discard """ output: ''' All: __really_obscure_dir_name/are.x __really_obscure_dir_name/created __really_obscure_dir_name/dirs __really_obscure_dir_name/files.q __really_obscure_dir_name/some __really_obscure_dir_name/test __really_obscure_dir_name/testing.r __really_obscure_dir_name/these.txt Files: __really_obscure_dir_name/are.x __really_obscure_dir_name/files.q __really_obscure_dir_name/testing.r __really_obscure_dir_name/these.txt Dirs: __really_obscure_dir_name/created __really_obscure_dir_name/dirs __really_obscure_dir_name/some __really_obscure_dir_name/test Raises Raises ''' """ # test os path creation, iteration, and deletion import os, strutils, pathnorm block fileOperations: let files = @["these.txt", "are.x", "testing.r", "files.q"] let dirs = @["some", "created", "test", "dirs"] let dname = "__really_obscure_dir_name" createDir(dname) doAssert dirExists(dname) # Test creating files and dirs for dir in dirs: createDir(dname/dir) doAssert dirExists(dname/dir) for file in files: let fh = open(dname/file, fmReadWrite) fh.close() doAssert fileExists(dname/file) echo "All:" template norm(x): untyped = (when defined(windows): x.replace('\\', '/') else: x) for path in walkPattern(dname/"*"): echo path.norm echo "Files:" for path in walkFiles(dname/"*"): echo path.norm echo "Dirs:" for path in walkDirs(dname/"*"): echo path.norm # Test removal of files dirs for dir in dirs: removeDir(dname/dir) doAssert: not dirExists(dname/dir) for file in files: removeFile(dname/file) doAssert: not fileExists(dname/file) removeDir(dname) doAssert: not dirExists(dname) # createDir should create recursive directories createDir(dirs[0] / dirs[1]) doAssert dirExists(dirs[0] / dirs[1]) # true removeDir(dirs[0]) # createDir should properly handle trailing separator createDir(dname / "") doAssert dirExists(dname) # true removeDir(dname) # createDir should raise IOError if the path exists # and is not a directory open(dname, fmWrite).close try: createDir(dname) except IOError: echo "Raises" removeFile(dname) # removeFile should not remove directory createDir(dname) try: removeFile(dname) except OSError: echo "Raises" removeDir(dname) # test copyDir: createDir("a/b") open("a/b/file.txt", fmWrite).close createDir("a/b/c") open("a/b/c/fileC.txt", fmWrite).close copyDir("a", "../dest/a") removeDir("a") doAssert dirExists("../dest/a/b") doAssert fileExists("../dest/a/b/file.txt") doAssert fileExists("../dest/a/b/c/fileC.txt") removeDir("../dest") # test copyDir: # if separator at the end of a path createDir("a/b") open("a/file.txt", fmWrite).close copyDir("a/", "../dest/a/") removeDir("a") doAssert dirExists("../dest/a/b") doAssert fileExists("../dest/a/file.txt") removeDir("../dest") import times block modificationTime: # Test get/set modification times # Should support at least microsecond resolution let tm = fromUnix(0) + 100.microseconds writeFile("a", "") setLastModificationTime("a", tm) when defined(macosx): doAssert true else: doAssert getLastModificationTime("a") == tm removeFile("a") block walkDirRec: createDir("walkdir_test/a/b") open("walkdir_test/a/b/file_1", fmWrite).close() open("walkdir_test/a/file_2", fmWrite).close() for p in walkDirRec("walkdir_test"): doAssert p.fileExists doAssert p.startsWith("walkdir_test") var s: seq[string] for p in walkDirRec("walkdir_test", {pcFile}, {pcDir}, relative=true): s.add(p) doAssert s.len == 2 doAssert "a" / "b" / "file_1" in s doAssert "a" / "file_2" in s removeDir("walkdir_test") block: # walkDir doAssertRaises(OSError): for a in walkDir("nonexistant", checkDir = true): discard doAssertRaises(OSError): for p in walkDirRec("nonexistant", checkDir = true): discard when not defined(windows): block walkDirRelative: createDir("walkdir_test") createSymlink(".", "walkdir_test/c") for k, p in walkDir("walkdir_test", true): doAssert k == pcLinkToDir removeDir("walkdir_test") block normalizedPath: doAssert normalizedPath("") == "" block relative: doAssert normalizedPath(".") == "." doAssert normalizedPath("foo/..") == "." doAssert normalizedPath("foo//../bar/.") == "bar" doAssert normalizedPath("..") == ".." doAssert normalizedPath("../") == ".." doAssert normalizedPath("../..") == unixToNativePath"../.." doAssert normalizedPath("../a/..") == ".." doAssert normalizedPath("../a/../") == ".." doAssert normalizedPath("./") == "." block absolute: doAssert normalizedPath("/") == unixToNativePath"/" doAssert normalizedPath("/.") == unixToNativePath"/" doAssert normalizedPath("/..") == unixToNativePath"/.." doAssert normalizedPath("/../") == unixToNativePath"/.." doAssert normalizedPath("/../..") == unixToNativePath"/../.." doAssert normalizedPath("/../../") == unixToNativePath"/../.." doAssert normalizedPath("/../../../") == unixToNativePath"/../../.." doAssert normalizedPath("/a/b/../../foo") == unixToNativePath"/foo" doAssert normalizedPath("/a/b/../../../foo") == unixToNativePath"/../foo" doAssert normalizedPath("/./") == unixToNativePath"/" doAssert normalizedPath("//") == unixToNativePath"/" doAssert normalizedPath("///") == unixToNativePath"/" doAssert normalizedPath("/a//b") == unixToNativePath"/a/b" doAssert normalizedPath("/a///b") == unixToNativePath"/a/b" doAssert normalizedPath("/a/b/c/..") == unixToNativePath"/a/b" doAssert normalizedPath("/a/b/c/../") == unixToNativePath"/a/b" block isHidden: when defined(posix): doAssert ".foo.txt".isHidden doAssert "bar/.foo.ext".isHidden doAssert not "bar".isHidden doAssert not "foo/".isHidden doAssert ".foo/.".isHidden # Corner cases: `isHidden` is not yet `..` aware doAssert not ".foo/..".isHidden block absolutePath: doAssertRaises(ValueError): discard absolutePath("a", "b") doAssert absolutePath("a") == getCurrentDir() / "a" doAssert absolutePath("a", "/b") == "/b" / "a" when defined(Posix): doAssert absolutePath("a", "/b/") == "/b" / "a" doAssert absolutePath("a", "/b/c") == "/b/c" / "a" doAssert absolutePath("/a", "b/") == "/a" block splitFile: doAssert splitFile("") == ("", "", "") doAssert splitFile("abc/") == ("abc", "", "") doAssert splitFile("/") == ("/", "", "") doAssert splitFile("./abc") == (".", "abc", "") doAssert splitFile(".txt") == ("", ".txt", "") doAssert splitFile("abc/.txt") == ("abc", ".txt", "") doAssert splitFile("abc") == ("", "abc", "") doAssert splitFile("abc.txt") == ("", "abc", ".txt") doAssert splitFile("/abc.txt") == ("/", "abc", ".txt") doAssert splitFile("/foo/abc.txt") == ("/foo", "abc", ".txt") doAssert splitFile("/foo/abc.txt.gz") == ("/foo", "abc.txt", ".gz") doAssert splitFile(".") == ("", ".", "") doAssert splitFile("abc/.") == ("abc", ".", "") doAssert splitFile("..") == ("", "..", "") doAssert splitFile("a/..") == ("a", "..", "") doAssert splitFile("/foo/abc....txt") == ("/foo", "abc...", ".txt") # execShellCmd is tested in tosproc block ospaths: doAssert unixToNativePath("") == "" doAssert unixToNativePath(".") == $CurDir doAssert unixToNativePath("..") == $ParDir doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/")) doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/", "a")) doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/a")) doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/a", "a")) doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/a/b")) doAssert isAbsolute(unixToNativePath("/a/b", "a")) doAssert unixToNativePath("a/b") == joinPath("a", "b") when defined(macos): doAssert unixToNativePath("./") == ":" doAssert unixToNativePath("./abc") == ":abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("../abc") == "::abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("../../abc") == ":::abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc", "a") == "abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc/def", "a") == "abc:def" elif doslikeFileSystem: doAssert unixToNativePath("./") == ".\\" doAssert unixToNativePath("./abc") == ".\\abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("../abc") == "..\\abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("../../abc") == "..\\..\\abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc", "a") == "a:\\abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc/def", "a") == "a:\\abc\\def" else: #Tests for unix doAssert unixToNativePath("./") == "./" doAssert unixToNativePath("./abc") == "./abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("../abc") == "../abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("../../abc") == "../../abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc", "a") == "/abc" doAssert unixToNativePath("/abc/def", "a") == "/abc/def" block extractFilenameTest: doAssert extractFilename("") == "" when defined(posix): doAssert extractFilename("foo/bar") == "bar" doAssert extractFilename("foo/bar.txt") == "bar.txt" doAssert extractFilename("foo/") == "" doAssert extractFilename("/") == "" when doslikeFileSystem: doAssert extractFilename(r"foo\bar") == "bar" doAssert extractFilename(r"foo\bar.txt") == "bar.txt" doAssert extractFilename(r"foo\") == "" doAssert extractFilename(r"C:\") == "" block lastPathPartTest: doAssert lastPathPart("") == "" when defined(posix): doAssert lastPathPart("foo/bar.txt") == "bar.txt" doAssert lastPathPart("foo/") == "foo" doAssert lastPathPart("/") == "" when doslikeFileSystem: doAssert lastPathPart(r"foo\bar.txt") == "bar.txt" doAssert lastPathPart(r"foo\") == "foo" template canon(x): untyped = normalizePath(x, '/') doAssert canon"/foo/../bar" == "/bar" doAssert canon"foo/../bar" == "bar" doAssert canon"/f/../bar///" == "/bar" doAssert canon"f/..////bar" == "bar" doAssert canon"../bar" == "../bar" doAssert canon"/../bar" == "/../bar" doAssert canon("foo/../../bar/") == "../bar" doAssert canon("./bla/blob/") == "bla/blob" doAssert canon(".hiddenFile") == ".hiddenFile" doAssert canon("./bla/../../blob/./zoo.nim") == "../blob/zoo.nim" doAssert canon("C:/file/to/this/long") == "C:/file/to/this/long" doAssert canon("") == "" doAssert canon("foobar") == "foobar" doAssert canon("f/////////") == "f" doAssert relativePath("/foo/bar//baz.nim", "/foo", '/') == "bar/baz.nim" doAssert normalizePath("./foo//bar/../baz", '/') == "foo/baz" doAssert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other/bad", '/') == "../../me/bar/z.nim" doAssert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/other", '/') == "../me/bar/z.nim" doAssert relativePath("/Users///me/bar//z.nim", "//Users/", '/') == "me/bar/z.nim" doAssert relativePath("/Users/me/bar/z.nim", "/Users/me", '/') == "bar/z.nim" doAssert relativePath("", "/users/moo", '/') == "" doAssert relativePath("foo", "", '/') == "foo" doAssert relativePath("/foo", "/Foo", '/') == (when FileSystemCaseSensitive: "../foo" else: ".") doAssert relativePath("/Foo", "/foo", '/') == (when FileSystemCaseSensitive: "../Foo" else: ".") doAssert relativePath("/foo", "/fOO", '/') == (when FileSystemCaseSensitive: "../foo" else: ".") doAssert relativePath("/foO", "/foo", '/') == (when FileSystemCaseSensitive: "../foO" else: ".") doAssert relativePath("foo", ".", '/') == "foo" doAssert relativePath(".", ".", '/') == "." doAssert relativePath("..", ".", '/') == ".." doAssert relativePath("foo", "foo") == "." doAssert relativePath("", "foo") == "" doAssert relativePath("././/foo", "foo//./") == "." doAssert relativePath(getCurrentDir() / "bar", "foo") == "../bar".unixToNativePath doAssert relativePath("bar", getCurrentDir() / "foo") == "../bar".unixToNativePath when doslikeFileSystem: doAssert relativePath(r"c:\foo.nim", r"C:\") == r"foo.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"c:\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"c:\foo") == r"bar\baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"c:\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"d:\foo") == r"c:\foo\bar\baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"\foo\baz.nim", r"\foo") == r"baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"\bar") == r"..\foo\bar\baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"\\foo\bar") == r"baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"\\foO\bar") == r"baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"\\bar\bar") == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"\\foo\car") == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"\\goo\bar") == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"c:\") == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim", r"\foo") == r"\\foo\bar\baz.nim" doAssert relativePath(r"c:\foo.nim", r"\foo") == r"c:\foo.nim" doAssert joinPath("usr", "") == unixToNativePath"usr" doAssert joinPath("", "lib") == "lib" doAssert joinPath("", "/lib") == unixToNativePath"/lib" doAssert joinPath("usr/", "/lib") == unixToNativePath"usr/lib" doAssert joinPath("", "") == unixToNativePath"" # issue #13455 doAssert joinPath("", "/") == unixToNativePath"/" doAssert joinPath("/", "/") == unixToNativePath"/" doAssert joinPath("/", "") == unixToNativePath"/" doAssert joinPath("/" / "") == unixToNativePath"/" # weird test case... doAssert joinPath("/", "/a/b/c") == unixToNativePath"/a/b/c" doAssert joinPath("foo/","") == unixToNativePath"foo/" doAssert joinPath("foo/","abc") == unixToNativePath"foo/abc" doAssert joinPath("foo//./","abc/.//") == unixToNativePath"foo/abc/" doAssert joinPath("foo","abc") == unixToNativePath"foo/abc" doAssert joinPath("","abc") == unixToNativePath"abc" doAssert joinPath("gook/.","abc") == unixToNativePath"gook/abc" # controversial: inconsistent with `joinPath("gook/.","abc")` # on linux, `./foo` and `foo` are treated a bit differently for executables # but not `./foo/bar` and `foo/bar` doAssert joinPath(".", "/lib") == unixToNativePath"./lib" doAssert joinPath(".","abc") == unixToNativePath"./abc" # cases related to issue #13455 doAssert joinPath("foo", "", "") == "foo" doAssert joinPath("foo", "") == "foo" doAssert joinPath("foo/", "") == unixToNativePath"foo/" doAssert joinPath("foo/", ".") == "foo" doAssert joinPath("foo", "./") == unixToNativePath"foo/" doAssert joinPath("foo", "", "bar/") == unixToNativePath"foo/bar/" # issue #13579 doAssert joinPath("/foo", "../a") == unixToNativePath"/a" doAssert joinPath("/foo/", "../a") == unixToNativePath"/a" doAssert joinPath("/foo/.", "../a") == unixToNativePath"/a" doAssert joinPath("/foo/.b", "../a") == unixToNativePath"/foo/a" doAssert joinPath("/foo///", "..//a/") == unixToNativePath"/a/" doAssert joinPath("foo/", "../a") == unixToNativePath"a" when doslikeFileSystem: doAssert joinPath("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\Common7\\Tools\\", "..\\..\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat") == r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" doAssert joinPath("C:\\foo", "..\\a") == r"C:\a" doAssert joinPath("C:\\foo\\", "..\\a") == r"C:\a" block getTempDir: block TMPDIR: # TMPDIR env var is not used if either of these are defined. when not (defined(tempDir) or defined(windows) or defined(android)): if existsEnv("TMPDIR"): let origTmpDir = getEnv("TMPDIR") putEnv("TMPDIR", "/mytmp") doAssert getTempDir() == "/mytmp/" delEnv("TMPDIR") doAssert getTempDir() == "/tmp/" putEnv("TMPDIR", origTmpDir) else: doAssert getTempDir() == "/tmp/" block osenv: block delEnv: const dummyEnvVar = "DUMMY_ENV_VAR" # This env var wouldn't be likely to exist to begin with doAssert existsEnv(dummyEnvVar) == false putEnv(dummyEnvVar, "1") doAssert existsEnv(dummyEnvVar) == true delEnv(dummyEnvVar) doAssert existsEnv(dummyEnvVar) == false delEnv(dummyEnvVar) # deleting an already deleted env var doAssert existsEnv(dummyEnvVar) == false block isRelativeTo: doAssert isRelativeTo("/foo", "/") doAssert isRelativeTo("/foo/bar", "/foo") doAssert isRelativeTo("foo/bar", "foo") doAssert isRelativeTo("/foo/bar.nim", "/foo/bar.nim") doAssert isRelativeTo("./foo/", "foo") doAssert isRelativeTo("foo", "./foo/") doAssert isRelativeTo(".", ".") doAssert isRelativeTo("foo/bar", ".") doAssert not isRelativeTo("foo/bar.nims", "foo/bar.nim") doAssert not isRelativeTo("/foo2", "/foo") block: # quoteShellWindows assert quoteShellWindows("aaa") == "aaa" assert quoteShellWindows("aaa\"") == "aaa\\\"" assert quoteShellWindows("") == "\"\"" block: # quoteShellWindows assert quoteShellPosix("aaa") == "aaa" assert quoteShellPosix("aaa a") == "'aaa a'" assert quoteShellPosix("") == "''" assert quoteShellPosix("a'a") == "'a'\"'\"'a'" block: # quoteShell when defined(posix): assert quoteShell("") == "''" block: # normalizePathEnd # handle edge cases correctly: shouldn't affect whether path is # absolute/relative doAssert "".normalizePathEnd(true) == "" doAssert "".normalizePathEnd(false) == "" doAssert "/".normalizePathEnd(true) == $DirSep doAssert "/".normalizePathEnd(false) == $DirSep when defined(posix): doAssert "//".normalizePathEnd(false) == "/" doAssert "foo.bar//".normalizePathEnd == "foo.bar" doAssert "bar//".normalizePathEnd(trailingSep = true) == "bar/" when defined(Windows): doAssert r"C:\foo\\".normalizePathEnd == r"C:\foo" doAssert r"C:\foo".normalizePathEnd(trailingSep = true) == r"C:\foo\" # this one is controversial: we could argue for returning `D:\` instead, # but this is simplest. doAssert r"D:\".normalizePathEnd == r"D:" doAssert r"E:/".normalizePathEnd(trailingSep = true) == r"E:\" doAssert "/".normalizePathEnd == r"\" block: # isValidFilename # Negative Tests. doAssert not isValidFilename("abcd", maxLen = 2) doAssert not isValidFilename("0123456789", maxLen = 8) doAssert not isValidFilename("con") doAssert not isValidFilename("aux") doAssert not isValidFilename("prn") doAssert not isValidFilename("OwO|UwU") doAssert not isValidFilename(" foo") doAssert not isValidFilename("foo ") doAssert not isValidFilename("foo.") doAssert not isValidFilename("con.txt") doAssert not isValidFilename("aux.bat") doAssert not isValidFilename("prn.exe") doAssert not isValidFilename("nim>.nim") doAssert not isValidFilename(" foo.log") # Positive Tests. doAssert isValidFilename("abcd", maxLen = 42.Positive) doAssert isValidFilename("c0n") doAssert isValidFilename("foo.aux") doAssert isValidFilename("bar.prn") doAssert isValidFilename("OwO_UwU") doAssert isValidFilename("cron") doAssert isValidFilename("ux.bat") doAssert isValidFilename("nim.nim") doAssert isValidFilename("foo.log")