# bug #1940 discard """ nimout: '''=== merge (A) with (B) merge (A B) with (C) merge (A B C) with (D) merge (A B C D) with (E) merge (A B C D E) with (F) ===''' """ type SqlStmt = tuple sql: string parts: int proc sql(q: string): SqlStmt = result.sql = q result.parts = 1 template `&%%`(x, y: SqlStmt): SqlStmt = const a = x const b = y static: #echo "some merge" echo "merge (", a.sql, ") with (", b.sql, ")" const newSql = a.sql & " " & b.sql const newParts = a.parts + b.parts SqlStmt((sql: newSql, parts: newParts)) static: echo "===" let c =(sql("A") &%% sql("B")) &%% sql("C") &%% sql("D") &%% sql("E") &%% sql("F") echo c.sql static: echo "==="