discard """ output: "OK" """ import macros type Dollar = distinct int XCoord = distinct int32 Digit = range[-9..0] # those are necessary for comparisons below. proc `==`(x, y: Dollar): bool {.borrow.} proc `==`(x, y: XCoord): bool {.borrow.} proc dummy[T](x: T): T = x proc test() = let U8 = 0b1011_0010'u8 let I8 = 0b1011_0010'i8 let C8 = 0b1011_0010'u8.char let C8_1 = 0b1011_0011'u8.char let U16 = 0b10100111_00101000'u16 let I16 = 0b10100111_00101000'i16 let U32 = 0b11010101_10011100_11011010_01010000'u32 let I32 = 0b11010101_10011100_11011010_01010000'i32 let U64A = 0b11000100_00111111_01111100_10001010_10011001_01001000_01111010_00010001'u64 let I64A = 0b11000100_00111111_01111100_10001010_10011001_01001000_01111010_00010001'i64 let U64B = 0b00110010_11011101_10001111_00101000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000'u64 let I64B = 0b00110010_11011101_10001111_00101000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000'i64 when sizeof(int) == 8: let UX = U64A.uint let IX = I64A.int elif sizeof(int) == 4: let UX = U32.uint let IX = I32.int elif sizeof(int) == 2: let UX = U16.uint let IX = I16.int else: let UX = U8.uint let IX = I8.int doAssert(cast[char](I8) == C8) doAssert(cast[uint8](I8) == U8) doAssert(cast[uint16](I16) == U16) doAssert(cast[uint32](I32) == U32) doAssert(cast[uint64](I64A) == U64A) doAssert(cast[uint64](I64B) == U64B) doAssert(cast[int8](U8) == I8) doAssert(cast[int16](U16) == I16) doAssert(cast[int32](U32) == I32) doAssert(cast[int64](U64A) == I64A) doAssert(cast[int64](U64B) == I64B) doAssert(cast[uint](IX) == UX) doAssert(cast[int](UX) == IX) doAssert(cast[char](I8 + 1) == C8_1) doAssert(cast[uint8](I8 + 1) == U8 + 1) doAssert(cast[uint16](I16 + 1) == U16 + 1) doAssert(cast[uint32](I32 + 1) == U32 + 1) doAssert(cast[uint64](I64A + 1) == U64A + 1) doAssert(cast[uint64](I64B + 1) == U64B + 1) doAssert(cast[int8](U8 + 1) == I8 + 1) doAssert(cast[int16](U16 + 1) == I16 + 1) doAssert(cast[int32](U32 + 1) == I32 + 1) doAssert(cast[int64](U64A + 1) == I64A + 1) doAssert(cast[int64](U64B + 1) == I64B + 1) doAssert(cast[uint](IX + 1) == UX + 1) doAssert(cast[int](UX + 1) == IX + 1) doAssert(cast[char](I8.dummy) == C8.dummy) doAssert(cast[uint8](I8.dummy) == U8.dummy) doAssert(cast[uint16](I16.dummy) == U16.dummy) doAssert(cast[uint32](I32.dummy) == U32.dummy) doAssert(cast[uint64](I64A.dummy) == U64A.dummy) doAssert(cast[uint64](I64B.dummy) == U64B.dummy) doAssert(cast[int8](U8.dummy) == I8.dummy) doAssert(cast[int16](U16.dummy) == I16.dummy) doAssert(cast[int32](U32.dummy) == I32.dummy) doAssert(cast[int64](U64A.dummy) == I64A.dummy) doAssert(cast[int64](U64B.dummy) == I64B.dummy) doAssert(cast[uint](IX.dummy) == UX.dummy) doAssert(cast[int](UX.dummy) == IX.dummy) doAssert(cast[int64](if false: U64B else: 0'u64) == (if false: I64B else: 0'i64)) block: let raw = 3 let money = Dollar(raw) # this must be a variable, is otherwise constant folded. doAssert(cast[int](money) == raw) doAssert(cast[Dollar](raw) == money) block: let raw = 150'i32 let position = XCoord(raw) # this must be a variable, is otherwise constant folded. doAssert(cast[int32](position) == raw) doAssert(cast[XCoord](raw) == position) block: let raw = -2 let digit = Digit(raw) doAssert(cast[int](digit) == raw) doAssert(cast[Digit](raw) == digit) when defined nimvm: doAssert(not compiles(cast[float](I64A))) doAssert(not compiles(cast[float32](I64A))) doAssert(not compiles(cast[char](I64A))) doAssert(not compiles(cast[uint16](I64A))) doAssert(not compiles(cast[uint32](I64A))) doAssert(not compiles(cast[uint16](I8))) doAssert(not compiles(cast[uint32](I8))) doAssert(not compiles(cast[uint64](I8))) const prerecordedResults = [ # cast to char "\0", "\255", "\0", "\255", "\0", "\255", "\0", "\255", "\0", "\255", "\128", "\127", "\0", "\255", "\0", "\255", "\0", "\255", # cast to uint8 "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "255", "128", "127", "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "255", # cast to uint16 "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "65535", "0", "65535", "0", "65535", "65408", "127", "32768", "32767", "0", "65535", "0", "65535", # cast to uint32 "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "65535", "0", "4294967295", "0", "4294967295", "4294967168", "127", "4294934528", "32767", "2147483648", "2147483647", "0", "4294967295", # cast to uint64 "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "65535", "0", "4294967295", "0", "18446744073709551615", "18446744073709551488", "127", "18446744073709518848", "32767", "18446744071562067968", "2147483647", "9223372036854775808", "9223372036854775807", # cast to int8 "0", "-1", "0", "-1", "0", "-1", "0", "-1", "0", "-1", "-128", "127", "0", "-1", "0", "-1", "0", "-1", # cast to int16 "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "-1", "0", "-1", "0", "-1", "-128", "127", "-32768", "32767", "0", "-1", "0", "-1", # cast to int32 "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "65535", "0", "-1", "0", "-1", "-128", "127", "-32768", "32767", "-2147483648", "2147483647", "0", "-1", # cast to int64 "0", "255", "0", "255", "0", "65535", "0", "4294967295", "0", "-1", "-128", "127", "-32768", "32767", "-2147483648", "2147483647", "-9223372036854775808", "9223372036854775807", ] proc free_integer_casting() = # cast from every integer type to every type and ensure same # behavior in vm and execution time. macro bar(arg: untyped) = result = newStmtList() var i = 0 for it1 in arg: let typA = it1[0] for it2 in arg: let lowB = it2[1] let highB = it2[2] let castExpr1 = nnkCast.newTree(typA, lowB) let castExpr2 = nnkCast.newTree(typA, highB) let lit1 = newLit(prerecordedResults[i*2]) let lit2 = newLit(prerecordedResults[i*2+1]) result.add quote do: doAssert($(`castExpr1`) == `lit1`) doAssert($(`castExpr2`) == `lit2`) i += 1 bar([ (char, '\0', '\255'), (uint8, 0'u8, 0xff'u8), (uint16, 0'u16, 0xffff'u16), (uint32, 0'u32, 0xffffffff'u32), (uint64, 0'u64, 0xffffffffffffffff'u64), (int8, 0x80'i8, 0x7f'i8), (int16, 0x8000'i16, 0x7fff'i16), (int32, 0x80000000'i32, 0x7fffffff'i32), (int64, 0x8000000000000000'i64, 0x7fffffffffffffff'i64) ]) proc test_float_cast = const exp_bias = 1023'i64 exp_shift = 52 exp_mask = 0x7ff'i64 shl exp_shift mantissa_mask = 0xfffffffffffff'i64 let f = 8.0 let fx = cast[int64](f) let exponent = ((fx and exp_mask) shr exp_shift) - exp_bias let mantissa = fx and mantissa_mask doAssert(exponent == 3, $exponent) doAssert(mantissa == 0, $mantissa) # construct 2^N float, where N is integer let x = -2'i64 let xx = (x + exp_bias) shl exp_shift let xf = cast[float](xx) doAssert(xf == 0.25, $xf) proc test_float32_cast = const exp_bias = 127'i32 exp_shift = 23 exp_mask = 0x7f800000'i32 mantissa_mask = 0x007ffff'i32 let f = -0.5'f32 let fx = cast[int32](f) let exponent = ((fx and exp_mask) shr exp_shift) - exp_bias let mantissa = fx and mantissa_mask doAssert(exponent == -1, $exponent) doAssert(mantissa == 0, $mantissa) # construct 2^N float32 where N is integer let x = 4'i32 let xx = (x + exp_bias) shl exp_shift let xf = cast[float32](xx) doAssert(xf == 16.0'f32, $xf) proc test_float32_castB() = let a: float32 = -123.125 let b = cast[int32](a) let c = cast[uint32](a) doAssert b == -1024049152 doAssert cast[uint64](b) == 18446744072685502464'u64 doAssert c == 3270918144'u32 # ensure the unused bits in the internal representation don't have # any surprising content. doAssert cast[uint64](c) == 3270918144'u64 test() test_float_cast() test_float32_cast() free_integer_casting() test_float32_castB() static: test() test_float_cast() test_float32_cast() free_integer_casting() test_float32_castB() echo "OK"