert leftSerKey == "l" assert rightSerKey == "r" var specS = SpecialNodeRef() const dataDefVal = hasCustomPragma(, defaultValue) specLeftSerKey = hasCustomPragma(specS.left, serializationKey) static: assert dataDefVal == true assert specLeftSerKey == true var ptrS = NodePtr(nil) const ptrRightSerKey = getCustomPragmaVal(ptrS.right, serializationKey) static: assert ptrRightSerKey == "r" var f = MyFile() const fileDefVal = f.getCustomPragmaVal(defaultValue) filePathDefVal = f.path.getCustomPragmaVal(defaultValue) static: assert fileDefVal == "closed" assert filePathDefVal == "invalid" static: assert TypeWithoutPragma.hasCustomPragma(defaultValue) == false block: type VariantKind = enum variInt, variFloat variString variNestedCase Variant = object case kind: VariantKind of variInt: integer {.serializationKey: "int".}: BiggestInt of variFloat: floatp: BiggestFloat of variString: str {.serializationKey: "string".}: string of variNestedCase: case nestedKind: VariantKind of variInt..variNestedCase: nestedItem {.defaultValue: "Nimmers of the world, unite!".}: int let vari = Variant(kind: variInt) const hasIntSerKey = vari.integer.hasCustomPragma(serializationKey) strSerKey = vari.str.getCustomPragmaVal(serializationKey) nestedItemDefVal = vari.nestedItem.getCustomPragmaVal(defaultValue) static: assert hasIntSerKey assert strSerKey == "string" assert nestedItemDefVal == "Nimmers of the world, unite!" block: template simpleAttr {.pragma.} type Annotated {.simpleAttr.} = object proc generic_proc[T]() = assert Annotated.hasCustomPragma(simpleAttr) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pragma on proc type let a: proc(x: int) {.defaultValue(5).} = nil static: doAssert hasCustomPragma(a.type, defaultValue) # bug #8371 template thingy {.pragma.} type Cardinal = enum north, east, south, west Something = object a: float32 case cardinal: Cardinal of north: b {.thingy.}: int of east: c: int of south: discard else: discard var foo: Something foo.cardinal = north doAssert foo.b.hasCustomPragma(thingy) == true proc myproc(s: string): int = {.thingy.}: s.len doAssert myproc("123") == 3 let xx = compiles: proc myproc_bad(s: string): int = {.not_exist.}: s.len doAssert: xx == false macro checkSym(s: typed{nkSym}): untyped = let body = s.getImpl.body doAssert body[1].kind == nnkPragmaBlock doAssert body[1][0].kind == nnkPragma doAssert body[1][0][0] == bindSym"thingy" checkSym(myproc)