# Test multi methods

  TThing = object
  TUnit = object of TThing
    x: int
  TParticle = object of TThing
    a, b: int
method collide(a, b: TThing) {.inline.} =
  quit "to override!"
method collide(a: TThing, b: TUnit) {.inline.} =
  write stdout, "collide: thing, unit "

method collide(a: TUnit, b: TThing) {.inline.} =
  write stdout, "collide: unit, thing "

proc test(a, b: TThing) {.inline.} =
  collide(a, b)

  a: TThing
  b, c: TUnit
collide(b, c) # ambiguous unit, thing or thing, unit? -> prefer unit, thing!
test(b, c)
collide(a, b)
#OUT collide: unit, thing collide: unit, thing collide: thing, unit