Nim's Community

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  The `Nim forum <>`_ is the place where most 
  discussions related to the language happen. It not only includes discussions
  relating to the design of Nim but also allows for beginners to ask questions
  relating to Nim.

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  Mailing list

  The mailing list can be found here:
  There is no consensus yet about what is discussed via the forum as opposed
  to the mailing list. Join whatever you like!

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  Many Nim developers are a part of the
  `#nim IRC channel <>`_ on
  Freenode. That is the place where the rest of the discussion relating to Nim
  occurs. Be sure to join us there if you wish to discuss Nim in real-time.
  IRC is the perfect place for people just starting to learn Nim and we
  welcome any questions that you may have!

  You may also be interested in reading the
  `IRC logs <>`_ which are an archive of all
  of the previous discussions that took place in the IRC channel.

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  Nim's `source code <>`_ is hosted on Github.
  Together with the `wiki <>`_ and
  `issue tracker <>`_.

  Github also hosts other projects relating to Nim. These projects are a part
  of the `nim-lang organisation <>`_.
  This includes the `Nimble package manager <>`_
  and its `package repository <>`_. 

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  Follow us `@nim_lang <>`_ for latest news about

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  Subscribe to `/r/nim <>`_ for latest news about

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  When asking a question relating to Nim, be sure to use the
  `Nim <>`_ tag in your 

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  How to help

  There are always many things to be done in the main
  `Nim repository <>`_, check out the 
  `issues <>`_ for 
  things to do; pull requests are always welcome. You can
  also contribute to the many other projects hosted by the
  `nim-lang <>`_ organisation on github. If you
  can't find anything you fancy doing, you can always ask for inspiration on IRC
  ( #nim) or on the `Nim forums <>`_.

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  If you love what we do and are feeling generous then you can always donate.
  Contributions of any quantity are greatly appreciated and will contribute to
  making Nim even better!

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