==== News ==== .. 2014-06-29 Version 0.9.6 released ================================= Changes affecting backwards compatibility ----------------------------------------- - ``spawn`` now uses an elaborate self-adapting thread pool and as such has been moved into its own module. So to use it, you now have to import ``threadpool``. - The symbol binding rules in generics changed: ``bar`` in ``foo.bar`` is now considered for implicit early binding. - ``c2nim`` moved into its own repository and is now a Babel package. - ``pas2nim`` moved into its own repository and is now a Babel package. - ``system.$`` for floating point types now produces a human friendly string representation. - ``uri.TUrl`` as well as the ``parseurl`` module are now deprecated in favour of the new ``TUri`` type in the ``uri`` module. - The ``destructor`` pragma has been deprecated. Use the ``override`` pragma instead. The destructor's name has to be ``destroy`` now. - ``lambda`` is not a keyword anymore. Language Additions ------------------ - There is a new ``parallel`` statement for safe fork&join parallel computing. Library Additions ----------------- - Added module ``cpuinfo``. - Added module ``threadpool``. - ``sequtils.distnct`` has been renamed to ``sequtils.deduplicate``. - Added ``algorithm.reversed`` - Added ``uri.combine`` and ``uri.parseUri``. 2014-04-21 Version 0.9.4 released ================================= The Nimrod development community is proud to announce the release of version 0.9.4 of the Nimrod compiler and tools. **Note: This release has to be considered beta quality! Lots of new features have been implemented but unfortunately some do not fullfill our quality standards yet.** Prebuilt binaries and instructions for building from source are available on the `download page `_. This release includes about `1400 changes `_ in total including various bug fixes, new languages features and standard library additions and improvements. This release brings with it support for user-defined type classes, a brand new VM for executing Nimrod code at compile-time and new symbol binding rules for clean templates. It also introduces support for the brand new `Babel package manager `_ which has itself seen its first release recently. Many of the wrappers that were present in the standard library have been moved to separate repositories and should now be installed using Babel. Apart from that a new **experimental** Asynchronous IO API has been added via the ``asyncdispatch`` and ``asyncnet`` modules. The ``net`` and ``rawsockets`` modules have also been added and they will likely replace the sockets module in the next release. The Asynchronous IO API has been designed to take advantage of Linux's epoll and Windows' IOCP APIs, support for BSD's kqueue has not been implemented yet but will be in the future. The Asynchronous IO API provides both a callback interface and an interface which allows you to write code as you would if you were writing synchronous code. The latter is done through the use of an ``await`` macro which behaves similar to C#'s await. The following is a very simple chat server demonstrating Nimrod's new async capabilities. .. code-block::nimrod import asyncnet, asyncdispatch var clients: seq[PAsyncSocket] = @[] proc processClient(client: PAsyncSocket) {.async.} = while true: let line = await client.recvLine() for c in clients: await c.send(line & "\c\L") proc serve() {.async.} = var server = newAsyncSocket() server.bindAddr(TPort(12345)) server.listen() while true: let client = await server.accept() clients.add client processClient(client) serve() runForever() Note that this feature has been implemented with Nimrod's macro system and so ``await`` and ``async`` are no keywords. Syntactic sugar for anonymous procedures has also been introduced. It too has been implemented as a macro. The following shows some simple usage of the new syntax: .. code-block::nimrod import future var s = @[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] echo(s.map((x: int) => x * 5)) A list of changes follows, for a comprehensive list of changes take a look `here `_. Library Additions ----------------- - Added ``macros.genSym`` builtin for AST generation. - Added ``macros.newLit`` procs for easier AST generation. - Added module ``logging``. - Added module ``asyncdispatch``. - Added module ``asyncnet``. - Added module ``net``. - Added module ``rawsockets``. - Added module ``selectors``. - Added module ``asynchttpserver``. - Added support for the new asynchronous IO in the ``httpclient`` module. - Added a Python-inspired ``future`` module that features upcoming additions to the ``system`` module. Changes affecting backwards compatibility ----------------------------------------- - The scoping rules for the ``if`` statement changed for better interaction with the new syntactic construct ``(;)``. - ``OSError`` family of procedures has been deprecated. Procedures with the same name but which take different parameters have been introduced. These procs now require an error code to be passed to them. This error code can be retrieved using the new ``OSLastError`` proc. - ``os.parentDir`` now returns "" if there is no parent dir. - In CGI scripts stacktraces are shown to the user only if ``cgi.setStackTraceStdout`` is used. - The symbol binding rules for clean templates changed: ``bind`` for any symbol that's not a parameter is now the default. ``mixin`` can be used to require instantiation scope for a symbol. - ``quoteIfContainsWhite`` now escapes argument in such way that it can be safely passed to shell, instead of just adding double quotes. - ``macros.dumpTree`` and ``macros.dumpLisp`` have been made ``immediate``, ``dumpTreeImm`` and ``dumpLispImm`` are now deprecated. - The ``nil`` statement has been deprecated, use an empty ``discard`` instead. - ``sockets.select`` now prunes sockets that are **not** ready from the list of sockets given to it. - The ``noStackFrame`` pragma has been renamed to ``asmNoStackFrame`` to ensure you only use it when you know what you're doing. - Many of the wrappers that were present in the standard library have been moved to separate repositories and should now be installed using Babel. Compiler Additions ------------------ - The compiler can now warn about "uninitialized" variables. (There are no real uninitialized variables in Nimrod as they are initialized to binary zero). Activate via ``{.warning[Uninit]:on.}``. - The compiler now enforces the ``not nil`` constraint. - The compiler now supports a ``codegenDecl`` pragma for even more control over the generated code. - The compiler now supports a ``computedGoto`` pragma to support very fast dispatching for interpreters and the like. - The old evaluation engine has been replaced by a proper register based virtual machine. This fixes numerous bugs for ``nimrod i`` and for macro evaluation. - ``--gc:none`` produces warnings when code uses the GC. - A ``union`` pragma for better C interoperability is now supported. - A ``packed`` pragma to control the memory packing/alignment of fields in an object. - Arrays can be annotated to be ``unchecked`` for easier low level manipulations of memory. - Support for the new Babel package manager. Language Additions ------------------ - Arrays can now be declared with a single integer literal ``N`` instead of a range; the range is then ``0..N-1``. - Added ``requiresInit`` pragma to enforce explicit initialization. - Exported templates are allowed to access hidden fields. - The ``using statement`` enables you to more easily author domain-specific languages and libraries providing OOP-like syntactic sugar. - Added the possibility to override various dot operators in order to handle calls to missing procs and reads from undeclared fields at compile-time. - The overload resolution now supports ``static[T]`` params that must be evaluable at compile-time. - Support for user-defined type classes has been added. - The *command syntax* is supported in a lot more contexts. - Anonymous iterators are now supported and iterators can capture variables of an outer proc. - The experimental ``strongSpaces`` parsing mode has been implemented. - You can annotate pointer types with regions for increased type safety. - Added support for the builtin ``spawn`` for easy thread pool usage. Tools improvements ------------------ - c2nim can deal with a subset of C++. Use the ``--cpp`` command line option to activate. 2014-02-11 Nimrod Featured in Dr. Dobb's Journal ================================================ Nimrod has been `featured`_ as the cover story in the February 2014 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. 2014-01-15 Andreas Rumpf's talk on Nimrod at Strange Loop 2013 is now online ============================================================================ Andreas Rumpf presented *Nimrod: A New Approach to Metaprogramming* at `Strange Loop 2013`_. The `video and slides`_ of the talk are now available. 2013-05-20 New website design! ============================== A brand new website is now live. All thanks go to Philip Witte and Dominik Picheta, Philip Witte for the design of the website (together with the logo) as well as the HTML and CSS code for his template, and Dominik Picheta for integrating Philip's design with the ``nimweb`` utility. We're sure you will agree that Philip's design is beautiful. 2013-05-20 Version 0.9.2 released ================================= We are pleased to announce that version 0.9.2 of the Nimrod compiler has been released. This release has attracted by far the most contributions in comparison to any other release. This release can be downloaded from `here `_. This release brings with it many new features and bug fixes, a list of which can be seen later. One of the major new features is the effect system together with exception tracking which allows for checked exceptions and more, for further details check out the `manual `_. Another major new feature is the introduction of statement list expressions, more details on these can be found `here `_. The ability to exclude symbols from modules has also been implemented, this feature can be used like so: ``import module except symbol``. Thanks to all `contributors `_! Bugfixes -------- - The old GC never collected cycles correctly. Fixed but it can cause performance regressions. However you can deactivate the cycle collector with ``GC_disableMarkAndSweep`` and run it explicitly at an appropriate time or not at all. There is also a new GC you can activate with ``--gc:markAndSweep`` which does not have this problem but is slower in general and has no realtime guarantees. - ``cast`` for floating point types now does the bitcast as specified in the manual. This breaks code that erroneously uses ``cast`` to convert different floating point values. - SCGI module's performance has been improved greatly, it will no longer block on many concurrent requests. - In total fixed over 70 github issues and merged over 60 pull requests. Library Additions ----------------- - There is a new experimental mark&sweep GC which can be faster (or much slower) than the default GC. Enable with ``--gc:markAndSweep``. - Added ``system.onRaise`` to support a condition system. - Added ``system.locals`` that provides access to a proc's locals. - Added ``macros.quote`` for AST quasi-quoting. - Added ``system.unsafeNew`` to support hacky variable length objects. - ``system.fields`` and ``system.fieldPairs`` support ``object`` too; they used to only support tuples. - Added ``system.CurrentSourcePath`` returning the full file-system path of the current source file. - The ``macros`` module now contains lots of useful helpers for building up abstract syntax trees. Changes affecting backwards compatibility ----------------------------------------- - ``shared`` is a keyword now. - Deprecated ``sockets.recvLine`` and ``asyncio.recvLine``, added ``readLine`` instead. - The way indentation is handled in the parser changed significantly. However, this affects very little (if any) real world code. - The expression/statement unification has been implemented. Again this only affects edge cases and no known real world code. - Changed the async interface of the ``scgi`` module. - WideStrings are now garbage collected like other string types. Compiler Additions ------------------ - The ``doc2`` command does not generate output for the whole project anymore. Use the new ``--project`` switch to enable this behaviour. - The compiler can now warn about shadowed local variables. However, this needs to be turned on explicitly via ``--warning[ShadowIdent]:on``. - The compiler now supports almost every pragma in a ``push`` pragma. - Generic converters have been implemented. - Added a **highly experimental** ``noforward`` pragma enabling a special compilation mode that largely eliminates the need for forward declarations. Language Additions ------------------ - ``case expressions`` are now supported. - Table constructors now mimic more closely the syntax of the ``case`` statement. - Nimrod can now infer the return type of a proc from its body. - Added a ``mixin`` declaration to affect symbol binding rules in generics. - Exception tracking has been added and the ``doc2`` command annotates possible exceptions for you. - User defined effects ("tags") tracking has been added and the ``doc2`` command annotates possible tags for you. - Types can be annotated with the new syntax ``not nil`` to explicitly state that ``nil`` is not allowed. However currently the compiler performs no advanced static checking for this; for now it's merely for documentation purposes. - An ``export`` statement has been added to the language: It can be used for symbol forwarding so client modules don't have to import a module's dependencies explicitly. - Overloading based on ASTs has been implemented. - Generics are now supported for multi methods. - Objects can be initialized via an *object constructor expression*. - There is a new syntactic construct ``(;)`` unifying expressions and statements. - You can now use ``from module import nil`` if you want to import the module but want to enforce fully qualified access to every symbol in ``module``. Notes for the future -------------------- - The scope rules of ``if`` statements will change in 0.9.4. This affects the ``=~`` pegs/re templates. - The ``sockets`` module will become a low-level wrapper of OS-specific socket functions. All the high-level features of the current ``sockets`` module will be moved to a ``network`` module. 2012-09-23 Version 0.9.0 released ================================= Summary ------- * Unsigned integers have been added. * The integer type promotion rules changed. * The template and macro system evolved. * Closures have been implemented. * Term rewriting macros have been implemented. * First steps to unify expressions and statements have been taken. * Symbol lookup rules in generics have become stricter to catch more errors. Bugfixes -------- - Fixed a bug where the compiler would "optimize away" valid constant parts of a string concatenation. - Fixed a bug concerning implicit type conversions in ``case`` statements. - Fixed a serious code generation bug that caused ``algorithm.sort`` to produce segmentation faults. - Fixed ambiguity in recvLine which meant that receiving ``\r\L`` was indistinguishable from disconnections. - Many more bugfixes, too many to list them all. Library Additions ----------------- - Added the (already existing) module ``htmlgen`` to the documentation. - Added the (already existing) module ``cookies`` to the documentation. - Added ``system.shallow`` that can be used to speed up string and sequence assignments. - Added ``system.eval`` that can execute an anonymous block of code at compile time as if was a macro. - Added ``system.staticExec`` and ``system.gorge`` for compile-time execution of external programs. - Added ``system.staticRead`` as a synonym for ``system.slurp``. - Added ``macros.emit`` that can emit an arbitrary computed string as nimrod code during compilation. - Added ``strutils.parseEnum``. - Added ``json.%`` constructor operator. - The stdlib can now be avoided to a point where C code generation for 16bit micro controllers is feasible. - Added module ``oids``. - Added module ``endians``. - Added a new OpenGL wrapper that supports OpenGL up to version 4.2. - Added a wrapper for ``libsvm``. - Added a wrapper for ``mongodb``. - Added ``terminal.isatty``. - Added an overload for ``system.items`` that can be used to iterate over the values of an enum. - Added ``system.TInteger`` and ``system.TNumber`` type classes matching any of the corresponding types available in Nimrod. - Added ``system.clamp`` to limit a value within an interval ``[a, b]``. - Added ``strutils.continuesWith``. - Added ``system.getStackTrace``. - Added ``system.||`` for parallel ``for`` loop support. - The GC supports (soft) realtime systems via ``GC_setMaxPause`` and ``GC_step`` procs. - The sockets module now supports ssl through the OpenSSL library, ``recvLine`` is now much more efficient thanks to the newly implemented sockets buffering. - The httpclient module now supports ssl/tls. - Added ``times.format`` as well as many other utility functions for managing time. - Added ``system.@`` for converting an ``openarray`` to a ``seq`` (it used to only support fixed length arrays). - Added ``system.compiles`` which can be used to check whether a type supports some operation. - Added ``strutils.format``, ``subexes.format`` which use the new ``varargs`` type. - Added module ``fsmonitor``. Changes affecting backwards compatibility ----------------------------------------- - On Windows filenames and paths are supposed to be in UTF-8. The ``system``, ``os``, ``osproc`` and ``memfiles`` modules use the wide string versions of the WinAPI. Use the ``-d:useWinAnsi`` switch to revert back to the old behaviour which uses the Ansi string versions. - ``static``, ``do``, ``interface`` and ``mixin`` are now keywords. - Templates now participate in overloading resolution which can break code that uses templates in subtle ways. Use the new ``immediate`` pragma for templates to get a template of old behaviour. - There is now a proper distinction in the type system between ``expr`` and ``PNimrodNode`` which unfortunately breaks the old macro system. - ``pegs.@`` has been renamed to ``pegs.!*`` and ``pegs.@@`` has been renamed to ``pegs.!*\`` as ``@`` operators now have different precedence. - The type ``proc`` (without any params or return type) is now considered a type class matching all proc types. Use ``proc ()`` to get the old meaning denoting a proc expecing no arguments and returing no value. - Deprecated ``system.GC_setStrategy``. - ``re.findAll`` and ``pegs.findAll`` don't return *captures* anymore but matching *substrings*. - RTTI and thus the ``marshall`` module don't contain the proper field names of tuples anymore. This had to be changed as the old behaviour never produced consistent results. - Deprecated the ``ssl`` module. - Deprecated ``nimrod pretty`` as it never worked good enough and has some inherent problems. - The integer promotion rules changed; the compiler is now less picky in some situations and more picky in other situations: In particular implicit conversions from ``int`` to ``int32`` are now forbidden. - ``system.byte`` is now an alias for ``uint8``; it used to be an alias to ``int8``. - ``bind`` expressions in templates are not properly supported anymore. Use the declarative ``bind`` statement instead. - The default calling convention for a procedural **type** is now ``closure``, for procs it remains ``nimcall`` (which is compatible to ``closure``). Activate the warning ``ImplicitClosure`` to make the compiler list the occurances of proc types which are affected. - The Nimrod type system now distinguishes ``openarray`` from ``varargs``. - Templates are now ``hygienic``. Use the ``dirty`` pragma to get the old behaviour. - Objects that have no ancestor are now implicitly ``final``. Use the ``inheritable`` pragma to introduce new object roots apart from ``TObject``. - Macros now receive parameters like templates do; use the ``callsite`` builtin to gain access to the invocation AST. - Symbol lookup rules in generics have become stricter to catch more errors. Compiler Additions ------------------ - Win64 is now an officially supported target. - The Nimrod compiler works on BSD again, but has some issues as ``os.getAppFilename`` and ``os.getAppDir`` cannot work reliably on BSD. - The compiler can detect and evaluate calls that can be evaluated at compile time for optimization purposes with the ``--implicitStatic`` command line option or pragma. - The compiler now generates marker procs that the GC can use instead of RTTI. This speeds up the GC quite a bit. - The compiler now includes a new advanced documentation generator via the ``doc2`` command. This new generator uses all of the semantic passes of the compiler and can thus generate documentation for symbols hiding in macros. - The compiler now supports the ``dynlib`` pragma for variables. - The compiler now supports ``bycopy`` and ``byref`` pragmas that affect how objects/tuples are passed. - The embedded profiler became a stack trace profiler and has been documented. Language Additions ------------------ - Added explicit ``static`` sections for enforced compile time evaluation. - Added an alternative notation for lambdas with ``do``. - ``addr`` is now treated like a prefix operator syntactically. - Added ``global`` pragma that can be used to introduce new global variables from within procs. - ``when`` expressions are now allowed just like ``if`` expressions. - The precedence for operators starting with ``@`` is different now allowing for *sigil-like* operators. - Stand-alone ``finally`` and ``except`` blocks are now supported. - Macros and templates can now be invoked as pragmas. - The apostrophe in type suffixes for numerical literals is now optional. - Unsigned integer types have been added. - The integer promotion rules changed. - Nimrod now tracks proper intervals for ``range`` over some built-in operators. - In parameter lists a semicolon instead of a comma can be used to improve readability: ``proc divmod(a, b: int; resA, resB: var int)``. - A semicolon can now be used to have multiple simple statements on a single line: ``inc i; inc j``. - ``bind`` supports overloaded symbols and operators. - A ``distinct`` type can now borrow from generic procs. - Added the pragmas ``gensym``, ``inject`` and ``dirty`` for hygiene in templates. - Comments can be continued with a backslash continuation character so that comment pieces don't have to align on the same column. - Enums can be annotated with ``pure`` so that their field names do not pollute the current scope. - A proc body can consist of an expression that has a type. This is rewritten to ``result = expression`` then. - Term rewriting macros (see `trmacros `_) have been implemented but are still in alpha. 2012-02-09 Version 0.8.14 released ================================== Version 0.8.14 has been released! Bugfixes -------- - Fixed a serious memory corruption concerning message passing. - Fixed a serious bug concerning different instantiations of a generic proc. - Fixed a newly introduced bug where a wrong ``EIO`` exception was raised for the end of file for text files that do not end with a newline. - Bugfix c2nim, c2pas: the ``--out`` option has never worked properly. - Bugfix: forwarding of generic procs never worked. - Some more bugfixes for macros and compile-time evaluation. - The GC now takes into account interior pointers on the stack which may be introduced by aggressive C optimizers. - Nimrod's native allocator/GC now works on PowerPC. - Lots of other bugfixes: Too many to list them all. Changes affecting backwards compatibility ----------------------------------------- - Removed deprecated ``os.AppendFileExt``, ``os.executeShellCommand``, ``os.iterOverEnvironment``, ``os.pcDirectory``, ``os.pcLinkToDirectory``, ``os.SplitPath``, ``os.extractDir``, ``os.SplitFilename``, ``os.extractFileTrunk``, ``os.extractFileExt``, ``osproc.executeProcess``, ``osproc.executeCommand``. - Removed deprecated ``parseopt.init``, ``parseopt.getRestOfCommandLine``. - Moved ``strutils.validEmailAddress`` to ``matchers.validEmailAddress``. - The pointer dereference operator ``^`` has been removed, so that ``^`` can now be a user-defined operator. - ``implies`` is no keyword anymore. - The ``is`` operator is now the ``of`` operator. - The ``is`` operator is now used to check type equivalence in generic code. - The ``pure`` pragma for procs has been renamed to ``noStackFrame``. - The threading API has been completely redesigned. - The ``unidecode`` module is now thread-safe and its interface has changed. - The ``bind`` expression is deprecated, use a ``bind`` declaration instead. - ``system.raiseHook`` is now split into ``system.localRaiseHook`` and ``system.globalRaiseHook`` to distinguish between thread local and global raise hooks. - Changed exception handling/error reporting for ``os.removeFile`` and ``os.removeDir``. - The algorithm for searching and loading configuration files has been changed. - Operators now have diffent precedence rules: Assignment-like operators (like ``*=``) are now special-cased. - The fields in ``TStream`` have been renamed to have an ``Impl`` suffix because they should not be used directly anymore. Wrapper procs have been created that should be used instead. - ``export`` is now a keyword. - ``assert`` is now implemented in pure Nimrod as a template; it's easy to implement your own assertion templates with ``system.astToStr``. Language Additions ------------------ - Added new ``is`` and ``of`` operators. - The built-in type ``void`` can be used to denote the absense of any type. This is useful in generic code. - Return types may be of the type ``var T`` to return an l-value. - The error pragma can now be used to mark symbols whose *usage* should trigger a compile-time error. - There is a new ``discardable`` pragma that can be used to mark a routine so that its result can be discarded implicitly. - Added a new ``noinit`` pragma to prevent automatic initialization to zero of variables. - Constants can now have the type ``seq``. - There is a new user-definable syntactic construct ``a{i, ...}`` that has no semantics yet for built-in types and so can be overloaded to your heart's content. - ``bind`` (used for symbol binding in templates and generics) is now a declarative statement. - Nimrod now supports single assignment variables via the ``let`` statement. - Iterators named ``items`` and ``pairs`` are implicitly invoked when an explicit iterator is missing. - The slice assignment ``a[i..j] = b`` where ``a`` is a sequence or string now supports *splicing*. Compiler Additions ------------------ - The compiler can generate C++ code for easier interfacing with C++. - The compiler can generate Objective C code for easier interfacing with Objective C. - The new pragmas ``importcpp`` and ``importobjc`` make interfacing with C++ and Objective C somewhat easier. - Added a new pragma ``incompleteStruct`` to deal with incomplete C struct definitions. - Added a ``--nimcache:PATH`` configuration option for control over the output directory for generated code. - The ``--genScript`` option now produces different compilation scripts which do not contain absolute paths. - Added ``--cincludes:dir``, ``--clibdir:lib`` configuration options for modifying the C compiler's header/library search path in cross-platform way. - Added ``--clib:lib`` configuration option for specifying additional C libraries to be linked. - Added ``--mainmodule:file`` configuration options for specifying the main project file. This is intended to be used in project configuration files to allow commands like ``nimrod c`` or ``nimrod check`` to be executed anywhere within the project's directory structure. - Added a ``--app:staticlib`` option for creating static libraries. - Added a ``--tlsEmulation:on|off`` switch for control over thread local storage emulation. - The compiler and standard library now support a *taint mode*. Input strings are declared with the ``TaintedString`` string type. If the taint mode is turned on it is a distinct string type which helps to detect input validation errors. - The compiler now supports the compilation cache via ``--symbolFiles:on``. This potentially speeds up compilations by an order of magnitude, but is still highly experimental! - Added ``--import:file`` and ``--include:file`` configuration options for specifying modules that will be automatically imported/incluced. - ``nimrod i`` can now optionally be given a module to execute. - The compiler now performs a simple alias analysis to generate better code. - The compiler and ENDB now support *watchpoints*. - The compiler now supports proper compile time expressions of type ``bool`` for ``on|off`` switches in pragmas. In order to not break existing code, ``on`` and ``off`` are now aliases for ``true`` and ``false`` and declared in the system module. - The compiler finally supports **closures**. This is a preliminary implementation, which does not yet support nestings deeper than 1 level and still has many known bugs. Library Additions ----------------- - Added ``system.allocShared``, ``system.allocShared0``, ``system.deallocShared``, ``system.reallocShared``. - Slicing as implemented by the system module now supports *splicing*. - Added explicit channels for thread communication. - Added ``matchers`` module for email address etc. matching. - Added ``strutils.unindent``, ``strutils.countLines``, ``strutils.replaceWord``. - Added ``system.slurp`` for easy resource embedding. - Added ``system.running`` for threads. - Added ``system.programResult``. - Added ``xmltree.innerText``. - Added ``os.isAbsolute``, ``os.dynLibFormat``, ``os.isRootDir``, ``os.parentDirs``. - Added ``parseutils.interpolatedFragments``. - Added ``macros.treeRepr``, ``macros.lispRepr``, ``macros.dumpTree``, ``macros.dumpLisp``, ``macros.parseExpr``, ``macros.parseStmt``, ``macros.getAst``. - Added ``locks`` core module for more flexible locking support. - Added ``irc`` module. - Added ``ftpclient`` module. - Added ``memfiles`` module. - Added ``subexes`` module. - Added ``critbits`` module. - Added ``asyncio`` module. - Added ``actors`` module. - Added ``algorithm`` module for generic ``sort``, ``reverse`` etc. operations. - Added ``osproc.startCmd``, ``osproc.execCmdEx``. - The ``osproc`` module now uses ``posix_spawn`` instead of ``fork`` and ``exec`` on Posix systems. Define the symbol ``useFork`` to revert to the old implementation. - Added ``intsets.assign``. - Added ``system.astToStr`` and ``system.rand``, ``system.doAssert``. - Added ``system.pairs`` for built-in types like arrays and strings. 2011-07-10 Version 0.8.12 released ================================== Bugfixes -------- - Bugfix: ``httpclient`` correct passes the path starting with ``/``. - Bugfixes for the ``htmlparser`` module. - Bugfix: ``pegs.find`` did not respect ``start`` parameter. - Bugfix: ``dialogs.ChooseFilesToOpen`` did not work if only one file is selected. - Bugfix: niminst: ``nimrod`` is not default dir for *every* project. - Bugfix: Multiple yield statements in iterators did not cause local vars to be copied. - Bugfix: The compiler does not emit very inaccurate floating point literals anymore. - Bugfix: Subclasses are taken into account for ``try except`` matching. - Bugfix: Generics and macros are more stable. There are still known bugs left though. - Bugfix: Generated type information for tuples was sometimes wrong, causing random crashes. - Lots of other bugfixes: Too many to list them all. Changes affecting backwards compatibility ----------------------------------------- - Operators starting with ``^`` are now right-associative and have the highest priority. - Deprecated ``os.getApplicationFilename``: Use ``os.getAppFilename`` instead. - Deprecated ``os.getApplicationDir``: Use ``os.getAppDir`` instead. - Deprecated ``system.copy``: Use ``substr`` or string slicing instead. - Changed and documented how generalized string literals work: The syntax ``module.re"abc"`` is now supported. - Changed the behaviour of ``strutils.%``, ``ropes.%`` if both notations ``$#`` and ``$i`` are involved. - The ``pegs`` and ``re`` modules distinguish between ``replace`` and ``replacef`` operations. - The pointer dereference operation ``p^`` is deprecated and might become ``^p`` in later versions or be dropped entirely since it is rarely used. Use the new notation ``p[]`` in the rare cases where you need to dereference a pointer explicitly. - ``system.readFile`` does not return ``nil`` anymore but raises an ``EIO`` exception instead. - Unsound co-/contravariance for procvars has been removed. Language Additions ------------------ - Source code filters are now documented. - Added the ``linearScanEnd``, ``unroll``, ``shallow`` pragmas. - Added ``emit`` pragma for direct code generator control. - Case statement branches support constant sets for programming convenience. - Tuple unpacking is not enforced in ``for`` loops anymore. - The compiler now supports array, sequence and string slicing. - A field in an ``enum`` may be given an explicit string representation. This yields more maintainable code than using a constant ``array[TMyEnum, string]`` mapping. - Indices in array literals may be explicitly given, enhancing readability: ``[enumValueA: "a", enumValueB: "b"]``. - Added thread support via the ``threads`` core module and the ``--threads:on`` command line switch. - The built-in iterators ``system.fields`` and ``system.fieldPairs`` can be used to iterate over any field of a tuple. With this mechanism operations like ``==`` and ``hash`` are lifted to tuples. - The slice ``..`` is now a first-class operator, allowing code like: ``x in 1000..100_000``. Compiler Additions ------------------ - The compiler supports IDEs via the new group of ``idetools`` command line options. - The *interactive mode* (REPL) has been improved and documented for the first time. - The compiler now might use hashing for string case statements depending on the number of string literals in the case statement. Library Additions ----------------- - Added ``lists`` module which contains generic linked lists. - Added ``sets`` module which contains generic hash sets. - Added ``tables`` module which contains generic hash tables. - Added ``queues`` module which contains generic sequence based queues. - Added ``intsets`` module which contains a specialized int set data type. - Added ``scgi`` module. - Added ``smtp`` module. - Added ``encodings`` module. - Added ``re.findAll``, ``pegs.findAll``. - Added ``os.findExe``. - Added ``parseutils.parseUntil`` and ``parseutils.parseWhile``. - Added ``strutils.align``, ``strutils.tokenize``, ``strutils.wordWrap``. - Pegs support a *captured search loop operator* ``{@}``. - Pegs support new built-ins: ``\letter``, ``\upper``, ``\lower``, ``\title``, ``\white``. - Pegs support the new built-in ``\skip`` operation. - Pegs support the ``$`` and ``^`` anchors. - Additional operations were added to the ``complex`` module. - Added ``strutils.formatFloat``, ``strutils.formatBiggestFloat``. - Added unary ``<`` for nice looking excluding upper bounds in ranges. - Added ``math.floor``. - Added ``system.reset`` and a version of ``system.open`` that returns a ``TFile`` and raises an exception in case of an error. - Added a wrapper for ``redis``. - Added a wrapper for ``0mq`` via the ``zmq`` module. - Added a wrapper for ``sphinx``. - Added ``system.newStringOfCap``. - Added ``system.raiseHook`` and ``system.outOfMemHook``. - Added ``system.writeFile``. - Added ``system.shallowCopy``. - ``system.echo`` is guaranteed to be thread-safe. - Added ``prelude`` include file for scripting convenience. - Added ``typeinfo`` core module for access to runtime type information. - Added ``marshal`` module for JSON serialization. 2010-10-20 Version 0.8.10 released ================================== Bugfixes -------- - Bugfix: Command line parsing on Windows and ``os.parseCmdLine`` now adheres to the same parsing rules as Microsoft's C/C++ startup code. - Bugfix: Passing a ``ref`` pointer to the untyped ``pointer`` type is invalid. - Bugfix: Updated ``keyval`` example. - Bugfix: ``system.splitChunk`` still contained code for debug output. - Bugfix: ``dialogs.ChooseFileToSave`` uses ``STOCK_SAVE`` instead of ``STOCK_OPEN`` for the GTK backend. - Bugfix: Various bugs concerning exception handling fixed. - Bugfix: ``low(somestring)`` crashed the compiler. - Bugfix: ``strutils.endsWith`` lacked range checking. - Bugfix: Better detection for AMD64 on Mac OS X. Changes affecting backwards compatibility ----------------------------------------- - Reversed parameter order for ``os.copyFile`` and ``os.moveFile``!!! - Procs not marked as ``procvar`` cannot only be passed to a procvar anymore, unless they are used in the same module. - Deprecated ``times.getStartMilsecs``: Use ``epochTime`` or ``cpuTime`` instead. - Removed ``system.OpenFile``. - Removed ``system.CloseFile``. - Removed ``strutils.replaceStr``. - Removed ``strutils.deleteStr``. - Removed ``strutils.splitLinesSeq``. - Removed ``strutils.splitSeq``. - Removed ``strutils.toString``. - If a DLL cannot be loaded (via the ``dynlib`` pragma) ``EInvalidLibrary`` is not raised anymore. Instead ``system.quit()`` is called. This is because raising an exception requires heap allocations. However the memory manager might be contained in the DLL that failed to load. - The ``re`` module (and the ``pcre`` wrapper) now depend on the pcre dll. Additions --------- - The ``{.compile: "file.c".}`` pragma uses a CRC check to see if the file needs to be recompiled. - Added ``system.reopen``. - Added ``system.getCurrentException``. - Added ``system.appType``. - Added ``system.compileOption``. - Added ``times.epochTime`` and ``times.cpuTime``. - Implemented explicit type arguments for generics. - Implemented ``{.size: sizeof(cint).}`` pragma for enum types. This is useful for interfacing with C. - Implemented ``{.pragma.}`` pragma for user defined pragmas. - Implemented ``{.extern.}`` pragma for better control of name mangling. - The ``importc`` and ``exportc`` pragmas support format strings: ``proc p{.exportc: "nim_$1".}`` exports ``p`` as ``nim_p``. This is useful for user defined pragmas. - The standard library can be built as a DLL. Generating DLLs has been improved. - Added ``expat`` module. - Added ``json`` module. - Added support for a *Tiny C* backend. Currently this only works on Linux. You need to bootstrap with ``-d:tinyc`` to enable Tiny C support. Nimrod can then execute code directly via ``nimrod run myfile``. 2010-03-14 Version 0.8.8 released ================================= Bugfixes -------- - The Posix version of ``os.copyFile`` has better error handling. - Fixed bug #502670 (underscores in identifiers). - Fixed a bug in the ``parsexml`` module concerning the parsing of ````. - Fixed a bug in the ``parsexml`` module concerning the parsing of enities like ``<XX``. - ``system.write(f: TFile, s: string)`` now works even if ``s`` contains binary zeros. - Fixed a bug in ``os.setFilePermissions`` for Windows. - An overloadable symbol can now have the same name as an imported module. - Fixed a serious bug in ``strutils.cmpIgnoreCase``. - Fixed ``unicode.toUTF8``. - The compiler now rejects ``'\n'`` (use ``"\n"`` instead). - ``times.getStartMilsecs()`` now works on Mac OS X. - Fixed a bug in ``pegs.match`` concerning start offsets. - Lots of other little bugfixes. Additions --------- - Added ``system.cstringArrayToSeq``. - Added ``system.lines(f: TFile)`` iterator. - Added ``system.delete``, ``system.del`` and ``system.insert`` for sequences. - Added ``system./`` for int. - Exported ``system.newException`` template. - Added ``cgi.decodeData(data: string): tuple[key, value: string]``. - Added ``strutils.insertSep``. - Added ``math.trunc``. - Added ``ropes`` module. - Added ``sockets`` module. - Added ``browsers`` module. - Added ``httpserver`` module. - Added ``httpclient`` module. - Added ``parseutils`` module. - Added ``unidecode`` module. - Added ``xmldom`` module. - Added ``xmldomparser`` module. - Added ``xmltree`` module. - Added ``xmlparser`` module. - Added ``htmlparser`` module. - Added ``re`` module. - Added ``graphics`` module. - Added ``colors`` module. - Many wrappers now do not contain redundant name prefixes (like ``GTK_``, ``lua``). The old wrappers are still available in ``lib/oldwrappers``. You can change your configuration file to use these. - Triple quoted strings allow for ``"`` in more contexts. - ``""`` within raw string literals stands for a single quotation mark. - Arguments to ``openArray`` parameters can be left out. - More extensive subscript operator overloading. (To be documented.) - The documentation generator supports the ``.. raw:: html`` directive. - The Pegs module supports back references via the notation ``$capture_index``. Changes affecting backwards compatibility ----------------------------------------- - Overloading of the subscript operator only works if the type does not provide a built-in one. - The search order for libraries which is affected by the ``path`` option has been reversed, so that the project's path is searched before the standard library's path. - The compiler does not include a Pascal parser for bootstrapping purposes any more. Instead there is a ``pas2nim`` tool that contains the old functionality. - The procs ``os.copyFile`` and ``os.moveFile`` have been deprecated temporarily, so that the compiler warns about their usage. Use them with named arguments only, because the parameter order will change the next version! - ``atomic`` and ``let`` are now keywords. - The ``\w`` character class for pegs now includes the digits ``'0'..'9'``. - Many wrappers now do not contain redundant name prefixes (like ``GTK_``, ``lua``) anymore. - Arguments to ``openArray`` parameters can be left out. 2009-12-21 Version 0.8.6 released ================================= The version jump from 0.8.2 to 0.8.6 acknowledges the fact that all development of the compiler is now done in Nimrod. Bugfixes -------- - The pragmas ``hint[X]:off`` and ``warning[X]:off`` now work. - Method call syntax for iterators works again (``for x in lines.split()``). - Fixed a typo in ``removeDir`` for POSIX that lead to an infinite recursion. - The compiler now checks that module filenames are valid identifiers. - Empty patterns for the ``dynlib`` pragma are now possible. - ``os.parseCmdLine`` returned wrong results for trailing whitespace. - Inconsequent tuple usage (using the same tuple with and without named fields) does not crash the code generator anymore. - A better error message is provided when the loading of a proc within a dynamic lib fails. Additions --------- - Added ``system.contains`` for open arrays. - The PEG module now supports the *search loop operator* ``@``. - Grammar/parser: ``SAD|IND`` is allowed before any kind of closing bracket. This allows for more flexible source code formating. - The compiler now uses a *bind* table for symbol lookup within a ``bind`` context. (See ``_ for details.) - ``discard """my long comment"""`` is now optimized away. - New ``--floatChecks: on|off`` switches and pragmas for better debugging of floating point operations. (See ``_ for details.) - The manual has been improved. (Many thanks to Philippe Lhoste!) Changes affecting backwards compatibility ----------------------------------------- - The compiler does not skip the linking step anymore even if no file has changed. - ``os.splitFile(".xyz")`` now returns ``("", ".xyz", "")`` instead of ``("", "", ".xyz")``. So filenames starting with a dot are handled differently. - ``strutils.split(s: string, seps: set[char])`` never yields the empty string anymore. This behaviour is probably more appropriate for whitespace splitting. - The compiler now stops after the ``--version`` command line switch. - Removed support for enum inheritance in the parser; enum inheritance has never been documented anyway. - The ``msg`` field of ``system.E_base`` has now the type ``string``, instead of ``cstring``. This improves memory safety. 2009-10-21 Version 0.8.2 released ================================= 2009-09-12 Version 0.8.0 released ================================= 2009-06-08 Version 0.7.10 released ================================== 2009-05-08 Version 0.7.8 released ================================= 2009-04-22 Version 0.7.6 released ================================= 2008-11-16 Version 0.7.0 released ================================= 2008-08-22 Version 0.6.0 released ================================= Nimrod version 0.6.0 has been released! **This is the first version of the compiler that is able to compile itself!**