# Nimrod Tester
# (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This program verifies Nimrod against the testcases.
strutils, pegs, os, osproc, streams, parsecsv, browsers
cmdTemplate = r"nimrod cc --hints:on $# $#"
resultsFile = "testresults.html"
TMsg = tuple[
file: string,
line: int,
msg: string,
err: bool]
TOutp = tuple[file, outp: string]
TResults = object
total, passed: int
data: string
proc myExec(cmd: string): string =
result = osproc.execProcess(cmd)
pegLineError = peg"{[^(]*} '(' {\d+} ', ' \d+ ') Error:' \s* {.*}"
pegOtherError = peg"'Error:' \s* {.*}"
pegSuccess = peg"'Hint: operation successful'.*"
pegOfInterest = pegLineError / pegOtherError / pegSuccess
proc callCompiler(filename, options: string): TMsg =
var c = parseCmdLine(cmdTemplate % [options, filename])
var a: seq[string] = @[] # slicing is not yet implemented :-(
for i in 1 .. c.len-1: add(a, c[i])
var p = startProcess(command=c[0], args=a,
options={poStdErrToStdOut, poUseShell})
var outp = p.outputStream
var s = ""
while running(p) or not outp.atEnd(outp):
var x = outp.readLine()
if x =~ pegOfInterest:
# `s` should contain the last error message
s = x
result.msg = ""
result.file = ""
result.err = true
result.line = -1
if s =~ pegLineError:
result.file = extractFilename(matches[0])
result.line = parseInt(matches[1])
result.msg = matches[2]
elif s =~ pegOtherError:
result.msg = matches[0]
elif s =~ pegSuccess:
result.err = false
proc setupCvsParser(csvFile: string): TCsvParser =
var s = newFileStream(csvFile, fmRead)
if s == nil: quit("cannot open the file" & csvFile)
result.open(s, csvFile, separator=';', skipInitialSpace=true)
proc parseRejectData(dir: string): seq[TMsg] =
var p = setupCvsParser(dir / "spec.csv")
result = @[]
while readRow(p, 3):
result.add((p.row[0], parseInt(p.row[1]), p.row[2], true))
proc parseRunData(dir: string): seq[TOutp] =
var p = setupCvsParser(dir / "spec.csv")
result = @[]
while readRow(p, 2):
result.add((p.row[0], p.row[1]))
proc findSpec[T](specs: seq[T], filename: string): int =
while result < specs.len:
if specs[result].file == filename: return
quit("cannot find spec for file: " & filename)
proc initResults: TResults =
result.total = 0
result.passed = 0
result.data = ""
proc `$`(x: TResults): string =
result = "Tests passed: " & $x.passed & "/" & $x.total & "
proc colorBool(b: bool): string =
if b: result = "yes"
else: result = "no"
TableHeader4 = "
Test | Expected | " &
"Given | Success |
TableHeader3 = "Test | " &
"Given | Success |
TableFooter = "
proc addResult(r: var TResults, test, expected, given: string,
success: bool) =
r.data.addf("$# | $# | $# | $# |
\n", [
test, expected, given, success.colorBool])
proc addResult(r: var TResults, test, given: string,
success: bool) =
r.data.addf("$# | $# | $# |
\n", [
test, given, success.colorBool])
proc listResults(reject, compile, run: TResults) =
var s = ""
s.add("Tests to Reject
s.add(TableHeader4 & reject.data & TableFooter)
Tests to Compile
s.add(TableHeader3 & compile.data & TableFooter)
Tests to Run
s.add(TableHeader4 & run.data & TableFooter)
var outp: TFile
if open(outp, resultsFile, fmWrite):
write(outp, s)
proc cmpMsgs(r: var TResults, expected, given: TMsg, test: string) =
if strip(expected.msg) notin strip(given.msg):
r.addResult(test, expected.msg, given.msg, false)
elif expected.file != given.file:
r.addResult(test, expected.file, given.file, false)
elif expected.line != given.line:
r.addResult(test, $expected.line, $given.line, false)
r.addResult(test, expected.msg, given.msg, true)
proc reject(r: var TResults, dir, options: string) =
## handle all the tests that the compiler should reject
var specs = parseRejectData(dir)
for test in os.walkFiles(dir / "t*.nim"):
var t = extractFilename(test)
echo t
var expected = findSpec(specs, t)
var given = callCompiler(test, options)
cmpMsgs(r, specs[expected], given, t)
proc compile(r: var TResults, pattern, options: string) =
for test in os.walkFiles(pattern):
var t = extractFilename(test)
echo t
var given = callCompiler(test, options)
r.addResult(t, given.msg, not given.err)
if not given.err: inc(r.passed)
proc run(r: var TResults, dir, options: string) =
var specs = parseRunData(dir)
for test in os.walkFiles(dir / "t*.nim"):
var t = extractFilename(test)
echo t
var given = callCompiler(test, options)
if given.err:
r.addResult(t, "", given.msg, not given.err)
var exeFile = changeFileExt(test, ExeExt)
var expected = specs[findSpec(specs, t)]
if existsFile(exeFile):
var buf = myExec(exeFile)
var success = strip(buf) == strip(expected.outp)
if success: inc(r.passed)
r.addResult(t, expected.outp, buf, success)
r.addResult(t, expected.outp, "executable not found", false)
var options = ""
var rejectRes = initResults()
var compileRes = initResults()
var runRes = initResults()
for i in 1.. paramCount():
add(options, " ")
add(options, paramStr(i))
reject(rejectRes, "tests/reject", options)
compile(compileRes, "tests/accept/compile/t*.nim", options)
compile(compileRes, "examples/*.nim", options)
compile(compileRes, "examples/gtk/*.nim", options)
run(runRes, "tests/accept/run", options)
listResults(rejectRes, compileRes, runRes)