discard """ targets: "c js" """ import parsesql doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT foo FROM table;") == "select foo from table;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country, CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country FROM table;""") == "select CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country, CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country from table;" doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT foo FROM table limit 10") == "select foo from table limit 10;" doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT foo, bar, baz FROM table limit 10") == "select foo, bar, baz from table limit 10;" doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT foo AS bar FROM table") == "select foo as bar from table;" doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT foo AS foo_prime, bar AS bar_prime, baz AS baz_prime FROM table") == "select foo as foo_prime, bar as bar_prime, baz as baz_prime from table;" doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT * FROM table") == "select * from table;" doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT count(*) FROM table") == "select count(*) from table;" doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT count(*) as 'Total' FROM table") == "select count(*) as 'Total' from table;" doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT count(*) as 'Total', sum(a) as 'Aggr' FROM table") == "select count(*) as 'Total', sum(a) as 'Aggr' from table;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = b and c = d """) == "select * from table where a = b and c = d;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM table WHERE not b """) == "select * from table where not b;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM table WHERE a and not b """) == "select * from table where a and not b;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY 1 """) == "select * from table order by 1;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM table GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 """) == "select * from table group by 1 order by 1;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 100 """) == "select * from table order by 1 limit 100;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = b and c = d or n is null and not b + 1 = 3 """) == "select * from table where a = b and c = d or n is null and not b + 1 = 3;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM table WHERE (a = b and c = d) or (n is null and not b + 1 = 3) """) == "select * from table where(a = b and c = d) or (n is null and not b + 1 = 3);" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM table HAVING a = b and c = d """) == "select * from table having a = b and c = d;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT a, b FROM table GROUP BY a """) == "select a, b from table group by a;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT a, b FROM table GROUP BY 1, 2 """) == "select a, b from table group by 1, 2;" doAssert $parseSQL("SELECT t.a FROM t as t") == "select t.a from t as t;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT a, b FROM ( SELECT * FROM t ) """) == "select a, b from(select * from t);" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT a, b FROM ( SELECT * FROM t ) as foo """) == "select a, b from(select * from t) as foo;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT a, b FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM innerTable as inner1 ) as inner2 ) as inner3 ) as inner4 ) as inner5 """) == "select a, b from(select * from(select * from(select * from(select * from innerTable as inner1) as inner2) as inner3) as inner4) as inner5;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT a, b FROM (SELECT * FROM a), (SELECT * FROM b), (SELECT * FROM c) """) == "select a, b from(select * from a),(select * from b),(select * from c);" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Price BETWEEN 10 AND 20; """) == "select * from Products where Price between 10 and 20;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT id FROM a JOIN b ON a.id == b.id """) == "select id from a join b on a.id == b.id;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT id FROM a JOIN (SELECT id from c) as b ON a.id == b.id """) == "select id from a join(select id from c) as b on a.id == b.id;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT id FROM a INNER JOIN b ON a.id == b.id """) == "select id from a inner join b on a.id == b.id;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT id FROM a OUTER JOIN b ON a.id == b.id """) == "select id from a outer join b on a.id == b.id;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT id FROM a CROSS JOIN b ON a.id == b.id """) == "select id from a cross join b on a.id == b.id;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" CREATE TYPE happiness AS ENUM ('happy', 'very happy', 'ecstatic'); CREATE TABLE holidays ( num_weeks int, happiness happiness ); CREATE INDEX table1_attr1 ON table1(attr1); SELECT * FROM myTab WHERE col1 = 'happy'; """) == "create type happiness as enum ('happy' , 'very happy' , 'ecstatic' ); create table holidays(num_weeks int , happiness happiness );; create index table1_attr1 on table1(attr1 );; select * from myTab where col1 = 'happy';" doAssert $parseSQL(""" INSERT INTO Customers (CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country) VALUES ('Cardinal', 'Tom B. Erichsen', 'Skagen 21', 'Stavanger', '4006', 'Norway'); """) == "insert into Customers (CustomerName , ContactName , Address , City , PostalCode , Country ) values ('Cardinal' , 'Tom B. Erichsen' , 'Skagen 21' , 'Stavanger' , '4006' , 'Norway' );" doAssert $parseSQL(""" INSERT INTO TableName DEFAULT VALUES """) == "insert into TableName default values;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" UPDATE Customers SET ContactName = 'Alfred Schmidt', City= 'Frankfurt' WHERE CustomerID = 1; """) == "update Customers set ContactName = 'Alfred Schmidt' , City = 'Frankfurt' where CustomerID = 1;" doAssert $parseSQL("DELETE FROM table_name;") == "delete from table_name;" doAssert $parseSQL("DELETE * FROM table_name;") == "delete from table_name;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" --Select all: SELECT * FROM Customers; """) == "select * from Customers;" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE (CustomerName LIKE 'L%' OR CustomerName LIKE 'R%' /*OR CustomerName LIKE 'S%' OR CustomerName LIKE 'T%'*/ OR CustomerName LIKE 'W%') AND Country='USA' ORDER BY CustomerName; """) == "select * from Customers where(CustomerName like 'L%' or CustomerName like 'R%' or CustomerName like 'W%') and Country = 'USA' order by CustomerName;" # parse quoted keywords as identifires doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT `SELECT`, `FROM` as `GROUP` FROM `WHERE`; """) == """select "SELECT", "FROM" as "GROUP" from "WHERE";""" doAssert $parseSQL(""" SELECT "SELECT", "FROM" as "GROUP" FROM "WHERE"; """) == """select "SELECT", "FROM" as "GROUP" from "WHERE";"""