discard """ output: ''' abc def definition prefix xyz def definition Hi Andreas! How do you feel, Rumpf? @[0, 2, 1] @[1, 0, 2] @[1, 2, 0] @[2, 0, 1] @[2, 1, 0] @[2, 0, 1] @[1, 2, 0] @[1, 0, 2] @[0, 2, 1] @[0, 1, 2] 055this should be the casehugh@["(", "+", " 1", " 2", ")"] caught a crash! caught a crash! caught a crash! caught a crash! caught a crash! caught a crash! [5] [4, 5] [3, 4, 5] [2, 3, 4, 5] [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] true


''' """ import critbits, cstrutils, sets, strutils, tables, random, algorithm, re, ropes, segfaults, lists, parsesql, streams, os, htmlgen, xmltree, strtabs block tcritbits: var r: CritBitTree[void] r.incl "abc" r.incl "xyz" r.incl "def" r.incl "definition" r.incl "prefix" doAssert r.contains"def" #r.del "def" for w in r.items: echo w for w in r.itemsWithPrefix("de"): echo w block testequivalence: doAssert(toSet(@[1,2,3]) <= toSet(@[1,2,3,4]), "equivalent or subset") doAssert(toSet(@[1,2,3]) <= toSet(@[1,2,3]), "equivalent or subset") doAssert((not(toSet(@[1,2,3]) <= toSet(@[1,2]))), "equivalent or subset") doAssert(toSet(@[1,2,3]) <= toSet(@[1,2,3,4]), "strict subset") doAssert((not(toSet(@[1,2,3]) < toSet(@[1,2,3]))), "strict subset") doAssert((not(toSet(@[1,2,3]) < toSet(@[1,2]))), "strict subset") doAssert((not(toSet(@[1,2,3]) == toSet(@[1,2,3,4]))), "==") doAssert(toSet(@[1,2,3]) == toSet(@[1,2,3]), "==") doAssert((not(toSet(@[1,2,3]) == toSet(@[1,2]))), "==") block tformat: echo("Hi $1! How do you feel, $2?\n" % ["Andreas", "Rumpf"]) block tnilecho: var x = @["1", "", "3"] doAssert $x == """@["1", "", "3"]""" block torderedtable: var t = initOrderedTable[int,string]() # this tests issue #5917 var data = newSeq[int]() for i in 0..<1000: var x = rand(1000) if x notin t: data.add(x) t[x] = "meh" # this checks that keys are re-inserted # in order when table is enlarged. var i = 0 for k, v in t: doAssert(k == data[i]) doAssert(v == "meh") inc(i) block tpermutations: var v = @[0, 1, 2] while v.nextPermutation(): echo v while v.prevPermutation(): echo v block treguse: proc main(a, b: int) = var x = 0 write(stdout, x) if x == 0: var y = 55 write(stdout, y) write(stdout, "this should be the case") var input = "" if input == "Andreas": write(stdout, "wow") else: write(stdout, "hugh") else: var z = 66 write(stdout, z) # "bug!") main(45, 1000) block treloop: let str = "(+ 1 2)" var tokenRE = re"""[\s,]*(~@|[\[\]{}()'`~^@]|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"|;.*|[^\s\[\]{}('"`,;)]*)""" echo str.findAll(tokenRE) block tropes: var r1 = rope("") r2 = rope("123") doAssert r1.len == 0 doAssert r2.len == 3 doAssert $r1 == "" doAssert $r2 == "123" r1.add("123") r2.add("456") doAssert r1.len == 3 doAssert r2.len == 6 doAssert $r1 == "123" doAssert $r2 == "123456" doAssert $r1[1] == "2" doAssert $r2[2] == "3" block tsegfaults: proc main = try: var x: ptr int echo x[] try: raise newException(ValueError, "not a crash") except ValueError: discard except NilAccessDefect: echo "caught a crash!" for i in 0..5: main() block tsinglylinkedring: var r = initSinglyLinkedRing[int]() r.prepend(5) echo r r.prepend(4) echo r r.prepend(3) echo r r.prepend(2) echo r r.append(6) echo r r.prepend(1) echo r block tsplit: var s = "" for w in split("|abc|xy|z", {'|'}): s.add("#") s.add(w) doAssert s == "##abc#xy#z" block tsplit2: var s = "" for w in split("|abc|xy|z", {'|'}): s.add("#") s.add(w) try: discard "hello".split("") echo "false" except AssertionDefect: echo "true" block tsqlparser: # Just check that we can parse 'somesql' and render it without crashes. var tree = parseSql(newFileStream( parentDir(currentSourcePath) / "somesql.sql"), "somesql") discard renderSql(tree) block txmlgen: var nim = "Nim" echo h1(a(href="http://force7.de/nim", nim)) block txmltree: var x = <>a(href="nim.de", newText("www.nim-test.de")) doAssert($x == "www.nim-test.de") doAssert(newText("foo").innerText == "foo") doAssert(newEntity("bar").innerText == "bar") doAssert(newComment("baz").innerText == "") let y = newXmlTree("x", [ newText("foo"), newXmlTree("y", [ newText("bar") ]) ]) doAssert(y.innerText == "foobar") block tcstrutils: let s = cstring "abcdef" doAssert s.startsWith("a") doAssert not s.startsWith("b") doAssert s.endsWith("f") doAssert not s.endsWith("a") let a = cstring "abracadabra" doAssert a.startsWith("abra") doAssert not a.startsWith("bra") doAssert a.endsWith("abra") doAssert not a.endsWith("dab") doAssert cmpIgnoreCase(cstring "FooBar", "foobar") == 0 doAssert cmpIgnoreCase(cstring "bar", "Foo") < 0 doAssert cmpIgnoreCase(cstring "Foo5", "foo4") > 0 doAssert cmpIgnoreStyle(cstring "foo_bar", "FooBar") == 0 doAssert cmpIgnoreStyle(cstring "foo_bar_5", "FooBar4") > 0