## Part of 'koch' responsible for the documentation generation. import os, strutils, osproc, sets, pathnorm, pegs from std/private/globs import nativeToUnixPath, walkDirRecFilter, PathEntry import "../compiler/nimpaths" const gaCode* = " --doc.googleAnalytics:UA-48159761-1" # errormax: subsequent errors are probably consequences of 1st one; a simple # bug could cause unlimited number of errors otherwise, hard to debug in CI. nimArgs = "--errormax:3 --hint:Conf:off --hint:Path:off --hint:Processing:off --hint:XDeclaredButNotUsed:off --warning:UnusedImport:off -d:boot --putenv:nimversion=$#" % system.NimVersion gitUrl = "https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim" docHtmlOutput = "doc/html" webUploadOutput = "web/upload" var nimExe*: string template isJsOnly(file: string): bool = file.isRelativeTo("lib/js") proc exe*(f: string): string = result = addFileExt(f, ExeExt) when defined(windows): result = result.replace('/','\\') proc findNimImpl*(): tuple[path: string, ok: bool] = if nimExe.len > 0: return (nimExe, true) let nim = "nim".exe result.path = "bin" / nim result.ok = true if fileExists(result.path): return for dir in split(getEnv("PATH"), PathSep): result.path = dir / nim if fileExists(result.path): return # assume there is a symlink to the exe or something: return (nim, false) proc findNim*(): string = findNimImpl().path proc exec*(cmd: string, errorcode: int = QuitFailure, additionalPath = "") = let prevPath = getEnv("PATH") if additionalPath.len > 0: var absolute = additionalPath if not absolute.isAbsolute: absolute = getCurrentDir() / absolute echo("Adding to $PATH: ", absolute) putEnv("PATH", (if prevPath.len > 0: prevPath & PathSep else: "") & absolute) echo(cmd) if execShellCmd(cmd) != 0: quit("FAILURE", errorcode) putEnv("PATH", prevPath) template inFold*(desc, body) = if existsEnv("TRAVIS"): echo "travis_fold:start:" & desc.replace(" ", "_") elif existsEnv("GITHUB_ACTIONS"): echo "::group::" & desc elif existsEnv("TF_BUILD"): echo "##[group]" & desc body if existsEnv("TRAVIS"): echo "travis_fold:end:" & desc.replace(" ", "_") elif existsEnv("GITHUB_ACTIONS"): echo "::endgroup::" elif existsEnv("TF_BUILD"): echo "##[endgroup]" proc execFold*(desc, cmd: string, errorcode: int = QuitFailure, additionalPath = "") = ## Execute shell command. Add log folding for various CI services. # https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/2285#issuecomment-42724719 inFold(desc): exec(cmd, errorcode, additionalPath) proc execCleanPath*(cmd: string, additionalPath = ""; errorcode: int = QuitFailure) = # simulate a poor man's virtual environment let prevPath = getEnv("PATH") when defined(windows): let cleanPath = r"$1\system32;$1;$1\System32\Wbem" % getEnv"SYSTEMROOT" else: const cleanPath = r"/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin" putEnv("PATH", cleanPath & PathSep & additionalPath) echo(cmd) if execShellCmd(cmd) != 0: quit("FAILURE", errorcode) putEnv("PATH", prevPath) proc nimexec*(cmd: string) = # Consider using `nimCompile` instead exec findNim().quoteShell() & " " & cmd proc nimCompile*(input: string, outputDir = "bin", mode = "c", options = "") = let output = outputDir / input.splitFile.name.exe let cmd = findNim().quoteShell() & " " & mode & " -o:" & output & " " & options & " " & input exec cmd proc nimCompileFold*(desc, input: string, outputDir = "bin", mode = "c", options = "") = let output = outputDir / input.splitFile.name.exe let cmd = findNim().quoteShell() & " " & mode & " -o:" & output & " " & options & " " & input execFold(desc, cmd) proc getRst2html(): seq[string] = for a in walkDirRecFilter("doc"): let path = a.path if a.kind == pcFile and path.splitFile.ext == ".rst" and path.lastPathPart notin ["docs.rst", "nimfix.rst"]: # maybe we should still show nimfix, could help reviving it # `docs` is redundant with `overview`, might as well remove that file? result.add path doAssert "doc/manual/var_t_return.rst".unixToNativePath in result # sanity check const pdf = """ doc/manual.rst doc/lib.rst doc/tut1.rst doc/tut2.rst doc/tut3.rst doc/nimc.rst doc/niminst.rst doc/gc.rst """.splitWhitespace() doc0 = """ lib/system/threads.nim lib/system/channels.nim """.splitWhitespace() # ran by `nim doc0` instead of `nim doc` withoutIndex = """ lib/wrappers/mysql.nim lib/wrappers/sqlite3.nim lib/wrappers/postgres.nim lib/wrappers/tinyc.nim lib/wrappers/odbcsql.nim lib/wrappers/pcre.nim lib/wrappers/openssl.nim lib/posix/posix.nim lib/posix/linux.nim lib/posix/termios.nim lib/js/jscore.nim """.splitWhitespace() # some of these are include files so shouldn't be docgen'd ignoredModules = """ lib/prelude.nim lib/pure/future.nim lib/pure/collections/hashcommon.nim lib/pure/collections/tableimpl.nim lib/pure/collections/setimpl.nim lib/pure/ioselects/ioselectors_kqueue.nim lib/pure/ioselects/ioselectors_select.nim lib/pure/ioselects/ioselectors_poll.nim lib/pure/ioselects/ioselectors_epoll.nim lib/posix/posix_macos_amd64.nim lib/posix/posix_other.nim lib/posix/posix_nintendoswitch.nim lib/posix/posix_nintendoswitch_consts.nim lib/posix/posix_linux_amd64.nim lib/posix/posix_linux_amd64_consts.nim lib/posix/posix_other_consts.nim lib/posix/posix_freertos_consts.nim lib/posix/posix_openbsd_amd64.nim lib/posix/posix_haiku.nim """.splitWhitespace() when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 1) or not declared(isRelativeTo): proc isRelativeTo(path, base: string): bool = let path = path.normalizedPath let base = base.normalizedPath let ret = relativePath(path, base) result = path.len > 0 and not ret.startsWith ".." proc getDocList(): seq[string] = var docIgnore: HashSet[string] for a in doc0: docIgnore.incl a for a in withoutIndex: docIgnore.incl a for a in ignoredModules: docIgnore.incl a # don't ignore these even though in lib/system (not include files) const goodSystem = """ lib/system/io.nim lib/system/nimscript.nim lib/system/assertions.nim lib/system/iterators.nim lib/system/dollars.nim lib/system/widestrs.nim """.splitWhitespace() proc follow(a: PathEntry): bool = a.path.lastPathPart notin ["nimcache", "htmldocs", "includes", "deprecated", "genode"] for entry in walkDirRecFilter("lib", follow = follow): let a = entry.path if entry.kind != pcFile or a.splitFile.ext != ".nim" or (a.isRelativeTo("lib/system") and a.nativeToUnixPath notin goodSystem) or a.nativeToUnixPath in docIgnore: continue result.add a result.add normalizePath("nimsuggest/sexp.nim") let doc = getDocList() proc sexec(cmds: openArray[string]) = ## Serial queue wrapper around exec. for cmd in cmds: echo(cmd) let (outp, exitCode) = osproc.execCmdEx(cmd) if exitCode != 0: quit outp proc mexec(cmds: openArray[string]) = ## Multiprocessor version of exec let r = execProcesses(cmds, {poStdErrToStdOut, poParentStreams, poEchoCmd}) if r != 0: echo "external program failed, retrying serial work queue for logs!" sexec(cmds) proc buildDocSamples(nimArgs, destPath: string) = ## Special case documentation sample proc. ## ## TODO: consider integrating into the existing generic documentation builders ## now that we have a single `doc` command. exec(findNim().quoteShell() & " doc $# -o:$# $#" % [nimArgs, destPath / "docgen_sample.html", "doc" / "docgen_sample.nim"]) proc buildDocPackages(nimArgs, destPath: string) = # compiler docs; later, other packages (perhaps tools, testament etc) let nim = findNim().quoteShell() # to avoid broken links to manual from compiler dir, but a multi-package # structure could be supported later proc docProject(outdir, options, mainproj: string) = exec("$nim doc --project --outdir:$outdir $nimArgs --git.url:$gitUrl $options $mainproj" % [ "nim", nim, "outdir", outdir, "nimArgs", nimArgs, "gitUrl", gitUrl, "options", options, "mainproj", mainproj, ]) let extra = "-u:boot" # xxx keep in sync with what's in $nim_prs_D/config/nimdoc.cfg, or, rather, # start using nims instead of nimdoc.cfg docProject(destPath/"compiler", extra, "compiler/index.nim") proc buildDoc(nimArgs, destPath: string) = # call nim for the documentation: let rst2html = getRst2html() var commands = newSeq[string](rst2html.len + len(doc0) + len(doc) + withoutIndex.len) i = 0 let nim = findNim().quoteShell() for d in items(rst2html): commands[i] = nim & " rst2html $# --git.url:$# -o:$# --index:on $#" % [nimArgs, gitUrl, destPath / changeFileExt(splitFile(d).name, "html"), d] i.inc for d in items(doc0): commands[i] = nim & " doc0 $# --git.url:$# -o:$# --index:on $#" % [nimArgs, gitUrl, destPath / changeFileExt(splitFile(d).name, "html"), d] i.inc for d in items(doc): let extra = if isJsOnly(d): "--backend:js" else: "" var nimArgs2 = nimArgs if d.isRelativeTo("compiler"): doAssert false commands[i] = nim & " doc $# $# --git.url:$# --outdir:$# --index:on $#" % [extra, nimArgs2, gitUrl, destPath, d] i.inc for d in items(withoutIndex): commands[i] = nim & " doc2 $# --git.url:$# -o:$# $#" % [nimArgs, gitUrl, destPath / changeFileExt(splitFile(d).name, "html"), d] i.inc mexec(commands) exec(nim & " buildIndex -o:$1/theindex.html $1" % [destPath]) # caveat: this works so long it's called before `buildDocPackages` which # populates `compiler/` with unrelated idx files that shouldn't be in index, # so should work in CI but you may need to remove your generated html files # locally after calling `./koch docs`. The clean fix would be for `idx` files # to be transient with `--project` (eg all in memory). proc buildPdfDoc*(nimArgs, destPath: string) = createDir(destPath) if os.execShellCmd("pdflatex -version") != 0: echo "pdflatex not found; no PDF documentation generated" else: const pdflatexcmd = "pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode " for d in items(pdf): exec(findNim().quoteShell() & " rst2tex $# $#" % [nimArgs, d]) let tex = splitFile(d).name & ".tex" removeFile("doc" / tex) moveFile(tex, "doc" / tex) # call LaTeX twice to get cross references right: exec(pdflatexcmd & changeFileExt(d, "tex")) exec(pdflatexcmd & changeFileExt(d, "tex")) # delete all the crappy temporary files: let pdf = splitFile(d).name & ".pdf" let dest = destPath / pdf removeFile(dest) moveFile(dest=dest, source=pdf) removeFile(changeFileExt(pdf, "aux")) if fileExists(changeFileExt(pdf, "toc")): removeFile(changeFileExt(pdf, "toc")) removeFile(changeFileExt(pdf, "log")) removeFile(changeFileExt(pdf, "out")) removeFile(changeFileExt(d, "tex")) proc buildJS(): string = let nim = findNim() exec(nim.quoteShell() & " js -d:release --out:$1 tools/nimblepkglist.nim" % [webUploadOutput / "nimblepkglist.js"]) # xxx deadcode? and why is it only for webUploadOutput, not for local docs? result = getDocHacksJs(nimr = getCurrentDir(), nim) proc buildDocsDir*(args: string, dir: string) = let args = nimArgs & " " & args let docHackJsSource = buildJS() createDir(dir) buildDocSamples(args, dir) buildDoc(args, dir) # bottleneck copyFile(dir / "overview.html", dir / "index.html") buildDocPackages(args, dir) copyFile(docHackJsSource, dir / docHackJsSource.lastPathPart) proc buildDocs*(args: string, localOnly = false, localOutDir = "") = let localOutDir = if localOutDir.len == 0: docHtmlOutput else: localOutDir var args = args if not localOnly: buildDocsDir(args, webUploadOutput / NimVersion) let gaFilter = peg"@( y'--doc.googleAnalytics:' @(\s / $) )" args = args.replace(gaFilter) buildDocsDir(args, localOutDir)