import std/algorithm import std/os import std/times import dirlist import loader/connecterror import utils/twtstr proc loadDir(path, opath: string) = var path = path if path[^1] != '/': #TODO dos/windows path &= '/' var base = "file://" & opath if base[^1] != '/': #TODO dos/windows base &= '/' stdout.write("Content-Type: text/html\n\n") stdout.write(""" Directory list of """ & path & """

Directory list of """ & path & """

  var fs: seq[(PathComponent, string)]
  for pc, file in walkDir(path, relative = true):
    fs.add((pc, file))
  fs.sort(cmp = proc(a, b: (PathComponent, string)): int = cmp(a[1], b[1]))
  var items: seq[DirlistItem]
  for (pc, file) in fs:
    let fullpath = path / file
    var info: FileInfo
      info = getFileInfo(fullpath, followSymlink = false)
    except OSError:
    let modified = $info.lastWriteTime.local().format("MMM/dd/yyyy HH:MM")
    case pc
    of pcDir:
        t: ITEM_DIR,
        name: file,
        modified: modified
    of pcFile:
        t: ITEM_FILE,
        name: file,
        modified: modified,
        nsize: int(info.size)
    of pcLinkToDir, pcLinkToFile:
      var target = expandSymlink(fullpath)
      if pc == pcLinkToDir:
        target &= '/'
        t: ITEM_LINK,
        name: file,
        modified: modified,
        linkto: target
\n\n\n") proc loadFile(f: File) = # No headers, we'll let the browser figure out the file type. stdout.write("\n") const BufferSize = 16384 var buffer {.noinit.}: array[BufferSize, char] while true: let n = readBuffer(f, addr buffer[0], BufferSize) if n == 0: break let n2 = stdout.writeBuffer(addr buffer[0], n) if n2 < n or n < BufferSize: break proc main() = if getEnv("MAPPED_URI_HOST") != "": let code = int(ERROR_INVALID_URL) stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError " & $code & " cannot use host in file") return let opath = getEnv("MAPPED_URI_PATH") let path = percentDecode(opath) var f: File if, fmRead): loadFile(f) elif dirExists(path): loadDir(path, opath) else: let code = int(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError " & $code) main()