import unittest, strutils include nre suite "string splitting": test "splitting strings": check("1 2 3 4 5 6 ".split(re" ") == @["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", ""]) check("1 2 ".split(re(" ")) == @["1", "", "2", "", ""]) check("1 2".split(re(" ")) == @["1", "2"]) check("foo".split(re("foo")) == @["", ""]) check("".split(re"foo") == @[""]) check("9".split(re"\son\s") == @["9"]) test "captured patterns": check("12".split(re"(\d)") == @["", "1", "", "2", ""]) test "maxsplit": check("123".split(re"", maxsplit = 2) == @["1", "23"]) check("123".split(re"", maxsplit = 1) == @["123"]) check("123".split(re"", maxsplit = -1) == @["1", "2", "3"]) test "split with 0-length match": check("12345".split(re("")) == @["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]) check("".split(re"") == newSeq[string]()) check("word word".split(re"\b") == @["word", " ", "word"]) check("word\r\lword".split(re"(*ANYCRLF)(?m)$") == @["word", "\r\lword"]) check("слово слово".split(re"(*U)(\b)") == @["", "слово", "", " ", "", "слово", ""]) test "perl split tests": check("forty-two" .split(re"") .join(",") == "f,o,r,t,y,-,t,w,o") check("forty-two" .split(re"", 3) .join(",") == "f,o,rty-two") check("split this string" .split(re" ") .join(",") == "split,this,string") check("split this string" .split(re" ", 2) .join(",") == "split,this string") check("try$this$string" .split(re"\$") .join(",") == "try,this,string") check("try$this$string" .split(re"\$", 2) .join(",") == "try,this$string") check("comma, separated, values" .split(re", ") .join("|") == "comma|separated|values") check("comma, separated, values" .split(re", ", 2) .join("|") == "comma|separated, values") check("Perl6::Camelia::Test" .split(re"::") .join(",") == "Perl6,Camelia,Test") check("Perl6::Camelia::Test" .split(re"::", 2) .join(",") == "Perl6,Camelia::Test") check("split,me,please" .split(re",") .join("|") == "split|me|please") check("split,me,please" .split(re",", 2) .join("|") == "split|me,please") check("Hello World Goodbye Mars".split(re"\s+") .join(",") == "Hello,World,Goodbye,Mars") check("Hello World Goodbye Mars".split(re"\s+", 3).join(",") == "Hello,World,Goodbye Mars") check("Hello test" .split(re"(\s+)") .join(",") == "Hello, ,test") check("this will be split" .split(re" ") .join(",") == "this,will,be,split") check("this will be split" .split(re" ", 3) .join(",") == "this,will,be split") check("a.b" .split(re"\.") .join(",") == "a,b") check("" .split(re"") .len == 0) check(":" .split(re"") .len == 1) test "start position": check("abc".split(re"", start = 1) == @["b", "c"]) check("abc".split(re"", start = 2) == @["c"]) check("abc".split(re"", start = 3) == newSeq[string]())