# # # Nimrod REPL # (c) Copyright 2010 Dominik Picheta # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # import glib2, gtk2, gdk2, osproc, dialogs, strutils proc execCode(code: string): string = var f: TFile if open(f, "temp.nim", fmWrite): f.write(code) f.close() else: raise newException(EIO, "Unable to open file") result = osproc.execProcess( "nimrod c -r --verbosity:0 --hint[Conf]:off temp.nim") var shiftPressed = False var w: gtk2.PWindow var InputTextBuffer: PTextBuffer var OutputTextBuffer: PTextBuffer proc destroy(widget: PWidget, data: pgpointer){.cdecl.} = main_quit() proc FileOpenClicked(menuitem: PMenuItem, userdata: pgpointer) {.cdecl.} = var path = ChooseFileToOpen(w) if path != "": var file: string = readFile(path) if file != nil: set_text(InputTextBuffer, file, len(file)) else: error(w, "Unable to read from file") proc FileSaveClicked(menuitem: PMenuItem, userdata: pgpointer) {.cdecl.} = var path = ChooseFileToSave(w) if path != "": var startIter: TTextIter var endIter: TTextIter get_start_iter(InputTextBuffer, addr(startIter)) get_end_iter(InputTextBuffer, addr(endIter)) var InputText = get_text(InputTextBuffer, addr(startIter), addr(endIter), False) var f: TFile if open(f, path, fmWrite): f.write(InputText) f.close() else: error(w, "Unable to write to file") proc inputKeyPressed(widget: PWidget, event: PEventKey, userdata: pgpointer): bool = if ($keyval_name(event.keyval)).tolower() == "shift_l": # SHIFT is pressed shiftPressed = True proc setError(msg: string) = outputTextBuffer.setText(msg, msg.len) proc inputKeyReleased(widget: PWidget, event: PEventKey, userdata: pgpointer): bool = echo(keyval_name(event.keyval)) if ($keyval_name(event.keyval)).tolower() == "shift_l": # SHIFT is released shiftPressed = False if ($keyval_name(event.keyval)).tolower() == "return": echo($keyval_name(event.keyval), "Shift_L") # Enter pressed if shiftPressed == False: var startIter: TTextIter var endIter: TTextIter get_start_iter(InputTextBuffer, addr(startIter)) get_end_iter(InputTextBuffer, addr(endIter)) var InputText = get_text(InputTextBuffer, addr(startIter), addr(endIter), False) try: var r = execCode($InputText) set_text(OutputTextBuffer, r, len(r)) except EIO: setError("Error: Could not open file temp.nim") proc initControls() = w = window_new(gtk2.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) set_default_size(w, 500, 600) set_title(w, "Nimrod REPL") discard signal_connect(w, "destroy", SIGNAL_FUNC(nimrepl.destroy), nil) # MainBox (vbox) var MainBox = vbox_new(False, 0) add(w, MainBox) # TopMenu (MenuBar) var TopMenu = menu_bar_new() show(TopMenu) var FileMenu = menu_new() var OpenMenuItem = menu_item_new("Open") append(FileMenu, OpenMenuItem) show(OpenMenuItem) discard signal_connect(OpenMenuItem, "activate", SIGNAL_FUNC(FileOpenClicked), nil) var SaveMenuItem = menu_item_new("Save...") append(FileMenu, SaveMenuItem) show(SaveMenuItem) discard signal_connect(SaveMenuItem, "activate", SIGNAL_FUNC(FileSaveClicked), nil) var FileMenuItem = menu_item_new("File") set_submenu(FileMenuItem, FileMenu) show(FileMenuItem) append(TopMenu, FileMenuItem) pack_start(MainBox, TopMenu, False, False, 0) # VPaned - Seperates the InputTextView and the OutputTextView var paned = vpaned_new() set_position(paned, 450) pack_start(MainBox, paned, True, True, 0) show(paned) # Init the TextBuffers InputTextBuffer = text_buffer_new(nil) OutputTextBuffer = text_buffer_new(nil) # InputTextView (TextView) var InputScrolledWindow = scrolled_window_new(nil, nil) set_policy(InputScrolledWindow, POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC) var InputTextView = text_view_new(InputTextBuffer) add_with_viewport(InputScrolledWindow, InputTextView) add1(paned, InputScrolledWindow) show(InputScrolledWindow) show(InputTextView) discard signal_connect(InputTextView, "key-release-event", SIGNAL_FUNC(inputKeyReleased), nil) discard signal_connect(InputTextView, "key-press-event", SIGNAL_FUNC(inputKeyPressed), nil) # OutputTextView (TextView) var OutputScrolledWindow = scrolled_window_new(nil, nil) set_policy(OutputScrolledWindow, POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC) var OutputTextView = text_view_new(OutputTextBuffer) add_with_viewport(OutputScrolledWindow, OutputTextView) add2(paned, OutputScrolledWindow) show(OutputScrolledWindow) show(OutputTextView) show(w) show(MainBox) nimrod_init() initControls() main()