import tables import os import strutils import streams import config/toml import utils/twtstr type TwtAction* = enum NO_ACTION, ACTION_FEED_NEXT, ACTION_QUIT, ACTION_CURSOR_UP, ACTION_CURSOR_DOWN, ACTION_CURSOR_LEFT, ACTION_CURSOR_RIGHT, ACTION_CURSOR_LINEEND, ACTION_CURSOR_LINEBEGIN, ACTION_CURSOR_NEXT_WORD, ACTION_CURSOR_PREV_WORD, ACTION_CURSOR_NEXT_LINK, ACTION_CURSOR_PREV_LINK, ACTION_PAGE_DOWN, ACTION_PAGE_UP, ACTION_PAGE_LEFT, ACTION_PAGE_RIGHT, ACTION_HALF_PAGE_DOWN, ACTION_HALF_PAGE_UP, ACTION_SCROLL_DOWN, ACTION_SCROLL_UP, ACTION_SCROLL_LEFT, ACTION_SCROLL_RIGHT, ACTION_CLICK, ACTION_CHANGE_LOCATION, ACTION_RELOAD, ACTION_RESHAPE, ACTION_REDRAW, ACTION_TOGGLE_SOURCE, ACTION_CURSOR_FIRST_LINE, ACTION_CURSOR_LAST_LINE, ACTION_CURSOR_TOP, ACTION_CURSOR_MIDDLE, ACTION_CURSOR_BOTTOM, ACTION_CURSOR_RIGHT_EDGE, ACTION_CURSOR_VERT_MIDDLE, ACTION_CURSOR_LEFT_EDGE, ACTION_CENTER_LINE, ACTION_LINE_INFO, ACTION_LINED_SUBMIT, ACTION_LINED_CANCEL, ACTION_LINED_BACKSPACE, ACTION_LINED_DELETE, ACTION_LINED_CLEAR, ACTION_LINED_KILL, ACTION_LINED_KILL_WORD, ACTION_LINED_BACK, ACTION_LINED_FORWARD, ACTION_LINED_PREV_WORD, ACTION_LINED_NEXT_WORD, ACTION_LINED_BEGIN, ACTION_LINED_END, ACTION_LINED_ESC ActionMap = Table[string, TwtAction] Config = object nmap*: ActionMap lemap*: ActionMap stylesheet*: string ambiguous_double*: bool func getRealKey(key: string): string = var realk: string var control = 0 var meta = 0 var skip = false for c in key: if c == '\\': skip = true elif skip: realk &= c skip = false elif c == 'M' and meta == 0: inc meta elif c == 'C' and control == 0: inc control elif c == '-' and control == 1: inc control elif c == '-' and meta == 1: inc meta elif meta == 1: realk &= 'M' & c meta = 0 elif meta == 2: realk &= '\e' realk &= c meta = 0 elif control == 1: realk &= 'C' & c control = 0 elif control == 2: realk &= getControlChar(c) control = 0 else: realk &= c if control == 1: realk &= 'C' if meta == 1: realk &= 'M' return realk func constructActionTable*(origTable: ActionMap): ActionMap = var newTable: ActionMap var strs: seq[string] for k in origTable.keys: let realk = getRealKey(k) var teststr = "" for c in realk: teststr &= c strs.add(teststr) for k, v in origTable: let realk = getRealKey(k) var teststr = "" for c in realk: teststr &= c if strs.contains(teststr): newTable[teststr] = ACTION_FEED_NEXT newTable[realk] = v return newTable func getAction(s: string): TwtAction = if s == "NULL": return NO_ACTION return parseEnum[TwtAction]("ACTION_" & s) func getLineAction(s: string): TwtAction = if s == "NULL": return NO_ACTION return parseEnum[TwtAction]("ACTION_LINED_" & s) proc readUserStylesheet(dir, file: string): string = if file.len == 0: return "" if file[0] == '~' or file[0] == '/': var f: File if result = f.readAll() f.close() else: var f: File if / file): result = f.readAll() f.close() proc parseConfig(config: var Config, dir: string, t: TomlValue) = if "general" in t: let general = t["general"] if "double-width-ambiguous" in general: config.ambiguous_double = general["double-width-ambiguous"].b if "page" in t: for k, v in t["page"].pairs: config.nmap[getRealKey(k)] = getAction(v.s) for k, v in t["line"].pairs: config.lemap[getRealKey(k)] = getLineAction(v.s) if "css" in t: let css = t["css"] if "include" in css: let val = css["include"] case val.vt of VALUE_STRING: config.stylesheet &= readUserStylesheet(dir, val.s) of VALUE_ARRAY: for child in val.a: config.stylesheet &= readUserStylesheet(dir, child.s) else: discard if "inline" in css: config.stylesheet &= css["inline"].s proc staticReadConfig(): Config = result.parseConfig("res", parseToml(newStringStream(staticRead"res/config.toml"))) const defaultConfig = staticReadConfig() var gconfig* = defaultConfig proc readConfig(dir: string) = let fs = newFileStream(dir / "config.toml") if fs != nil: gconfig.parseConfig(dir, parseToml(fs)) proc getNormalAction*(s: string): TwtAction = if gconfig.nmap.hasKey(s): return gconfig.nmap[s] return NO_ACTION proc getLinedAction*(s: string): TwtAction = if gconfig.lemap.hasKey(s): return gconfig.lemap[s] return NO_ACTION proc readConfig*() = when defined(debug): readConfig(getCurrentDir() / "res") readConfig(getConfigDir() / "twt") gconfig.nmap = constructActionTable(gconfig.nmap) gconfig.lemap = constructActionTable(gconfig.lemap)