Note: Most test cases are not up to date to the current Nimrod version. Only ``thallo`` is frequently tested! The best test is to bootstrap, anyway. This directory contains the test cases. Each test must have a filename of the form: ``t*.nim`` The testcases may contain the directives ``#ERROR``, ``#ERROR_IN``, ``#ERROR_MSG`` or ``#OUT``. ``#ERROR`` is used to indicate that the compiler should report an error in the marked line (the line that contains the ``#ERROR`` directive.) The format for ``#ERROR_IN`` is:: #ERROR_IN filename linenumber You can omit the extension of the filename (``.nim`` is then assumed). The format for ``#ERROR_MSG`` is:: #ERROR_MSG message This directive specifies the error message Nimrod shall produce. Tests which contain none of the ``#ERROR*`` directives should compile. Thus they are executed after successful compilation and their output is compared to the expected results (specified with the ``#OUT`` directive). Tests which require user interaction are currently not possible.