discard """ file: "tusingstatement.nim" output: "Using test.Closing test." """ import macros # This macro mimics the using statement from C# # # XXX: # It doen't match the C# version exactly yet. # In particular, it's not recursive, which prevents it from dealing # with exceptions thrown from the variable initializers when multiple. # variables are used. # # Also, since nimrod relies less on exceptions in general, a more # idiomatic definition could be: # var x = init() # if opened(x): # try: # body # finally: # close(x) # # `opened` here could be an overloaded proc which any type can define. # A common practice can be returing an Optional[Resource] obj for which # `opened` is defined to `optional.hasValue` macro using(e: expr): stmt = if e.len != 2: error "Using statement: unexpected number of arguments. Got " & $e.len & ", expected: 1 or more variable assignments and a block" var args = e[0] var body = e[1] var variables : seq[PNimrodNode] closingCalls : seq[PNimrodNode] newSeq(variables, 0) newSeq(closingCalls, 0) for i in countup(1, args.len-1): if args[i].kind == nnkExprEqExpr: var varName = args[i][0] var varValue = args[i][1] var varAssignment = newNimNode(nnkIdentDefs) varAssignment.add(varName) varAssignment.add(newNimNode(nnkEmpty)) # empty means no type varAssignment.add(varValue) variables.add(varAssignment) closingCalls.add(newCall(!"close", varName)) else: error "Using statement: Unexpected expression. Got " & $args[i].kind & " instead of assignment." var varSection = newNimNode(nnkVarSection) varSection.add(variables) var finallyBlock = newNimNode(nnkStmtList) finallyBlock.add(closingCalls) # XXX: Use a template here once getAst is working properly var targetAst = parseStmt"""block: var x = foo() y = bar() try: body() finally: close x close y """ targetAst[0][1][0] = varSection targetAst[0][1][1][0] = body targetAst[0][1][1][1][0] = finallyBlock result = targetAst type TResource* = object field*: string proc openResource(param: string): TResource = result.field = param proc close(r: var TResource) = write(stdout, "Closing " & r.field & ".") proc use(r: var TResource) = write(stdout, "Using " & r.field & ".") using(r = openResource("test")): use r