import std/macros import std/options import std/strutils import std/tables import std/unicode import css/cssparser import css/selectorparser import img/bitmap import layout/layoutunit import types/color import types/opt import types/winattrs import utils/twtstr export selectorparser.PseudoElem type CSSShorthandType = enum cstNone = "" cstAll = "all" cstMargin = "margin" cstPadding = "padding" cstBackground = "background" cstListStyle = "list-style" cstFlex = "flex" cstFlexFlow = "flex-flow" CSSUnit* = enum cuCm, cuMm, cuIn, cuPx, cuPt, cuPc, cuEm, cuEx, cuCh, cuRem, cuVw, cuVh, cuVmin, cuVmax, cuPerc, cuIc CSSPropertyType* = enum cptNone = "" cptColor = "color" cptMarginTop = "margin-top" cptMarginLeft = "margin-left" cptMarginRight = "margin-right" cptMarginBottom = "margin-bottom" cptFontStyle = "font-style" cptDisplay = "display" cptContent = "content" cptWhiteSpace = "white-space" cptFontWeight = "font-weight" cptTextDecoration = "text-decoration" cptWordBreak = "word-break" cptWidth = "width" cptHeight = "height" cptListStyleType = "list-style-type" cptPaddingTop = "padding-top" cptPaddingLeft = "padding-left" cptPaddingRight = "padding-right" cptPaddingBottom = "padding-bottom" cptWordSpacing = "word-spacing" cptVerticalAlign = "vertical-align" cptLineHeight = "line-height" cptTextAlign = "text-align" cptListStylePosition = "list-style-position" cptBackgroundColor = "background-color" cptPosition = "position" cptLeft = "left" cptRight = "right" cptTop = "top" cptBottom = "bottom" cptCaptionSide = "caption-side" cptBorderSpacing = "border-spacing" cptBorderCollapse = "border-collapse" cptQuotes = "quotes" cptCounterReset = "counter-reset" cptMaxWidth = "max-width" cptMaxHeight = "max-height" cptMinWidth = "min-width" cptMinHeight = "min-height" cptBackgroundImage = "background-image" cptChaColspan = "-cha-colspan" cptChaRowspan = "-cha-rowspan" cptFloat = "float" cptVisibility = "visibility" cptBoxSizing = "box-sizing" cptClear = "clear" cptTextTransform = "text-transform" cptBgcolorIsCanvas = "-cha-bgcolor-is-canvas" cptFlexDirection = "flex-direction" cptFlexWrap = "flex-wrap" cptFlexGrow = "flex-grow" cptFlexShrink = "flex-shrink" cptFlexBasis = "flex-basis" CSSValueType* = enum cvtNone = "" cvtLength = "length" cvtColor = "color" cvtContent = "content" cvtDisplay = "display" cvtFontStyle = "fontstyle" cvtWhiteSpace = "whitespace" cvtInteger = "integer" cvtTextDecoration = "textdecoration" cvtWordBreak = "wordbreak" cvtListStyleType = "liststyletype" cvtVerticalAlign = "verticalalign" cvtTextAlign = "textalign" cvtListStylePosition = "liststyleposition" cvtPosition = "position" cvtCaptionSide = "captionside" cvtLength2 = "length2" cvtBorderCollapse = "bordercollapse" cvtQuotes = "quotes" cvtCounterReset = "counterreset" cvtImage = "image" cvtFloat = "float" cvtVisibility = "visibility" cvtBoxSizing = "boxsizing" cvtClear = "clear" cvtTextTransform = "texttransform" cvtBgcolorIsCanvas = "bgcoloriscanvas" cvtFlexDirection = "flexdirection" cvtFlexWrap = "flexwrap" cvtNumber = "number" CSSGlobalType = enum cgtNoglobal, cgtInitial, cgtInherit, cgtRevert, cgtUnset CSSDisplay* = enum DisplayNone, DisplayInline, DisplayBlock, DisplayListItem, DisplayInlineBlock, DisplayTable, DisplayInlineTable, DisplayTableRowGroup, DisplayTableHeaderGroup, DisplayTableFooterGroup, DisplayTableColumnGroup, DisplayTableRow, DisplayTableColumn, DisplayTableCell, DisplayTableCaption, DisplayFlowRoot, DisplayFlex, DisplayInlineFlex CSSWhitespace* = enum WhitespaceNormal, WhitespaceNowrap, WhitespacePre, WhitespacePreLine, WhitespacePreWrap CSSFontStyle* = enum FontStyleNormal, FontStyleItalic, FontStyleOblique CSSPosition* = enum PositionStatic, PositionRelative, PositionAbsolute, PositionFixed, PositionSticky CSSTextDecoration* = enum TextDecorationNone, TextDecorationUnderline, TextDecorationOverline, TextDecorationLineThrough, TextDecorationBlink CSSWordBreak* = enum WordBreakNormal, WordBreakBreakAll, WordBreakKeepAll CSSListStyleType* = enum ListStyleTypeNone, ListStyleTypeDisc, ListStyleTypeCircle, ListStyleTypeSquare, ListStyleTypeDecimal, ListStyleTypeDisclosureClosed, ListStyleTypeDisclosureOpen, ListStyleTypeCjkEarthlyBranch, ListStyleTypeCjkHeavenlyStem, ListStyleTypeLowerRoman, ListStyleTypeUpperRoman, ListStyleTypeLowerAlpha, ListStyleTypeUpperAlpha, ListStyleTypeLowerGreek, ListStyleTypeHiragana, ListStyleTypeHiraganaIroha, ListStyleTypeKatakana, ListStyleTypeKatakanaIroha, ListStyleTypeJapaneseInformal CSSVerticalAlign2* = enum VerticalAlignBaseline, VerticalAlignSub, VerticalAlignSuper, VerticalAlignTextTop, VerticalAlignTextBottom, VerticalAlignMiddle, VerticalAlignTop, VerticalAlignBottom CSSTextAlign* = enum TextAlignStart, TextAlignEnd, TextAlignLeft, TextAlignRight, TextAlignCenter, TextAlignJustify, TextAlignChaCenter, TextAlignChaLeft, TextAlignChaRight CSSListStylePosition* = enum ListStylePositionOutside, ListStylePositionInside CSSCaptionSide* = enum CaptionSideTop, CaptionSideBottom, CaptionSideBlockStart, CaptionSideBlockEnd, CSSBorderCollapse* = enum BorderCollapseSeparate, BorderCollapseCollapse CSSContentType* = enum ContentString, ContentOpenQuote, ContentCloseQuote, ContentNoOpenQuote, ContentNoCloseQuote, ContentImage, ContentVideo, ContentAudio, ContentNewline CSSFloat* = enum FloatNone, FloatLeft, FloatRight CSSVisibility* = enum VisibilityVisible, VisibilityHidden, VisibilityCollapse CSSBoxSizing* = enum BoxSizingContentBox, BoxSizingBorderBox CSSClear* = enum ClearNone, ClearLeft, ClearRight, ClearBoth, ClearInlineStart, ClearInlineEnd CSSTextTransform* = enum TextTransformNone, TextTransformCapitalize, TextTransformUppercase, TextTransformLowercase, TextTransformFullWidth, TextTransformFullSizeKana, TextTransformChaHalfWidth CSSFlexDirection* = enum FlexDirectionRow, FlexDirectionRowReverse, FlexDirectionColumn, FlexDirectionColumnReverse CSSFlexWrap* = enum FlexWrapNowrap, FlexWrapWrap, FlexWrapWrapReverse type CSSLength* = object num*: float64 unit*: CSSUnit auto*: bool CSSVerticalAlign* = object length*: CSSLength keyword*: CSSVerticalAlign2 CSSContent* = object t*: CSSContentType s*: string bmp*: Bitmap CSSQuotes* = object auto*: bool qs*: seq[tuple[s, e: string]] CSSCounterReset* = object name*: string num*: int CSSComputedValue* = ref object case v*: CSSValueType of cvtColor: color*: CellColor of cvtLength: length*: CSSLength of cvtFontStyle: fontstyle*: CSSFontStyle of cvtDisplay: display*: CSSDisplay of cvtContent: content*: seq[CSSContent] of cvtQuotes: quotes*: CSSQuotes of cvtWhiteSpace: whitespace*: CSSWhitespace of cvtInteger: integer*: int of cvtNumber: number*: float64 of cvtTextDecoration: textdecoration*: set[CSSTextDecoration] of cvtWordBreak: wordbreak*: CSSWordBreak of cvtListStyleType: liststyletype*: CSSListStyleType of cvtVerticalAlign: verticalalign*: CSSVerticalAlign of cvtTextAlign: textalign*: CSSTextAlign of cvtListStylePosition: liststyleposition*: CSSListStylePosition of cvtPosition: position*: CSSPosition of cvtCaptionSide: captionside*: CSSCaptionSide of cvtLength2: length2*: tuple[a, b: CSSLength] of cvtBorderCollapse: bordercollapse*: CSSBorderCollapse of cvtCounterReset: counterreset*: seq[CSSCounterReset] of cvtImage: image*: CSSContent of cvtFloat: float*: CSSFloat of cvtVisibility: visibility*: CSSVisibility of cvtBoxSizing: boxsizing*: CSSBoxSizing of cvtClear: clear*: CSSClear of cvtTextTransform: texttransform*: CSSTextTransform of cvtBgcolorIsCanvas: bgcoloriscanvas*: bool of cvtFlexDirection: flexdirection*: CSSFlexDirection of cvtFlexWrap: flexwrap*: CSSFlexWrap of cvtNone: discard CSSComputedValues* = ref array[CSSPropertyType, CSSComputedValue] CSSOrigin* = enum coUserAgent coUser coAuthor CSSComputedEntry = tuple t: CSSPropertyType val: CSSComputedValue global: CSSGlobalType CSSComputedEntries = seq[CSSComputedEntry] CSSComputedValuesBuilder* = object parent*: CSSComputedValues normalProperties: array[CSSOrigin, CSSComputedEntries] importantProperties: array[CSSOrigin, CSSComputedEntries] preshints*: CSSComputedValues const ShorthandNames = block: var tab = initTable[string, CSSShorthandType]() for t in CSSShorthandType: if $t != "": tab[$t] = t tab const PropertyNames = block: var tab = initTable[string, CSSPropertyType]() for t in CSSPropertyType: if $t != "": tab[$t] = t tab const ValueTypes = [ cptNone: cvtNone, cptColor: cvtColor, cptMarginTop: cvtLength, cptMarginLeft: cvtLength, cptMarginRight: cvtLength, cptMarginBottom: cvtLength, cptFontStyle: cvtFontStyle, cptDisplay: cvtDisplay, cptContent: cvtContent, cptWhiteSpace: cvtWhiteSpace, cptFontWeight: cvtInteger, cptTextDecoration: cvtTextDecoration, cptWordBreak: cvtWordBreak, cptWidth: cvtLength, cptHeight: cvtLength, cptListStyleType: cvtListStyleType, cptPaddingTop: cvtLength, cptPaddingLeft: cvtLength, cptPaddingRight: cvtLength, cptPaddingBottom: cvtLength, cptWordSpacing: cvtLength, cptVerticalAlign: cvtVerticalAlign, cptLineHeight: cvtLength, cptTextAlign: cvtTextAlign, cptListStylePosition: cvtListStylePosition, cptBackgroundColor: cvtColor, cptPosition: cvtPosition, cptLeft: cvtLength, cptRight: cvtLength, cptTop: cvtLength, cptBottom: cvtLength, cptCaptionSide: cvtCaptionSide, cptBorderSpacing: cvtLength2, cptBorderCollapse: cvtBorderCollapse, cptQuotes: cvtQuotes, cptCounterReset: cvtCounterReset, cptMaxWidth: cvtLength, cptMaxHeight: cvtLength, cptMinWidth: cvtLength, cptMinHeight: cvtLength, cptBackgroundImage: cvtImage, cptChaColspan: cvtInteger, cptChaRowspan: cvtInteger, cptFloat: cvtFloat, cptVisibility: cvtVisibility, cptBoxSizing: cvtBoxSizing, cptClear: cvtClear, cptTextTransform: cvtTextTransform, cptBgcolorIsCanvas: cvtBgcolorIsCanvas, cptFlexDirection: cvtFlexDirection, cptFlexWrap: cvtFlexWrap, cptFlexGrow: cvtNumber, cptFlexShrink: cvtNumber, cptFlexBasis: cvtLength ] const InheritedProperties = { cptColor, cptFontStyle, cptWhiteSpace, cptFontWeight, cptTextDecoration, cptWordBreak, cptListStyleType, cptWordSpacing, cptLineHeight, cptTextAlign, cptListStylePosition, cptCaptionSide, cptBorderSpacing, cptBorderCollapse, cptQuotes, cptVisibility, cptTextTransform } func getPropInheritedArray(): array[CSSPropertyType, bool] = for prop in CSSPropertyType: if prop in InheritedProperties: result[prop] = true else: result[prop] = false const InheritedArray = getPropInheritedArray() func shorthandType(s: string): CSSShorthandType = return ShorthandNames.getOrDefault(s.toLowerAscii(), cstNone) func propertyType(s: string): CSSPropertyType = return PropertyNames.getOrDefault(s.toLowerAscii(), cptNone) func valueType(prop: CSSPropertyType): CSSValueType = return ValueTypes[prop] func isSupportedProperty*(s: string): bool = return s in PropertyNames func `$`*(length: CSSLength): string = if return "auto" let ss = ($length.unit).split('_') let us = ss.toOpenArray(1, ss.high).join('_').toLowerAscii() return $length.num & us func `$`*(content: CSSContent): string = if content.s != "": return "url(" & content.s & ")" return "none" func `$`*(val: CSSComputedValue): string = case val.v of cvtColor: result &= $val.color of cvtImage: result &= $val.image of cvtLength: result &= $val.length else: result = $val.v macro `{}`*(vals: CSSComputedValues; s: static string): untyped = let t = propertyType(s) let vs = ident($valueType(t)) return quote do: `vals`[CSSPropertyType(`t`)].`vs` macro `{}=`*(vals: CSSComputedValues; s: static string, val: typed) = let t = propertyType(s) let v = valueType(t) let vs = ident($v) return quote do: `vals`[CSSPropertyType(`t`)] = CSSComputedValue( v: CSSValueType(`v`), `vs`: `val` ) func inherited(t: CSSPropertyType): bool = return InheritedArray[t] func em_to_px(em: float64, window: WindowAttributes): LayoutUnit = em * float64(window.ppl) func ch_to_px(ch: float64, window: WindowAttributes): LayoutUnit = ch * float64(window.ppc) # 水 width, we assume it's 2 chars func ic_to_px(ic: float64, window: WindowAttributes): LayoutUnit = ic * float64(window.ppc) * 2 # x-letter height, we assume it's em/2 func ex_to_px(ex: float64, window: WindowAttributes): LayoutUnit = ex * float64(window.ppc) / 2 func px*(l: CSSLength; window: WindowAttributes; p: LayoutUnit): LayoutUnit {.inline.} = case l.unit of cuEm, cuRem: em_to_px(l.num, window) of cuCh: ch_to_px(l.num, window) of cuIc: ic_to_px(l.num, window) of cuEx: ex_to_px(l.num, window) of cuPerc: toLayoutUnit(toFloat64(p) * l.num / 100) of cuPx: toLayoutUnit(l.num) of cuCm: toLayoutUnit(l.num * 37.8) of cuMm: toLayoutUnit(l.num * 3.78) of cuIn: toLayoutUnit(l.num * 96) of cuPc: toLayoutUnit(l.num * 16) of cuPt: toLayoutUnit(l.num * 4 / 3) of cuVw: toLayoutUnit(float64(window.width_px) * l.num / 100) of cuVh: toLayoutUnit(float64(window.height_px) * l.num / 100) of cuVmin: toLayoutUnit(min(window.width_px, window.width_px) / 100 * l.num) of cuVmax: toLayoutUnit(max(window.width_px, window.width_px) / 100 * l.num) func blockify*(display: CSSDisplay): CSSDisplay = case display of DisplayBlock, DisplayTable, DisplayListItem, DisplayNone, DisplayFlowRoot, DisplayFlex: #TODO grid return display of DisplayInline, DisplayInlineBlock, DisplayTableRow, DisplayTableRowGroup, DisplayTableColumn, DisplayTableColumnGroup, DisplayTableCell, DisplayTableCaption, DisplayTableHeaderGroup, DisplayTableFooterGroup: return DisplayBlock of DisplayInlineTable: return DisplayTable of DisplayInlineFlex: return DisplayFlex const UpperAlphaMap = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".toRunes() const LowerAlphaMap = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".toRunes() const LowerGreekMap = "αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω".toRunes() const HiraganaMap = ("あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてとなにぬねの" & "はひふへほまみむめもやゆよらりるれろわゐゑをん").toRunes() const HiraganaIrohaMap = ("いろはにほへとちりぬるをわかよたれそつねならむ" & "うゐのおくやまけふこえてあさきゆめみしゑひもせす").toRunes() const KatakanaMap = ("アイウエオカキクケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノ" & "ハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワヰヱヲン").toRunes() const KatakanaIrohaMap = ("イロハニホヘトチリヌルヲワカヨタレソツネナラム" & "ウヰノオクヤマケフコエテアサキユメミシヱヒモセス").toRunes() const EarthlyBranchMap = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥".toRunes() const HeavenlyStemMap = "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸".toRunes() func numToBase(n: int; map: openArray[Rune]): string = if n <= 0: return $n var tmp: seq[Rune] var n = n while n != 0: n -= 1 tmp &= map[n mod map.len] n = n div map.len result = "" for i in countdown(tmp.high, 0): result &= $tmp[i] func numToFixed(n: int; map: openArray[Rune]): string = let n = n - 1 if n notin 0 .. map.high: return $n return $map[n] func listMarker*(t: CSSListStyleType; i: int): string = case t of ListStyleTypeNone: return "" of ListStyleTypeDisc: return "• " # U+2022 of ListStyleTypeCircle: return "○ " # U+25CB of ListStyleTypeSquare: return "□ " # U+25A1 of ListStyleTypeDisclosureOpen: return "▶ " # U+25B6 of ListStyleTypeDisclosureClosed: return "▼ " # U+25BC of ListStyleTypeDecimal: return $i & ". " of ListStyleTypeUpperRoman: return romanNumber(i) & ". " of ListStyleTypeLowerRoman: return romanNumberLower(i) & ". " of ListStyleTypeUpperAlpha: return numToBase(i, UpperAlphaMap) & ". " of ListStyleTypeLowerAlpha: return numToBase(i, LowerAlphaMap) & ". " of ListStyleTypeLowerGreek: return numToBase(i, LowerGreekMap) & ". " of ListStyleTypeHiragana: return numToBase(i, HiraganaMap) & "、" of ListStyleTypeHiraganaIroha: return numToBase(i, HiraganaIrohaMap) & "、" of ListStyleTypeKatakana: return numToBase(i, KatakanaMap) & "、" of ListStyleTypeKatakanaIroha: return numToBase(i, KatakanaIrohaMap) & "、" of ListStyleTypeCjkEarthlyBranch: return numToFixed(i, EarthlyBranchMap) & "、" of ListStyleTypeCjkHeavenlyStem: return numToFixed(i, HeavenlyStemMap) & "、" of ListStyleTypeJapaneseInformal: return japaneseNumber(i) & "、" #TODO this should change by language func quoteStart*(level: int): string = if level == 0: return "“" return "‘" func quoteEnd*(level: int): string = if level == 0: return "“" return "‘" const Colors: Table[string, ARGBColor] = ((func (): Table[string, ARGBColor] = for name, rgb in ColorsRGB: result[name] = rgb result["transparent"] = rgba(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) )()) const Units = { "%": cuPerc, "cm": cuCm, "mm": cuMm, "in": cuIn, "px": cuPx, "pt": cuPt, "pc": cuPc, "em": cuEm, "ex": cuEx, "ch": cuCh, "ic": cuCh, "rem": cuRem, "vw": cuVw, "vh": cuVh, "vmin": cuVmin, "vmax": cuVmax, }.toTable() func cssLength(val: float64, unit: string): Opt[CSSLength] = if unit in Units: return ok(CSSLength(num: val, unit: Units[unit])) return err() const CSSLengthAuto* = CSSLength(auto: true) func parseDimensionValues*(s: string): Option[CSSLength] = if s == "": return var i = 0 while s[i] in AsciiWhitespace: inc i if i >= s.len or s[i] notin AsciiDigit: return var n: float64 while s[i] in AsciiDigit: n *= 10 n += float64(decValue(s[i])) inc i if i >= s.len: return some(CSSLength(num: n, unit: cuPx)) if s[i] == '.': inc i if i >= s.len: return some(CSSLength(num: n, unit: cuPx)) var d = 1 while i < s.len and s[i] in AsciiDigit: n += float64(decValue(s[i])) / float64(d) inc d inc i if i >= s.len: return some(CSSLength(num: n, unit: cuPx)) if s[i] == '%': return some(CSSLength(num: n, unit: cuPerc)) return some(CSSLength(num: n, unit: cuPx)) func skipWhitespace(vals: openArray[CSSComponentValue]; i: var int) = while i < vals.len: if vals[i] != cttWhitespace: break inc i func parseARGB(value: openArray[CSSComponentValue]): Opt[CellColor] = var i = 0 var commaMode = false template check_err(slash: bool) = #TODO calc, percentages, etc (cssnumber function or something) if not slash and i >= value.len or i < value.len and value[i] != cttNumber: return err() template next_value(first = false, slash = false) = inc i value.skipWhitespace(i) if i < value.len: if value[i] == cttComma and (commaMode or first): # legacy compatibility inc i value.skipWhitespace(i) commaMode = true elif commaMode: return err() elif slash: let tok = value[i] if tok != cttDelim or CSSToken(tok).cvalue != '/': return err() inc i value.skipWhitespace(i) check_err slash value.skipWhitespace(i) check_err false let r = CSSToken(value[i]).nvalue next_value true let g = CSSToken(value[i]).nvalue next_value let b = CSSToken(value[i]).nvalue next_value false, true let a = if i < value.len: CSSToken(value[i]).nvalue else: 1 value.skipWhitespace(i) if i < value.len: return err() return ok(rgba(int(r), int(g), int(b), int(a * 255)).cellColor()) # syntax: -cha-ansi( number | ident ) # where number is an ANSI color (0..255) # and ident is in NameTable and may start with "bright-" func parseANSI(value: openArray[CSSComponentValue]): Opt[CellColor] = var i = 0 value.skipWhitespace(i) if i != value.high or not (value[i] of CSSToken): # only 1 param is valid #TODO numeric functions return err() let tok = CSSToken(value[i]) if tok.tokenType == cttNumber: if tok.nvalue notin 0..255: return err() # invalid numeric ANSI color return ok(ANSIColor(tok.nvalue).cellColor()) elif tok.tokenType == cttIdent: var name = tok.value if name.equalsIgnoreCase("default"): return ok(defaultColor) var bright = false if name.startsWithIgnoreCase("bright-"): bright = true name = name.substr("bright-".len) const NameTable = [ "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white" ] for i, it in NameTable: if it.equalsIgnoreCase(name): var i = int(i) if bright: i += 8 return ok(ANSIColor(i).cellColor()) return err() func cssColor*(val: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CellColor] = if val of CSSToken: let tok = CSSToken(val) case tok.tokenType of cttHash: let c = parseHexColor(tok.value) if c.isSome: return ok(c.get.cellColor()) of cttIdent: let s = tok.value.toLowerAscii() if s in Colors: return ok(Colors[s].cellColor()) else: discard elif val of CSSFunction: let f = CSSFunction(val) if"rgb") or"rgba"): return parseARGB(f.value) elif"-cha-ansi"): return parseANSI(f.value) return err() func isToken(cval: CSSComponentValue): bool {.inline.} = cval of CSSToken func getToken(cval: CSSComponentValue): CSSToken {.inline.} = CSSToken(cval) func cssIdent[T](map: static openArray[(string, T)], cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[T] = if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) if tok.tokenType == cttIdent: # cmp when len is small enough, otherwise lowercase & hashmap when map.len <= 4: for (k, v) in map: if k.equalsIgnoreCase(tok.value): return ok(v) else: const MapTable = map.toTable() let val = tok.value.toLowerAscii() if val in MapTable: return ok(MapTable[val]) return err() func cssLength*(val: CSSComponentValue; has_auto = true; allow_negative = true): Opt[CSSLength] = if val of CSSToken: let tok = CSSToken(val) case tok.tokenType of cttNumber: if tok.nvalue == 0: return ok(CSSLength(num: 0, unit: cuPx)) of cttPercentage: if not allow_negative: if tok.nvalue < 0: return err() return cssLength(tok.nvalue, "%") of cttDimension: if not allow_negative: if tok.nvalue < 0: return err() return cssLength(tok.nvalue, tok.unit) of cttIdent: if has_auto: if tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("auto"): return ok(CSSLengthAuto) else: discard return err() func cssAbsoluteLength(val: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSLength] = if val of CSSToken: let tok = CSSToken(val) case tok.tokenType of cttNumber: if tok.nvalue == 0: return ok(CSSLength(num: 0, unit: cuPx)) of cttDimension: if tok.nvalue >= 0: return cssLength(tok.nvalue, tok.unit) else: discard return err() func cssWordSpacing(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSLength] = if cval of CSSToken: let tok = CSSToken(cval) case tok.tokenType of cttDimension: return cssLength(tok.nvalue, tok.unit) of cttIdent: if tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("normal"): return ok(CSSLengthAuto) else: discard return err() func cssGlobal(cval: CSSComponentValue): CSSGlobalType = const GlobalMap = { "inherit": cgtInherit, "initial": cgtInitial, "unset": cgtUnset, "revert": cgtRevert } return cssIdent(GlobalMap, cval).get(cgtNoglobal) func cssQuotes(cvals: seq[CSSComponentValue]): Opt[CSSQuotes] = template die = return err() if cvals.len == 0: die var res: CSSQuotes var sa = false var pair: tuple[s, e: string] for cval in cvals: if die if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) case tok.tokenType of cttIdent: if res.qs.len > 0: die if tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("auto"): = true elif tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("none"): if cvals.len != 1: die die of cttString: if sa: pair.e = tok.value res.qs.add(pair) sa = false else: pair.s = tok.value sa = true of cttWhitespace: discard else: die if sa: die return ok(res) func cssContent(cvals: seq[CSSComponentValue]): seq[CSSContent] = for cval in cvals: if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) case tok.tokenType of cttIdent: if tok.value == "/": break elif tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("open-quote"): result.add(CSSContent(t: ContentOpenQuote)) elif tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("no-open-quote"): result.add(CSSContent(t: ContentNoOpenQuote)) elif tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("close-quote"): result.add(CSSContent(t: ContentCloseQuote)) elif tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("no-close-quote"): result.add(CSSContent(t: ContentNoCloseQuote)) of cttString: result.add(CSSContent(t: ContentString, s: tok.value)) else: return func cssDisplay(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSDisplay] = const DisplayMap = { "block": DisplayBlock, "inline": DisplayInline, "list-item": DisplayListItem, "inline-block": DisplayInlineBlock, "table": DisplayTable, "table-row": DisplayTableRow, "table-cell": DisplayTableCell, "table-column": DisplayTableColumn, "table-column-group": DisplayTableColumnGroup, "inline-table": DisplayInlineTable, "table-row-group": DisplayTableRowGroup, "table-header-group": DisplayTableHeaderGroup, "table-footer-group": DisplayTableFooterGroup, "table-caption": DisplayTableCaption, "flow-root": DisplayFlowRoot, "flex": DisplayFlex, "inline-flex": DisplayInlineFlex, "none": DisplayNone } return cssIdent(DisplayMap, cval) func cssFontStyle(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSFontStyle] = const FontStyleMap = { "normal": FontStyleNormal, "italic": FontStyleItalic, "oblique": FontStyleOblique } return cssIdent(FontStyleMap, cval) func cssWhiteSpace(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSWhitespace] = const WhiteSpaceMap = { "normal": WhitespaceNormal, "nowrap": WhitespaceNowrap, "pre": WhitespacePre, "pre-line": WhitespacePreLine, "pre-wrap": WhitespacePreWrap } return cssIdent(WhiteSpaceMap, cval) func cssFontWeight(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[int] = if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) if tok.tokenType == cttIdent: const FontWeightMap = { "normal": 400, "bold": 700, "lighter": 400, "bolder": 700 } return cssIdent(FontWeightMap, cval) elif tok.tokenType == cttNumber: if tok.nvalue in 1f64..1000f64: return ok(int(tok.nvalue)) return err() func cssTextDecoration(cvals: seq[CSSComponentValue]): Opt[set[CSSTextDecoration]] = var s: set[CSSTextDecoration] = {} for cval in cvals: if not isToken(cval): continue let tok = getToken(cval) if tok.tokenType == cttIdent: if tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("none"): if cvals.len != 1: return err() return ok(s) elif tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("underline"): s.incl(TextDecorationUnderline) elif tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("overline"): s.incl(TextDecorationOverline) elif tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("line-through"): s.incl(TextDecorationLineThrough) elif tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("blink"): s.incl(TextDecorationBlink) else: return err() return ok(s) func cssWordBreak(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSWordBreak] = const WordBreakMap = { "normal": WordBreakNormal, "break-all": WordBreakBreakAll, "keep-all": WordBreakKeepAll } return cssIdent(WordBreakMap, cval) func cssListStyleType(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSListStyleType] = const ListStyleMap = { "none": ListStyleTypeNone, "disc": ListStyleTypeDisc, "circle": ListStyleTypeCircle, "square": ListStyleTypeSquare, "decimal": ListStyleTypeDecimal, "disclosure-open": ListStyleTypeDisclosureOpen, "disclosure-closed": ListStyleTypeDisclosureClosed, "cjk-earthly-branch": ListStyleTypeCjkEarthlyBranch, "cjk-heavenly-stem": ListStyleTypeCjkHeavenlyStem, "upper-roman": ListStyleTypeUpperRoman, "lower-roman": ListStyleTypeLowerRoman, "upper-latin": ListStyleTypeUpperAlpha, "lower-latin": ListStyleTypeLowerAlpha, "upper-alpha": ListStyleTypeUpperAlpha, "lower-alpha": ListStyleTypeUpperAlpha, "lower-greek": ListStyleTypeLowerGreek, "hiragana": ListStyleTypeHiragana, "hiragana-iroha": ListStyleTypeHiraganaIroha, "katakana": ListStyleTypeKatakana, "katakana-iroha": ListStyleTypeKatakanaIroha, "japanese-informal": ListStyleTypeJapaneseInformal } return cssIdent(ListStyleMap, cval) func cssVerticalAlign(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSVerticalAlign] = if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) if tok.tokenType == cttIdent: const VerticalAlignMap = { "baseline": VerticalAlignBaseline, "sub": VerticalAlignSub, "super": VerticalAlignSuper, "text-top": VerticalAlignTextBottom, "middle": VerticalAlignMiddle, "top": VerticalAlignTop, "bottom": VerticalAlignBottom } let va2 = ?cssIdent(VerticalAlignMap, cval) return ok(CSSVerticalAlign( keyword: va2 )) else: return ok(CSSVerticalAlign( keyword: VerticalAlignBaseline, length: ?cssLength(tok, has_auto = false) )) return err() func cssLineHeight(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSLength] = if cval of CSSToken: let tok = CSSToken(cval) case tok.tokenType of cttNumber: return cssLength(tok.nvalue * 100, "%") of cttIdent: if tok.value == "normal": return ok(CSSLengthAuto) else: return cssLength(tok, has_auto = false) return err() func cssTextAlign(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSTextAlign] = const TextAlignMap = { "start": TextAlignStart, "end": TextAlignEnd, "left": TextAlignLeft, "right": TextAlignRight, "center": TextAlignCenter, "justify": TextAlignJustify, "-cha-center": TextAlignChaCenter } return cssIdent(TextAlignMap, cval) func cssListStylePosition(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSListStylePosition] = const ListStylePositionMap = { "inside": ListStylePositionInside, "outside": ListStylePositionOutside } return cssIdent(ListStylePositionMap, cval) func cssPosition(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSPosition] = const PositionMap = { "static": PositionStatic, "relative": PositionRelative, "absolute": PositionAbsolute, "fixed": PositionFixed, "sticky": PositionSticky } return cssIdent(PositionMap, cval) func cssCaptionSide(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSCaptionSide] = const CaptionSideMap = { "top": CaptionSideTop, "bottom": CaptionSideBottom, "block-start": CaptionSideBlockStart, "block-end": CaptionSideBlockEnd, } return cssIdent(CaptionSideMap, cval) func cssBorderCollapse(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSBorderCollapse] = const BorderCollapseMap = { "collapse": BorderCollapseCollapse, "separate": BorderCollapseSeparate } return cssIdent(BorderCollapseMap, cval) func cssCounterReset(cvals: seq[CSSComponentValue]): Opt[seq[CSSCounterReset]] = template die = return err() var r = CSSCounterReset() var s = false var res: seq[CSSCounterReset] = @[] for cval in cvals: if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) case tok.tokenType of cttWhitespace: discard of cttIdent: if s: die = tok.value s = true of cttNumber: if not s: die r.num = int(tok.nvalue) res.add(r) s = false else: die return ok(res) func cssMaxMinSize(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSLength] = if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) case tok.tokenType of cttIdent: if tok.value.equalsIgnoreCase("none"): return ok(CSSLengthAuto) of cttNumber, cttDimension, cttPercentage: return cssLength(tok, allow_negative = false) else: discard return err() #TODO should be URL (parsed with baseurl of document...) func cssURL(cval: CSSComponentValue): Option[string] = if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) if tok == cttUrl: return some(tok.value) elif cval of CSSFunction: let fun = CSSFunction(cval) if"url") or"src"): for x in fun.value: if not isToken(x): break let x = getToken(x) if x == cttWhitespace: discard elif x == cttString: return some(x.value) else: break #TODO this should be bg-image, add gradient, etc etc func cssImage(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSContent] = if isToken(cval): #TODO bg-image only let tok = getToken(cval) if tok.tokenType == cttIdent and tok.value == "none": return ok(CSSContent(t: ContentImage, s: "")) let url = cssURL(cval) if url.isSome: return ok(CSSContent(t: ContentImage, s: url.get)) return err() func cssInteger(cval: CSSComponentValue; range: Slice[int]): Opt[int] = if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) if tok.tokenType == cttNumber: if tok.nvalue in float64(range.a)..float64(range.b): return ok(int(tok.nvalue)) return err() func cssFloat(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSFloat] = const FloatMap = { "none": FloatNone, "left": FloatLeft, "right": FloatRight } return cssIdent(FloatMap, cval) func cssVisibility(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSVisibility] = const VisibilityMap = { "visible": VisibilityVisible, "hidden": VisibilityHidden, "collapse": VisibilityCollapse } return cssIdent(VisibilityMap, cval) func cssBoxSizing(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSBoxSizing] = const BoxSizingMap = { "border-box": BoxSizingBorderBox, "content-box": BoxSizingContentBox } return cssIdent(BoxSizingMap, cval) func cssClear(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSClear] = const ClearMap = { "none": ClearNone, "left": ClearLeft, "right": ClearRight, "both": ClearBoth, "inline-start": ClearInlineStart, "inline-end": ClearInlineEnd } return cssIdent(ClearMap, cval) func cssTextTransform(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSTextTransform] = const TextTransformMap = { "none": TextTransformNone, "capitalize": TextTransformCapitalize, "uppercase": TextTransformUppercase, "lowercase": TextTransformLowercase, "full-width": TextTransformFullWidth, "full-size-kana": TextTransformFullSizeKana, "-cha-half-width": TextTransformChaHalfWidth } return cssIdent(TextTransformMap, cval) func cssFlexDirection(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSFlexDirection] = const FlexDirectionMap = { "row": FlexDirectionRow, "row-reverse": FlexDirectionRowReverse, "column": FlexDirectionColumn, "column-reverse": FlexDirectionColumnReverse, } return cssIdent(FlexDirectionMap, cval) func cssNumber(cval: CSSComponentValue; positive: bool): Opt[float64] = if isToken(cval): let tok = getToken(cval) if tok.tokenType == cttNumber: if not positive or tok.nvalue >= 0: return ok(tok.nvalue) return err() func cssFlexWrap(cval: CSSComponentValue): Opt[CSSFlexWrap] = const FlexWrapMap = { "nowrap": FlexWrapNowrap, "wrap": FlexWrapWrap, "wrap-reverse": FlexWrapWrapReverse } return cssIdent(FlexWrapMap, cval) proc parseValue(cvals: seq[CSSComponentValue]; t: CSSPropertyType): Opt[CSSComputedValue] = var i = 0 cvals.skipWhitespace(i) if i >= cvals.len: return err() let cval = cvals[i] inc i let v = valueType(t) template return_new(prop, val: untyped) = return ok(CSSComputedValue(v: v, prop: val)) case v of cvtColor: return_new color, ?cssColor(cval) of cvtLength: case t of cptWordSpacing: return_new length, ?cssWordSpacing(cval) of cptLineHeight: return_new length, ?cssLineHeight(cval) of cptMaxWidth, cptMaxHeight, cptMinWidth, cptMinHeight: return_new length, ?cssMaxMinSize(cval) of cptPaddingLeft, cptPaddingRight, cptPaddingTop, cptPaddingBottom: return_new length, ?cssLength(cval, has_auto = false) #TODO content for flex-basis else: return_new length, ?cssLength(cval) of cvtFontStyle: return_new fontstyle, ?cssFontStyle(cval) of cvtDisplay: return_new display, ?cssDisplay(cval) of cvtContent: return_new content, cssContent(cvals) of cvtWhiteSpace: return_new whitespace, ?cssWhiteSpace(cval) of cvtInteger: case t of cptFontWeight: return_new integer, ?cssFontWeight(cval) of cptChaColspan: return_new integer, ?cssInteger(cval, 1 .. 1000) of cptChaRowspan: return_new integer, ?cssInteger(cval, 0 .. 65534) else: assert false of cvtTextDecoration: return_new textdecoration, ?cssTextDecoration(cvals) of cvtWordBreak: return_new wordbreak, ?cssWordBreak(cval) of cvtListStyleType: return_new liststyletype, ?cssListStyleType(cval) of cvtVerticalAlign: return_new verticalalign, ?cssVerticalAlign(cval) of cvtTextAlign: return_new textalign, ?cssTextAlign(cval) of cvtListStylePosition: return_new liststyleposition, ?cssListStylePosition(cval) of cvtPosition: return_new position, ?cssPosition(cval) of cvtCaptionSide: return_new captionside, ?cssCaptionSide(cval) of cvtBorderCollapse: return_new bordercollapse, ?cssBorderCollapse(cval) of cvtLength2: let a = ?cssAbsoluteLength(cval) cvals.skipWhitespace(i) let b = if i >= cvals.len: a else: ?cssAbsoluteLength(cvals[i]) return_new length2, (a, b) of cvtQuotes: return_new quotes, ?cssQuotes(cvals) of cvtCounterReset: return_new counterreset, ?cssCounterReset(cvals) of cvtImage: return_new image, ?cssImage(cval) of cvtFloat: return_new float, ?cssFloat(cval) of cvtVisibility: return_new visibility, ?cssVisibility(cval) of cvtBoxSizing: return_new boxsizing, ?cssBoxSizing(cval) of cvtClear: return_new clear, ?cssClear(cval) of cvtTextTransform: return_new texttransform, ?cssTextTransform(cval) of cvtBgcolorIsCanvas: return err() # internal value of cvtFlexDirection: return_new flexdirection, ?cssFlexDirection(cval) of cvtFlexWrap: return_new flexwrap, ?cssFlexWrap(cval) of cvtNumber: return_new number, ?cssNumber(cval, t == cptFlexGrow) of cvtNone: return err() func getInitialColor(t: CSSPropertyType): CellColor = if t == cptBackgroundColor: return Colors["transparent"].cellColor() return defaultColor func getInitialLength(t: CSSPropertyType): CSSLength = case t of cptWidth, cptHeight, cptWordSpacing, cptLineHeight, cptLeft, cptRight, cptTop, cptBottom, cptMaxWidth, cptMaxHeight, cptMinWidth, cptMinHeight, cptFlexBasis: return CSSLengthAuto else: return CSSLength(auto: false, unit: cuPx, num: 0) func getInitialInteger(t: CSSPropertyType): int = case t of cptChaColspan, cptChaRowspan: return 1 of cptFontWeight: return 400 # normal else: return 0 func getInitialNumber(t: CSSPropertyType): float64 = if t == cptFlexShrink: return 1 return 0 func calcInitial(t: CSSPropertyType): CSSComputedValue = let v = valueType(t) var nv: CSSComputedValue case v of cvtColor: nv = CSSComputedValue(v: v, color: getInitialColor(t)) of cvtDisplay: nv = CSSComputedValue(v: v, display: DisplayInline) of cvtWordBreak: nv = CSSComputedValue(v: v, wordbreak: WordBreakNormal) of cvtLength: nv = CSSComputedValue(v: v, length: getInitialLength(t)) of cvtInteger: nv = CSSComputedValue(v: v, integer: getInitialInteger(t)) of cvtQuotes: nv = CSSComputedValue(v: v, quotes: CSSQuotes(auto: true)) of cvtNumber: nv = CSSComputedValue(v: v, number: getInitialNumber(t)) else: nv = CSSComputedValue(v: v) return nv func getInitialTable(): array[CSSPropertyType, CSSComputedValue] = for t in CSSPropertyType: result[t] = calcInitial(t) let defaultTable = getInitialTable() template getDefault(t: CSSPropertyType): CSSComputedValue = {.cast(noSideEffect).}: defaultTable[t] func lengthShorthand(cvals: seq[CSSComponentValue]; props: array[4, CSSPropertyType]; global: CSSGlobalType; has_auto = true): Opt[seq[CSSComputedEntry]] = var res: seq[CSSComputedEntry] = @[] if global != cgtNoglobal: for t in props: res.add((t, nil, global)) return ok(res) var lengths: seq[CSSComputedValue] = @[] var i = 0 while i < cvals.len: cvals.skipWhitespace(i) let length = ?cssLength(cvals[i], has_auto = has_auto) let val = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtLength, length: length) lengths.add(val) inc i case lengths.len of 1: # top, bottom, left, right for i, t in props: res.add((t, lengths[0], cgtNoglobal)) of 2: # top, bottom | left, right for i, t in props: res.add((t, lengths[i mod 2], cgtNoglobal)) of 3: # top | left, right | bottom for i, t in props: let j = if i == 0: 0 # top elif i == 3: 2 # bottom else: 1 # left, right res.add((t, lengths[j], cgtNoglobal)) of 4: # top | right | bottom | left for i, t in props: res.add((t, lengths[i], cgtNoglobal)) else: return err() return ok(res) const PropertyMarginSpec = [ cptMarginTop, cptMarginRight, cptMarginBottom, cptMarginLeft ] const PropertyPaddingSpec = [ cptPaddingTop, cptPaddingRight, cptPaddingBottom, cptPaddingLeft ] proc getComputedValues(res: var seq[CSSComputedEntry]; name: string; cvals: seq[CSSComponentValue]): Err[void] = var i = 0 cvals.skipWhitespace(i) if i >= cvals.len: return err() let global = cssGlobal(cvals[i]) case shorthandType(name) of cstNone: let t = propertyType(name) if global != cgtNoglobal: res.add((t, nil, global)) else: res.add((t, ?cvals.parseValue(t), global)) of cstAll: if global == cgtNoglobal: return err() for t in CSSPropertyType: res.add((t, nil, global)) of cstMargin: res.add(?lengthShorthand(cvals, PropertyMarginSpec, global)) of cstPadding: res.add(?lengthShorthand(cvals, PropertyPaddingSpec, global, has_auto = false)) of cstBackground: var bgcolorval = getDefault(cptBackgroundColor) var bgimageval = getDefault(cptBackgroundImage) var valid = true if global == cgtNoglobal: for tok in cvals: if tok == cttWhitespace: continue if (let r = cssImage(tok); r.isOk): bgimageval = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtImage, image: r.get) elif (let r = cssColor(tok); r.isOk): bgcolorval = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtColor, color: r.get) else: #TODO when we implement the other shorthands too #valid = false discard if valid: res.add((cptBackgroundColor, bgcolorval, global)) res.add((cptBackgroundImage, bgimageval, global)) of cstListStyle: var positionVal = getDefault(cptListStylePosition) var typeVal = getDefault(cptListStyleType) var valid = true if global == cgtNoglobal: for tok in cvals: if tok == cttWhitespace: continue if (let r = cssListStylePosition(tok); r.isOk): positionVal = CSSComputedValue( v: cvtListStylePosition, liststyleposition: r.get ) elif (let r = cssListStyleType(tok); r.isOk): typeVal = CSSComputedValue( v: cvtListStyleType, liststyletype: r.get ) else: #TODO list-style-image #valid = false discard if valid: res.add((cptListStylePosition, positionVal, global)) res.add((cptListStyleType, typeVal, global)) of cstFlex: if global == cgtNoglobal: var i = 0 cvals.skipWhitespace(i) if i >= cvals.len: return err() if (let r = cssNumber(cvals[i], positive = true); r.isSome): # flex-grow let val = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtNumber, number: r.get) res.add((cptFlexGrow, val, global)) inc i cvals.skipWhitespace(i) if i < cvals.len: if not cvals[i].isToken: return err() if (let r = cssNumber(cvals[i], positive = true); r.isSome): # flex-shrink let val = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtNumber, number: r.get) res.add((cptFlexShrink, val, global)) inc i cvals.skipWhitespace(i) if res.len < 1: # flex-grow omitted, default to 1 let val = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtNumber, number: 1) res.add((cptFlexGrow, val, global)) if res.len < 2: # flex-shrink omitted, default to 1 let val = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtNumber, number: 1) res.add((cptFlexShrink, val, global)) if i < cvals.len: # flex-basis let val = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtLength, length: ?cssLength(cvals[i])) res.add((cptFlexBasis, val, global)) else: # omitted, default to 0px let val = CSSComputedValue( v: cvtLength, length: CSSLength(unit: cuPx, num: 0) ) res.add((cptFlexBasis, val, global)) else: res.add((cptFlexGrow, getDefault(cptFlexGrow), global)) res.add((cptFlexShrink, getDefault(cptFlexShrink), global)) res.add((cptFlexBasis, getDefault(cptFlexBasis), global)) of cstFlexFlow: if global == cgtNoglobal: var i = 0 cvals.skipWhitespace(i) if i >= cvals.len: return err() if (let dir = cssFlexDirection(cvals[i]); dir.isSome): # flex-direction let val = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtFlexDirection, flexdirection: dir.get) res.add((cptFlexDirection, val, global)) inc i cvals.skipWhitespace(i) if i < cvals.len: let wrap = ?cssFlexWrap(cvals[i]) let val = CSSComputedValue(v: cvtFlexWrap, flexwrap: wrap) res.add((cptFlexWrap, val, global)) else: res.add((cptFlexDirection, getDefault(cptFlexDirection), global)) res.add((cptFlexWrap, getDefault(cptFlexWrap), global)) return ok() proc getComputedValues(d: CSSDeclaration): seq[CSSComputedEntry] = var res: seq[CSSComputedEntry] = @[] if res.getComputedValues(, d.value).isOk: return res return @[] proc addValues*(builder: var CSSComputedValuesBuilder; decls: seq[CSSDeclaration]; origin: CSSOrigin) = for decl in decls: if decl.important: builder.importantProperties[origin].add(getComputedValues(decl)) else: builder.normalProperties[origin].add(getComputedValues(decl)) proc applyValue(vals: CSSComputedValues; entry: CSSComputedEntry; parent: CSSComputedValues; previousOrigin: CSSComputedValues) = let parentVal = if parent != nil: parent[entry.t] else: nil case of cgtInherit: if parentVal != nil: vals[entry.t] = parentVal else: vals[entry.t] = getDefault(entry.t) of cgtInitial: vals[entry.t] = getDefault(entry.t) of cgtUnset: if inherited(entry.t): # inherit if parentVal != nil: vals[entry.t] = parentVal else: vals[entry.t] = getDefault(entry.t) else: # initial vals[entry.t] = getDefault(entry.t) of cgtRevert: if previousOrigin != nil: vals[entry.t] = previousOrigin[entry.t] else: vals[entry.t] = getDefault(entry.t) of cgtNoglobal: vals[entry.t] = entry.val func inheritProperties*(parent: CSSComputedValues): CSSComputedValues = new(result) for prop in CSSPropertyType: if inherited(prop) and parent[prop] != nil: result[prop] = parent[prop] else: result[prop] = getDefault(prop) func copyProperties*(props: CSSComputedValues): CSSComputedValues = new(result) result[] = props[] func rootProperties*(): CSSComputedValues = new(result) for prop in CSSPropertyType: result[prop] = getDefault(prop) func hasValues*(builder: CSSComputedValuesBuilder): bool = for origin in CSSOrigin: if builder.normalProperties[origin].len > 0: return true if builder.importantProperties[origin].len > 0: return true return false func buildComputedValues*(builder: CSSComputedValuesBuilder): CSSComputedValues = new(result) var previousOrigins: array[CSSOrigin, CSSComputedValues] for entry in builder.normalProperties[coUserAgent]: # user agent result.applyValue(entry, builder.parent, nil) previousOrigins[coUserAgent] = result.copyProperties() # Presentational hints override user agent style, but respect user/author # style. if builder.preshints != nil: for prop in CSSPropertyType: if builder.preshints[prop] != nil: result[prop] = builder.preshints[prop] for entry in builder.normalProperties[coUser]: # user result.applyValue(entry, builder.parent, previousOrigins[coUserAgent]) # save user origins so author can use them previousOrigins[coUser] = result.copyProperties() for entry in builder.normalProperties[coAuthor]: # author result.applyValue(entry, builder.parent, previousOrigins[coUser]) # no need to save user origins for entry in builder.importantProperties[coAuthor]: # author important result.applyValue(entry, builder.parent, previousOrigins[coUser]) # important, so no need to save origins for entry in builder.importantProperties[coUser]: # user important result.applyValue(entry, builder.parent, previousOrigins[coUserAgent]) # important, so no need to save origins for entry in builder.importantProperties[coUserAgent]: # user agent important result.applyValue(entry, builder.parent, nil) # important, so no need to save origins # set defaults for prop in CSSPropertyType: if result[prop] == nil: if inherited(prop) and builder.parent != nil and builder.parent[prop] != nil: result[prop] = builder.parent[prop] else: result[prop] = getDefault(prop) if result{"float"} != FloatNone: #TODO it may be better to handle this in layout let display = result{"display"}.blockify() if display != result{"display"}: result{"display"} = display