
a id='n4' href='#n4'>4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
discard """
  cmd: "nim cpp $file"

struct CppStruct {
  CppStruct(int x, char* y): x(x), y(y){}
  void doSomething() {}
  int x;
  char* y;
  CppStruct {.importcpp, inheritable.} = object
  ChildStruct = object of CppStruct
  HasCppStruct = object
    cppstruct: CppStruct 

proc constructCppStruct(a:cint = 5, b:cstring = "hello"): CppStruct {.importcpp: "CppStruct(@)", constructor.}
proc doSomething(this: CppStruct) {.importcpp.}
proc returnCppStruct(): CppStruct = discard
proc initChildStruct: ChildStruct = ChildStruct() 
proc makeChildStruct(): ChildStruct {.constructor:"""ChildStruct(): CppStruct(5, "10")""".} = discard
proc initHasCppStruct(x: cint): HasCppStruct =
  HasCppStruct(cppstruct: constructCppStruct(x))

proc main =
  var hasCppStruct = initHasCppStruct(2) #generates cppstruct = { 10 } inside the struct
  discard returnCppStruct() #generates result = { 10 } 
  discard initChildStruct() #generates ChildStruct temp ({}) bypassed with makeChildStruct
  (proc (s:CppStruct) = discard)(CppStruct()) #CppStruct temp ({10})

#Should handle ObjectCalls
struct Foo {
struct Boo {
  Boo(int x, char* y, Foo f): x(x), y(y), foo(f){}
  int x;
  char* y;
  Foo foo;
  Foo {.importcpp, inheritable, bycopy.} = object
  Boo {.importcpp, inheritable.} = object
    x: int32
    y: cstring
    foo: Foo

proc makeBoo(a:cint = 10, b:cstring = "hello", foo: Foo = Foo()): Boo {.importcpp, constructor.}

proc main2() = 
  let cppStruct = makeBoo()
  (proc (s:Boo) = discard)(Boo()) 
