# # # Nimrod Tester # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## Include for the tester that contains test suites that test special features ## of the compiler. # included from tester.nim # ---------------- ROD file tests --------------------------------------------- const rodfilesDir = "tests/rodfiles" nimcacheDir = rodfilesDir / "nimcache" proc delNimCache() = try: removeDir(nimcacheDir) except EOS: echo "[Warning] could not delete: ", nimcacheDir proc plusCache(options: string): string = return options & " --symbolFiles:on --nimcache:" & nimcacheDir proc runRodFiles(r: var TResults, options: string) = template test(filename: expr): stmt = runSingleTest(r, rodfilesDir / filename, options) var options = options.plusCache delNimCache() # test basic recompilation scheme: test "hallo" test "hallo" # test incremental type information: test "hallo2" delNimCache() # test type converters: test "aconv" test "bconv" delNimCache() # test G, A, B example from the documentation; test init sections: test "deada" test "deada2" delNimCache() # test method generation: test "bmethods" test "bmethods2" delNimCache() # test generics: test "tgeneric1" test "tgeneric2" delNimCache() proc compileRodFiles(r: var TResults, options: string) = template test(filename: expr): stmt = compileSingleTest(r, rodfilesDir / filename, options) var options = options.plusCache delNimCache() # test DLL interfacing: test "gtkex1" test "gtkex2" delNimCache() # --------------------- DLL generation tests ---------------------------------- proc safeCopyFile(src, dest: string) = try: copyFile(src, dest) except EOS: echo "[Warning] could not copy: ", src, " to ", dest proc runBasicDLLTest(c, r: var TResults, options: string) = compileSingleTest c, "lib/nimrtl.nim", options & " --app:lib -d:createNimRtl" compileSingleTest c, "tests/dll/server.nim", options & " --app:lib -d:useNimRtl" when defined(Windows): # windows looks in the dir of the exe (yay!): var nimrtlDll = DynlibFormat % "nimrtl" safeCopyFile("lib" / nimrtlDll, "tests/dll" / nimrtlDll) else: # posix relies on crappy LD_LIBRARY_PATH (ugh!): var libpath = getenv"LD_LIBRARY_PATH".string if peg"\i '/nimrod' (!'/')* '/lib'" notin libpath: echo "[Warning] insufficient LD_LIBRARY_PATH" var serverDll = DynlibFormat % "server" safeCopyFile("tests/dll" / serverDll, "lib" / serverDll) runSingleTest r, "tests/dll/client.nim", options & " -d:useNimRtl" proc runDLLTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = # dummy compile result: var c = initResults() runBasicDLLTest c, r, options runBasicDLLTest c, r, options & " -d:release" runBasicDLLTest c, r, options & " --gc:boehm" runBasicDLLTest c, r, options & " -d:release --gc:boehm" proc compileDLLTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = # dummy run result: var c = initResults() runBasicDLLTest r, c, options runBasicDLLTest r, c, options & " -d:release" runBasicDLLTest r, c, options & " --gc:boehm" runBasicDLLTest r, c, options & " -d:release --gc:boehm" # ------------------------------ GC tests ------------------------------------- proc runGcTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = template test(filename: expr): stmt = runSingleTest(r, "tests/gc" / filename, options) runSingleTest(r, "tests/gc" / filename, options & " -d:release") runSingleTest(r, "tests/gc" / filename, options & " -d:release -d:useRealtimeGC") test "gcbench" test "gcleak" test "gcleak2" test "gctest" # disabled for now as it somehow runs very slowly ('delete' bug?) but works: test "gcleak3" test "weakrefs" # ------------------------- threading tests ----------------------------------- proc runThreadTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = template test(filename: expr): stmt = runSingleTest(r, "tests/threads" / filename, options) runSingleTest(r, "tests/threads" / filename, options & " -d:release") runSingleTest(r, "tests/threads" / filename, options & " --tlsEmulation:on") test "tactors" test "threadex" # deactivated because output capturing still causes problems sometimes: #test "trecursive_actor" #test "threadring" #test "tthreadanalysis" #test "tthreadsort" proc rejectThreadTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = rejectSingleTest(r, "tests/threads/tthreadanalysis2", options) rejectSingleTest(r, "tests/threads/tthreadanalysis3", options) rejectSingleTest(r, "tests/threads/tthreadheapviolation1", options) # ------------------------- IO tests ------------------------------------------ proc runIOTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = # We need readall_echo to be compiled for this test to run. # dummy compile result: var c = initResults() compileSingleTest(c, "tests/system/helpers/readall_echo", options) runSingleTest(r, "tests/system/io", options) # ------------------------- debugger tests ------------------------------------ proc compileDebuggerTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = compileSingleTest(r, "tools/nimgrep", options & " --debugger:on") # ------------------------- JS tests ------------------------------------------ proc runJsTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = template test(filename: expr): stmt = runSingleTest(r, filename, options & " -d:nodejs", targetJS) runSingleTest(r, filename, options & " -d:nodejs -d:release", targetJS) # texceptions, texcpt1, texcsub, tfinally, tfinally2, # tfinally3 for t in os.walkFiles("tests/js/t*.nim"): test(t) test "tests/run/tactiontable" test "tests/run/tmultim1" test "tests/run/tmultim3" test "tests/run/tmultim4" # ------------------------- register special tests here ----------------------- proc runSpecialTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = runRodFiles(r, options) #runDLLTests(r, options) runGCTests(r, options) runThreadTests(r, options & " --threads:on") runIOTests(r, options) proc rejectSpecialTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = rejectThreadTests(r, options) proc compileSpecialTests(r: var TResults, options: string) = compileRodFiles(r, options) compileSingleTest(r, "compiler/c2nim/c2nim.nim", options) compileSingleTest(r, "compiler/pas2nim/pas2nim.nim", options) compileDLLTests(r, options) compileDebuggerTests(r, options)