**Name** |
**Function** |
`pager.quit()` |
Exit the browser. |
`pager.cursorUp()` |
Move the cursor to the previous line. |
`pager.cursorDown()` |
Move cursor to the next line. |
`pager.cursorLeft()` |
Move the cursor to the previous cell. |
`pager.cursorRight()` |
Move the cursor to the next cell. |
`pager.cursorLineBegin()` |
Move the cursor to the first cell of the line. |
`pager.cursorLineEnd()` |
Move the cursor to the last cell of the line. |
`pager.cursorNextWord()` |
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word. |
`pager.cursorPrevWord()` |
Move the cursor to the end of the previous word. |
`pager.cursorNextLink()` |
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next clickable element. |
`pager.cursorPrevLink()` |
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous clickable element. |
`pager.pageDown()` |
Scroll down by one page. |
`pager.pageUp()` |
Scroll up by one page. |
`pager.pageLeft()` |
Scroll to the left by one page. |
`pager.pageRight()` |
Scroll to the right by one page. |
`pager.halfPageDown()` |
Scroll forwards by half a page. |
`pager.halfPageUp()` |
Scroll backwards by half a page. |
`pager.scrollDown()` |
Scroll forwards by one line. |
`pager.scrollUp()` |
Scroll backwards by one line. |
`pager.scrollLeft()` |
Scroll to the left by one column. |
`pager.scrollRight()` |
Scroll to the right by one column. |
`pager.click()` |
Click the HTML element currently under the cursor. |
`pager.load(url)` |
Go to the specified URL. Opens a prompt with the current URL when no
parameters are specified; otherwise, the string passed is displayed in
the prompt. If this string ends with a newline
(e.g. `pager.load("about:chawan\n")`), the URL is loaded directly. |
`pager.dupeBuffer()` |
Duplicate the current buffer by loading its source to a new buffer. |
`pager.discardBuffer()` |
Discard the current buffer, and move back to its previous sibling buffer,
or if that doesn't exist, to its parent. If the current buffer is a root buffer
(i.e. it has no parent), move to the next sibling buffer instead. |
`pager.discardTree()` |
Discard all child buffers of the current buffer. |
`pager.reload()` |
Open a new buffer with the current buffer's URL, replacing the current
buffer. |
`pager.reshape()` |
Reshape the current buffer (=render the current page anew.) |
`pager.redraw()` |
Redraw screen contents. Useful if something messed up the display. |
`pager.toggleSource()` |
If viewing a HTML buffer, open a new buffer with its source. Otherwise,
open the current buffer's contents as HTML. |
`pager.cursorFirstLine()` |
Move to the beginning in the buffer. |
`pager.cursorLastLine()` |
Move to the last line in the buffer. |
`pager.cursorTop()` |
Move to the first line on the screen. (Equivalent to H in vi.) |
`pager.cursorMiddle()` |
Move to the middle of the screen. (Equivalent to M in vi.) |
`pager.cursorBottom()` |
Move to the last line on the screen. (Equivalent to L in vi.) |
`pager.centerLine()` |
Center screen around the current line. |
`pager.lineInfo()` |
Display information about the current line. |
`pager.searchForward()` |
Search for a string in the current buffer. |
`pager.searchBackward()` |
Search for a string, backwards. |
`pager.isearchForward()` |
Incremental-search for a string, highlighting the first result. |
`pager.isearchBackward()` |
Incremental-search and highlight the first result, backwards. |
`pager.searchNext()` |
Jump to the next search result. |
`pager.searchPrev()` |
Jump to the previous search result. |
`pager.peek()` |
Display an alert message of the current URL. |
`pager.peekCursor()` |
Display an alert message of the URL under the cursor. |
### Line-editing actions
**Name** |
**Function** |
`line.submit()` |
Submit line |
`line.cancel()` |
Cancel operation |
`line.backspace()` |
Delete character before cursor |
`line.delete()` |
Delete character after cursor |
`line.clear()` |
Clear text before cursor |
`line.kill()` |
Clear text after cursor |
`line.clearWord(bounds)` |
Delete word before cursor |
`line.killWord(bounds)` |
Delete word after cursor |
`line.backward()` |
Move cursor back by one character |
`line.forward()` |
Move cursor forward by one character |
`line.prevWord(bounds)` |
Move cursor to the previous word by one character |
`line.nextWord(bounds)` |
Move cursor to the previous word by one character |
`line.begin()` |
Move cursor to the previous word by one character |
`line.end()` |
Move cursor to the previous word by one character |
`line.escape()` |
Ignore keybindings for next character |
`line.prevHist()` |
Jump to the previous history entry |
`line.nextHist()` |
Jump to the next history entry |
Some of these entries have an optional `bounds` parameter. If passed, this
must be a JavaScript function that expects one parameter (the current
unicode character), and returns true if the passed character should count
as a word boundary.
# Control+A moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
'C-a' = 'line.begin()'
# Escape+D deletes everything after the cursor until it reaches a word-breaking
# character.
'M-d' = 'line.killWord()'
# Control+W deletes everything before the cursor until it reaches a space.
'C-w' = 'line.clearWord(x => x == " ")'