=================================== Nimrod DocGen Tools Guide =================================== :Author: Erik O'Leary :Version: |nimrodversion| .. contents:: Introduction ============ This document describes the `documentation generation tools`:idx: built into the `Nimrod compiler `_, which can generate HTML and JSON output from input .nim files and projects, as well as HTML and LaTeX from input RST (reStructuredText) files. The output documentation will include module dependencies (``import``), any top-level documentation comments (##), and exported symbols (*), including procedures, types, and variables. Documentation Comments ---------------------- Any comments which are preceded by a double-hash (##), are interpreted as documentation. Comments are parsed as RST (see `reference `_), providing Nimrod module authors the ability to easily generate richly formatted documentation with only their well-documented code. Example: .. code-block:: nimrod type TPerson* = object ## This type contains a description of a person name: string age: int Outputs:: TPerson* = object name: string age: int This type contains a description of a person Field documentation comments can be added to fields like so: .. code-block:: nimrod var numValues: int ## \ ## `numValues` stores the number of values Note that without the `*` following the name of the type, the documentation for this type would not be generated. Documentation will only be generated for *exported* types/procedures/etc. Nimrod file input ----------------- The following examples will generate documentation for the below contrived *Nimrod* module, aptly named 'sample.nim' sample.nim: .. code-block:: nimrod ## This module is a sample. import strutils proc helloWorld*(times: int) = ## Takes an integer and outputs ## as many "hello world!"s for i in 0 .. times-1: echo "hello world!" helloWorld(5) Document Types ============== HTML ---- Generation of HTML documents is done via both the ``doc`` and ``doc2`` commands. These command take either a single .nim file, outputting a single .html file with the same base filename, or multiple .nim files, outputting multiple .html files and, optionally, an index file. The ``doc`` command:: nimrod doc sample Partial Output:: ... proc helloWorld*(times: int) ... Output can be viewed in full here: `docgen_sample.html `_. The next command, called ``doc2``, is very similar to the ``doc`` command, but will be run after the compiler performs semantic checking on the input nimrod module(s), which allows it to process macros. The ``doc2`` command:: nimrod doc2 sample Partial Output:: ... proc helloWorld(times: int) {.raises: [], tags: [].} ... The full output can be seen here: `docgen_sample2.html `_. As you can see, the tool has extracted additional information provided to it by the compiler beyond what the ``doc`` command provides, such as pragmas attached implicitly by the compiler. This type of information is not available from looking at the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) prior to semantic checking, as the ``doc`` command does. JSON ---- Generation of JSON documents is done via the ``jsondoc`` command. This command takes in a .nim file, and outputs a .json file with the same base filename. Note that this tool is built off of the ``doc`` command, and therefore is performed before semantic checking. The ``jsondoc`` command:: nimrod jsondoc sample Output:: [ { "comment": "This module is a sample." }, { "name": "helloWorld", "type": "skProc", "description": "Takes an integer and outputs as many "hello world!"s", "code": "proc helloWorld*(times: int)" } ] Related Options =============== Project switch -------------- :: nimrod doc2 --project filename.nim This will recursively generate documentation of all nimrod modules imported into the input module, including system modules. Be careful with this command, as it may end up sprinkling html files all over your filesystem! Index switch ------------ :: nimrod doc2 --index:on filename.nim This will generate an index of all the exported symbols in the input Nimrod module, and put it into a neighboring file with the extension of ``.idx``. The index file is line oriented (newlines have to be escaped). Each line represents a tab separated record of several columns, the first two mandatory, the rest optional. See the `Index (idx) file format`_ section for details. Once index files have been generated for one or more modules, the Nimrod compiler command ``buildIndex directory`` can be run to go over all the index files in the specified directory to generate a `theindex.html `_ file. See source switch ----------------- :: nimrod doc2 --docSeeSrcUrl:txt filename.nim When you pass the ``docSeeSrcUrl`` switch to docgen, after each documented item in your source code the hyper link *See source* will appear pointing to the implementation of that item on a GitHub repository. You can click the link to see the implementation of the item. If you want to reuse this feature in your own documentation you will have to modify ``config/nimdoc.cfg`` to contain a ``doc.item.seesrc`` value with a hyper link to your own code repository. As you will see by the comments in that file, the value ``txt`` passed on the command line will be used in the HTML template along others like ``$path`` and ``$line``. In the case of Nimrod's own documentation, the ``txt`` value is just a commit hash to append to a formatted URL to https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod. The ``tools/nimweb.nim`` helper queries the current git commit hash during doc generation, but since you might be working on an unpublished repository, it also allows specifying a ``githash`` value in ``web/nimrod.ini`` to force a specific commit in the output. Other Input Formats =================== The *Nimrod compiler* also has support for RST (reStructuredText) files with the ``rst2html`` and ``rst2tex`` commands. Documents like this one are initially written in a dialect of RST which adds support for nimrod sourcecode highlighting with the ``.. code-block:: nimrod`` prefix. ``code-block`` also supports highlighting of C++ and some other c-like languages. Usage:: nimrod rst2html docgen.txt Output:: You're reading it! The input can be viewed here `docgen.txt `_. The ``rst2tex`` command is invoked identically to ``rst2html``, but outputs a .tex file instead of .html. HTML anchor generation ====================== When you run the ``rst2html`` command, all sections in the RST document will get an anchor you can hyper link to. Usually you can guess the anchor lower casing the section title and replacing spaces with dashes, and in any case you can get it from the table of contents. But when you run the ``doc`` or ``doc2`` commands to generate API documentation, some symbol get one or two anchors at the same time: a numerical identifier, or a plain name plus a complex name. The numerical identifier is just a random number. The number gets assigned according to the section and position of the symbol in the file being processed and you should not rely on it being constant: if you add or remove a symbol the numbers may shuffle around. The plain name of a symbol is a simplified version of its fully exported signature. Variables or constants have the same plain name symbol as their complex name. The plain name for procs, templates, and other callable types will be their unquoted value after removing parameters, return types and pragmas. The plain name allows short and nice linking of symbols which works unless you have a module with collisions due to overloading. If you hyper link a plain name symbol and there are other matches on the same HTML file, most browsers will go to the first one. To differentiate the rest, you will need to use the complex name. A complex name for a callable type is made up from several parts: (**plain symbol**)(**.type**),(*