This directory contains the test cases. Each test must have a filename of the form: ``t*.nim`` **Note:** Tests are only compiled by default. In order to get the tester to execute the compiled binary, you need to specify a spec with an ``action`` key (see below for details). # Specs Each test can contain a spec in a ``discard """ ... """`` block. **Check out the [``parseSpec`` procedure]( in the ``specs`` module for a full and reliable reference** ## action Specifies what action this test should take. **Default: compile** Options: * ``compile`` - compiles the module and fails the test if compilations fails. * ``run`` - compiles and runs the module, fails the test if compilation or execution of test code fails. * ``reject`` - compiles the module and fails the test if compilation succeeds. There are certain spec keys that imply ``run``, including ``output`` and ``outputsub``. ## cmd Specifies the Nim command to use for compiling the test. There are a number of variables that are replaced in this spec option: * ``$target`` - the compilation target, e.g. ``c``. * ``$options`` - the options for the compiler. * ``$file`` - the filename of the test. * ``$filedir`` - the directory of the test file. Example: ```nim discard """ cmd: "nim $target --nimblePath:./nimbleDir/simplePkgs $options $file" """ ``` # Categories Each folder under this directory represents a test category, which can be tested by running `koch tests cat <category>`. The folder ``rodfiles`` contains special tests that test incremental compilation via symbol files. The folder ``dll`` contains simple DLL tests. The folder ``realtimeGC`` contains a test for validating that the realtime GC can run properly without linking against the nimrtl.dll/so. It includes a C client and platform specific build files for manual compilation.