# Configuration Chawan supports custom keybindings and user stylesheets, defined in a toml configuration file. Chawan will look for a config file in the ~/.config/chawan/ directory called `config.toml`. See the default configuration in the res/ folder for the default configuration. A list of configurable options follows. ## External External options must be placed in a section called `[external]`. Following is a list of external options:
**Name** **Value** **Function**
tmpdir path Directory used to save temporary files.
editor shell command External editor command. %s is substituted for the file name, %d for the line number.
## Display Display options must be placed in a section called `[display]`. Following is a list of display options:
**Name** **Value** **Function**
color-mode "monochrome"/"ansi"/"8bit"/"24bit"/"auto" Set the color mode. "auto" for automatic detection, "monochrome" for black on white, "ansi" for ansi colors, "24bit" for true colors. "8bit" is currently unimplemented (and falls back to ansi).
format-mode "auto"/["bold", "italic", "underline", "reverse", "strike", "overline", "blink"] Specifies output formatting modes. Accepts the string "auto" or an array of specific attributes. An empty array (`[]`) disables formatting completely.
no-format-mode ["bold", "italic", "underline", "reverse", "strike", "overline", "blink"] Disable specified formatting modes.
emulate-overline boolean When set to true and the overline formatting attribute is not enabled, overlines are substituted by underlines on the previous line.
alt-screen "auto"/boolean Enable/disable the alternative screen.
highlight-color color Set the highlight color. Both hex values and CSS color names are accepted.
double-width-ambiguous boolean Assume the terminal displays characters in the East Asian Ambiguous category as double-width characters. Useful when e.g. ○ occupies two cells.
minimum-contrast number Specify the minimum number of euclidian distance of the background and foreground colors on the RGB plane. -1 disables this function (i.e. allows black letters on black background, etc).
force-clear boolean Force the screen to be completely cleared every time it is redrawn.
## Siteconf Configuration options can be specified for individual sites. Each entry must be in the table array `[[siteconf]]`.
**Name** **Value** **Function**
url regex Regular expression used to match the URL.
substitute_url JS function A JavaScript function returning the substituted url.
## Stylesheets User stylesheets must be placed in a section called `[css]`. There are two ways to import user stylesheets: 1. Include a user stylesheet using the format `include = 'path-to-user.css'`. To include multiple stylesheets, use `include = ['first-stylesheet.css, second-stylesheet.css']`. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the config directory. 2. Place your stylesheet directly in your configuration file using `inline = """your-style"""`. ## Keybindings Keybindings must be placed in these sections: * for pager interaction: `[page]` * for line editing: `[line]` Keybindings are configured using the syntax '' = '' Where `` is a combination of unicode characters with or without modifiers. Modifiers are the prefixes `C-` and `M-`, which add control or escape to the keybinding respectively (essentially making `M-` the same as `C-[`). Modifiers can be escaped with the `\` sign. ```Examples: 'C-M-j' = 'pager.changeLocation()' # change URL when Control, Escape and j are pressed 'gg' = 'pager.cursorFirstLine()' # go to the first line of the page when g is pressed twice ``` An action is a JavaScript function called by chawan every time the keybinding is typed in. A list of built-in pager functions can be found below. ### Pager actions
`pager.quit()`Exit the browser
`pager.cursorUp()`Move the cursor to the previous line
`pager.cursorDown()`Move cursor to the next line
`pager.cursorLeft()`Move cursor to the previous cell
`pager.cursorRight()`Move cursor to the next cell
`pager.cursorLineBegin()`Move cursor to the first cell of the line
`pager.cursorLineEnd()`Move cursor to the last cell of the line
`pager.cursorNextWord()`Move cursor to the beginning of the next word
`pager.cursorPrevWord()`Move cursor to the end of the previous word
`pager.cursorNextLink()`Move cursor to the beginning of the next clickable element
`pager.cursorPrevLink()`Move cursor to the beginning of the previous clickable element
`pager.pageDown()`Move screen down by one page
`pager.pageUp()`Move screen up by one page
`pager.pageLeft()`Move screen to the left by one page
`pager.pageRight()`Move screen to the right by one page
`pager.halfPageDown()`Move screen down by half a page
`pager.halfPageUp()`Move screen up by half a page
`pager.scrollDown()`Move screen down by one line
`pager.scrollUp()`Move screen up by one line
`pager.scrollLeft()`Move screen to the left by one line
`pager.scrollRight()`Move screen to the right by one line
`pager.click()`Click element currently under cursor
`pager.changeLocation()`Go to URL
`pager.dupeBuffer()`Duplicate the current buffer
`pager.reload()`Reload page
`pager.reshape()`Reshape buffer (=render page anew)
`pager.redraw()`Redraw buffer (=redraw screen)
`pager.toggleSource()`Source view
`pager.cursorFirstLine()`Move cursor to the first line of the buffer
`pager.cursorLastLine()`Move cursor to the last line of the buffer
`pager.cursorTop()`Move cursor to the first line of the page
`pager.cursorMiddle()`Move cursor to the middle of the page
`pager.cursorBottom()`Move cursor to the last line of the page
`pager.centerLine()`Center screen around line
`pager.lineInfo()`Display information about line
`pager.searchForward()`Search for a string in the current buffer
`pager.searchBackward()`Search for a string, backwards
`pager.isearchForward()`Search for a string and highlight the first result
`pager.isearchBackward()`Search and highlight the first result, backwards
`pager.searchPrev()`Jump to the next search result
`pager.searchNext()`Jump to the previous search result
`pager.peek()`Display an alert of the current URL
`pager.peekCursor()`Display an alert of the URL under the cursor
### Line-editing actions
`line.submit()`Submit line
`line.cancel()`Cancel operation
`line.backspace()`Delete character before cursor
`line.delete()`Delete character after cursor
`line.clear()`Clear text before cursor
`line.kill()`Clear text after cursor
`line.clearWord(bounds)`Delete word before cursor[^a]
`line.killWord(bounds)`Delete word after cursor[^a]
`line.backward()`Move cursor back by one character
`line.forward()`Move cursor forward by one character
`line.prevWord(bounds)`Move cursor to the previous word by one character[^a]
`line.nextWord(bounds)`Move cursor to the previous word by one character[^a]
`line.begin()`Move cursor to the previous word by one character
`line.end()`Move cursor to the previous word by one character
`line.escape()`Ignore keybindings for next character
`line.prevHist()`Jump to the previous history entry
`line.nextHist()`Jump to the next history entry
Some entries have an optional `bounds` parameter. If passed, this must be a JavaScript function with one parameter (the current unicode character), and must return true if the passed character should count as a word boundary. ```Examples: # Control+A moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. 'C-a' = 'line.begin()' # Escape+D deletes everything after the cursor until it reaches a word-breaking # character. 'M-d' = 'line.killWord()' # Control+W deletes everything before the cursor until it reaches a space. 'C-w' = 'line.clearWord(x => x == " ")' ```