import options import os import streams import strutils import tables import terminal import times import unicode import std/monotimes import css/sheet import config/config import html/dom import html/htmlparser import io/buffer import io/cell import io/lineedit import io/loader import io/request import io/term import js/javascript import js/regex import types/url import utils/twtstr type Client* = ref ClientObj ClientObj* = object buffer*: Buffer feednext: bool s: string iserror: bool errormessage: string userstyle: CSSStylesheet loader: FileLoader console: Console jsrt: JSRuntime jsctx: JSContext regex: Option[Regex] revsearch: bool needsauth: bool redirecturl: Option[Url] cmdmode: bool timeoutid: int timeouts: Table[int, tuple[handler: proc(), time: int64]] added_timeouts: Table[int, tuple[handler: proc(), time: int64]] removed_timeouts: seq[int] intervals: Table[int, tuple[handler: proc(), time: int64, wait: int, del: JSValue]] added_intervals: Table[int, tuple[handler: proc(), time: int64, wait: int, del: JSValue]] removed_intervals: seq[int] Console* = ref object err*: Stream lastbuf*: Buffer ibuf: string ActionError* = object of IOError LoadError* = object of ActionError InterruptError* = object of LoadError proc readChar(console: Console): char = if console.ibuf == "": return stdin.readChar() result = console.ibuf[0] console.ibuf = console.ibuf.substr(1) proc `=destroy`(client: var ClientObj) = if client.jsctx != nil: free(client.jsctx) if client.jsrt != nil: free(client.jsrt) proc statusMode(client: Client) = print(HVP(client.buffer.height + 1, 1)) print(EL()) proc loadError(s: string) = raise newException(LoadError, s) proc actionError(s: string) = raise newException(ActionError, s) proc addBuffer(client: Client) = if client.buffer == nil: client.buffer = newBuffer() else: let oldnext = = newBuffer() if oldnext != nil: oldnext.prev = = client.buffer = oldnext client.buffer = client.buffer.loader = client.loader client.buffer.userstyle = client.userstyle client.buffer.markcolor = gconfig.markcolor proc prevBuffer(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = if client.buffer.prev != nil: client.buffer = client.buffer.prev client.buffer.redraw = true proc nextBuffer(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = if != nil: client.buffer = client.buffer.redraw = true proc discardBuffer(buffer: Buffer) = if == nil and buffer.prev == nil: actionError("Cannot discard last buffer!") if buffer.sourcepair != nil: buffer.sourcepair.sourcepair = nil if != nil: = buffer.prev if buffer.prev != nil: = buffer.sourcepair = nil = nil buffer.prev = nil proc discardBuffer(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = let old = client.buffer if != nil: client.buffer = elif old.prev != nil: client.buffer = old.prev else: actionError("Cannot discard last buffer!") discardBuffer(old) client.buffer.redraw = true proc setupBuffer(client: Client) = let buffer = client.buffer buffer.load() buffer.render() buffer.gotoAnchor() buffer.redraw = true proc dupeBuffer(client: Client, location = none(URL)) {.jsfunc.} = let prev = client.buffer client.addBuffer() client.buffer.contenttype = prev.contenttype client.buffer.ispipe = prev.ispipe client.buffer.istream = newStringStream(prev.source) if location.issome: client.buffer.location = location.get else: client.buffer.location = prev.location client.buffer.document = prev.document client.setupBuffer() proc readPipe(client: Client, ctype: string) = client.addBuffer() client.buffer.contenttype = if ctype != "": ctype else: "text/plain" client.buffer.ispipe = true client.buffer.istream = newFileStream(stdin) client.buffer.location = newURL("file://-") client.buffer.load() #TODO is this portable at all? if reopen(stdin, "/dev/tty", fmReadWrite): client.setupBuffer() else: client.buffer.drawBuffer() type Cookie = ref object of RootObj name {.jsget.}: string value {.jsget.}: string expires {.jsget.}: int64 # unix time maxAge {.jsget.}: int64 secure {.jsget.}: bool httponly {.jsget.}: bool samesite {.jsget.}: bool domain {.jsget.}: string path {.jsget.}: string proc parseCookieDate(val: string): Option[DateTime] = # cookie-date const Delimiters = {'\t', ' '..'/', ';'..'@', '['..'`', '{'..'~'} const NonDigit = Ascii + NonAscii - Digits var foundTime = false var foundDayOfMonth = false var foundMonth = false var foundYear = false # date-token-list var time: array[3, int] var dayOfMonth: int var month: int var year: int for dateToken in val.split(Delimiters): if dateToken == "": continue # *delimiter if not foundTime: block timeBlock: # test for time let hmsTime = dateToken.until(NonDigit - {':'}) var i = 0 for timeField in hmsTime.split(':'): if i > 2: break timeBlock # too many time fields # 1*2DIGIT if timeField.len != 1 and timeField.len != 2: break timeBlock var timeFields: array[3, int] for c in timeField: if c notin Digits: break timeBlock timeFields[i] *= 10 timeFields[i] += c.decValue time = timeFields inc i if i != 3: break timeBlock foundTime = true continue if not foundDayOfMonth: block dayOfMonthBlock: # test for day-of-month let digits = dateToken.until(NonDigit) if digits.len != 1 and digits.len != 2: break dayOfMonthBlock var n = 0 for c in digits: if c notin Digits: break dayOfMonthBlock n *= 10 n += c.decValue dayOfMonth = n foundDayOfMonth = true continue if not foundMonth: block monthBlock: # test for month if dateToken.len < 3: break monthBlock case dateToken.substr(0, 2).toLower() of "jan": month = 1 of "feb": month = 2 of "mar": month = 3 of "apr": month = 4 of "may": month = 5 of "jun": month = 6 of "jul": month = 7 of "aug": month = 8 of "sep": month = 9 of "oct": month = 10 of "nov": month = 11 of "dec": month = 12 else: break monthBlock foundMonth = true continue if not foundYear: block yearBlock: # test for year let digits = dateToken.until(NonDigit) if digits.len != 2 and digits.len != 4: break yearBlock var n = 0 for c in digits: if c notin Digits: break yearBlock n *= 10 n += c.decValue year = n foundYear = true continue if not (foundDayOfMonth and foundMonth and foundYear and foundTime): return none(DateTime) if dayOfMonth notin 0..31: return none(DateTime) if year < 1601: return none(DateTime) if time[0] > 23: return none(DateTime) if time[1] > 59: return none(DateTime) if time[2] > 59: return none(DateTime) var dateTime = dateTime(year, Month(month), MonthdayRange(dayOfMonth), HourRange(time[0]), MinuteRange(time[1]), SecondRange(time[2])) return some(dateTime) proc parseCookie(client: Client, str: string): Cookie {.jsfunc.} = let cookie = new(Cookie) var first = true for part in str.split(';'): if first: = part.until('=') cookie.value = part.after('=') first = false continue let part = percentDecode(part).strip(leading = true, trailing = false, AsciiWhitespace) var n = 0 for i in 0..part.high: if part[i] == '=': n = i break if n == 0: continue let key = part.substr(0, n - 1) let val = part.substr(n + 1) case key.toLower() of "expires": let date = parseCookieDate(val) if date.issome: cookie.expires = date.get.toTime().toUnix() of "max-age": cookie.maxAge = parseInt64(val) of "secure": = true of "httponly": cookie.httponly = true of "samesite": cookie.samesite = true of "path": cookie.path = val of "domain": cookie.domain = val return cookie proc doRequest(client: Client, req: Request): Response {.jsfunc.} = client.loader.doRequest(req) # Load request in a new buffer. var g_client: Client proc gotoUrl(client: Client, request: Request, prevurl = none(URL), force = false, ctype = "") = if force or prevurl.isnone or not prevurl.get.equals(request.url, true) or prevurl.get.equals(request.url) or request.httpmethod != HTTP_GET: let page = client.doRequest(request) client.needsauth = page.status == 401 # Unauthorized client.redirecturl = page.redirect if page.body != nil: client.addBuffer() g_client = client client.buffer.contenttype = if ctype != "": ctype else: page.contenttype client.buffer.istream = page.body client.buffer.location = request.url client.setupBuffer() else: loadError("Couldn't load " & $request.url & " (" & $page.res & ")") elif client.buffer != nil and prevurl.issome and prevurl.get.equals(request.url, true): if client.buffer.hasAnchor(request.url.anchor): client.dupeBuffer(request.url.some) else: loadError("Couldn't find anchor " & request.url.anchor) # Relative gotoUrl: either to prevurl, or if that's none, client.buffer.url. proc gotoUrl(client: Client, url: string, prevurl = none(URL), force = false, ctype = "") = var prevurl = prevurl if prevurl.isnone and client.buffer != nil: prevurl = client.buffer.location.some let newurl = parseUrl(url, prevurl) if newurl.isnone: loadError("Invalid URL " & url) client.gotoUrl(newRequest(newurl.get), prevurl, force, ctype) # When the user has passed a partial URL as an argument, they might've meant # either: # * file://$PWD/ # * https:// # So we attempt to load both, and see what works. # (TODO: make this optional) proc loadUrl(client: Client, url: string, ctype = "") = let firstparse = parseUrl(url) if firstparse.issome: client.gotoUrl(newRequest(firstparse.get), none(Url), true, ctype) else: let cdir = parseUrl("file://" & getCurrentDir() & DirSep) try: # attempt to load local file client.gotoUrl(url, cdir, true, ctype) except LoadError: try: # attempt to load local file (this time percent encoded) client.gotoUrl(percentEncode(url, LocalPathPercentEncodeSet), cdir, true, ctype) except LoadError: # attempt to load remote page client.gotoUrl("https://" & url, none(Url), true, ctype) # Reload the page in a new buffer, then kill the previous buffer. proc reloadPage(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = let buf = client.buffer client.gotoUrl(newRequest(client.buffer.location), none(URL), true, client.buffer.contenttype) discardBuffer(buf) # Open a URL prompt and visit the specified URL. proc changeLocation(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = let buffer = client.buffer var url = buffer.location.serialize(true) client.statusMode() let status = readLine("URL: ", url, buffer.width) if status: client.loadUrl(url) proc click(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = let req = if req.issome: client.gotoUrl(req.get, client.buffer.location.some) proc toggleSource*(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = let buffer = client.buffer if buffer.sourcepair != nil: client.buffer = buffer.sourcepair client.buffer.redraw = true else: client.addBuffer() client.buffer.sourcepair = client.buffer.prev client.buffer.sourcepair.sourcepair = client.buffer client.buffer.source = client.buffer.prev.source client.buffer.streamclosed = true client.buffer.location = client.buffer.sourcepair.location client.buffer.ispipe = client.buffer.sourcepair.ispipe let prevtype = client.buffer.prev.contenttype if prevtype == "text/html": client.buffer.contenttype = "text/plain" else: client.buffer.contenttype = "text/html" client.setupBuffer() proc interruptHandler(rt: JSRuntime, opaque: pointer): int {.cdecl.} = let client = cast[Client](opaque) try: let c = stdin.readChar() if c == char(3): #C-c client.console.ibuf = "" return 1 else: client.console.ibuf &= c except IOError: discard return 0 proc evalJS(client: Client, src, filename: string): JSObject = unblockStdin() return client.jsctx.eval(src, filename, JS_EVAL_TYPE_GLOBAL) proc evalJSFree(client: Client, src, filename: string) = free(client.evalJS(src, filename)) proc command0(client: Client, src: string, filename = "", silence = false) = let ret = client.evalJS(src, filename) if ret.isException(): client.jsctx.writeException(client.console.err) else: if not silence: let str = ret.toString() if str.issome: client.console.err.write(str.get & '\n') free(ret) for k, v in client.added_timeouts: client.timeouts[k] = v client.added_timeouts.clear() for k, v in client.added_intervals: client.intervals = client.added_intervals client.added_intervals.clear() proc command(client: Client, src: string) = restoreStdin() let previ = client.console.err.getPosition() client.command0(src) g_client = client client.console.err.setPosition(previ) if client.console.lastbuf == nil or client.console.lastbuf != client.buffer: client.addBuffer() client.buffer.istream = newStringStream(client.console.err.readAll()) #TODO client.buffer.contenttype = "text/plain" client.buffer.location = parseUrl("javascript:void(0);").get client.console.lastbuf = client.buffer else: client.buffer.istream = newStringStream(client.buffer.source & client.console.err.readAll()) client.buffer.streamclosed = false client.setupBuffer() client.buffer.cursorLastLine() proc command(client: Client): bool {.jsfunc.} = var iput: string client.statusMode() let status = readLine("COMMAND: ", iput, client.buffer.width) if status: client.command(iput) return status proc commandMode(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.cmdmode = client.command() proc searchNext(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = if client.regex.issome: if not client.revsearch: discard client.buffer.cursorNextMatch(client.regex.get) else: discard client.buffer.cursorPrevMatch(client.regex.get) proc searchPrev(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = if client.regex.issome: if not client.revsearch: discard client.buffer.cursorPrevMatch(client.regex.get) else: discard client.buffer.cursorNextMatch(client.regex.get) proc search(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.statusMode() var iput: string let status = readLine("/", iput, client.buffer.width) if status: if iput.len != 0: client.regex = compileSearchRegex(iput) client.revsearch = false client.searchNext() proc searchBack(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.statusMode() var iput: string let status = readLine("?", iput, client.buffer.width) if status: if iput.len != 0: client.regex = compileSearchRegex(iput) client.revsearch = true client.searchNext() proc isearch(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.statusMode() var iput: string let cpos = client.buffer.cpos var mark: Mark template del_mark() = if mark != nil: client.buffer.removeMark(mark) let status = readLine("/", iput, client.buffer.width, {}, false, (proc(state: var LineState): bool = del_mark let regex = compileSearchRegex($ client.buffer.cpos = cpos if regex.issome: let match = client.buffer.cursorNextMatch(regex.get) if match.success: mark = client.buffer.addMark(match.x, match.y, match.str.width()) client.buffer.redraw = true client.buffer.refreshBuffer(true) print(HVP(client.buffer.height + 1, 2)) print(SGR()) else: del_mark client.buffer.redraw = true client.buffer.refreshBuffer(true) print(HVP(client.buffer.height + 1, 2)) print(SGR()) return true false )) del_mark client.buffer.redraw = true client.buffer.refreshBuffer(true) if status: client.regex = compileSearchRegex(iput) else: client.buffer.cpos = cpos proc isearchBack(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.statusMode() var iput: string let cpos = client.buffer.cpos var mark: Mark template del_mark() = if mark != nil: client.buffer.removeMark(mark) let status = readLine("?", iput, client.buffer.width, {}, false, (proc(state: var LineState): bool = del_mark let regex = compileSearchRegex($ client.buffer.cpos = cpos if regex.issome: let match = client.buffer.cursorPrevMatch(regex.get) if match.success: mark = client.buffer.addMark(match.x, match.y, match.str.width()) client.buffer.redraw = true client.buffer.refreshBuffer(true) print(HVP(client.buffer.height + 1, 2)) print(SGR()) else: del_mark client.buffer.redraw = true client.buffer.refreshBuffer(true) print(HVP(client.buffer.height + 1, 2)) print(SGR()) return true false )) del_mark client.buffer.redraw = true if status: client.regex = compileSearchRegex(iput) else: client.buffer.cpos = cpos proc quit(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = print(HVP(getTermAttributes().height, 0)) quit(0) proc feedNext(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.feednext = true #TODO move this to a pager module or something proc cursorLeft(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorLeft() proc cursorDown(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorDown() proc cursorUp(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorUp() proc cursorRight(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorRight() proc cursorLineBegin(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorLineBegin() proc cursorLineEnd(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorLineEnd() proc cursorNextWord(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorNextWord() proc cursorPrevWord(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorPrevWord() proc cursorNextLink(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorNextLink() proc cursorPrevLink(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorPrevLink() proc pageDown(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.pageDown() proc pageUp(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.pageUp() proc pageRight(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.pageRight() proc pageLeft(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.pageLeft() proc halfPageDown(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.halfPageDown() proc halfPageUp(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.halfPageUp() proc cursorFirstLine(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorFirstLine() proc cursorLastLine(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorLastLine() proc cursorTop(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorTop() proc cursorMiddle(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorMiddle() proc cursorBottom(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorBottom() proc cursorLeftEdge(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorLeftEdge() proc cursorVertMiddle(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorVertMiddle() proc cursorRightEdge(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.cursorRightEdge() proc centerLine(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.centerLine() proc scrollDown(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.scrollDown() proc scrollUp(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.scrollUp() proc scrollLeft(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.scrollLeft() proc scrollRight(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.scrollRight() proc lineInfo(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.lineInfo() proc reshape(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.reshape = true proc redraw(client: Client) {.jsfunc.} = client.buffer.redraw = true proc input(client: Client) = if client.cmdmode: client.commandMode() return if not client.feednext: client.s = "" else: client.feednext = false restoreStdin() let c = client.console.readChar() client.s &= c let action = getNormalAction(client.s) client.evalJSFree(action, "") proc followRedirect(client: Client) proc checkAuth(client: Client) = if client.needsauth: client.buffer.refreshBuffer() client.statusMode() var username = "" let ustatus = readLine("Username: ", username, client.buffer.width) if not ustatus: client.needsauth = false return client.statusMode() var password = "" let pstatus = readLine("Password: ", password, client.buffer.width, hide = true) if not pstatus: client.needsauth = false return var url = client.buffer.location url.username = username url.password = password var buf = client.buffer client.gotoUrl(newRequest(url), prevurl = some(client.buffer.location)) discardBuffer(buf) client.followRedirect() proc followRedirect(client: Client) = while client.redirecturl.issome: client.statusMode() print("Redirecting to ", $client.redirecturl.get) stdout.flushFile() client.buffer.refreshBuffer(true) var buf = client.buffer let redirecturl = client.redirecturl.get client.redirecturl = none(Url) client.gotoUrl(newRequest(redirecturl), prevurl = some(client.buffer.location)) discardBuffer(buf) if client.needsauth: client.checkAuth() proc inputLoop(client: Client) = while true: g_client = client restoreStdin() client.followRedirect() client.checkAuth() client.buffer.refreshBuffer() if client.needsauth: # Unauthorized client.checkAuth() try: client.input() except ActionError as e: client.buffer.setStatusMessage(e.msg) #TODO this is dumb proc readFile(client: Client, path: string): string {.jsfunc.} = try: return readFile(path) except IOError: discard #TODO ditto proc writeFile(client: Client, path: string, content: string) {.jsfunc.} = writeFile(path, content) import bindings/quickjs proc setTimeout[T: JSObject|string](client: Client, handler: T, timeout = 0): int {.jsfunc.} = let id = client.timeoutid inc client.timeoutid when T is string: client.added_timeouts[id] = ((proc() = client.evalJSFree(handler, "setTimeout handler") ), getMonoTime().ticks div 1_000_000 + timeout) else: let fun = JS_DupValue(handler.ctx, handler.val) client.added_timeouts[id] = ((proc() = let ret = JSObject(ctx: handler.ctx, val: fun).callFunction() if ret.isException(): ret.ctx.writeException(client.console.err) JS_FreeValue(ret.ctx, ret.val) JS_FreeValue(ret.ctx, fun) ), getMonoTime().ticks div 1_000_000 + timeout) return id proc setInterval[T: JSObject|string](client: Client, handler: T, interval = 0): int {.jsfunc.} = let id = client.timeoutid inc client.timeoutid when T is string: client.added_intervals[id] = ((proc() = client.evalJSFree(handler, "setInterval handler") ), getMonoTime().ticks div 1_000_000 + interval, interval, JS_NULL) else: let fun = JS_DupValue(handler.ctx, handler.val) client.added_intervals[id] = ((proc() = let ret = JSObject(ctx: handler.ctx, val: fun).callFunction() if ret.isException(): ret.ctx.writeException(client.console.err) JS_FreeValue(ret.ctx, ret.val) ), getMonoTime().ticks div 1_000_000 + interval, interval, fun) return id proc clearTimeout(client: Client, id: int) {.jsfunc.} = client.removed_timeouts.add(id) proc clearInterval(client: Client, id: int) {.jsfunc.} = client.removed_intervals.add(id) proc jsEventLoop(client: Client) = while client.timeouts.len > 0 or client.intervals.len > 0: var wait = -1 let curr = getMonoTime().ticks div 1_000_000 for k, v in client.timeouts: if v.time <= curr: v.handler() client.removed_timeouts.add(k) for k, v in client.intervals.mpairs: if v.time <= curr: v.handler() v.time = curr + v.wait for k, v in client.added_timeouts: client.timeouts[k] = v client.added_timeouts.clear() for k, v in client.added_intervals: client.intervals[k] = v client.added_intervals.clear() for k in client.removed_timeouts: client.timeouts.del(k) for k in client.removed_intervals: if k in client.intervals and client.intervals[k].del != JS_NULL: JS_FreeValue(client.jsctx, client.intervals[k].del) client.intervals.del(k) client.removed_timeouts.setLen(0) client.removed_intervals.setLen(0) for k, v in client.timeouts: if wait != -1: wait = min(wait, int(v.time - curr)) else: wait = int(v.time - curr) for k, v in client.intervals: if wait != -1: wait = min(wait, int(v.time - curr)) else: wait = int(v.time - curr) if wait > 0: sleep(wait) proc launchClient*(client: Client, pages: seq[string], ctype: string, dump: bool) = if gconfig.startup != "": let s = readFile(gconfig.startup) client.console.err = newFileStream(stderr) client.command0(s, gconfig.startup, silence = true) client.jsEventLoop() client.console.err = newStringStream() quit() client.userstyle = gconfig.stylesheet.parseStylesheet() if not stdin.isatty: client.readPipe(ctype) try: for page in pages: client.loadUrl(page, ctype) except LoadError as e: eprint e.msg quit(1) if stdout.isatty and not dump: when defined(posix): enableRawMode() client.inputLoop() else: var buffer = client.buffer while != nil: buffer = buffer.drawBuffer() while buffer.prev != nil: buffer = buffer.prev buffer.drawBuffer() proc nimGCStats(client: Client): string {.jsfunc.} = return GC_getStatistics() proc jsGCStats(client: Client): string {.jsfunc.} = return client.jsrt.getMemoryUsage() func newConsole(): Console = new(result) result.err = newStringStream() proc log(console: Console, ss: varargs[string]) {.jsfunc.} = for i in 0..